Chapter 486 Getting Ready

Beijing TV.

A taxi stopped outside the gate, and a young girl who looked like a student in her early twenties got out of the car. She looked up at the tall building in front of her. After hesitating for a while, she finally seemed to have made up her mind. , plucked up the courage and walked towards the gate of the TV station.


The girl knocked lightly on the window of the security room, and after the people inside looked over, she said politely: "Hi, I'm looking for Deputy Director Xu of the Arts Program Center, he called and asked me to come. "

Hearing the girl's words, a woman rushed out from the security room, stretched out her hand and said, "You are Shen Qingqing, right? My name is Xiao Wei, and I'm in the same program group as Deputy Director Xu. Come with me."

Shen Qingqing hurriedly shook hands, "Okay, Sister Xiao Wei." After speaking, she followed into the door.

Arts program center.

Although it was past eight o'clock in the evening, the meeting room was brightly lit and full of people.

Xiao Wei took the last protagonist into the conference room, arranged a seat for the other party, and then returned to her own seat to sit down.

Shen Qingqing looked around nervously, and found that everyone was listening to the man standing at the front seriously, and no one noticed her, so she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and turned her head to look over.

Hey, isn't he Xu Jie?
"I divided us into four filming groups, and each group is equipped with two cameramen. The specific grouping situation is written on this whiteboard. Everyone remembers which group you are in and who the group leader is. Now Sit according to the groups..." Xu Jie reached out and patted the whiteboard behind him, writing the final group information on it.

The leader of the first group is him, the leader of the second group is Liu Jinbao, the leader of the third group is Song Huanhuan, and the leader of the fourth group is Liu Hua.

Because the team members are all members of the Arts Program Center, they usually work on the same floor or even in the same office area, so they are very familiar with each other, and there is no need to introduce them.

That's why he borrowed someone from Director Jiang.

When everyone was changing seats, Xu Jie wrote a few more words on the whiteboard, writing the names of the eight major cuisines on it.

"The filming team has been divided, and now we will start to select the shooting content, starting with the second group." Xu Jie looked at Liu Jinbao.

Liu Jinbao has been a videographer for so many years, and it was the first time that he was the team leader of the filming team. Looking at the eight cuisines on the whiteboard, he didn't know what to choose for a while, so he hurried back to ask the team members.

At the same time, the other two groups also began to discuss.

As for Xu Jie's first group, there is no need to discuss it at all, because the rest is his.

"I think it is better to choose an area close to the capital, which can save a lot of time and is convenient for shooting."

"That's right, time is tight, the task is heavy, the most important thing is time, choose Lu cuisine."

"East Shandong and Jiangsu are adjacent, so let's choose Shandong cuisine and Jiangsu cuisine."


After listening to the discussion, Liu Jinbao turned his head to look at Xu Jie, raised his hand, and said, "Our second group chooses Shandong cuisine and Jiangsu cuisine."

Xu Jie wrote on the bottom of the second group with a pen: Lu Cuisine and Su Cuisine, and then erased these two cuisines from the top eight cuisines, then looked at the third group and asked, "How about you?"

When Song Huanhuan was discussing in the second group, he had already discussed with the group members, so he pointed to the two cuisines on the whiteboard and said, "We choose Anhui cuisine and Zhejiang cuisine."

When they choose, the first consideration is still the distance.

Xu Jie wrote Anhui cuisine and Zhejiang cuisine under the third group, and finally looked at the fourth group.

Liu Hua looked at the four cuisines on the whiteboard. In fact, she had already guessed what would be left when the second group was choosing, and it was exactly what she thought.

"Choose Fujian cuisine and Cantonese cuisine."

If it was eight, it might be necessary to think about it, but now there are only four left, so there is no need to think about it.

Xu Jie wrote down the choices of the fourth group, and then wrote down the final Sichuan and Hunan dishes under the name of the first group, which is his own group.

So far, the crew lists and filming contents of the four film crews have all been finalized.

"Now invite the sixteen actors to sit in the corresponding groups." Xu Jie set his sights on the sixteen story protagonists who had found it after painstaking efforts.

They come from all walks of life, but they have one thing in common, they are not locals.

Although they usually live, work and study in the capital, they will go home to celebrate the Spring Festival.

"My protagonists, if you have any questions, requests and ideas, just ask them, and I will find a way to solve them for you." Xu Jie said with a smile. These people are the biggest uncertainties now.

"Deputy Director Xu, about my request for leave..." The security guard Zhou Yilin looked at Xu Jie hesitantly, and promised to ask the security captain for leave yesterday, but it has been a day, and the captain still hasn't called him.


Xu Jie immediately took out his mobile phone. He was not familiar with the chief of the security department, but he was familiar with Deputy Director Wang who presided over the daily work, so he found the mobile phone number of Deputy Director Wang from the mobile phone, but he was about to give it to the other party. When I was calling, I suddenly thought of one thing.

Most of the story protagonists present work at or are employed by the TV station in Beijing. Don't these people need to ask for leave?

"Is there anyone else who needs my help asking for leave?" Xu Jie looked at the people present and asked.


Hearing Xu Jie's words, most of the protagonists raised their hands.

After Xu Jie saw them, he gave each of them a piece of paper, asking them to write down the names and contact numbers of the departments they belonged to and the leaders directly under them.

After a while, everyone finished writing.

Xu Jie took the paper back, and he found that besides the people who work at Beijing TV Station, other people also need his help to ask for leave. For example, a salesman needs to ask for leave from the store manager, and a courier needs to ask for leave from the general manager. ...

Xu Jie first found out the leave note that he needed to ask for leave from the TV station, and then called Deputy Director Wang's number.

"Beep... beep... click!"

Soon, the phone was connected.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, I'm Xu Jie from the Arts Program Center, I'm sorry to disturb your rest, I have something to trouble you." Xu Jie said.

He wasn't worried that Deputy Director Wang would disagree. After all, what he was doing now was to win glory for the Beijing Radio and Television Station, and he deserved the strong support of the station.

"So it's Xiao Xu, what's the matter?" Wang Yuan asked with a smile. He had a good impression of this young man, and he also voted for his promotion not long ago.

There is no way, the results are there. In the past year, this kid has been the most popular in the TV ratings. He can't find any faults. If this kid is not promoted, others will not be eligible for promotion.

"Director Wang, I don't know if you've heard that Director Li of Huaxia TV's Social Education Center invited me to make a food documentary?" Xu Jie asked.

"Well, I heard about it." Wang Yuan nodded. When he went to the Grand Theater to review the program yesterday, he heard what Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang said. To describe it in two words: awesome!
In fact, the staff of Beijing TV Station are usually invited to participate in the programs of Huaxia TV Station, but most of the time they are just assisting, but this time it is completely different, not assisting, not helping, but carte blanche, this is the first time.

"The protagonist of the documentary needs to use some people in our station. I am not familiar with their superiors, so I would like to ask Director Wang to talk to those department leaders. Do you think it will work?" Xu Jie asked.

"So it's about this matter. It's okay. I need to ask for leave. You draw up a list for me." Wang Yuan said cheerfully.

This is a trivial matter to him, but then again, which of those department leaders would not listen to him?
"Thank you Director Wang." Xu Jie said, then immediately hung up the phone and sent the information to Deputy Director Wang by text message.

Not long after, the cell phones of the story protagonists rang one after another.

"Hi Section Chief, um, I know, thank you Section Chief, I will definitely take pictures seriously."

"It's me, Director, yes, I'm with Deputy Director Xu now, I understand, don't worry."

"Yes manager, okay, thank you manager!"

One, two, three, and soon all the people working in the TV station received calls from their superiors, all of which were false without exception, and asked them to cooperate with Director Xu.

Xu Jie looked at the remaining pieces of paper. These people don't work at Beijing TV Station, and it's useless to find Deputy Director Wang. It seems that they can only sell her face. I don't know if it will be useful.

In order to avoid the embarrassment of being rejected, Xu Jie asked the team leaders to take out the planning plans and scripts so that the newly joined team members and the protagonist of the story could be familiar with each other, and he walked out of the meeting room, returned to his office, and secretly Called.

"Excuse me, is this Teacher Tan?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yeah." A woman's voice came from the microphone.

"Hello, I'm Xu Jie, the director of Beijing TV's "Delicious History" program." Xu Jie introduced himself.

"I'm still Ni Ping!"


The phone hangs up suddenly.

Xu Jie was confused.

what's the situation?
Are you Ni Ping?Isn't your name Tan Liyun?
Xu Jie was puzzled and called the other party again.

"Hello, Teacher Tan, I am" Xu Jie asked.

"You lied to the wrong person, I have no money."


The phone hangs up again.

Xu Jie was speechless.

Treated him as a phone scam?
But who would use "Delicious History" to deceive?To impersonate is to impersonate "Focus Interview".

Xu Jie could only call the other party for the third time, but before he could speak, the other party shouted first.

"Are you finished? Call me again, and I'll call the police."

"Teacher Tan, please listen to me. I'm really Xu Jie. You have a student named Shen Qingqing, right? We invited her to film a food documentary and deliberately helped her ask for leave. You can call Shen Qingqing now. She In our TV station." Xu Jie finished in one breath.

"Huh? Really?"

"It's true, Huaxia TV invited me to shoot a food documentary to be broadcast during the Spring Festival. Shen Qingqing fits one of the protagonists in our documentary, so please do me a favor." Xu Jie said.

"Wait for me for a while." The phone hung up again.

Xu Jie smiled wryly, thinking that the teacher had a really high awareness of deception, but he knew that the other party at this time would definitely call Shen Qingqing again to inquire about the specific situation.

After a few minutes.

The phone call came.


"Hello Director Xu, it was a misunderstanding just now. There is no problem with Shen Qingqing. Anyway, the final exam has already been completed, because she belongs to the student union. If I want her to act in a show, I will find someone else to replace her."

"Thank you, Teacher Tan!"

Xu Jie heaved a sigh of relief, finally got it done, he looked at the remaining note, hoping that he would not be regarded as a liar again.


(End of this chapter)

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