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The second day.

Xu Jie still woke up very late.

On the one hand, I was too busy and tired a few days ago, so I didn’t have time to rest, so I took advantage of the Spring Festival holiday to make some adjustments. After all, I had to go back to work overtime on the fifth day of the lunar new year for the post-production of "Delicious History".

On the other hand, I haven't seen Su Yun for a long time. As the old saying goes, Xiaobie is better than a newlywed. There are endless things to say during the day and endless things to do at night, and you understand everything.

If it wasn't for the phone ringing to wake him up, he would still be able to sleep.

"Morning, Director Li!" Xu Jie put the phone on his face, turned on his side, and continued to sleep.

"It's still early? Look at what time it is now, it's almost 11 o'clock." Li Wenfei said after checking the time on his watch.

"To tell you the truth, I originally planned to sleep all day, what's the matter with Director Li?" Xu Jie asked.

He stretched out his hand and touched his side. Su Yun was not there, no wonder he felt that his hands had nowhere to rest. Under normal circumstances, these two hands should grow on each other.

"By the way, it's like this. The ratings of "The Temptation of Going Home" came out, and it's 1.691, which is a little higher than the calculation last night." Li Wenfei said quickly.

Although last night when the documentary was broadcast, I already got a general idea of ​​the ratings of the program through the real-time viewing software, but everything still depends on the information released by Guangshi the next day.

He also just received the email, and he couldn't wait to notify the relevant personnel of the good news. Director Wang was the first, and Director Xu was the second.


Xu Jie simply responded that it doesn't matter to him if it is a little higher, and it doesn't make any sense to increase it by 0.002, and it may make him happier if it increases by 2.

"The point is that after the first episode was aired, the feedback I got was very good. Many viewers commented that the content of the film is simple and unpretentious, and the plot is touching. It captured the voices of many people in foreign lands..."

In fact, what made Li Wenfei most happy was not that the ratings of the documentary exceeded expectations, but that the film received a lot of praise after it was broadcast.

"The Temptation of Going Home" is not only a food documentary broadcast on TV, but also broadcast abroad as a cultural exchange between China and South Korea. Therefore, the film must not only pursue ratings, but also pursue word-of-mouth. He will represent China Food travels to foreign countries, and the mission is great.

"Really? I haven't had time to watch it yet." Xu Jie said.

Although I told Su Yun last night that I would watch it today to prevent the other party from boasting on Weibo, but I didn't get up today, so I haven't read the audience's comments yet.

"The current situation is that those who have watched the first episode want to watch the second episode tonight, and those who have not watched the first episode are more looking forward to the second episode tonight. I think the second episode of "The Temptation of Going Home" tonight The ratings will definitely be higher." Li Wenfei was even a little excited when he said this, as if he had found a treasure.

When I found the other party at the beginning, I actually wanted to deal with it urgently. I didn't expect not only to deal with it, but also to have unexpected ratings.

Xu Jie is also looking forward to the ratings of the second episode. After all, the Spring Festival Gala of all major satellite TVs has ended. According to the practice of previous years, during the prime time of the evening, all major TV stations will either broadcast the first TV series or variety shows. This is also the time when the true ratings of a program can be best reflected.

"Director Xu, I really want to thank you this time." Li Wenfei said, this should be the work of their social education center, but the other party solved his urgent need, which is a very big favor.

"Director Li, you're too kind. It's my honor to make this film on China TV." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

This is an opportunity that many people dream of, but he got it effortlessly. It should be him who thanked the other party for giving him such a chance to show off.

After talking on the phone, Xu Jie had no sleepiness at all.

He sat up from the bed and checked the online reviews for the program "The Temptation of Going Home".

Search for "the temptation to go home", and several related information immediately appear.

People.cn: On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the five David TVs competed in the Spring Festival Gala, and China TV set up one, and the gourmet program became a dark horse.

TV News: CTS launched the latest gourmet documentary "The Temptation of Going Home", surpassing most of the Spring Festival Gala and becoming the third most-watched documentary of the night.

Penguin.com: Xu Jie, the director of "A Delicious History", has made another masterpiece. "The Temptation of Going Home" allows you to show the taste of happiness in the ordinary.

Hot spots: CTV's "The Temptation of Going Home" is aired in a low-key manner, showing you the food culture of China and the taste of your hometown.


All major websites, including some mainstream media, reported on "The Temptation of Going Home".

In contrast, the expression of audience netizens is more direct.

"Strongly recommend the documentary "The Temptation of Going Home", it is both greedy and touching."

"If you don't watch "The Temptation of Going Home" when you go home during the Chinese New Year, this year will be in vain."

"As a native of Ludong in a foreign land, when I see the food in my hometown, I think about my hometown, miss my parents, and swallow my saliva greedily. I will definitely go home next year for the Chinese New Year."

"I said a long time ago that the products produced by Lao Xu must be high-quality products, just look at them."

"What about those who were not optimistic before, come out and take two steps?"

"After watching the first episode, who would have imagined that this is a food documentary produced in less than half a month?"

"Who knows which cuisine will be broadcast tonight? From Shuchuan, wait online."

"I used to think that Lao Xu would only shoot the food in Beijing, but I didn't expect to shoot food in other places like this. I look forward to the second episode tonight."


When Xu Jie was reading comments from netizens, he only heard the sound of the door. When he raised his head, he saw Su Yun walking in from the outside.

"You're awake." Su Yun said softly.

Her face was flushed red, as delicate as freshly watered flowers.

"Well, I just woke up, when did you wake up?" Xu Jie asked.

"It's around 7 o'clock." Su Yun thought for a while and said.

Xu Jie was startled when he heard this, remembering that he didn’t go to bed until after 1 o’clock last night. Sure enough, there were only exhausted cows and no plowed land.

"Lunch is ready, Mom asked me to come up and ask you to eat." Su Yun said.

"Okay." Xu Jie put down his phone, put on his clothes, and left the room.

After lunch, the family went to the vegetable and fruit planting base, because they were leaving tomorrow to visit Su Yun's uncle's house, so they planned to pick some fresh fruit as a gift.

After playing at the base all afternoon, when I returned home in the evening, I waited for the second episode of "The Temptation of Going Home" after dinner.

With the warm-up of the first episode and the absence of the Spring Festival Gala, more people are waiting for the second episode to air.

Although "The Temptation of Going Home" has never advertised what it is filming, many people judged from the Shandong cuisine broadcast in the first episode, combined with a total of eight episodes, that it should talk about eight major cuisines.

So before the second episode started, many viewers and netizens began to speculate about what would be broadcast tonight.

"Blind guess is Hunan cuisine, I like Hunan cuisine."

"Cantonese cuisine, I like roast goose, roast suckling pig, and claypot rice in Cantonese cuisine."

"Our Anhui cuisine is still unique, the banquet dishes, six pots, ten bowls,"

"If you want to say that it is very popular all over the country, we have to count our Sichuan cuisine."


Except for Ludong, which has already been broadcast, people in the other seven places have gradually changed from guessing what kind of cuisine will be on tonight to arguing about which cuisine is the best.

And as the content of the discussion changed, more and more people participated, even people from other provinces also participated.

Just when everyone was vying for it, "The Temptation of Going Home" officially started broadcasting.

Episode [-], Sichuan Cuisine...

This is an episode filmed by Xu Jie as the team leader.

Same as the first episode.

The same two protagonists experience and understand Sichuan cuisine from different angles.

at this time.

In Chaichang Village, one of the filming locations, there was no one outside, and the villagers all stayed at home, watching today's episode with anticipation.


Liu Gangping, the second child of the old Liu family?
Isn't this where they were filmed?

That's great, I don't know if I included myself in the filming of the village banquet. Being able to appear on Huaxia TV station is worth it in this life.

on TV.

As the protagonist Liu Gangping returns to the village, the village appearance of Chaichang Village also appears in the screen.

"His father, look quickly, our family is on TV, and me, I am also on TV."

"What's all the fuss about? Wait a while for the village banquet, and the whole village, young and old, will show their faces. Stay calm."

"Rhubarb is also on TV, and there are close-ups."

"Mom, I'm on TV, am I considered a star now?"

"Come on, there are not as many shots as rhubarb."

"Don't talk, watch the show."

The camera came to Liu Gangping's home. In order to welcome their son back, the parents began to prepare a sumptuous dinner.

A series of classic home-cooked Sichuan dishes appear in the camera. The close-up makes the food look more attractive, and the slow motion can arouse people's appetite even more.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the constant swallowing of saliva, the second episode is also drawing to a close.

People all over the country are full of unsatisfactory expressions when they see this place. Some people think that they will find a Sichuan restaurant tomorrow, and some people think about what kind of cuisine will be played tomorrow.

Only the villagers of Chaichang Village watched TV in a daze.

What about the village banquet?

Why is there no shot of a village banquet?
Why is there only footage of Liu Gangping's house?

Is it misplaced?

The most depressing thing is the mayor. It was his idea to hold the village banquet to reflect the local characteristics. In fact, the village banquet should be held after the year. Because the "Temptation of Going Home" program group is coming, he came ahead of time. Years ago.

I thought that the village banquet was on Huaxia TV. With the help of the most influential TV platform in the country, Chaichang Village could become popular, and the whole town would also become famous, promoting the local tourism industry. But now, even a village banquet Mao didn't even see it, except for some shots of the village when Liu Gangping first came home, most of the time he was at Liu Gangping's home.

What's the use of photographing the Liu family?

Could it be turning the Liu family into a tourist attraction?
Director Xu, you liar!

But when I think about it carefully, it seems that Director Xu never said that there will be a village banquet.

Could it be that the village banquet was not held well?

Or, was the reception bad that day?
Speaking of which, when the program group left, they didn't even give away any special products. Anyway, the bacon and sausages were the same thing. They came all the way, how could they have the nerve to let them go away empty?

(End of this chapter)

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