The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 496 Known to the whole country

Chapter 496 Known to the whole country
"Ding Ding Ding!"

An alarm sounded, and Xiao Wei took out her mobile phone to turn off the alarm clock. She turned her head and reminded Xu Jie who was editing the documentary copy: "Director Xu, the Korean food program is about to start."

After Xu Jie heard it, he checked the time. Before he knew it, it was already 5:47 in the evening. In the afternoon, Director Li of the Social Education Center of Huaxia TV Station deliberately called him to inquire about the progress of the food documentary.

At the same time, he also told him that the Korean food program "Mother's Hand" will be broadcast at 5:49 tonight, for five consecutive days, until Friday, and Saturday is New Year's Eve.

Xu Jie wanted the colleagues in the program group to take a look and learn about the content and techniques of the Korean filming, so he asked Xiao Wei to remind everyone after the broadcast time.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie clapped his hands, and said to his colleagues in the room: "Everyone, take a break and watch the Korean program." After speaking, he turned on the screen and broadcast it to Huaxia TV.

Everyone put down their work. They had only heard Director Xu mention it before, but now they can finally see it.

This is also good, give them a chance to know themselves and the enemy.

At this time, the door of the editorial room opened, and Liu Hua and Tian Haobo came in from the outside, carrying a lot of lunch boxes in their hands, "The takeaway is here, let's eat quickly."

"Just right, watch while eating." Xu Jie said.

In order to reward everyone, he deliberately ordered roast duck. Anyway, everyone stayed here to work overtime because of him, so he must not be perfunctory or vague about eating.

Soon, Korean food documentaries began to air.

Episode [-], Soup...

Xu Jie watched it once before, so he didn't watch it this time, and continued with his previous work.

Five and 10 minutes passed quickly, and the first episode of "Mom's Hand" ended.

"How do you feel, tell me what you think." Xu Jie looked at the crowd and said.

"It's a very common food documentary. It's not excellent, but it can barely pass." Liu Jinbao said after hearing it.

"Although the food production process was completely filmed, there were no highlights throughout the whole process, and the storyline was relatively weak." Song Huanhuan said.

"Yes, the title means the taste of mother, but there is too little communication between the characters, there is only a short dialogue at the end of the meal, and there is a lack of emotion in it."

"I played my mother cooking the whole time, and in the end I made a whole table of soup. I don't know how much people there love to drink soup, but the picture of a meal full of soup really makes people lose their appetite."

Everyone expressed their views on the Korean food documentary.

The originally dull atmosphere immediately became lively.

It was the Korean documentary that gave them confidence and made them less stressed.

Before this, they have been under two pressures, one is whether they can complete the production of the documentary before the Spring Festival, and the other is worrying that the documentary will not be as good as the Korean side after it is broadcast, and will lose in the food and cultural exchanges. Shame on the country, shame on Huaxia cuisine.

However, after watching the Korean program, although there was only one episode, it gave them enough confidence. If they can’t even compare with this level of food documentaries, then don’t make any "Delicious History" in the future. Go write celebrity gossip.

Xu Jie nodded while listening, the team members' views were consistent with his original thoughts.

"Well, that's a good point. I hope everyone can learn from it so that these issues don't appear in our documentaries." Xu Jie reminded, directly taking the Korean program as a negative case.

If you can find these problems in other people's programs, then these problems will not appear in your own programs.


After dinner, everyone invested in post-production again.

After "Mom's Hand" was broadcast on China TV, it also aroused great repercussions.

In the past, everyone knew and understood Korean food through Korean dramas. Today is the first time to see a Korean food documentary. This not only gives people a novel feeling, but also gives people a new understanding of Korean food. , Let Korean food enter the audience's field of vision.

This night, the attendance rate of Korean restaurants across the country was particularly high, and everyone rushed to taste the various soups that appeared in the documentary.

Of course, some people like it and some don't.

Some netizens came to Huaxia Television's Weibo to leave messages.

"What's so good about soup?"

"That's right, I don't see anything good to drink at all."

"What the hell, can that be called soup? Could it be called soup by pouring some water into the dish? Come to our east of Guangdong, and I want to let them know what is called real soup."

"What was filmed? It's far from "Bite of the Tongue" and "Delicious History."

"Why did the leader of Huaxia TV broadcast the Korean version of "Mother's Hand"? Don't we have food documentaries ourselves?"

"What about "Bite of the Tongue", hurry up and shoot the fourth season."

"You don't understand, this is part of the cultural exchange between China and South Korea, food culture exchange."

Among the many comments, there was a message that registered as the host of Chengzhou TV Station with his real name, which attracted many people's attention.

She wrote: "Everyone, don't worry, according to reliable sources, Lao Xu is filming a food documentary for China TV, and it will be broadcast during the Spring Festival. He has already visited our Chengzhou."

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

This comment immediately received thousands of likes, and countless netizens responded below.

"Really? Don't lie to me!"

"Huaxia people don't lie to Huaxia people!"

"Did you read it wrong, he is filming "Delicious History"?"

Many netizens don't believe it. One is because Lao Xu has his own gourmet show, and the other is because Lao Xu works at Beijing TV Station, so why is he filming for Huaxia TV?
But the person who posted that comment was the host of Chengzhou TV station. If there was no such thing, why would the other party spread rumors?
Is it just for attention?

Not too possible!

After all, the other party is a journalist, and he is also considered a public figure, so it is unlikely to talk nonsense.

Some netizens simply shifted positions, came to Xu Jie's Weibo, and directly asked the person concerned.

"Old Xu, I heard that you are making a food documentary for Huaxia TV. Is it true?"

"Why didn't you tell everyone about such a big event on Weibo? Did you forget about our fans?"

"Is it because of the non-disclosure agreement? How about this, reply 1 if you are shooting, and reply 2 if you are not shooting."

"If you don't tell me, I'll ask your wife."

Seeing that Lao Xu didn't respond, the group of netizens moved again and came to Su Yun's Weibo.

"Su Yun, someone met your husband in Chengzhou, do you know?"

"Goddess, tell us, what has Lao Xu been doing lately?"

"Do you know that your husband is making a food documentary?"

Su Yun: "I know."

After the netizens who got the reply confirmed that it was Su Yun herself who replied, they were very excited. First, it was the first time a big star replied, and second, it was the fact that Lao Xu was filming a food documentary for Huaxia TV.

This feeling is like winning the lottery.

All of a sudden, there was a flood of replies.

"Old Xu represents Huaxia against South Korea?"

"Support Lao Xu, come on Lao Xu!"

"The food documentary written by Lao Xu is worth looking forward to."


Soon, the news spread on the Internet and spread to reality.

Sitting in his office, Li Wenfei felt a little headache watching the news on the Internet. He wanted to wait for Director Xu to hand over the documentary to him before starting publicity, but the news spread before the documentary was finished.

"Ring bell bell!"

The phone rings.

Li Wenfei looked at the mobile phone on the table. It was Director Wang Xiaohui of the International Relations Bureau.

"Hello, Director Wang."

Li Wenfei answered the phone.

"Director Li, Director Xu's food documentary is finished?" Wang Xiaohui asked with surprise in his voice.

"No, who did you listen to?" Li Wenfei asked suspiciously.

As far as he knew, Director Xu had just returned from overseas after filming, so how could he complete the post-production so quickly?

"It has already spread on the Internet." Wang Xiaohui said.

"It's nothing. Director Xu and the others are doing post-production. As for when it will be completed, it is still unknown. I didn't dare to call to ask. After all, this kind of thing can't be completed with two reminders, and I heard Lu The deputy editor-in-chief said that Director Xu and his team are now living and living in the TV station, and they are working hard." Li Wenfei said.

He felt a little bit sorry. After all, this should be the task of their social education center, but it was handed over to Director Xu due to lack of manpower. With the time rush as before, it was indeed a bit embarrassing for the other party.

He wanted to help very much now, but he didn't know what to help, and the other party didn't ask him, so there should be no problem.

"Really? I wanted to call him at first, but after what you said, it's better not to bother him." Wang Xiaohui said: "By the way, since it has already spread on the Internet, how about taking this opportunity to publicize it?" ?”

"Okay, it's just that there is no video material yet." Li Wenfei said.

"You don't need video material, just use the name. By the way, what's the name of the food documentary filmed by Director Xu?" Wang Xiaohui asked curiously.

When Li Wenfei heard it, his expression immediately became weird. Fortunately, he was on the phone now. If it was face-to-face, those who didn't know would think it was defecation.

"Director Li, Director Li? Are you still there?" Wang Xiaohui asked.

"Yes, here I am. Regarding the name of the food documentary, I asked Director Xu a few days ago, and he said it was called "The Temptation of Going Home." Li Wenfei said.

"What? "The Temptation of Going Home"? Isn't that the name of the TV series?" Wang Xiaohui was taken aback, words like "Little San" and "Affair" appeared in his mind.

"That's what I told Director Xu, but Director Xu explained to me that temptation can represent both delicious food and family affection. I think it makes sense, and he worked hard to make the film, so there is no objection." Li Wenfei Said, if there is no such TV series, then the name is still very good.

"Well, I'll ask the higher-ups, and we'll make publicity after it's confirmed!" Wang Xiaohui said cautiously.



(End of this chapter)

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