The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 493 Progress of each group

Chapter 493 Progress of each group
Xu Jie rushed back to the capital overnight to start the filming of the Hunan Cuisine chapter.

With the experience of shooting Sichuan cuisine chapters, the Hunan cuisine chapters seem to be more comfortable and handy.

Arrived in Huxiang on Thursday, and spent a day each on the two protagonists. On Saturday night, the shooting of the Hunan Cuisine chapter ended.

"The filming is over, great!"

"Well, I don't want to do anything now, I just want to go home and have a good sleep."

"Me too."

The team members cheered loudly, not because the filming of the show was over, but because they could have a good rest.

In the past six days, they were busy shooting during the day, editing at night, and had to get up early in the morning to rush on the road. No one slept more than five hours a day, and they didn't even have time to wash their faces and take a bath. Unkempt and unkempt, he was not at all as energetic as when he first set off.

Now, the filming of Sichuan Cuisine and Hunan Cuisine is all over, which means that their work in food documentaries is over.

As for the rest of the post-production, it was the work of the "Delicious History" program team, and Director Jiang made it very clear at the beginning that they would only borrow for a week, and they could return to the previous program team to work normally on the next Monday.

In the past, they were very envious of the people who were in the same group as Director Xu, but now, it is more comfortable to lie flat!
"Director Xu, anyway, tomorrow is Sunday, can we not go back to the capital tonight, so that we can have a good sleep?" Li Yang asked, his eyes were dark circles, deep-set, and the eyeballs were also full of bloodshot eyes.

"Yes Director Xu, I feel like I can fall asleep when I lie down now." Liu Yuansheng said.

Xu Jie thought about it, anyway, the task was completed ahead of schedule, so it would be good to use the day ahead for rest.

In fact, he is also very tired.

The team members just followed his plan, but he still had to make a plan and take care of all the big and small things by himself, which was tiring and tiring.

"Okay." Xu Jie said to Tian Haobo who was driving: "Find a big hotel, the high-end one, and go back to the hotel to sleep after eating and drinking enough."


Tian Haobo searched the local praise list on the Internet, and finally chose a restaurant with the highest praise rate.

The restaurant is located by the river, and you can see the Xiangjiang River through the windows. The lights of the high-rise buildings on the bank are reflected on the river, which is colorful and extremely beautiful.

The river view of the Xiangjiang River was photographed when I arrived here on Thursday, but I only focused on framing at that time, but I didn’t have time to appreciate it carefully.

Now sitting in the restaurant, eating delicious food, while looking at the scenery of the Xiangjiang River and the city leisurely, my heart is full of comfort.

Speaking of it, whether it is the previous Shuchuan or the current Huxiang, they all come and go in a hurry. Even if I took a lot of scenery, it was for work, and I didn't stop to really appreciate it carefully.

At this moment, in this situation, Xu Jie couldn't help but think of Su Yun. It would be great if the other party could be here.

"Director Xu, what are you looking at, eat quickly, or they will eat you up if you don't eat any more." Liu Kexin said to Xu Jie who was distracted looking out the window.

"Yes, Director Xu, look at these people, they are just animals!" Li Yang said loudly.

"Li Yang, who are you talking about? You eat the most!"

"I think you don't eat it, I eat it. The CD-ROM operation starts with me." Li Yang said confidently.

"Eat it, order more if you don't have enough, enough tonight!" Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this.

Although these people have not been with him for a long time, they have fought together and endured hardships with him. Naturally, let them eat as much as they want.

Of course, the main thing is that it can be reimbursed at public expense, which comes from the program funds.

"Director Xu's atmosphere!"

"Director Xu is mighty!"

"I don't know if there is stinky tofu here, I want to try it!"

"Come to such a high-end restaurant to eat stinky tofu, you really deserve it!"

Everyone talked and laughed, and the tension of the previous few days was completely gone.

"Fortunately, I'm in Director Xu's group. If I'm in another group, I probably haven't filmed it yet." Li Yang said while eating.

The others nodded.

You must know that Director Xu is not only the leader of the first group, but also the person in charge of the entire food documentary. No one knows what to shoot better than him. Even when encountering difficulties, he can solve them immediately, invisible Saved a lot of time in it.

Compared with other groups, although I didn't see it, but since Director Xu received calls from other team leaders every day, I knew that the shooting of those three groups must not be as smooth as Director Xu's side.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, the last day of the filming plan, and I don't know if the other three groups can finish filming on time." Tian Haobo said with some concern.

These people here will not belong to the "Going Home" program group next week, and he will continue to stay in the program group to carry out the post-production of the program.

In other words, everyone else is a temporary worker of the program group, while he is a regular worker.

Others can ignore the situation of the other three groups, but he has to worry about it.

Xu Jie looked at Tian Haobo, and after the other party said this, he also became a little worried, so he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, got up and came to the bed, and called Liu Jinbao, the leader of the second group.

"Beep... beep... click!"

After the phone was connected, Xu Jie asked, "Brother Liu, how is the filming going?"

"Everything is normal. If there are no accidents, the filming can be finished at noon tomorrow, and we can rush back to the TV station in the afternoon." Liu Jinbao said with a smile.

Listening to the voice, Xu Jie felt that the other party's tone was relaxed, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I wish you success." Xu Jie said.

"Well, I'm editing shit (video), let's go back and fish (chat)." Liu Jinbao said.

"What's wrong with your words?" Xu Jie asked, feeling that the other party's words were a little unclear.

"It's nothing, I pulled out a tooth while eating pancakes."


After talking on the phone, Xu Jie shook his head and asked you to take pictures of Lu cuisine and eat pancakes?Should!

Next, he called Song Huanhuan in the third group.


The phone rang for a long time before it was connected.

"Director Xu, what instructions do you have?"

A weak voice came from the microphone.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, feeling a bad premonition in his heart, he put away his smile, frowned and asked, "Are you Song Huanhuan?"

"It's me, Director Xu." The voice was weak.

"You, what's wrong with you?" Xu Jie asked.

In his impression, Song Huanhuan is fully charged at all times, even if she works overtime for a few days, she is still the most energetic and energetic one in the program group, but now, listening to the sound seems to be exhausted same.

Could it be that the teeth were pulled out while eating?
"Cough, I'm not acclimatized, but it's okay. I've already taken the medicine. I'll just rest a little longer. Director Xu, don't worry, the show will finish filming as scheduled." Song Huanhuan said.

"Okay, okay, pay more attention to rest, I won't bother you anymore." Xu Jie hung up the phone quickly, and then called Xiao Wei who was in the group with Song Huanhuan.

"Director Xu, what's your order?" Xiao Wei asked.

Xu Jie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, listening to the voice, Xiao Wei should be fine.

"I called Song Huanhuan just now, what's wrong with her, is she weak?" Xu Jie asked worriedly.

"The doctor said that it's because the climate here is different from that of the capital, and the stomach flu caused by acclimatization, it will be fine after taking some medicine and resting for a while." Xiao Wei said truthfully after hearing this.

"That's all?" Xu Jie asked.

"Well, by the way, the shooting progress was a bit slower, but it was still able to be completed on time." Xiao Wei said.

"It doesn't matter if you can be on time, it doesn't matter if it's a day or two late, let Song Huanhuan have a good rest, don't let everyone gain weight after filming the show, and only she loses weight." Xu Jie instructed.

"Hee hee, Director Xu, I see."

Xu Jie hung up the phone.

The water and soil thing is really strange. A person who is usually so lively will fall down when he says he will fall down.

He still remembered that Song Huanhuan said that in the future, he would travel all over the country and taste the delicacies from all over the country. Now it seems that the other party's wish will not come true.

Xu Jie dialed the mobile phone of Liu Hua, the leader of the fourth group.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is turned off, please try again later..."

Shut down?

Didn't you agree to turn it on 24 hours a day?
Xu Jie called Lu Zhanpeng who was in the group with Liu Hua.

"Du...beep...sorry, the user you dialed is busy..."

Xu Jie frowned, what's the matter?
Why did you lose contact when you took a picture of food?
He started calling the rest of the fourth group.

"Beep... click!"

The phone finally connected.

"What's wrong with Liu Hua and Lu Zhanpeng, why can't they get through the phone?" Xu Jie asked bluntly, feeling very anxious.

During the few days apart, he often called Liu Hua and Lu Zhanpeng, and they also called him frequently. This was the first time they lost contact.

"Director Xu, Liu Hua and Lu Zhanpeng went overseas to film." Director Wang Jingwen said.

"What, go to sea?" Xu Jie was stunned. He remembered that Liu Hua's group had just arrived in Fujian two days ago, but he didn't remember that the script of Fujian cuisine included the content of going to sea. He couldn't help asking: " Why did they go to sea?"

"Director Xu, as you know, the protagonist of the Hokkien Cuisine chapter lives in a fishing village. We came just in time to go out to sea. In order to capture the source of fresh ingredients, Liu Hua and the others decided to go out to sea for filming. They left yesterday and will be back tomorrow morning. .”

Xu Jie was speechless.

If there is plenty of time, he is not opposed to going out to sea to shoot fishing shots, but now the time is limited, it takes two days to go out to sea, can the filming be finished?
Besides, going to sea is always dangerous. Once something happens, how should he explain to Taili, Director Li, and Liu Hua's family?


Although he knew that Liu Hua must have done this for the sake of the show, but he felt that this was just doing it!
Anyway, before going to sea, call and tell him!

"I see. Send me your location. I'll meet you tomorrow." Xu Jie said coldly. He was worried and angry at the same time.

What was the original intention of making the plan?
If everyone violates the plan, what's the use of his plan?

Xu Jie hung up the phone, there was no sound in the private room, and everyone was looking at him.

"Director Xu, what's wrong?"

"Go to sea, who will go to sea?"

Xu Jie sighed, looked at the crowd and said, "You guys go back to the capital tomorrow, I'll go to Fujian, and Liu Hua and the others are going to sea!"

"I go!"



(End of this chapter)

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