The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 497 People are forced out

Chapter 497 People are forced out
Thursday morning.

There were bursts of melodious singing in the deputy director's office of the Cultural Program Center. It was Su Yun's song and it was also the ringtone of the mobile phone.

Xu Jie, who was sleeping, was woken up. He grabbed his phone and looked at the caller ID, and then connected the call.

"Director Li, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked in a daze, his eyes were still closed, and he was half asleep and half awake.

"Director Xu, is there a better name for the food documentary?" Li Wenfei asked. He had just received a call from Director Wang, who said that this name is not impossible, it can be one of the candidates, the best Think again.

The meaning of this is very clear. If you can use other names, you don’t need this name. If there is no other good name, use this name again.

Xu Jie was sleepy, and when he heard this, he immediately became angry.

After so many days of hard work, without going back home, you don't even have the right to name it?Isn't this bullying?

"No better, but there are two candidates." Xu Jie said. .

"Two candidates? Let's talk about it." Li Wenfei's expression brightened, and he regained his energy immediately.

"One is to go home for dinner, and the other is to go home for dinner."


Li Wenfei was taken aback, completely dumbfounded.

Go home for dinner?Go home for dinner?
These two names are too direct and too casual, right?

Kind of like a food documentary?

"No more?" Li Wenfei felt that these two names were not as good as the temptation to go home.

"Not anymore, why don't you give me one, Director Li?" Xu Jie asked.

"You are the director, how can it be my turn to name it? Since there is no other name, let's call it "The Temptation of Going Home". That's it. Next, Huaxia TV will promote it, and the rest is up to you." .” Liu Wenfei said.

In fact, he really thought about the name for this documentary, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not so meaningful, so he didn't bother to think about it in the end.

"Well, I see." Xu Jie said indifferently, and then hung up the phone.

He lay on the folding bed for a while, but couldn't fall asleep. He looked at the time on his watch. It was 12 o'clock, and he had slept for a total of five hours, which was considered too much in the past few days.

He got up and walked out of the office, went to the bathroom to wash his face, made himself sober, and then came to the editing room.

In the room, there were only Song Huanhuan, Xiao Wei, Lu Zhanpeng and Liu Hua.

In order to complete the documentary before the year, the program team is currently working in two shifts. Xu Jie, Liu Jinbao, Zhang Jiao and Tian Haobo are on the night shift, and Song Huanhuan and others are on the day shift.

"Director Xu, why are you here?" Song Huanhuan asked curiously, it was only 12 o'clock, and it was still early before the shift change.

"I can't sleep anymore, and I'm idle, so come and have a look." Xu Jie said after hearing this, "By the way, the name of the documentary has been decided, it's called "The Temptation of Going Home."


Song Huanhuan and the others were startled. They looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes. It was a kind of unbelievable astonishment, and they even doubted their own hearing.

Who approved it?

Have you never watched the TV series "The Temptation of Going Home"?

Such a name can also be approved, what the hell!

Everyone was speechless.

When Director Xu mentioned this name, no one agreed. The reason why he put it on the candidate list and agreed to call it that name for the time being was because he felt that no one from the higher-ups would agree. In the end, he decided to use another name, but They never dreamed that the leader would agree, so wouldn't they be worried about being rebroadcast as a TV series?

"I told you a long time ago that this name is very good, isn't it?" Xu Jie smiled, then came behind Song Huanhuan and asked, "How is it?"

"Everything is going well. If there are no accidents, it will be completed on Saturday." Song Huanhuan replied.

"Well, work harder and try to finish before noon on Saturday." Xu Jie said.

After rushing to work day and night, the half day delayed by Liu Hua has been recovered, even much earlier than expected, so Xu Jie also has a different idea.

The original plan was to finish the documentary before the Spring Festival, that is, before Sunday, but now, I plan to finish it at noon on Saturday. After all, no one wants to work overtime at work on New Year's Eve.

"Saturday noon? It should be about the same." Lu Zhanpeng thought for a while and said.

"Facts have proved that our team is still very effective." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Everyone smiled wryly and thought to themselves: What is the truth? People are forced to come out. With a word from Goddess Su, people all over the country now know that they are making a brand new food documentary. If it cannot be completed, it will affect the food between the two countries. For interrogation and exchange, the only thing to do is to apologize in front of the people of the whole country.

"It's noon, what do you want to eat, I'll deliver it to you." Xu Jie took out his phone, and he was also hungry.



“Crab roe noodles!”

"Pan Fried Dumpling!"

Everyone said one.

Xu Jie looked at the four people in the room, they were eating a lot.

He wants to eat noodles with mixed sauce, which is refreshing and refreshing after eating.

Not long after, the takeaways were delivered one after another, and various aromas began to permeate the room. However, the delicious food was present, but there was no time to taste it carefully. After eating it hungrily, I started the afternoon work.

Xu Jie did not go back to the office to rest, but joined the day shift.

It's his job, and everyone else is helping him.

Others can rest, but he cannot.

After all, it was his next task.

He has to clean up this stall.

Time passed quickly, and it was Saturday, which was also New Year's Eve.

Xu Jie did not sleep after the night shift, but came to the recording studio. "The Temptation of Going Home" was basically completed, leaving only the recording and checking part.

"Zhanpeng, Zhang Jiao, Liu Hua, and Tian Haobo, you can go." Xu Jie said to several colleagues in the room before going to the recording studio.

"Why?" Liu Hua asked puzzled.

"Your families are all in other places. Go back quickly. The air tickets have been bought for you. Song Huanhuan and the others are enough for the rest of the work!" Xu Jie took out the air tickets from his pocket, which he entrusted to the Ministry of Culture yesterday. Director Wang bought it, otherwise he wouldn't be able to buy it at all.

Liu Hua and the others took the tickets and looked at them. They were all for this morning. According to the time shown above, they would be home by noon.

"Director Xu, I'm going to wait until the documentary is finished," Zhang Jiao said.

"Me too!" Tian Haobo followed suit.

"What are you doing here? You don't need so many people to check. Could it be that a group of people stood and watched my recording?" Xu Jie said angrily: "One episode of the documentary is 10 minutes, and the eight episodes are [-] minutes, more than six hours. Fast forward and leave the time without narration, it will take at least three hours, why are you just sitting here for three hours? Hurry up, don't get in the way here."

Xu Jie impatiently waved at Liu Hua and the others, then walked into the recording studio.

"Director Xu told you to go, so go ahead, there really is no need for so many people!" Song Huanhuan also persuaded.

"Leave the rest to us with confidence." Liu Jinbao said with a smile.

"A word of caution, if you don't leave, you won't be able to catch the plane. Air tickets are so tight now, there's no way to change the ticket." Xiao Wei reminded.

When Lu Zhanpeng and others heard this, they couldn't refuse anymore, and left the TV station quickly after saying goodbye.

Xu Jie recorded from seven o'clock to ten o'clock, and finally checked it several times, and finally finished it before twelve o'clock.

He handed over the program tape to the people from China TV, then picked up his down jacket, and rushed out of the art program center.

When he came to the parking lot, the window of the driver's seat of the Land Rover slowly lowered, revealing Su Yun's beautiful face.

"Go home?" Su Yun asked with a sweet smile on her face.

"Well, go home for the New Year!"

This is the temptation to go home to him!


(End of this chapter)

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