Chapter 495
Everyone had breakfast, changed into clean clothes, and then devoted themselves to the next shooting.

Xu Jie didn't let the people in the fourth group rest. In his opinion, these people did it on their own, and he just wanted to make them suffer.

The so-called: eat a fall, gain a wisdom.

If you don't give these people a little bit of a hard time, they may act without authorization when filming programs in the future.

You must know that when everyone set off in the capital, he said very clearly: this time the time is tight and the task is heavy, we must put the task first, don't do things other than the task, if you want to play, you can, and I will take you out to play in the future.

He repeatedly emphasized, but some people still didn't listen.

Could it be that the general will not accept the order of the king outside?

But what was the result?
Not only did the members not get a break, but they also wasted two days at sea just for the half-minute feature film.

For half a minute in two days, in his opinion, it's not worth it at all.

The shooting went from morning to night, and the shooting didn't end until 2 o'clock in the morning.

It is impossible to rush back to the capital before Monday, because it is already Monday.

Moreover, there was no flight to Beijing at this time of the morning, so in order to return to Beijing, Xu Jie decided to go to Fuzhou Airport overnight with all the staff, waiting for the earliest flight at 8 o'clock.

So at Fuzhou Airport, such a picture appeared.

In the terminal building, eight people were either sitting or lying on the ground, just sleeping like this.

It was not until the time of ticket checking that the airport staff reminded that the eight people woke up.

Xu Jie is also tired!

For this uneasy fourth group, he rushed here overnight, and he didn't close his eyes for two days and two nights. At this time, people don't feel that their bodies are heavy. On the contrary, they feel very light, as if they can float , as if the soul would float away at any time.

After boarding the plane, the eight of them began to sleep soundly again. Unfortunately, the plane was too fast and arrived in the capital in less than 3 hours. Before 12:[-] noon, they finally rushed back to the TV station.

"Director Xu, thank God, you are finally back!"

As soon as the program crew saw Xu Jie, they immediately surrounded him, all very anxious.

If it is the program "Delicious History", even without Xu Jie, the other team members know what to do.

But this time it is a brand new food documentary, and it will be broadcast on Huaxia TV. Even if the plan has been prepared before, no one dares to do the post-production without authorization. The idiom "a group of dragons without a leader" is perfect to describe the current situation. So everyone is anxiously waiting for Xu Jie, waiting for his return.

Now, it's finally here!

"Huh? Director Xu, why are your eyes full of red blood? Are you okay?" Liu Jinbao stared at Director Xu, only to find that not only his eyes were red, but also his complexion was not good.

"Yes, Director Xu, do you need to go to the hospital?" Zhang Jiao asked worriedly, didn't he get sick from being tired?

"It's okay, I'm sleepy, just sleep and I'll be fine." Xu Jie said lightly, "By the way, everyone is back, right?"

"They're all back!" Tian Haobo replied.

"Let's start the second phase."

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he walked to the post-production editing room, and there was not much time left for him.

"Director Xu, are you really alright? Do you want to take a rest and sleep for a while?" Song Huanhuan followed closely beside Director Xu. She knew that time was very tight for the program crew and she had no time to waste, but Director Xu The current state is really worrying, and it feels like it is about to fall down all the time.

"I already slept on the plane." Xu Jie looked at Song Huanhuan at the side, and suddenly remembered something, and asked, "How are you? Are you in good health?"

"Okay, everything will be fine once I came back yesterday." Song Huan said with a smile.

Strange to say, nothing happened on the first day of departure. As a result, my stomach started to feel uncomfortable on the second day. I almost slept on the toilet at night. I started to have a stomachache on the third day, and I started to have a headache on the fourth day. Although the symptoms can be relieved, but still weak.

As a result, when I returned to the capital yesterday, the moment I got off the plane and breathed the familiar smog, I immediately lost my appetite, my stomach didn't hurt, my head didn't hurt, and my body seemed to be getting stronger. I just wanted to find someone I had a good meal in the restaurant, I slept soundly last night, I didn't even need to take any medicine, I got up this morning and everything was fine.

"It's fine." Xu Jie said after hearing this. Song Huanhuan is the deputy team leader of the "Delicious History" program team and his right-hand man. This time, he also counts on the other party to provide advice for the documentary "Going Home".

behind the line.

Xiao Wei asked Liu Hua in a low voice: "Hua, I heard you went to sea? Is it fun?"


Liu Hua hurriedly put his index finger to his mouth, and really lifted whichever pot he couldn't open.

Just because of going to sea, she was often criticized, and because the time of going to sea was too long, the filming was delayed, and the time of returning to Beijing was delayed by one day, which affected the production progress of the whole program. If Director Xu heard about it, she would not stop Get scolded?
She cautiously peeked at Director Xu who was walking in the front, and found that the other party didn't seem to hear, so she breathed a sigh of relief, then slowed down, and said in a low voice: "Don't mention it, because of the matter of going to sea, Xu The guide is mad at me."


Xiao Wei was taken aback for a moment, and asked in disbelief: "Is it true?"

They have also been working with Director Xu for a year, and they have never seen Director Xu blush with anyone, let alone swear.

"Really." Liu Hua said: "Because of my personal decision, the shooting plan was postponed. It is estimated that Director Xu will never let me lead the team out for shooting again."

Having said that, Liu Hua sighed.

In fact, her original intention of going to sea was to use this opportunity to perform well, but she overturned directly.

"It's okay. Director Xu is not such a stingy person. Besides, everyone is here for work." Xiao Wei comforted after hearing this. Apart from that, she didn't know what to say.

If the documentary can be completed on schedule, then all the problems that occurred before will no longer be problems, but if the documentary cannot be completed on schedule, any problems will be infinitely magnified, and Liu Hua's personal behavior that affects the progress of the entire program will also be the greatest. that question.

Even if Director Xu wouldn't blame him, what about Director Jiang?Director Jiang also has the deputy editor-in-chief, and the deputy editor-in-chief also has the director. The food documentary is not only about Director Xu alone, but also involves the face of the station.

After all, what we are facing this time is not only Huaxia TV Station, but also the Ministry of Culture, as well as national affairs such as food and cultural exchanges between China and South Korea.

Losing the chain at such a moment would have disastrous consequences.


how to explain?

not much time?
You said earlier that time is short, and someone else will do it. When I first approached you, didn’t you say that time was short?If you don't have much time, why do you agree?What can you do?

Want to try?
This is a national event, is it something you just try if you want to try it?
Well, now I will give you a chance, but it turns out that you are useless!

Since it doesn't work, don't use it in the future.

Liu Hua also thought of this, and couldn't help but shudder. He was still sleepy before, but now he is awake.


Director Xu must not be dragged down.

"I'll admit my mistake!" Liu Hua turned around and walked towards Director Jiang's office.

"Hey, Hua, come back!" Xiao Wei said quickly.

Liu Hua didn't listen and continued to walk forward.


A serious voice came from behind, Liu Hua trembled when he heard it, and stopped immediately.

Xu Jie looked back at Liu Hua and asked, "Where are you going?"

Liu Hua whispered, "Go to Director Jiang and admit your mistake!"

When Xu Jie heard this, he immediately frowned, and said angrily, "Why are you looking for Director Jiang? Director Jiang is busy with the Spring Festival Gala. If you go to him now, aren't you making trouble for him?"

"Then I'll go to the director!" Liu Hua said.

"Is it useful for you to find the director?" Xu Jie asked.

In fact, he heard some of the conversation between Liu Hua and Xiao Wei just now, but he didn't speak.

"The Ministry of Culture and Huaxia Television are looking for me, not Director Jiang, let alone the director, and of course, not you. What's the use of admitting your mistakes?" Xu Jie said: "What we have to do now is how to get rid of the lost Buy back more time, and finish the program well before the Spring Festival, instead of studying who will take responsibility, besides, isn’t there still time?”

"I'm sorry, I've caused everyone trouble!" Liu Hua bowed and apologized.

How to win back the time?There is only one way, to work overtime.

And it's not just one person working overtime, but everyone working overtime.

Originally, the schedule was very tight. At the time of planning, overtime was included in the one-week post-production time. In other words, because of her delay, everyone needed to work overtime on top of the original overtime.

When everyone saw it, who would have the guts to blame it?

After all, they are also colleagues, and they are also part of the same program group. We have fought together and worked overtime together. The old saying goes: Blessings are shared, and difficulties are also shared!
"It's okay, isn't it just working overtime? It doesn't matter if you work overtime every day this week, and you can add another week." Liu Jinbao said with a smile, the so-called broad-minded and fat, this sentence can't be more suitable for him, he thinks very happily at all times .

"I'm single, and I play games alone when I go home, and I work overtime at work, so I can learn more from everyone." Tian Haobo followed up.

"It's as if no one is single. I'm also single. To be honest, going back to the rental house is not as interesting as being in the unit. I will bring the sleeping bag when I turn back." Zhang Jiao echoed.
"Speaking of which, in our program group, it seems that only Director Xu is married!" Song Huanhuan said.

Everyone looked at Director Xu.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, what's going on?Is this jealousy from singles?
"Thank you, thank you everyone!" Liu Hua said gratefully, with tears streaming from his eyes.

When Xu Jie saw it, he took out a pack of tissues and threw it to the other party, "Thank you, we are a whole, we are all prosperous, and we are all damaged. Speaking of which, this time, you helped me, so I should thank you."

"I'm not helping, so how about this, I'll treat you to this week's supper, and you can order whatever you want!" Liu Hua patted his pocket.

"Do your job well, you have funds, can you be needed?" Xu Jie rolled his eyes at the other party, "Okay, don't chat here, let's go, if you don't go, it's too late!"

At this time, everyone has only one thought, the documentary must be completed!


(End of this chapter)

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