Chapter 487 Departure
Weekends always go by so fast, and it's Monday in the blink of an eye.

After two days of intense preparations, the food documentary "The Temptation of Going Home" program team officially set off from the capital, and went to different cities in four groups, starting a new food journey.

On the train.


Because the Chinese New Year is less than two weeks away, many people who are studying and working abroad have already bought tickets for the Spring Festival Transport to go home to celebrate the New Year.

The subject Xu Jie is going to shoot today is Liu Gangping, a courier working in Beijing, and this time the destination is Chengzhou in Shuchuan.

Sichuan cuisine is characterized by spicy and delicious flavor. It is famous for its strong local flavor and is deeply loved by people from all over the world. The boiled pork slices and spicy tofu are famous overseas, and even foreigners love to eat them.

Soft sleeper compartment.

Xu Jie sat around with cameraman Li Yang, director Liu Kexin, and Liu Gangping. As for Tian Haobo and the other three in the same group, they took the high-speed rail to shoot another protagonist.

Originally, Xu Jie’s team could also go to Chengzhou by high-speed rail, but this is a documentary, which records that the protagonist Liu Gangping went home for the New Year. The other party took the train for more than 20 hours before returning home last year, so Xu Jie also chose In order to take the train like Liu Gangping, I can also take some shots on the road.

"Gangping, have you told your family about the filming of the show?" Xu Jie asked, looking at Liu Gangping opposite.

In fact, the other party bought a hard seat ticket, and the seat was not here. Now he bought the soft sleeper that the other party was sitting on. The program crew bought four soft sleeper tickets in total.

Take the lens as an example, each lens costs tens of thousands, and I brought a total of five, three of which were borrowed from China TV. In addition, for better shooting effects, I also brought a drone this time, which is also tens of thousands , In contrast, the ticket for a soft sleeper is nothing at all.

"I told you, they are very happy, and the people in the village are also very happy, and they are making a fuss about killing pigs." Liu Gangping said with a silly smile on his face.

"Tell them quickly, don't kill them, we will leave after two days of filming." Xu Jie said quickly, they were going to work, and those who didn't know thought they were going to eat and drink.

"It's okay, in fact, even if you don't go, the village will kill pigs at this time." Liu Gangping said.

Xu Jie didn't say anything after hearing this. Many places in China, especially rural areas, have the custom of killing pigs in the new year. Even his village will kill pigs during the New Year.

"Gang Ping, we will start filming in a moment. Don't be nervous. There are no lines in this paragraph. What you were when you drove home last year will be what you were this time. Just be more casual and natural." Xu Jie began to tell Liu Gangping Tell a play.

Although it is a food documentary, since the theme is to go home for the New Year, the way home should also be filmed, in order to express the feeling of homesickness of the workers.

In fact, this shot is not expected to exceed 30 seconds in the feature film, but Xu Jie thinks it is indispensable, even if it takes a 28-hour train ride.

Moreover, Xu Jie felt that as a director, he should personally experience the feeling of traveling thousands of miles to go home for the New Year. After all, he studied in the capital and worked in the capital. During the Chinese New Year, he can drive home without having to do 28 hours train.

Perhaps through what I have seen and heard along the way, I can deepen my feelings about the wanderers returning home for the New Year, and maybe have a new understanding of the documentary.

The temptation to go home is not only about food, but also about emotions. Only by shooting emotions can the audience be more attracted and the content more distracting.

After Xu Jie finished speaking with Liu Gangping, he asked Li Yang to prepare the camera equipment, and the group left the soft sleeper compartment.

At the end of the carriage, Xu Jie found the conductor.

"Captain Liu, I'm sorry to bother you," Xu Jie said.

Before getting on the bus, a deputy station master sent them on the bus, because this time the food documentary was not only filmed for Huaxia TV, but also for the Ministry of Culture, for cultural exchanges between China and South Korea .

Therefore, the relevant departments all attached great importance to it. The deputy station master deliberately asked the train conductor to meet Director Xu's requirements as much as possible without affecting other passengers, so as to facilitate the filming of the documentary.

"This is what we should do." The train conductor said with a smile, and then organized several conductors to stand on both sides of the filming car to control the flow of people passing by and prevent the filming from being disturbed.

Xu Jie walked into the carriage, looked at more than 100 people in the carriage, put the horn borrowed from the conductor to his mouth, turned on the switch, and was about to speak when a burst of sound resounded through the carriage.

"Eight-treasure porridge with peanuts and melon seeds..."

Passengers looked over one after another, thinking that this man didn't wear a train conductor's uniform, and he didn't have a cart. What is he selling with a horn?Is it to compete with the conductor for business?

Xu Jie's face was full of embarrassment. No matter how thick-skinned he was usually, he couldn't help but blushed at this moment. He quickly turned off the switch and switched to the shouting mode.

"Eh? Aren't you Xu Jie? It's the star in the gourmet show, is that you?" A young man in a nearby seat looked at Xu Jie and asked.

""Delicious History", I thought he looked like the leading actor in it just now." A woman next to him said.

"No way? Why is Xu Jie on our train? Old Xu is from the capital, not from Chengzhou."

"Maybe they look alike, but they really do look alike."

Many passengers whispered.

Although Xu Jie has only starred in the gourmet show "Delicious History", he can't stand the high ratings of the show, and it can be seen by audiences across the country. Impressed by his face.

If this was in a shopping mall in the capital, someone would have already approached to ask for a group photo.

Xu Jie held the trumpet and said, "Everyone be quiet, please listen to me."

No matter how loud the sound is, it will become weak in front of the speaker.

The interior of the carriage became quiet for an instant, all eyes looked at Xu Jie, and only the sound of the truck driving was left.

"Hi everyone, let me introduce myself first, I am Xu Jie, the director and lead actor of "Delicious History"..."

As soon as Xu Jie finished his self-introduction, the inside of the carriage immediately exploded.

"It's Xu Jie, really Xu Jie!"

"Well, let me say it's him."

"Old Xu, why did you take the same bus with us? Are you going to Chengzhou or somewhere else?"

"You don't want to bring goods live again, do you? Is it peanut melon seed eight-treasure porridge?"

Everyone asked Xu Jie one after another, and some people took out their mobile phones and took pictures of Xu Jie.

Xu Jie continued: "It seems that many people know me and have guessed the purpose of my trip. Yes, I am going to Chengzhou to shoot a food documentary, but before arriving in Chengzhou, I need to be in this carriage Take some shots, I hope everyone can cooperate, if you don’t want to be on camera, you can go to the dining car first, I have prepared hot drinks for everyone there.”


Hearing Xu Jie's words, many people's eyes lit up, showing excited expressions, especially some young people, some students, who were not against going on TV, but were very happy.

"Director Xu, are you going to shoot "Delicious History" in February?" A college student on winter vacation asked.

"No, this time I'm going to shoot a brand new food documentary, and it will be broadcast on Huaxia TV. As for the content of the shooting, please allow me to keep a close eye on it. Everyone will be able to see it during the Spring Festival." Xu Jie said.

"China TV? Is it real or not?"

"So, I also have the opportunity to show my face on Huaxia TV? I will shoot, but I will not leave. Whoever wants to go will go!"

"I also shoot. If my relatives see it on TV, they will be very surprised."

Many chose to stay, but very few chose to leave.

Xu Jie looked around and found that since he said that it would be broadcast on Huaxia TV, everyone was very excited, all eyes were on him, their heads were raised and their chests were raised, vying to be the protagonist, a bit like grabbing the show.

"Everyone listen to me, what I want to shoot is the most ordinary side, what it was before, what it is now, don't deliberately show a certain expression, and that classmate, don't stretch your neck so long, don't turn your head Come here..." Xu Jie reminded.

After the passengers heard this, they restrained themselves a lot, but compared with Xu Jie just entering the compartment, there was still a lot of difference.

Xu Jie couldn't help sighing secretly, this kind of situation is very unsuitable for filming, it's natural to shoot a documentary first.

He looked at Liu Gangping who was sitting on the hard seat, and the other party acted very naturally, neither excited nor curious, as simple and honest as ever.

Fortunately, the protagonist was not exposed, otherwise Liu Gangping would not be crowded with people?
Xu Jie thought for a while, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called Li Yang.

"Hey, it's time to come. What is the machine malfunctioning? Okay, you wait where you are, and I'll go over right away." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he put down his mobile phone, and then said to the passengers in the car: "There is a problem with the machine, please change it." We will shoot again when the time comes, and we will let everyone know in advance when the time comes.”

"The machine is broken? Waste of my feelings."

"I laughed for nothing for so long."


Xu Jie walked out of the carriage, and saw Li Yang with a puzzled face.

"Director Xu, how do you say that the machine is broken? I checked it several times just now, and it's not broken, there's nothing wrong with it." Li Yang said.

He is a cameraman, and the camera is like his weapon. He is about to go to the battlefield, so how can he not check the weapon?

"I know, the call just now was just to find a reason to leave." Xu Jie said: "I just told the passengers inside about the filming of the show, but they were all too excited and emotionally high, which didn't meet the requirements. The shooting conditions, so I left with the phone call just now, and waited for them all to relax before going in to shoot."

"Oh!" Li Yang suddenly realized.

Xu Jie pointed to the camera in Li Yang's hand, and said, "This one is too big, it's not suitable for shooting here. Some people in it are too expressive, and even started to put on makeup. Don't we have a small one? Put it in the bag, When the time comes, you go in with your bag and walk around twice to surprise them."

Li Yang instantly understood what Director Xu meant.

Isn't it just a sneak shot?

no problem!

(End of this chapter)

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