The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 489 Food tour or narrative tour?

Chapter 489 Food tour or narrative tour?

"Li Yang, come down!"

Xu Jie reached out and patted the upper bunk.

Since the meeting last night lasted until 1:[-] in the middle of the night, and today I had to get up early to catch the train, I didn't sleep for a few hours, so after the filming, Li Yang went directly to the upper bunk to catch up on sleep.

"Director Xu, what's the matter?" Li Yang leaned out from the upper bunk and looked down.

It is said to catch up on sleep, but in fact, I have not fallen asleep all the time. The main reason is that the sound of "shopping and eating" on the train is too loud, so I can't fall asleep at all.

"Look at this person." Xu Jie raised his laptop, pointed at the suspected thief, and asked Li Yang, "Do you remember this person when you were filming just now?"

"I don't remember, I don't have an impression." Li Yang shook his head, and when he saw the man in the video making a move, he immediately shouted in surprise: "Thief, is he a thief?"

He never dreamed that he made a video, not only was he regarded as a candid cameraman, but also the process of the thief stealing was filmed.

"Didn't you notice it when you were filming?" Xu Jie asked.

"No." Li Yang said while watching the video: "I mainly took close-up shots of these people in this section. I didn't pay attention to the distance. It may be that the camera was in my arms and the lens was not well controlled, so I took a picture of the thief in the distance. gone."

"Okay, you go to sleep." Xu Jie immediately transferred this video to his mobile phone, then told Liu Kexin to take care of the equipment, and got up and left the berth by himself.

He passed through two carriages, saw a marshal, and walked over immediately.

"Director Xu, where are you going?" The marshal first greeted Xu Jie. This was an explanation from the higher-ups to protect the safety of Director Xu along the way and provide guarantee for Director Xu's filming.

"It's like this. When the program team was shooting the film just now, they undoubtedly recorded some other things, so I showed it to you. I don't know if it was a misunderstanding." Xu Jie played the video on the phone to the police.

The marshal was slightly taken aback when he heard it, something else?

Why does it sound a bit creepy?

Isn't this feudal superstition?

He looked down at the video, and soon frowned, and finally understood what Director Xu meant by "some other things".

"Director Xu, how about this, in order to avoid other accomplices, you wait outside the carriage, I will take someone back to ask." The policeman said.

For the police officers, encountering thieves on the train is a common occurrence, especially during the Spring Festival travel season. In what year will the Spring Festival travel season not catch dozens or even hundreds of thieves?Although cameras have been installed in the carriages in the past two years, some people are still lucky.

The marshals immediately called two colleagues, and after explaining the situation, they walked to the car that was photographed before.

The three of them did not immediately question the person who stole the things, but first came to the stolen woman, looked at each other and said, "Passengers, please show the ticket."

The woman reached out from her jeans and took out a train ticket and handed it to the policeman. The policeman took the ticket and looked at it. In fact, his intention was to let the woman take out the down jacket that was hung up. Unexpectedly, the ticket was not put in the down jacket at all.

After looking at the ticket, the policeman returned the ticket to the woman, pointed to the down jacket hanging on the carriage, and asked, "Is this your clothes?"

"Yes." The woman nodded.

"It's very cold in the carriage, it's best to wear clothes." The policeman reminded.

"It's not cold, I think what I'm wearing now is just right." The woman said after hearing this, but she didn't realize the kindness of the marshal.

The marshals were a little speechless. This awareness of prevention is simply like a big fat sheep in the Spring Festival travel season.

"The clothes hang there unstable, check yourself to see if anything fell on the ground." Another marshal said.

The woman looked down at the ground and said, "No, it didn't fall."

The corner of the marshal's mouth twitched, and just as he was about to say something straight, the woman's companion came to his senses first, reached out and took off the down jacket hanging on the carriage, stuffed it directly into the woman's arms, and said in a low voice, "Look quickly, is there anything missing?" thing."

The woman looked at her companion curiously, but finally complied.

When she put her hand into the first pocket, Wen frowned immediately, and said loudly: "Ah, my wallet is gone!"

Then he began to frantically search other pockets, but found nothing except two packs of tissues.

After the marshal heard it, they were basically sure that Director Xu's guess was correct, and the video was not a misunderstanding.

"Passengers, don't panic, do you know the man behind you?" The passenger pointed to the man on the back of the seat.

"I don't know." The woman shook her head.

The marshal pointed to the male passenger and said, "Passenger, please come with us."

"Why?" The male passenger raised his head and asked.

"Please cooperate with our work." The marshal said seriously.

"I'm not going." The male passenger lowered his head and continued to fiddle with the phone in his hand.

Seeing this scene, people with discerning eyes immediately understood what was going on.

A passenger lost his wallet, and the police wanted to take another passenger away. The answer was obvious and obvious.

At this time, the woman who lost the wallet raised her hand, slapped the male passenger on the back of the head, and said loudly, "Give me back the wallet!"

The male passenger frowned tightly, and scolded angrily: "Who stole your wallet, mentally ill."

Women don't like this, they just grabbed the male passenger's hair and said, "Give it back to me, but you still don't!"

The male passenger was dragged left and right, his hands tightly hugging his head, and the surrounding passengers dispersed one after another to avoid harming Chiyu.

At this time, the marshal hurried forward to stop the female passenger, saying "calm down, don't do anything", while taking the opportunity to drag the male passenger up from the seat.

The male passenger also realized that something was wrong, struggling while saying: "What are you doing, don't touch me, why are you arresting me!"

The marshal said: "Passengers, please cooperate with our work?"

"So what if I don't cooperate?" the male passenger asked.

"If you don't cooperate, we can only take you away forcibly, and you have to be clear about one thing, we won't ask you to go back and cooperate for no reason." take away.

The male passenger struggled and yelled, but it was all in vain, and he was quickly taken to the police room.

"Take out your wallet?" The policeman looked at the male passenger.

"What wallet, didn't I just say, I didn't take it." The male passenger said unconvinced.

"Do you want me to adjust the monitoring?" the marshal asked.

The male passenger was startled, and then said, "You can adjust it."

"Okay, just wait."

A marshal left the room to check the monitoring in the car. Unfortunately, the front of the man was blocked by the seat, and he could only see the shoulders, and only the back of his head could be seen from the back. The robbery process was not photographed. In the end, he could only find Director Xu, pass the video to himself, and show the video in front of the male passenger after returning to the room.

The professional video camera of the TV station was used to shoot the film. The video is extremely clear. Every movement and every detail can be seen clearly on the small mobile phone.

The male passenger, who had had a glimmer of hope, immediately lowered his head, and his expression became depressed.

"It's my first time, really..."

Before waiting for the police to ask, the man confessed directly.

It turned out that he just wanted to sleep on the carriage at first, but the woman behind him bumped into him when she was hanging the clothes. When he was about to push the clothes back, he accidentally touched the pocket and felt that it was bulging inside, so he became evil. Son, put his hand into the woman's clothes pocket, the money was on him, but he threw away the wallet and documents while going to the toilet.

The truth came out.

The marshals found Xu Jie, told him about the thief, and finally expressed their gratitude: "Thank you Director Xu for providing us with the video clues, and thank you for your assistance."

"You're welcome, it's easy to do." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Really just a little bit of effort.

Holding the camera in his hand, he took a picture of the theft.

When Xu Jie returned to the carriage, Li Yang, who was lying on the upper bunk, asked, "Director Xu, how are you doing?"

"It is indeed a thief. He has been arrested and will be handed over to the local police station at the next stop." Xu Jie said.

"That's good." Li Yang said after listening. He had been thinking about the thief just now, but he didn't fall asleep.

Liu Kexin, who was sitting on the lower berth, said with a smile, "Director Xu, we caught a thief right after we left the house. Do you think our trip is a food documentary trip, or today's lecture trip?"

Xu Jie smiled, never expecting to encounter such a thing, the food documentary has become a crime killer.

Liu Kexin turned on the computer and said, "I want to edit this video, and I can also use it when making behind-the-scenes shots."

At the next stop, the thief escorted the truck out, and the cabin returned to its previous calm, but the vigilance of the passengers was obviously much higher, they were well dressed, and they did not take off the heat. where to see.

The train stopped and stopped all the way, and after 28 long hours, it finally arrived at the destination Chengzhou.

Xu Jie told the train conductor and passengers to say goodbye, and then got off the train carrying the equipment. As soon as the four of them walked out of the train station, they saw Tian Haobo's team from a distance.

"Director Xu!"

Tian Haobo and the others immediately ran forward and took the equipment box from Xu Jie and the others.

"How's the preparation going?" Xu Jie asked.

Compared with ordinary trains, Tian Haobo and others took the high-speed rail much faster, and arrived in Chengzhou in less than 10 hours. However, those who came earlier had earlier work. Contact the best Sichuan cuisine master in Chengzhou and buy The best Sichuan cuisine ingredients, inviting local folklore masters from Chengzhou, every piece is very important.

"It's all ready," Tian Haobo said.

Although he doesn't have much confidence in filming, he is quite confident in logistics work.

Tian Haobo is also very clear that he can't help Director Xu in terms of shooting and planning. The only thing he can do is to solve the worries for Director Xu, so that Director Xu can immediately devote himself to the shooting of the documentary after arriving in Chengzhou. Don't waste a second on trivial matters.

"Okay, let's start!" Xu Jie said.



(End of this chapter)

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