The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 501 I don't need it, others don't want to use it

Chapter 501 I don't need it, others don't want to use it

The first episode of "The Temptation of Going Home" is over.

"How is it?" Xu Jie looked at the family around him and asked.

This is the first time "The Temptation of Going Home" has appeared in front of the public. It is not yet possible to know the impressions of the national audience, but his family is also an audience, so I want to know their thoughts first.

"It's so beautiful, even better than "Bite of the Tongue", I want to watch it!" Su Lei said loudly.

After Xu Jie heard it, he gave the other party a cold look, and directly took the other party's words as farts, saying that it was better than "Bite of the Tongue", even he himself didn't believe it.

There is still some self-knowledge.

"Compared with "A Bite of the Tongue", there is still a certain gap, especially in terms of scenes, there is no scheduling of big scenes, and there are no pictures that make people's eyes shine. However, in terms of characters, stories, and food, it is relatively balanced. The point is very good, why the score of the third season of "A Bite of the Tongue" is so low is because it has not done well in this aspect." Su Changzhi analyzed seriously.

Although he teaches veterinary medicine, because he used to be a chef, he also has a lot of research on food and likes to watch food documentaries, so he still has a certain right to speak when evaluating food documentaries.

"Overall, among the food documentaries I have watched, it is quite good." Su Changzhi added.

Xu Jie nodded, his father-in-law's words hit the weakness of this documentary with one blow.

Because of the limited time, the program team has no time to shoot big scenes. After all, shooting big scenes is extremely time-consuming.

Of course, there are not all shots of big scenes. For half a minute in the Hokkien Cuisine chapter, it is the scene of fishing in the sea captured by Liu Hua, and it is also the only big scene in "The Temptation of Going Home". The price paid was to delay the shooting plan of the entire program.

"The narrative of the film is complete, and the introduction about Shandong cuisine is also in place. In particular, the expression of emotion is done just right. It can not only reflect the warmth at all times, but also not rob the protagonist of Lu cuisine, and also integrate the two very well. It can be said that It complements each other, I think it looks good." Zhang Simin said with a smile.

"It has both emotion and delicious food, which is better than "Mom's Hand" broadcast before the Spring Festival." Xu Baozhong said.

"Yes, it is more storytelling than "Mom's Hand", and it is more attractive to people. When I first watched "Mom's Hand", there was only one woman making soup throughout the whole process. It was boring. I couldn't watch it for a long time. Go down." Wang Guizhi said while shaking his head.

Hearing this, Xu Jie secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Traditional food documentaries only talk about making food, which is somewhat boring, but the emotion is integrated into the food, giving people a completely different feeling.

Most people are emotional, so with the addition of emotional stories, especially the addition of family affection, and it is at the time of the Chinese New Year, it will immediately resonate emotionally.

This is the main focus of this food documentary.

Combining food and emotion into one.

In fact, the title of the film has made it very clear, "The Temptation of Going Home", what is the temptation, besides the food, it is the emotion for the family.

But now, his father, mother, father-in-law and mother-in-law can see it all. This shows that the line of emotion is very successful. With emotion, there is also food. For him, this food documentary is considered a success.

At least the audience can see what he wants to express.

This is also something that is not available in Korean documentaries.

"Quickly ask about the ratings of the program." Su Yun said to the man, the ratings represent the popularity of the program, especially when the Spring Festival Gala of the satellite TV channel is aired together, this can be more reflected.


Xu Jie nodded, and just as he was about to take out his phone, he remembered the ringtone. He thought it was Director Li of China TV, but he found out that it was Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, and it was the broadcast time of Beijing Satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala. What did the other party do? Will you have time to call him?

"Editor Lu..." Xu Jie connected the phone.

"Xiao Xu, do you know that because of you just now, Deputy Director Wang and I almost broke into a cold sweat." Lu Hong said on the phone.

Xu Jie was puzzled when he heard it, and thought to himself that people are sitting at home sitting on a pot and coming from the sky, and they are watching TV at home. How could they surprise Deputy Director Wang and the others?
"Editor Lu, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked in puzzlement, he wanted to figure it out before throwing the blame away.

"The food documentary "The Temptation of Going Home" that you filmed for Huaxia TV almost caught up with our Spring Festival Gala in ratings. Fortunately, it only lasted 10 minutes. If you give you another 10 minutes, maybe all the channels in the country will watch it at the same time. The number one throne is gone." Lu Hong said with a smile.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, thinking he had done something wrong just now, it turned out it was because of the ratings.

and many more!

The ratings of "The Temptation of Going Home" almost caught up with the Taili Spring Festival Gala?
Doesn't this mean that the ratings of the documentary are not bad?
A gourmet documentary can compete with the Spring Festival Gala on the satellite TV channel. Isn't this something worth "showing off"?

"Editor Lu, what was the ratings of my show when you almost caught up?" Xu Jie asked.

"I didn't look carefully, but the ratings of our station's Spring Festival Gala were above 1.9 at that time, and were sprinting towards 2. Your program's ratings should also be above 1.9." Lu Hong thought for a while and said.


Not bad!
A smile appeared on Xu Jie's face.

He didn't have such high requirements for "The Temptation of Going Home". After all, as a director, he was very aware of the shortcomings of this show, such as the lack of big scenes, and the rough production. Many things were not as detailed as "Bite of the Tongue".

"Did Director Li not tell you?" Lu Hong asked immediately.

"Not yet." Xu Jie replied.

"You call and ask Director Li, he should know more details, by the way, I heard that for the gourmet documentary "The Temptation of Going Home", you have been eating and living in the unit?" Lu Hong changed the subject and began to ask about the production things during the show.

"Yes." Xu Jie felt strange. Didn't Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu know about this a long time ago, why did he suddenly ask again now?

"Xiao Xu, work is important, but your body is even more important. Your body is the capital of everything. Don't take on any tasks before the new year. You have been busy for a year. You should take a good rest during the Chinese New Year." Lu Hong seriously Said.


A question mark popped up in Xu Jie's mind.

What does this mean?
have a good rest?

Who recommended him to plan the New Year's party?And who recommended him to plan the Spring Festival Gala?Now instead of persuading him not to take over work during the Chinese New Year in the future?
Did Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu take the wrong medicine?
Besides, isn't this food documentary recommended to him by the other party?

"Oh, I see." Xu Jie said.

"Well, that's it." After Lu Hong finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

The reason why he said this was entirely for the sake of Beijing Satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala next year. What if the other party made a documentary for Huaxia TV and the ratings exceeded Beijing Satellite TV?
His idea is simple: since it can't be used by me, it can't be used by others either!
Here, Xu Jie found Director Li's phone number and called the other party. After receiving the call from Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu just now, he felt less worried and was no longer so worried.

Soon, the phone was connected.

"Director Li, I'm Xu Jie, excuse me." Xu Jie said.

"Haha, you must have made this call to ask about the ratings, right?" Li Wenfei asked with a smile. Because the ratings exceeded expectations by a lot, he was in a very good mood. "comment of.

Xu Jie thought, isn't this nonsense?Can I call you to buy pork?
But thinking about it, I definitely can't say that.

For a moment, Xu Jie felt a little floating.

"Yes, how about the ratings of the first episode?" Xu Jie asked. Just now, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu mentioned the highest ratings of the show, not the average ratings. The average ratings of a show depends on the average ratings.

"The broadcast broke 1, and the ratings have been rising. The highest peak reached 1.913, and the average ratings were around 1.689, surpassing most of the TV Spring Festival Gala. The performance is very good." Li Wenfei said.

Although the average ratings do not seem very high, the gradually rising ratings curve shows that this program is becoming more and more popular. After the first episode is over, more people will definitely look forward to the second episode. In other words, tomorrow's ratings should theoretically be higher.

"I see, thank you Director Li." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Thank you, I should thank you for your kindness. Without you, I really don't know how to handle this difficult task. Xiao Xu, you performed well. I hope we can have opportunities to cooperate in the future." Li Wenfei said sincerely .

By the way, which leader doesn't want a firefighter under his command?
Which leader doesn't like such subordinates?
Xu Jie and Director Li put down the phone after talking on the phone.

"How is it?" Su Yun asked with concern, her eyes full of eagerness.

A man's business is her business, because this is her man.

"1.689, it looks pretty good now, the key is the word-of-mouth of the audience, and tomorrow's ratings." Xu Jie said.

A program not only needs to have high ratings, but also has a good reputation. Take "Bite of the Tongue" as an example. In fact, the third season has the highest ratings, but the worst reputation.

"I'll boast now." Su Yun said after hearing that, then took out her phone and started to tweet.

"Don't tell me, everyone knows that you are my wife. Your boasting is equivalent to a queen's mother-in-law selling melons and boasting." Xu Jie hurriedly stopped, the platoon of this navy army is really a bit big.

"You are my husband, I don't praise you, so let other women praise you?" Su Yun asked back.

"I'll post it too, to promote it to my fans." Su Lei also gathered together to show his loyalty to his brother-in-law.

"Cut, how many fans do you have?" Su Yun was like her younger brother.

"Underestimate me? I have hundreds of thousands now." Su Lei said.

"Really? There are so many, did you buy it with your own money?" Su Yun curled her lips.

"Whoever spends money to buy hundreds of thousands will buy 1000 million." Su Lei said.

Xu Jie looked at the two siblings, and quickly said: "It's too early to praise now, everyone is watching the Spring Festival Gala, if you want to praise, you can praise tomorrow."

In fact, he was worried that the documentary’s reputation would not be good. Su Yun’s blunt praise would affect the other party’s popularity. It will be different tomorrow. It can be seen how the documentary's reputation is.

"Honey, I'll listen to you. I'll write the copy now and post it tomorrow morning." Su Yun sat down, picked up her phone, and began to think about the copy to praise her husband.


(End of this chapter)

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