Chapter 491 Versatile?

Village banquet.

It is a banquet attended by the whole village, which is very popular in many areas, especially during the Chinese New Year. The whole village gathers together, eats, chats, and enhances the feelings between neighbors. Usually, any conflicts will be here. Time to untie, as the old saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors.

"Director Xu, shall we shoot the village banquet?" Li Yang asked beside Xu Jie in a low voice.

Today is already Wednesday, and the Hunan Cuisine chapter has not been filmed, so there is not much time left for them, no, it is very little.

When I finished filming the Sichuan Cuisine City chapter yesterday, everyone felt that everything was going well. I was very optimistic that the Sichuan and Hunan cuisine would be filmed within a week, but now...

"Shoot, of course." Xu Jie looked at the tables and chairs that the villagers moved out of their homes. It had been many years since he saw this kind of scene.


The people in the program group were all stunned, not only showing surprise, but also very puzzled.

"Director Xu, we don't have much time," Liu Kexin reminded.

According to the plan, the Sichuan Cuisine Village Chapter is only available for one day today, but the village banquet in front of us will definitely not end in a short while.

The pigs not far away have just started to be slaughtered, the cooks of the village banquet have just started to light the fire, and the welcome gong and drum team has transformed into a singing opera. It is said that in some places, the village banquet lasts for a day or even a few days. I don’t know how long it will be here.

"Do you think they will let us go if we don't shoot?" Xu Jie said with a smile, "Don't forget, this village banquet is just for us to watch."

Everyone was taken aback, thinking that the village banquet is not a normal village activity every year, what does it have to do with them?But if you think about it carefully, you will understand immediately.

It was because Director Xu did not agree to go to the town for dinner, so the mayor said there would be a village banquet. If Director Xu agreed to go to the town for dinner, this village banquet might not be held. figure it out.

"This is treating our program as publicity," Li Yang said.

"Yes, where have you seen the Chinese New Year village banquet held so early? It hasn't even arrived yet." Xu Jie said.

The New Year's Village Banquet is usually held in the next year, because at that time the village has the most people and the most complete, but now, many people are still working outside and have not come back, it is too early.

"But, what about our show?" Another cameraman, Liu Yuansheng, asked worriedly.

In order to complete the shooting as soon as possible, everyone gave up their sleep time, got up very early, and set off from Chengzhou at dawn, just to save two or three hours. In the end... it was better to sleep a little longer in the hotel to catch up on sleep.

"Let's shoot ours." Xu Jie said lightly.


Everyone was stunned.

"Director Xu, didn't you just talk about filming the village banquet?" Li Yang asked. He suspected that Director Xu suffered from amnesia, and he forgot what he said just 2 minutes ago so quickly.

"That's right, Director Xu, filming the village banquet will definitely affect the filming."

"How can both be done at the same time?"

There are only seven people in the program group. It’s no problem to divide them into two groups for shooting a car ride. After all, there are not many shots and they are not complicated, and the time spent in the feature film is relatively small. However, the next thing to shoot is the production of Sichuan cuisine, which is the entire documentary The most important thing, and then divided into two groups, I am afraid that there will not even be a recording person.

"Who said it can't be done at the same time?" Xu Jie looked at his colleague and asked, with a confident expression on his face.

"Director Xu, shooting Sichuan cuisine production requires multiple angles. Our program team only has two photographers, no less."

"That's right, you can't re-cook several identical dishes just to make up for the shot, right? It's a waste of time."

"Director Xu, you can't do this!"

Everyone disagreed.

Xu Jie waved his hand, and waited for everyone to calm down before saying unhurriedly: "We don't have redundant people, but there are redundant people in some places."

"Where?" Everyone asked in confusion.

"Chengzhou TV station." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Chengzhou TV station?"

"Yes, I borrowed a few people from Chengzhou TV Station to shoot the village banquet." Xu Jie said.

"Director Xu, do you know someone from Chengzhou TV?" Liu Kexin asked.

"I don't know." Xu Jie shook his head.

"How do you borrow it if you don't know? You don't want to go back to Chengzhou now, do you? It takes more than four hours to go back and forth." Liu Kexin reminded.

"I don't know him, but someone does." Xu Jie took out his mobile phone, found the number of Li Wenfei, director of the Social Education Center of China TV, and called him.

"Beep... click!"

The phone is connected immediately.

"Director Xu, how is it going? Is the filming going well?" Li Wenfei asked concerned.

"It's going well, but I encountered a problem here. There is a shortage of manpower. Director Li knows someone from Chengzhou TV Station, so he sent two cameramen to assist in the filming." Xu Jie said.

No matter what, he filmed this food documentary for Huaxia TV. If he encounters a problem and doesn't ask the other party for help, it's a waste of resources.

"Chengzhou TV Station? Are you in Chengzhou?" Li Wenfei asked.

"Yes." Xu Jie replied.

Li Wenfei thought for a while, and he knew two or three people from Shuchuan TV Station, but Chengzhou TV Station...

"Okay, I'll contact you now."

Li Wenfei readily agreed.

The other party opened his mouth to him, but he was too embarrassed to refuse. Even if he didn't know the person, he still had to solve this problem for the other party through relationships. After all, it was all for work.

"Thank you, Director Li. I'll send you the address later. I'm in a hurry. It's best to hurry up." Xu Jie said.



call ended.

Xu Jie looked at his colleagues, raised his mobile phone, and said, "Okay, the problem has been solved, you are now divided into two groups, filming in the village, and after the people from Chengzhou TV Station come, go to Liu Gangping's house to shoot. "

Everyone nodded. Although it would take two hours for the people from Chengzhou TV to come here, this is already the best way, and it is better than wasting half a day.

Next, the program group was divided into two groups and started filming in the village. No one doubted that they were filming the village after all.

On the other hand, Li Wenfei called his acquaintances at Shuchuan TV on Huaxia TV, and explained the situation, emphasizing that three or four people are enough, but there must be two photographers.

When Shuchuan TV heard that it was making a food documentary for Sichuan cuisine, or for food and cultural exchanges between the two countries, it would not only be broadcast on Huaxia TV, but also abroad, and immediately agreed.

In this way, the leader of Shuchuan TV called the leader of Chengzhou TV station, repeated Li Wenfei's words emphatically, emphasizing the importance of this matter, and strongly urged to send a team of elites to the front To cooperate, everything must follow the arrangement of the director of the program group.

The leaders of Chengzhou TV station immediately held a meeting, called the elites in the station, led by the deputy director, and temporarily organized an eight-person filming team to go to the village where Director Xu lives to provide support.

A team of people and two vehicles rushed to Chaichang Village, Lishan Township, not daring to delay for a minute. After all, this is not only a task of China TV, but also a task involving cultural exchanges between the two countries, and no one dares to neglect it.

Originally, it took more than two hours by car, but in the end it only took an hour and 10 minutes to arrive.

The deputy head of the team found a villager and asked, "Brother, do you know where Director Xu of the program group is?"

The villager pointed not far away, "Go forward, and when you see the place where the pig is slaughtered, you will see Director Xu."

"Thank you!"

The leader hurriedly led the people forward, and soon found the place where the pig was slaughtered. He searched carefully among the onlookers, but he didn't find Director Xu after looking for a long time.

The leader couldn't help but took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and found Director Xu's photo. For celebrities, photos are easy to find.

This is not, and that is not... There are quite a few people watching, but many of them are old people and children, and there are not many young people combined.

"Mr. Liu." At this time, a hostess pointed to the person holding a pig-killing knife in her hand, and said to the leader, "Why do I think that pig-killer looks like director Xu Jiexu?"

"Nonsense, director Xu is here to make a food documentary, how could he kill a pig?" the team leader said angrily.

He couldn't find anyone by himself, and finally found a villager who was watching, and asked, "Sister, where is Director Xu from the program group?"

The middle-aged woman looked at the team leader strangely, pointed out, and said, "That's the one who killed the pig."


The team leader was stunned when he heard it!

He turned his head slowly, and his eyes fell on the man who was killing the pig. The man was wearing an apron and gloves, and his movements were smooth and smooth, very swift and professional
"He, is it really Director Xu?" The team leader swallowed.

"That's right." The middle-aged woman said, "Director Xu is really amazing. The pig was killed by Director Xu before he understood what was going on. He is even more powerful than Butcher Zhang in our village."


The corner of the leader's mouth twitched after hearing this.

Director Xu is really versatile!

He took a deep breath, fanned the smell of blood, and then shouted loudly: "Director Xu, hello, I am the deputy director of Chengzhou TV Station, my name is Liu Zhi, and I am here to assist you in your filming. "

Upon hearing this, Xu Jie immediately returned the knife to Butcher Zhang, then took off his gloves and apron, and walked towards him.

finally come!

If he didn't come again, he would almost kill all the pigs in the village.

Originally, he was planning to go to Liu Gangping's house, but when he passed by, he found that the people in the village were not good at killing pigs, so he felt itchy for a while, so he helped out a little.

As a result, the method of killing the pig shocked everyone.

At this time, a villager said that the family was going to kill two pigs in two days, and it would be better to hit the sun than to choose a day. He hoped that Director Xu could help, and the death of a pig at the hands of Director Xu was not in vain.

Xu Jie couldn't refuse, so he killed two more.

I don't know if they liked Xu Jie's technique or wanted to see Xu Jie's performance. After Xu Jie killed two pigs, some villagers claimed that they had pigs to kill at home, and hoped that Xu Jie would kill them.

Xu Jie felt that two pigs were killed, and three and four were also killed, so he agreed to them all. In the end, he waited for someone for two hours and killed the pigs for two hours.

Not only kill pigs, but also help to cut pigs into pig heads, legs into legs, pork belly into pork ribs, and ribs into ribs.

"Come on, let's go into the house and talk." Xu Jie said to the team leader, washed his hands and walked to Liu Gangping's house.


(End of this chapter)

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