Chapter 490

Xu Jie arrived in Chengzhou at noon, and started filming the food documentary in the afternoon.

The first thing to be filmed is the Sichuan Cuisine City Chapter. The protagonist of the story is Yang Xiaodan, a makeup artist who works at Beijing TV Station.

To make food, you must first select the ingredients, so the first stop of the filming, the program team came to a large farmers market near Yang Xiaodan's home.

There is also a master of Sichuan cuisine and a folklorist. The former is responsible for instructing the production of Sichuan cuisine, and the latter is responsible for explaining the history of Sichuan cuisine and the origin of various Sichuan dishes. Although neither of them will appear in the documentary, what they said will appear in the film.

When Tian Haobo found the two at the beginning, both of them regarded Tian Haobo as a liar, and they didn't believe it when they took out their documents. They didn't feel relieved until they saw Xu Jie, and for nothing else, they just pointed at Xu Jie's face .

For a celebrity, the face is the best calling card.

As soon as I saw Xu Jie's face, I knew he must be here to film a food show.

Agricultural Market.

"Our Sichuan cuisine uses chili, prickly ash, and peppercorns heavily. The dishes are mainly home-cooked, and the ingredients are mostly daily flavors. The characteristic is that each dish has a style, and there are hundreds of dishes and flavors; not only the seasoning is changeable, but also the dishes are diverse..." Sichuan cuisine master Guo Shengmao walked While explaining the characteristics of Sichuan cuisine.

Tian Haobo is holding a recording pen. His job is to record all the words of Guo Shengmao and Gao Fanzhong, another folklorist, and then go back and organize them into a copy for later use.

"The dishes here are very fresh, and there are many kinds, let's take pictures here." Guo Shengmao stopped in front of a vegetable stall.

"it is good."

Xu Jie nodded, and then gave Tian Haobo a wink. Tian Haobo immediately understood, and after turning off the recorder, he went forward to communicate with the vegetable stall owner.

"Hello boss, we are from Beijing TV Station, and we are shooting a food documentary. Can you take a picture of your food stall?" Tian Hao blogger asked politely.

"Beijing TV Station? Food documentary?" The stall owner looked suspiciously at Tian Haobo, then at the crowd of people in front of the stall, and suddenly found an acquaintance standing in the crowd, so he pointed with his finger and asked in surprise: "You, aren't you that cook?"

Guo Shengmao smiled and said, "Yes, it's me."

As a master of Sichuan cuisine, he often participates in the food programs of Chengzhou TV Station and Shuchuan TV Station. He is also considered a celebrity in the Shuchuan food circle and is often recognized by others.

The stall owner shook his head, pointed to the side, and motioned to stand aside, "I didn't talk about you, I was talking about the young one, the one who always travels back and forth on TV, called, called..."

"Xu Jie!" Tian Haobo reminded.

"Yes, Xu Jie." The stall owner nodded, and asked curiously, "Didn't your show introduce your Beijing delicacies? Why did you come to Chengzhou to film the delicacies this time?"

Guo Shengmao was a little embarrassed, and consciously moved aside.

After hearing this, Xu Jie explained: "This time I'm filming a food program for China TV, so I'm filming food from all over the country."

"Taking pictures of national food? Then you are right to come to our Shuchuan." The stall owner said with a smile: "Take pictures, you can take pictures as you want, do you need me to do anything? Do you need to make up or change clothes?"

"No, whatever you are usually, you can be whatever you are when you are shooting." Xu Jie said quickly, feeling in his heart: People nowadays have such a strong desire to express themselves.

"Oh." The female stall owner responded, but she straightened her clothes and combed her hair briefly.

Xu Jie came to the side of the protagonist Yang Xiaodan and her parents, and told the three of them what was going to be filmed later.

In fact, it is a process of picking and buying vegetables in the vegetable market. A family of three does not exceed ten lines of lines, mainly relying on narration to introduce the purchased ingredients.

It's a pity that Huaxia Television gave Xu Jie too little time, only two weeks. If it was a year, he would also take pictures of the growth process of the ingredients.

This is also the only thing Xu Jie regrets.

After all, one side supports the other side.

If you want to make the most authentic food, you must use local ingredients. China has a vast land and abundant resources, and the same pepper, even if it is a variety, different provinces, or even different cities, the taste will be different. For example, the capital In many authentic Sichuan cuisine restaurants, most of the ingredients used are airlifted from Shuchuan.

"Have you written it all down?" Xu Jie asked Yang Xiaodan's family after finishing speaking.

"Well, remember it."

Xu Jie nodded, then turned to look at his colleagues, and said loudly, "Everyone get ready."

The team members moved immediately.

The two cameramen found their positions, some cameo lighting, some cameo recording, and some maintained the surrounding order, in short, no one was idle.

"Get ready, start."


The vegetable market part was shot very quickly, and the next part is the most difficult part of the whole story, cooking.

The reason why it is difficult is not to say how difficult it is to cook Sichuan cuisine, but how to make it taste delicious.

Of course, this is not a big deal for a Sichuan cuisine chef, just perform normally, but it is a bit difficult for Yang Xiaodan's parents.

Xu Jie has never been to Korea, so he doesn't know who cooks there, but in China, it is generally both parents who cook, so for this documentary, Xu Jie's basic requirement is that both parents cook on camera.

He wants Han Fang to know that in Huaxia, not only mother has hands, but father also has hands.

At this time, it is naturally the turn of Guo Shengmao, a master of Sichuan cuisine.

Master Guo not only gives on-site guidance in the kitchen, but also imparts many tricks.

There is an old saying that goes well: Famous teachers produce excellent apprentices.

The culinary skills of Yang Xiaodan's parents have improved by leaps and bounds. They cooked a large table of Sichuan cuisine in only 5 hours, and these 5 hours also included the time for shooting.


Yang Xiaodan's family sat together, eating and chatting, the atmosphere was warm and warm.


Xu Jie came out from behind the camera, looked at Yang Xiaodan's family and thanked: "The filming is over, thank you Xiaodan, and thank you uncles and aunts for your cooperation."

"Clap clap clap!"

The staff in the house clapped their hands and applauded, not only because the filming of the city chapter of Sichuan cuisine was successfully completed, but also because the shooting progress exceeded expectations.

This also brings confidence to everyone.

Before, everyone felt that the shooting time in a week was too little, but according to Director Xu's shooting speed, the shooting should be finished in a week.

"Director Xu, how are my parents and I doing?" Yang Xiaodan immediately asked concerned when he heard that the filming was over.

"Very good." Xu Jie affirmed without hesitation.

Although amateurs don't know how to act, nature is the most important thing, which is why he didn't choose a star at the beginning.

Amateur appearances are documentaries, but if celebrities appear abroad, it will feel like a variety show to the audience.

Hearing Xu Jie's words, Yang Xiaodan's family was very happy. Yang Xiaodan himself was even more relieved. Because she works in Beijing TV Station, she is very aware of the importance of this food documentary. Fortunately, she did not hold back the program group. .

"Everyone has worked hard, come and eat." Yang Xiaodan's mother greeted.

"Yes, eat and eat." Yang Xiaodan's father hurriedly stood up, went to get the chopsticks and then the bowl. By now, no one had eaten.

"Thank you uncle and aunt."

Xu Jie didn't refuse, and asked his colleagues, Guo Shengmao, and Gao Fanzhong to sit down and discuss tomorrow's shooting while eating.

After making so much, Yang Xiaodan's family couldn't finish it even in a few days.

The disc operation starts with me.

the next day.

The Sichuan Cuisine Country Chapter is officially opened.

Under the leadership of Liu Gangping, the program team finally arrived at the village where Liu Gangping's hometown is after more than two hours' drive.

Perhaps because of the advance notice, the moment the car entered the village, the sound of crackling firecrackers was heard, and the villagers were beating gongs and drums. The scene was very lively.

"Isn't this too grand?" Tian Haobo looked outside and said, it felt a bit like Chinese New Year, very festive.

Xu Jie nodded.

The program team is here to film the show, not the Heart to Heart Art Troupe to show condolences. Such a grand welcome scene is really unaffordable.

Liu Gangping got out of the car, found his parents, and introduced to them: "Dad, Mom, sister, this is Director Xu from the "Going Home" program group..."

"Director Xu, hello, hello!" Liu Gangping's father said.

"Uncle and aunt, I'm bothering you." Xu Jie said politely.

At this time, a 45-year-old middle-aged man came over, grabbed Xu Jie's hand as soon as he came up, and said enthusiastically: "Hello, Director Xu, I am Zhou Donghui, the mayor of Lishan Town, and I welcome the The arrival of the "Go Home" program group."

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. He thought there were only people from the village, but he didn't expect that even the mayor came.

"Hello, Mayor Zhou." Xu Jie shook hands with the other party.

"Director Xu, look, it will be noon soon, if you don't mind, how about going to the town for a light meal?" Zhou Donghui asked with a smile.

"No need for Mayor Zhou, we have limited time, so let's make a film first." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"No matter how little time you have, you still have to eat, right?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but we only have one day, let's hurry up and shoot."

"Ah? One day? Don't you want to stay a few more days? It's hard to come here once, and let us do our best as landlords..."

"Next time, next time you have time, you must go."

The purpose of Xu Jie's trip to Beijing this time is very simple, that is to make the most of the time to film the show, and not to do other things.

It stands to reason that this time, as the client of Huaxia TV Station and a person from Beijing TV Station, after arriving in a place, he should inform the local TV station or the propaganda department, but he didn't do that, just to save some time. Reduce unnecessary entertainment.

Seeing that Director Xu would not go, Zhou Donghui had no other choice, so he said, "Then let's start filming. We prepared a village banquet and invited famous local chefs..."

Xu Jie looked at Liu Gangping suspiciously, didn't he agree to take the photo home?Filming parents cooking?Now where is the temptation to go home, it is clearly the temptation to return to the village.

Liu Gangping also looked puzzled, and asked his parents in a low voice. After learning the cause and effect, he came to Xu Jie and whispered: "Director Xu, it was the village chief who told the mayor. These are the mayor's ideas..."

Xu Jie was speechless for a moment.

He rubbed his forehead with his hands, thought for a while, then looked at Guo Shengmao and said, "Mr. Guo, you first give the dozen or so dishes we selected to Liu Gangping's parents. Start shooting."

"Okay!" Guo Shengmao nodded.

Xu Jie looked at the bustling scene in the village, well, the plan was completely disrupted.


(End of this chapter)

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