Chapter 484
"Xiao Xu, are you trying to trick me?" Jiang Hai looked at his left arm suspiciously, wondering why the other's words sounded so familiar to him?
I remember that when the other party asked him for the program production fee, they seemed to say the same thing.

"What kind of routine? No." Xu Jie showed an innocent look, and he couldn't admit such a thing even if he was beaten to death, "Director, didn't I consider that it would be difficult for you, so I wanted to reduce the number of people? Since you If you think my motives are not pure, then you should lend me 30 people."

This trick is called retreat as advance, combined with the previous trick, it can achieve the effect of advancing, attacking, retreating and defending.

"Don't tell me!" Jiang Hai said quickly, but he still had a question in his mind, "Why do you need so many people? Can you use them?"

You know, there are only eight people in the "Delicious History" program group, and now there are two or 30 more people at once. Is it useful to have so many people for each position?
"Director, the time is too tight and there are a lot of things to shoot, so I plan to divide the troops into four groups to shoot." Xu Jie explained simply.

"Silu? Let me think about it first!" After hearing this, Jiang Hai put one hand on his chest and rubbed his chin with the other, falling into deep thought.

If it is divided into four filming groups, twenty or thirty is not too much.

However, given the current situation of the cultural program center, it is really difficult to transfer so many people out at once, but if you don't borrow it yourself, where else can the other party borrow it from?
Go to the satellite TV program center to find Lao Lu?

Well, there is indeed a way.

But in that case, the food documentary will become a program co-produced by the Art Program Center and the Satellite TV Program Center, and the credit will be divided equally. Those who don’t know may think that there is no one in the Art Program Center.

In fact, this is still secondary. After all, this program is broadcast on Huaxia TV Station. It is not only the honor of the Art Program Center, but also the honor of the entire Beijing TV Station.

What he worried about was that in the station, the satellite TV program center had always been positioned higher than the art program center, and the people there also considered themselves higher than other departments. If they borrowed people from the satellite TV program center, Xu Jie could hold them down. But can other people hold those people down?I'm afraid I won't be able to help at that time, but it will add chaos and disturb the morale of the army.

Taking it all into consideration, it is better for people to come from the art program center, and at the Spring Festival Gala, he can ask Lao Lu for someone. After all, he is also the director of the art program center, and the people from the satellite TV program center can still be suppressed.

Jiang Hai thought about it seriously for a while, and after careful consideration, he finally made a decision.

"Thirty people are too many, I can only borrow you twenty, and you must pay me back after a week." Jiang Hai said.

The closer the Spring Festival is, the busier the work of the literature and art department is, because in addition to the Spring Festival Gala, the literature and art channel also needs to do a few special programs for the Spring Festival to increase the festive atmosphere, so there is no problem borrowing people, but it cannot be used until the Spring Festival .

"Thank you, Director." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Anyway, the planned shooting time is only one week, and I will come back after a week for the post-production of the documentary, and the time of one week is just right.

"You draw up a list yourself. Except for the program group leader and the host, other people can be chosen at will, but you'd better be in the rain and dew when you choose. Don't just collect the wool from one program group. In the end, even the program will fail. If it can't be done, then don't blame me for calling and calling him back." Jiang Hai reminded.

"Understood!" Xu Jie nodded.

He left the theater, returned to the office, immediately took out a piece of paper from the table, drew three lines on it, and then wrote on it the names of the four group members who had been assigned at noon, filling in each group according to their daily work. The required personnel are selected within the department according to the required personnel.

Xu Jie wrote several names in a row, but stopped soon. Although everyone worked in the same department on weekdays. Can't remember anyone.

By the way, information!
Xu Jie suddenly remembered that when he moved into the office yesterday, director Jiang gave him a copy of the information of all the staff members of the art program center, as well as the staff list of each program.

He immediately turned on the computer, found the information, and quickly drew up the list.

Twenty people were divided into four groups, five people in each group, plus the original two people, four seven-member filming teams completed the filming.

Seeing the contact numbers written on the information, Xu Jie began to contact them one by one.

"Hello, is this Liu Xiao? I'm Xu Jie." Xu Jie said after making the phone call.

"I'm Liu Xiao. Good evening, Director Xu." Liu Xiao said quickly.

In the past, everyone worked in the same office area, and they could speak freely, but now that Director Xu has moved into a separate office and has become the deputy director of the department, he still needs to be more careful in his attitude.

"Liu Xiao, it's like this. I was invited by Huaxia TV to make a food documentary, which will be broadcast during the Spring Festival of Huaxia TV. Now I officially inform you that you are already a member of the first filming team of this food documentary." , gather in the big conference room at 8 o'clock tomorrow night, by the way, bring your ID." Xu Jie said.


Liu Xiao was surprised when he heard it, but was soon replaced by surprise.

Who doesn't want to work with director Xu in the cultural program center?Not only the ratings of the program are high, but the salary is also high.

And this time it is to make a food documentary for Huaxia TV, this kind of opportunity may be the only one in this life.

A fool would not agree!

"Director Xu, I understand. I will be there on time at 8 o'clock tomorrow night!" Liu Xiao said happily.


After Xu Jie hung up the phone, he started calling the second person.

Although the call was sudden, but because it was a food documentary filmed for Huaxia TV, no one who received Xu Jie's call was unwilling, and all twenty people quickly got it done.

Xu Jie walked out of the office and was about to hand over the list to Director Jiang. When passing by the office area, he saw that Song Huanhuan and Xiao Wei had already returned.

"How is it? Did you find someone?" Xu Jie asked.

He was responsible for borrowing people, while other people in the program group were responsible for finding people, looking for colleagues from the places where the eight major cuisines are located across the station, and persuading them to shoot.

"Director Xu, we have found six qualified people, two of whom have already agreed, and the other four have not been contacted yet," Song Huanhuan said.

The two who agreed to participate were a reporter from Yangzhou, and a makeup artist from Shuchuan.

"Okay, keep in touch."

Xu Jie came to the Grand Theater again and handed over the list to Director Jiang.

"Director, this is the list of those 20 people."

Jiang Hai took the list and looked at it, and suddenly felt that the whole person was not well.

On paper, these people are all elites in the department. If they are all taken away by the other party, can the quality of the programs of the Art Channel be guaranteed?

He wanted to change some people, but then he thought again, he said it himself before, except for the program team leader and the host, he would choose others randomly, if he regretted it at this time, would he lose his status as the director?

"Well, that's fine, but it's best to ask for their personal opinions on this matter, and you can't force it, what do you think?" Jiang Hai said. He felt that the Chinese New Year was coming soon, and few people would agree to go on a business trip.

"I have already called the people on the list, and they all agreed." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Ah?" Jiang Hai looked dazed, feeling that it was too slapped. After a while, he showed a very reluctant smile and said, "Okay, just agree, just agree."

At the same time, I was very curious in my heart. Usually the last thing everyone wants to do is to go on a business trip. Why have you become so active this time?Could it be because of filming for Huaxia TV?
"Director, starting from next Monday, they won't come to the unit, please tell the team leaders when the time comes," Xu Jie said.

Next Monday, the four film crews will leave for various parts of the country to shoot documentaries and will not come to work again.

"Yes, I will." Jiang Hai nodded.

"Thank you for the director's support. I will definitely make a good documentary and live up to your expectations." Xu Jie said seriously.

The corner of Jiang Hai's mouth twitched, feeling too piercing.

Of course, there are some things that can only be thought about in the heart, but if you say it, the situation will be small.

"Come on!" Jiang Hai clenched his fists and gave encouragement. At this time, even if he smashed his teeth, he could only swallow it in his stomach. The demeanor of the director should not be lost.

Xu Jie left the Grand Theater again.

When he was walking in the courtyard, he saw Liu Jinbao and Zhang Jiao standing at the security booth from a distance, talking to the security guard.

"Brother Zhou, just promise us, don't you want to go on TV and show your face on China TV?" Liu Jinbao begged.

"I don't want to." The security guard Zhou Yilin answered very simply.

"Why don't you want to, this is a rare opportunity to show your face, even we don't have it." Liu Jinbao said earnestly.

"You go find someone else. I've never acted before, so I can't do a good job." Zhou Yilin waved his hands again and again.

"You don't need to act, just how you are in front of the camera, what we are shooting is ordinary people going home for the New Year." Liu Jinbao explained.

"Brother Zhou, there is a salary, one thousand a day!" Zhang Jiao said.

"It's not about money." Zhou Yilin said with a wry smile.

Xu Jie shook his head, relying on showing his face on TV and a salary of [-] a day, how can it be said to be moving?

He walked over, looked at the big security guard and said, "Brother Zhou, are you going home for the New Year this year?"

"Going home for the New Year, I've already bought the tickets, and it's on the night of the 20th." Zhou Yilin said.

"Director Xu!" Liu Jinbao and Zhang Jiao looked embarrassedly at Xu Jie who came over. They finally found a qualified person, but they couldn't persuade them, which was a bit embarrassing.

Xu Jie asked the two to step aside, looked at the security guard and continued to ask, "How many days off are you going to have this year?"

"In 4 days, I have to come back on the 25th." Zhou Yilin said, although the statutory holiday is 7 days, but some positions cannot be vacant all the time.

"The vacation time is too little, have you not been back for a year?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yeah." Zhou Yilin sighed softly when he said this.

"How about this, if you agree to the filming, I'll ask your leaders for leave. After the filming, you don't have to come back, and you can stay at home until the 25th, without deducting a penny, how about it?" Xu Jie asked.

Zhou Yilin, who had clearly rejected it just now, was shaken in his heart.

Chinese New Year is almost here. As a migrant worker who is out of town, who doesn't want to go home early?Who doesn't want to spend a few more days at home?

"Really?" Zhou Yilin asked.

"Really." Xu Jie nodded.

"Okay, I agree, but our captain has to tell me personally."



(End of this chapter)

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