Chapter 494

At night, when Xu Jie and his colleagues returned to the hotel, the others fell asleep quickly, but he couldn't fall asleep no matter what, and his heart was full of worries about Liu Hua and Lu Zhanpeng.

What did you say that you will come back tomorrow morning, but what if you can't come back tomorrow morning?

He checked the location sent by Wang Jingwen on the Internet. The straight-line distance from here to there is more than 700 kilometers. If you take the earliest bus or train, it will take more than six hours to get there.

The fastest way is to fly, it only takes one and a half hours, but there are no flights in the morning, the earliest flight is at 12:10 noon, and the latest flight is at 50:[-] in the evening...


Xu Jie looked at the current time, 8:45 in the evening.

If you catch the last flight tonight, you should be in time.

Xu Jie immediately picked up his luggage, left his room, and knocked on the door next door.

"Boom boom boom!"


The door opened, Tian Haobo was only wearing a bathrobe, his hair was still wet, as if he had just taken a shower, or hadn't taken a shower at all.

He looked at Director Xu who was carrying a luggage bag in doubt, and asked in surprise, "Director Xu, where are you going?"

"I'm going to Fujian, and tomorrow morning you take people back to the capital." Xu Jie instructed.

"Director Xu, I'll go with you!" Tian Haobo said after hearing this.

"Everyone will go back one after another today, so you can be a support at work." Xu Jie patted Tian Haobo on the shoulder, and then left the hotel.

Probably because of the short distance, and it is not a popular route, so the air tickets are very abundant.

The plane took off on time, and after more than an hour of flight, it finally landed at Fuzhou International Airport.

After Xu Jie got off the plane, he directly chartered a car and sat for more than two hours before arriving at the hotel where Wang Jingwen was located. At this time, the time display showed that it was already 3:[-] in the morning.

"Director Xu..."

Seeing Director Xu, Wang Jingwen walked up to meet him quickly, but his expression was a little cautious, looking cautious.

She knew very well in her heart that Director Xu must be very angry now, otherwise he would not have rushed here from Huxiang overnight.

"He hasn't come back yet?" Xu Jie asked in a deep voice.

"No." Wang Jingwen shook her head, and then said: "However, Liu Hua said before going to sea that no matter whether the filming is finished or not, he will come back this morning."

"Who let them go to sea?" Xu Jie asked, frowning.

"Liu Hua's idea, everyone's decision." Wang Jingwen said in a low voice, holding the corners of her clothes nervously with both hands, not even daring to breathe.

Usually in the stage, Director Xu gives people the impression that he is sunny and stable, and he is also very popular. I didn't expect that he would be so scary when he was serious.

Maybe this is the sense of oppression from the deputy director.

"Hmph!" Xu Jie snorted coldly, looked at Wang Jingwen and said, "It's not bad, I know that if there is an accident, there will be someone who will inform you."

Wang Jingwen lowered her head again when she heard Xu Dao's yin and yang voice.

Xu Jie knew that it was too late to say anything now, so he asked, "Where will they dock?"

Wang Jingwen pointed to the place where the light was on in the distance, and said, "There is a pier there, and the boats depart from there, and they should stop there when they return."

Xu Jie looked in the direction Wang Jingwen pointed. Although the distance was far away, he could vaguely see many boats and people.

"Go back and rest, I'll go over there and have a look." Xu Jie handed the luggage to Wang Jingwen, and then walked towards the pier.

"Director Xu, I'll go with you." Wang Wenjing said loudly from behind.

"No need." Xu Jie waved his hand.

Those who go out to sea are not afraid, so what is he afraid of on the shore?
When Xu Jie came to the pier, he realized that there were many people here.

Many fishing boats have just returned, and the fishermen are unloading the boats. There are fish, shrimps, and crabs, and many of them are in strange shapes, which Xu Jie has never seen before.

There are also some people who are obviously buyers. They move the whole box to the truck and listen to the conversation. They are all from nearby restaurants.

Xu Jie stood on the shore, the sea breeze was very cool, he couldn't help shivering, his eyes kept staring at the sea, whenever a fishing boat came back to the port, he would go over to check if it was Liu Hua's boat , but the result was disappointment again and again.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and there was light on the sky.

At this time, more people came to the pier.

Most of them are individual tourists in their clothes, and there are many foreigners in their accents. It is likely that they are here for tourism.

However, Xu Jie didn't have such a leisurely mind. As time went by, the worries in his heart continued to increase, and his brows were furrowed from beginning to end.

"Hey, that person looks familiar, I seem to have seen him on TV."

"Isn't that old Xu? "Delicious History" old Xu?"

"Well, it seems to be him. What is he doing standing there? Isn't he going to jump into the sea?"

"Jump into the sea? No way? Marry a goddess and jump into the sea?"

Someone noticed Xu Jie standing on the shore, and they began to discuss in low voices.

"That person has been standing there for a long time," said a fisherman.

"Really? I heard that before committing suicide, people will quietly recall their lives." A tourist said seriously.

"Here's your phone, I'll save him later, and you can take a picture for me," said another tourist.

"it is good!"

At this time, Xu Jie suddenly turned his head, looked at those who were looking at him, and said loudly: "No need to come here, I heard everything, and I'm waiting for someone, not suicide!"

"Old Xu, wait for someone to come here, don't be so close to the sea." The tourist pointed to the market.

"I don't buy seafood, so why go to your place?" Xu Jie said.

"Director Xu, don't be impulsive!"

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, but he still felt that he was here to commit suicide, and he didn't believe his explanation at all.

"What are you talking about? My parents are healthy, their careers are booming, and my wife is beautiful and generous. She warms my bed every day. If I were you, would you commit suicide?" Xu Jie asked back.

When everyone heard it, there was really no reason to commit suicide.

However, explain, explain, what are you talking about warming the bed?Is this showing affection?
There are individual single dogs who can't bear it directly.

If you don't commit suicide, replace me!

"Director Xu!"

Wang Jingwen came to the pier in a hurry, shouting excitedly while running: "I received a call from Liu Hua, they are on their way back and will arrive at the shore soon."

After Xu Jie heard it, his nerves that had been tense all night finally relaxed, "Are they all okay?" Xu Jie asked with concern.

"It's okay, everything is fine." Wang Jingwen came to Director Xu and handed over a fast food box, "Director Xu, you haven't eaten breakfast yet, these are sea oyster cakes, I asked the hotel to make them for you. Eat it hot."

After Xu Jie stood for such a long time, he was really hungry, sleepy and a little cold, so he didn't show politeness to the other party. He took the lunch box, picked up the chopsticks, and ate big mouthfuls.

Well, the shell is crispy and the meat is fresh, which is quite good.

This week, I ate Sichuan food for the first three days, and Hunan food for the next three days. Every day was spicy, but today I finally ate non-spicy food.

Xu Jie waited while eating. He finished his breakfast and saw the fishing boat Liu Hua was on.

"Director Xu, we're back!" Liu Hua stood at the bow of the boat, waving to the shore from a distance, although his face was tired, he was very excited.

Xu Jie didn't speak, but stared at the fishing boat silently.

Soon, the fishing boat docked, and the other six members of the fourth film crew went ashore one after another.

Xu Jie looked at Liu Hua, and then at the others. Lu Zhanpeng's complexion was a little pale, and his body was a little swaying.

"What's wrong with you?" Xu Jie looked at Lu Zhanpeng and others and asked.

"A little seasick." Lu Zhanpeng said.

At this time, the director Cheng Cuizhu ran to the side with a "vomit", vomiting non-stop.

"Going out to sea because of seasickness?" Xu Jie said angrily.

"It's because I didn't know it before I went to sea, and I didn't know I was seasick until I got on the boat." Lu Zhanpeng explained.

"I didn't feel much when I was on the boat in Shichahai. Who knew that once I got to the sea this time..." Shao Qianghui, another cameraman, said in a low voice.

"Bullshit, is Shichahai the sea?" Xu Jie said angrily, "I think you guys are really rough!"

A group of people who live on land all day want to go to sea?
You must know that fishing boats usually go fishing in the open sea, where there are winds and waves, and the hull shakes all the time. Even veteran crew members must pay attention, let alone people who are going out to sea for the first time. It is already very good to be able to stand firm on the boat. Still want to shoot?It's just asking for trouble.

After Xu Jie finished talking about Lu Zhanpeng and others, he turned his eyes to Liu Hua and asked, "I remember, you seem to be from Lianzhou."

"Yes, Director Xu." Liu Hua nodded with a smile. Compared with Lu Zhanpeng and others, she seemed to be okay.

"Lianzhou is a coastal city. You used to take boats a lot, didn't you?" Xu Jie asked.

"Well, and the third uncle's family still has fishing boats." Liu Hua said.

Xu Jie pointed to Lu Zhanpeng and the others, "Did you hear that, did you hear everything?" He almost scolded "You idiots", then he looked at Liu Hua and said, "You have been out to sea, but you can Can't you think about others? Look at them now, can you continue to shoot?"

"Yes, Director Xu, we can!" Lu Zhanpeng insisted.

"What the hell, looking at you like that, you're almost like a soft-legged shrimp." Xu Jie said angrily.

Lu Zhanpeng shrank his neck and didn't dare to continue talking.

"Director Xu, seafood is inseparable from Hokkien cuisine, so I think it would be better if the process of catching seafood can be photographed." Liu Hua explained.

"I know it's better, but you have to do what you can. Does the plan let you go to sea? If something happens to you, how can I tell you?" Xu Jie asked sharply.

Liu Hua lowered his head and bit his lip. The excitement just now was gone, replaced by a look of grievance.

"If you want to shoot seafood, do you have to go to sea to shoot salvage? Can't you shoot on the pier?" Xu Jie looked at Liu Hua and asked, "Why, did you go out to sea to take pictures of Godzilla?"

"Godzilla is not seafood!" Liu Hua whispered.

"Are you still poor? Hurry up to eat, and then shoot the show, and you have to go back to the capital before Monday!" Xu Jie said coldly.



(End of this chapter)

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