Chapter 492

"Director Xu, what do you need us to do? Just tell us, and don't be polite to us." As soon as he entered the room, Liu Zhi, the team leader of Chengzhou TV Station, expressed his attitude impatiently.

This mission is different.

In the past, it was used to cooperate with the provincial TV station to make programs, but this time it is to assist Huaxia TV station in making programs, and it is used as a food and cultural exchange between the two countries, which is of extraordinary significance.

Xu Jie looked at the team brought by the other party. He didn't pay much attention outside just now. Only when he entered the room did he realize that the people behind the other party were all the staff of Chengzhou TV Station.

However, he had made it very clear to Director Li on the phone that he could just borrow two cameramen to come. How could there be so many people here?
Is it too loud?
"Thanks to Chengzhou TV Station and colleagues for solving our urgent needs." Xu Jie said politely.

The more people there are, the more likely it is to bluff the mayor.

He pointed to the village road outside the house, and then asked: "I believe you have already seen it when you came. There is a village banquet in the village. Your task is to take pictures of the village banquet."

"No more?" Liu Zhi asked after hearing it.

"It's gone." Xu Jie said.

"Are there any requirements? For example, the focus of shooting?" Liu Zhi asked curiously.

Xu Jie wanted to say no, but felt that it was too perfunctory to say so, so he said: "The focus is on the production process of the village banquet, as well as the dishes."

"Director Xu, don't worry, we will definitely shoot the village banquet well." Liu Zhi vowed, but he was a little disappointed. Before he came, he thought it was something important, but he didn't expect it was just a village banquet.

"I'm sorry to bother you!" Xu Jie said while sending him out.

"Director Xu, you are too polite. It is our honor to help you." Liu Zhi began to assign tasks as he spoke.

Standing outside the gate, Xu Jie watched the filming of Chengzhou TV station colleagues, and then looked at the smiling mayor, turned around and returned to Liu Gangping's home, and said to his colleagues in the room: "Are you ready?"


Liu Gangping's parents also nodded.

I have learned from the master of Sichuan cuisine for more than two hours. Although the cooking is definitely not as good as the master, I have learned six or seven points. They are more at ease when they hear that the master will be there to guide them when they wait for the shooting.

"Okay, let's go..."

Xu Jie was about to start, but in the middle of speaking, he heard shouts from outside.

"Director Xu, Director Xu Jie!"

Xu Jie looked out the door, and saw the mayor leading a group of people into the gate of Liu Gangping's house.

what happened again?
Xu Jie frowned, it seems that today will not start for a while.

He sighed secretly, then opened the door to welcome him out, it turned out that being too enthusiastic may not be a good thing.

"Mayor, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked behind the door.

"Director Xu, these are the comrades from Shuchuan TV Station." The mayor pointed to the person brought beside him and said.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard this, doubt and incomprehension were all written on his face.

People from Shuchuan TV Station?

What are they doing here?
Did he also come to shoot the village banquet?
Is the village banquet in Chaichang Village so famous?

Why didn't Liu Gangping mention it all the way?
"Hello Director Xu, I'm Zhang Xiang, the deputy director of Shuchuan Satellite TV. I learned that you need manpower, so I brought a team of people. They are all elite soldiers from our Shuchuan TV station. I hope they can help you, Director Xu." Busy." The middle-aged man in charge said.

Xu Jie blinked and looked at the people brought by the other party, there were eight or nine of them.

what's the situation?
Isn't Chengzhou TV station already here?Why did Shuchuan TV station send so many people again?
But if you think about it carefully, you will soon understand.

It must be Director Li of Huaxia TV Station. The other party does not know anyone from Chengzhou TV Station, so he can only ask Shuchuan TV Station for help.

Chengzhou TV Station and Shuchuan TV Station, one is a city TV station, the other is a provincial TV station, Chengzhou is the provincial capital of Shuchuan, both are in Chengzhou, it should be that the two TV stations did not communicate well in advance, and they both sent people coming.

"Thank you for your kindness. Chengzhou TV Station has sent people here." Xu Jie said.

"Really? But it doesn't matter, we are waiting outside, you can call us when you need it." Zhang Xiang said after hearing it.

The leaders of the station were worried that the people from Chengzhou TV station were too slow and delayed the shooting, so they sent them to come to support, but since the people from Chengzhou TV station have already arrived, it doesn't matter if they can help, as long as they arrive , which is an attitude.

Xu Jie looked at the staff of Shuchuan TV Station who left, and shook his head lightly. He was so enthusiastic.

In order to avoid being disturbed, Xu Jie found a blank piece of paper and wrote a few words on it: filming, please do not disturb.Then it was pasted on the gate of Liu Gangping's house.

In this way, there is no fear of someone breaking in again.

"Okay, all departments are ready, let's start!"

The Sichuan Cuisine Village chapter has been opened several times, and finally started.


"Director, let's just look at it like this?" An employee asked Zhang Xiang. If you go back without taking any pictures, you will always feel that your trip is in vain.

Especially seeing that the staff of Chengzhou TV Station were filming the village banquet, but they, as provincial satellite TV stations, could only stand aside.

"What should I do if I don't watch it?" Zhang Xiang said lightly. In fact, he also wanted to do something, but what to do?

"Since director Xu asked the Chengzhou TV station to shoot the village banquet, how about we also shoot the village banquet? With our standard, the film must be better than the city station. Maybe Xu director will see it and switch to our provincial station. material, what do you think?” the employee asked.

Zhang Xiang thought for a while, and felt that what the employees said was not unreasonable. Although they took over the job of the market, but for the sake of Sichuan cuisine and the image of the entire Shuchuan cuisine, something must be done, and the Shuchuan cuisine must be the best. The side of the show is shown in front of Director Xu and audiences across the country.

"Okay, everyone, take out the equipment and prepare to shoot the village banquet." Zhang Xiang said.


The team members immediately returned to the car excitedly, took out the camera equipment, and filmed the village banquet.

After seeing the people from the provincial TV station, the people from Chengzhou TV station all showed puzzled expressions for a while.

They pat the cook, and the other side pats the cook.

They take pictures of food, and the other side also takes pictures of food.

What's the matter with two TV stations filming the same content?

Didn't Director Xu ask them to film the village banquet? Why did he find people from Provincial Taiwan?
Don't worry about them?

Isn't this slapping them in the face in public?
Liu Zhi was very angry, but because the other party was from the province and Taiwan, and they were all in the land of Chengzhou, he suppressed his anger and asked, "Deputy Director Zhang, you are also here to film the village banquet."

"Hmm. Zhang Xiang nodded.

"Director Xu asked you to shoot?" Liu Zhi asked again.

"No, we have nothing to do when we are idle, so we spontaneously took pictures of the village banquet." Zhang Xiang said with a smile: "You take your own pictures, don't worry about us."

Liu Zhi was stunned when he heard it.

Before, he thought it was Director Xu who was not authentic, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding, but the ones who were really insincere were actually people like Shengtai.

What is spontaneous, it is clear that they want to snatch the fruits of their labor, and it appears in the thank you at the end of the documentary.

"Taiwan Master Liu, the provincial Taiwan people are going too far, right?"

"Yeah, it's just too much deception!"

"I've never seen anything like this!" the person from Chengzhou TV said dissatisfiedly.

It's fine if Director Xu found it, spontaneous?Have the nerve to say?

"You want to compare us? There's no way!" Liu Zhi gritted his teeth and said to his subordinates: "Give me all the energy, give me a good shot, work harder if you are energetic, and cheer up if you are boring. Son, this time we must not lose to Provincial Taiwan."

Since they are all in the same system, and they are still in the same city, contact and cooperation are indispensable in daily life, so it is not easy to fall out, but it is impossible to just give up like this. We can only use our energy to shoot the program and use the content to determine the outcome.

"Director, to put it simply, our equipment is incomparable with other people's equipment. If you look at their cameras, they are all the latest models. If you look at our cameras, they have been used for five or six years." The teacher said with a bitter face.

"Whether a movie is good or bad has nothing to do with whether it's clear or not. Masters can shoot blockbuster movies with a mobile phone, and the time has come to test you." Liu Zhi said seriously.

The cameraman was startled, what he said made him speechless.

Shouldn't it be that if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools?
Of course, these words cannot be said, they can only be swallowed.

The cameraman looked in the direction of the provincial station and couldn't help sighing. They were born from the same root, so why bother to engage in introversion?


After a day of filming, the Sichuan Cuisine Country Chapter was finally completed, and the door of the Liu family, which had been closed for a whole day, was finally opened.

As soon as Xu Jie opened the door, he saw a group of people standing outside the door, but they were not villagers, but two teams from Chengzhou TV Station and Shuchuan TV Station.

"Director Xu, the filming of the village feast is over, would you like to see it now?" Liu Zhi hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Director Xu, we also took a picture of the village banquet, do you want to see it too?" Zhang Xiang pushed forward.

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, then remembered the shield he had found.

He was so focused on the filming that he forgot about the people outside. However, he only remembered to let Liu Zhi do the filming. When did he ask Zhang Xiang to do the filming too?
"I'm talking about Deputy Director Zhang. Director Xu didn't let you Shuchuan TV station shoot. Why are you here to join in the fun? Isn't this adding to the chaos?" Liu Zhi said angrily.

It's fine to steal their good deeds, but to destroy their filming is tolerable or unbearable.

"You can't say that. The movie is going to be broadcast on China TV, so it's natural to show the best side to audiences all over the country. Wouldn't it be better to have two movies for Director Xu to choose from?" Zhang Xiang said after hearing this.

In fact, he also knows that it is not good to do so, but if the Taiwan leader entrusts him with such an important matter, isn't it because he has no idea about the city and Taiwan?

"Deputy Director Zhang, aren't you stealing credit?" Liu Zhi said dissatisfied.

"The work is for you, I don't want it." Zhang Xiang said.

"You..." Liu Zhi's face flushed with anger. Doesn't it seem that he is petty, strives for merit, and has no perspective on the big picture?
"Thank you both." Xu Jie looked at the two people who were fighting each other loudly, and then said: "I just need some material about the village banquet. It is still unknown whether it will be added to the feature film in the later stage. The two are actually for the show. For the sake of Sichuan cuisine, don’t hurt your peace. How about this, we have to catch a plane back to the capital tonight, put your video on a USB flash drive, and then post it to the Beijing TV station. I will watch it at that time, everyone, thank you again, There will be a period later."

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he took the program crew and left in a hurry.

It's hard for an upright official to decide on housework, so let them solve their own affairs, and he, an outsider, won't participate.

Back to the capital, take the next article!

(End of this chapter)

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