The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 488 Candid Photography Crazy?

Chapter 488 Candid Photography Crazy?
ten minutes later.

Xu Jie came to the side of the carriage, and he peeked in through the door secretly. The passengers had lost their previous excitement, and each of them returned to the original state, chatting with others, and playing with their mobile phones.

"Go in." Xu Jie turned his head and said to Li Yang behind him, this is the most real state, and it is also the scene he wants to record

"Alright Director Xu." Li Yang hugged the travel bag in his arms.

The large shoulder-mounted camera just now has been replaced by a relatively small hand-held camera, and it is put into this special travel bag. Through the punch holes in the bag, it can shoot around without anyone noticing.

This kind of camouflaged candid filming method was used in unannounced visits before. Li Yang never thought that it could also be used in a food documentary.

I thought: Director Xu's shooting method is really different!

"Have you remembered the content?" Xu Jie asked again.

The other party went in this time not to shoot randomly, but to shoot according to the script written before with a mission and a purpose.

"Remember." Li Yang said seriously. .

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded, then stepped aside and let the door open
Li Yang tightened the travel bag in his hand, opened the door and walked in.

He has done unannounced visits before, but he has never made a documentary like this. He will inevitably have some worries in his heart, whether the camera has moved, whether the lens is aligned, whether the content has been captured, all kinds of concerns are reflected on him. Became looking left and right, like a thief.

"Director Xu, will he be found out in this state?" Liu Kexin looked at Li Yang, feeling a little worried. She felt that Li Yang's current appearance was not only like a migrant worker returning home with a huge sum of money, but also like someone with evil intentions. Thieves, very contradictory.

"It's okay, there are not many shots, and we should be able to finish shooting before we find out." Xu Jie didn't care when he heard it.

The duration of Li Yang's feature film for this shooting mission is only 10 seconds, which can be said to be very short. It only takes 10 seconds to walk from the front of the carriage to the rear of the carriage, so the filming should be finished soon.

If it hadn't been for the appearance just now, Xu Jie would have liked to take pictures by himself.

Alas, such is the annoyance of being a celebrity, trying to do something sneaky is impossible.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

The phone rang suddenly.

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone, it was Tian Haobo calling.

Among the people in the program group, Tian Haobo was the one he was most worried about.

When I was an intern in the past, all I did was piecemeal things in the crew. I went wherever there was something to do. Although I later became a regular and started to participate in program planning, but with Song Huanhuan and other old people around, I didn’t have the ability of the other party at all. Opportunity, so there is still a lack of ability, otherwise, when he was in the group before, he would not have arranged the opponent to be in the same group as himself.

He walked to the side, connected the phone, "Hello, Haobo, what's the matter..."

Li Yang walked forward along the aisle, moving very slowly. Although the content to be photographed was in his mind, he needed to observe and discover, and record the best pictures and the best shots.

It is easy to shoot people, but it is very difficult to shoot people well, to capture the level, and to capture the artistic conception. Otherwise, why would the film awards and TV awards set up the best photography award?

As he walked, he observed, from the perspective of the photographer, combined with the content of the script, looking for a suitable picture. The picture that was taken was not taken.

Some people are playing games on their mobile phones, which are not included in the script, so they don’t need to be filmed; some people are sleeping with their eyes closed, and have to catch a train early in the morning, which is very hard work, which is not included in the script, but they can be filmed; some people look out of the window , looking at the scenery along the way, looking forward to going home early, can reflect the feeling of homesickness, it is in the script, it must be filmed...

Li Yang walked from one end of the carriage to the other, and then from the other end of the carriage to this end of the carriage. When he felt that the mission was almost completed, he finally stopped in the middle of the carriage, separated by three or four meters, and met the protagonist Liu Gang. to shoot flat.

As one of the two protagonists in this episode of Sichuan Cuisine, the shots are naturally indispensable, and compared to passerby A and passerby B, the shooting of the protagonist is more important.

We can’t take pictures like we did with other passengers before, as long as they fit the content of the script. To deal with the protagonist, we need to shoot pictures and emotions, and we need to shoot a few more shots so that we can have more material to edit later. choose.

Take a few shots in the front, take a few shots in the back, take a few shots on the left, and take a few shots on the right...there are passengers on the right, so I can't take pictures, but after taking so many shots, it should be ok. The next step is to take a few shots at night, hurry up When I arrive in Chengzhou, I will take a few more shots, and this section on the way will be considered as finished.

Just as he was about to call it a day and leave, a hand suddenly grabbed his bag.

"Don't go!"

Li Yang turned his head and saw that the guy who caught him was a young man in his early twenties, he looked like a college student, his face was very strange and he didn't recognize him, but the other party looked at him angrily.

"What's the matter?" Li Yang asked curiously.

"What's in your bag?" the male student asked.

"No, nothing." Li Yang grabbed the bag and said confidently, "This is my bag, why did I tell you what's inside?"

"Because you secretly photographed my classmate!" The male student pointed to the female classmate opposite, then he stood up suddenly and shouted loudly: "This person is a sneaky photographer. He put a camera in his bag and secretly photographed my classmate. I can see clearly." Clearly, marshals, call the marshals!"

"No, no, I misunderstood, I'm not a candid photographer." Li Yang panicked, and immediately explained loudly.

No one around listened, so they surrounded him directly, some grabbed their arms, pressed their necks, and the male student also took the opportunity to open the travel bag and took out the camera inside.

"Look, this is the crime tool!"

The people in the carriage saw that it was really a candid camera maniac, and they reprimanded him one after another.

"Shameless, really shameless."

"It looks well-dressed, but I didn't expect it to be a well-dressed beast."

"It's winter, what can be photographed, my brain is really kicked by a donkey!"

"Call the police and arrest him!"

Li Yang was in a hurry, "Listen to my explanation, I'm with director Xu Jie, the reason why I did this is to capture everyone's truest side..."

"Nonsense, Lao Xu just said that the machine is broken, and we will shoot later." The male student said.

"What Director Xu said..." Li Yang wanted to say it was a lie, but this would be tantamount to betraying Director Xu, so he changed his words and said, "The camera that Director Xu said is broken, but mine is another one. I don't believe you guys." Go ask Director Xu."

"Okay, it seems that you don't cry when you see the coffin, go, take him to Director Xu."

outside the carriage.

Seeing the situation in the carriage, Liu Kexin immediately shouted to Xu Jie who was still on the phone: "Director Xu, it's not good, Li Yang has been arrested."

"Ah? Why?" Xu Jie asked in surprise.

"I don't know!" Liu Kexin said.

Xu Jie told Tian Haobo a few words, then hung up the phone and hurried into the car.

When he opened the door, he happened to meet Li Yang, who was being grabbed, and Li Yang shouted as if he had seen a savior: "Director Xu, save me, please explain to me quickly, they regard me as a secret camera maniac .”

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and quickly explained: "It's a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding. He is not a candid photographer, but a member of our program team. I asked him to go in and shoot."

When everyone heard it, it turned out that it was really a misunderstanding.

They may disbelieve the words of the sneak photographer, but they will not disbelieve Xu Jie's words.

"It's because I think everyone is too excited when facing the camera, and the state is not suitable for shooting, so I specially let him in in a dark way to capture the most authentic side of everyone. I'm sorry to cause trouble to everyone." Xu Jie is embarrassed. Said.

Only then did everyone understand what was going on, the misunderstanding was resolved, they quickly released the people, and returned the camera.

Li Yang took the camera and immediately checked whether the clips just taken had been deleted. After seeing that the videos were all there, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Just a little embarrassing.

I didn't expect that the secret recording would be discovered, and because the camera was not turned off, even the process of his arrest just now was recorded. Although the picture was very chaotic, the sound was recorded very clearly.

Well, this paragraph must be deleted later, otherwise it will not be laughed at?
After Xu Jie apologized, he took him back to the soft sleeper.

"Li Yang, are you okay?" Liu Kexin asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just that the arm was twisted." Li Yang said while moving his arm.

Candid photographers can also be regarded as hooligans, and the people have never been merciless when dealing with hooligans.

"Why didn't you explain to them?" Liu Kexin asked.

"The conscience of heaven and earth, I explained it, but no one believed it." Li Yang said with a bitter face.

"Quickly, import the video content into the computer and see if it's worth it for you to be caught." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Li Yang took out his laptop, imported the video from the camera, opened it in the video software, and edited it while playing it.

"This is the passenger, this is Liu Gangping..."

Xu Jie nodded while watching, Li Yang's professional ability is beyond doubt, otherwise he would not have chosen him among the more than 100 people in the art program center.

At the end of the video, Li Yang wanted to delete the part where he was caught, but was stopped by Xu Jie. As for the reason, I can use these videos as a sideshow in the future.

Xu Jie clicked play again and watched it again. The video was shot for 11 minutes in total. He needed to choose the most suitable shot and compress the time to 10 seconds. This is not an easy task. It is definitely a technical job to select the most representative and emotional picture from the shots.

Xu Jie watched it repeatedly, cutting it from 11 minutes to 8 minutes, and then from 5 minutes to 3 minutes. Just when he was about to watch it for the Nth time, a scene caught his attention.

In the video, passengers are photographed close up, but in the distance, with the help of curtains, a person reaches into a down jacket hanging behind him, takes out something from it, and quickly puts it in in his pocket.

This is... a thief?

(End of this chapter)

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