The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 500 "The Temptation of the Zhang Family" starts broadcasting!

Chapter 500 "The Temptation of Going Home" starts broadcasting!
First night.

Although it’s not New Year’s Eve, and the much-anticipated China TV Spring Festival Gala has ended, most people still choose to stay at home, sit in front of the TV, and watch TV programs with their families on this night.

8 points.

The Spring Festival Gala of major local stations made their debut, and the five David TVs that are usually in the first echelon of ratings: Beijing Satellite TV, Shanghai Satellite TV, Zhejiang-Hangzhou Satellite TV, Huxiang Satellite TV, and Sujiang Satellite TV, after the New Year’s Gala, they once again had a head-to-head confrontation .

Moreover, compared with the New Year's Gala, this time the Spring Festival Gala is the highlight of each station. Not only have more stars been invited, but the content of the program is also richer, such as the addition of cross talk, a language program that has always been loved by the audience and sketches brought more joyous atmosphere to the whole party.

Compared with the vigorous and lively Spring Festival Gala broadcast by the local TV stations, Huaxia TV Station seems to be a lot lower-key tonight. It is not a party or a variety show, but a food documentary that started to be promoted three days before the Spring Festival. "The Temptation of Homecoming".

On such an important day as the first day of the new year, a gourmet documentary is broadcast, and only "Bite of the Tongue" has enjoyed such treatment in China TV's golden program list for the first day of the new year over the years.

As for whether it can surpass its predecessor "Bite of the Tongue", most viewers who are looking forward to this show have no such idea. After all, even "Bite of the Tongue" itself is not as good as one season after another.

As a result, the gourmet documentary "The Temptation of Going Home" was launched in a low-key manner under the siege of various David TV Spring Festival Gala, and without much publicity in the early stage.

The first episode, Lu Cuisine...

Opening, a shopping mall in Beijing.

As the Chinese New Year approaches, the festive atmosphere is getting stronger, and merchants have also started promotional activities to attract consumers to come to buy New Year's goods.

As soon as the screen turned, a salesperson of a clothing store appeared in the camera, and she is today's protagonist.

"Although there are still more than ten days before the Spring Festival, 90.00% of the Chinese people have already entered the state of preparing for the New Year. They don't have the mind to go to work at all. All they think about is going home for the New Year..."

"Xiao Zhou, a girl from Ludong who works in Beijing, is also an ordinary member of thousands of workers who have left their hometowns to go out to work. This year, she has asked the store manager for leave early and is going to go home early for the New Year. We will follow her lead footsteps, to decipher what is drawing her home..."

When Xiao Zhou dragged his suitcase and got into the taxi, a delivery man passed by the car, and the camera started to follow the delivery man.

"Xiao Wang, one of Huaxia's 700 million delivery guys. He usually delivers food to customers, and he often eats it himself. However, what he misses the most is the taste of his hometown, the taste of home..."

Next, the male and female protagonists return to their hometown in Ludong. One lives in the city, the other lives in the countryside, one goes to the vegetable market downstairs with his family to buy vegetables, and the other goes to the town’s fair with his parents to buy vegetables. , and then came the most important part of cooking...

In order to welcome the children back home, the parents are cooking their special dishes in the kitchen. The children stand aside and chat with their parents, about work, life, and daily life.

At the same time, various cooking techniques are skillfully displayed in the hands of parents, such as frying and frying, stir-frying and stewing. After some operations, classic Shandong dishes are completed in the hands of parents. Sea cucumber, nine-turn large intestine, braised prawns in oil, first-class tofu, double-crisp fried in oil, etc.

As far as the appearance is concerned, although it is not as exquisite as those made by restaurants and hotels outside, it is full of home flavor.

Every foreigner, no matter how long he has lived in a different place, or whether he usually eats delicacies from mountains and seas or street snacks, what he misses most is the taste of his hometown, the taste of home.

China TV.

Li Wenfei, director of the Social Education Center, has been paying attention to "The Temptation of Going Home". Although he watched the film as soon as he received it yesterday afternoon, he thinks that it is beyond his ability to produce such a food documentary within half a month. It is expected, but I still have no idea what will happen to the ratings and word of mouth.

After all, his opinion alone does not represent the views of the national audience. It is useless for him to say yes, everyone agrees that it is really good.

What's more, he doesn't think "The Temptation of Going Home" is better than "A Bite of the Tongue". The lens, but the overall look is somewhat flat.

Today's audience, the requirements for food documentaries have been raised a lot by "Bite of the Tongue", and it is also broadcast on the comprehensive channel of China TV Station. "The Temptation of Going Home" will definitely be compared with "Bite of the Tongue". I'm afraid there will be a lot of bad reviews.

Li Wenfei watched "The Temptation of Going Home" being broadcast on the screen, and his eyes couldn't help turning to the real-time viewership display chart on the side again.

Although the ratings broke 1 at the beginning, he was not happy. This start is very good for local satellite TV, but for China TV, it can only be described as average. After all, the audience base of China TV is there. It's normal to have a lot of people.

He looked at the current ratings, 1.466. This result can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. It is not bad to be able to achieve such ratings under the siege of David TV's Spring Festival Gala, but it is still far from excellent.

We must know that when "Bite of the Tongue" was broadcast, the final ratings were above 2, which is considered a ceiling for a documentary.

Li Wenfei shook his head violently.

"Hey, I'm comparing it to "A Bite of the Tongue" again."

"It cannot be compared, the two are not comparable."

"One was shot for more than a year, and the other was shot for more than ten days."

"One is a collection of elites from all walks of life, and the members have very rich shooting experience, and the other is temporarily composed of employees from the cultural program center of Beijing TV Station."

Can it be compared?Can't compare!
To compare, it should be under the same conditions, otherwise what is the difference between playing hooligans?
Li Wenfei tried his best to calm himself down and look at this documentary with a normal heart, whether it is ratings or word-of-mouth.

However, after watching it for a while, I still couldn't calm down.

You know, this is not an ordinary food documentary, it also shoulders the heavy burden of food culture exchanges between China and South Korea. If the audience doesn't like it, it's not just as simple as low ratings and poor reputation.

If you say a thousand words and ten thousand, you blame the Korean side, engage in sneak attacks, and don't talk about martial arts.

He looked at the ratings again, and was suddenly stunned, then rubbed his eyes with his hands, and looked again.


Why did it suddenly rise so much?

Even if it's not very accurate, it can't be that bad, right?

"Is the ratings okay?" Li Wenfei asked the staff beside him.

"No problem." The staff pointed to the screen and said, "Although the ratings fluctuate slightly, the overall ratings curve has been on the rise, and the Spring Festival Gala of local stations cannot guarantee that all programs will be exciting. It’s time to switch channels.”

Li Wenfei nodded, there was nothing wrong with what he said.

"Director, look, this is the ratings curve of the local TV Spring Festival Gala. It fluctuates even more. I also noticed it just now. When there are big stars, the ratings will be particularly high. When there are no big stars, the ratings will drop. Come down," said the staff member.

Li Wenfei looked at it, and with the comparison, he felt much more at ease.

In some local stations, the ratings curve of the Spring Festival Gala has dropped, while in others it has dropped directly, and the ratings can even differ by 1. How ugly is that program? Ask the psychological shadow area of ​​​​the actors.

According to his experience, the Spring Festival Gala lasts for more than four hours, and exciting programs and celebrities will appear in sections.

Just now, in order to attract the audience, the big stars of the David TV Spring Festival Gala have already appeared at the beginning, that is to say, the opening climax has ended, and now it should enter a smooth transition period. At this time, the audience will generally choose to change channels. "The Temptation of Home" has a chance.

Moreover, "The Temptation of Going Home" is only 10 minutes long, that is to say, the next climax of the Spring Festival Gala of various David TVs will not have any impact on it, and at the same time, it will leave enough time for the audience to watch this program.

Take a look, take a look, don't miss it, don't miss it, don't miss it.


The ratings of various David TVs dropped slightly, while the comprehensive channel of China TV Station improved again, reaching 1.753.

8 points.


8 points.

Looking at the ratings curve, Li Wenfei finally showed a gleam of joy on his face, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"The Temptation of Going Home" is coming to an end soon, and there is no hope of breaking 2, but it can exceed 1.9, which is considered a very good score for a food documentary.

What's more, this viewership was obtained abruptly from the Spring Festival Gala of various David TV channels. It is very hard-won.

"Ring bell bell!"

Li Wenfei's cell phone rang suddenly.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Director Wang calling. He knew that Director Wang must also be very concerned about the ratings of "The Temptation of Going Home".

"Director Li, how is the rating of the show?" After the phone call, Wang Xiaohui asked straightforwardly, without unnecessary nonsense at all.

In fact, during the broadcast of the documentary, he wanted to make this call many times, but he held back all of them in the end. Now that the documentary was coming to an end, he finally couldn't help it.

"It has already reached 1.913, and the ratings are still quite good. There will be no Spring Festival Gala tomorrow night, so the ratings should be even higher. Breaking 2 is almost a certainty." Li Wenfei said confidently.

"Really? That's good." Wang Xiaohui said with a smile: "Later, pay attention to the audience's evaluation of this program, and then pick out the good ones to promote. After all, there are still seven episodes to be broadcast."

"Alright Director Wang, I understand." Li Wenfei said.

Good things should be yelled at.

At the same time, Beijing TV Station.

Wang Yuan, Lu Hong, and Zhou Zhengliang sat in a row.

Although the ratings of the New Year's Gala held by the station in the past few years are very low, the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala are very high.

Several people watched the show while paying attention to the ratings

Beijing Satellite TV’s Spring Festival Gala had a very high ratings. It broke 1 shortly after its broadcast and began to sprint to 2. It also ranked among the best in the ratings rankings of major TV stations across the country, and its ratings curve was higher than that of other TV stations.

Given the current situation, it shouldn't be a big problem for this year's Spring Festival Gala to be number one in ratings, but compared to last year, the ratings are still slightly lower.

But there is no way around it. With more and more entertainment activities, even the ratings of China TV’s Spring Festival Gala are declining year by year, not to mention local satellite TV. This is a very big trend, and no one can change it. .

Just like the publicity after the gala. In the past, after the Spring Festival gala in the stage got the first ratings, they would write the ratings value in the success report, but now they dare not write it at all, and only write the first one.

My heart is empty!

"Hey, what is the line to catch up with next?" Wang Yuan pointed to the national TV ratings curve on the screen.

"That's Huaxia TV Station." Lu Hong explained, if one didn't pay attention, he was almost caught up.

"Hasn't Huaxia TV's Spring Festival Gala finished? What's on tonight?" Wang Yuan asked curiously. Variety shows are broadcast in previous years, and variety shows are definitely not comparable to the Spring Festival Gala of Satellite TV, but In the current ratings curve, the ratings line of Huaxia TV station will soon surpass its own TV station.

"It's the food documentary "The Temptation of Going Home." Lu Hong said after watching it for a while, and finally added, "It's the documentary filmed by Xiao Xu for Huaxia TV."


Wang Yuan was taken aback when he heard it, and then two words came to his mind: Fuck!

Don't do that!

They should have forced the other party to plan the Spring Festival Gala for Beijing Satellite TV in the first place, and there would be no such thing as filming food programs for Huaxia TV in the future.

It's good now, the ratings of the food documentary produced by the other party for Huaxia TV will soon surpass the TV station I work for, isn't this a deadly attack on my own people?
Everyone stared at the ratings in unison. Before, they watched it after a while, but now they stare at the whole time, because the distance between the two ratings is too close.

"Don't overtake, don't overtake, don't overtake!" Wang Yuan whispered, completely disregarding his identity.

The reason why he is like this is because in the ratings ranking, there is such a ranking: all channels in the country have the highest ratings at the same time.

If it is surpassed by Xiao Xu's program, even if it is only for 1 minute, this first place will not be established.

"Huh? It's dropped, it's dropped!" Wang Yuan's face was filled with joy, which meant that the ratings curve of Huaxia TV had not only dropped, but it had also dropped so badly that he wondered if there was a problem with the network.

Lu Hong at the side thought of something first, looked at the time, and said, "It's over, the first episode of "The Temptation of Going Home" is over."

Hearing this, the others heaved a sigh of relief.

so close!


(End of this chapter)

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