The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 503 A stumbling block on the road to weight loss!

Chapter 503 A stumbling block on the road to weight loss!

The second episode of "The Temptation of Going Home" is over.

All the colleagues who were drooling began to discuss the content of tonight.

"I'm hungry again!"

"Don't let anyone stop me, I'm going out to eat Sichuan food now!"

"Huaxia TV station is simply poisoning at night. It's horrific and inhumane. Why don't people sleep?"

"My family has just finished eating at 7 o'clock in the evening, and China TV broadcasts delicious food at 8 o'clock. Isn't this forcing me to add food?"

"I used to gain weight for three years during the Spring Festival, but this year is different. I have gained at least eight catties. It is all the fault of Xu."

"Look up at the Sichuan cuisine on TV, and look down at the leftovers on New Year's Eve. I threw away the chopsticks, and my mother threw me away."


Weibo, Moments, and all social platforms that can be shared are full of content about "The Temptation of Going Home".

Last night, because of the David TV Spring Festival Gala, many people did not watch, or did not watch this food documentary carefully.

However, today is different. Apart from "The Temptation of Going Home", the audience does not have many other choices, especially when cleaning up leftovers, they need a gourmet show to feast their eyes on.

Those with strong self-control can pass by swallowing their saliva, while those with weak self-control finally choose to directly release the desire in their hearts, no, it is the desire in the stomach.

Therefore, at 8:45 in the evening, the number of people searching for "Sichuan cuisine" on the Internet suddenly increased, and reached the peak at 8:50, which is the end of the second episode of "The Temptation of Going Home". People searched for local Sichuan restaurants to fill their cravings.

If you find a Sichuan restaurant, go there immediately to satisfy your hunger. If you don’t find a Sichuan restaurant, find an ordinary restaurant and order a few Sichuan dishes to satisfy your hunger temporarily.

People rushed to post photos on Weibo and Moments, and posted photos of themselves eating Sichuan food.

"I've eaten it, I'm finally satisfied!"

"It's killing me!"

"Envy, people in the fourth-tier towns say that restaurants are still on holiday, and they can't find a place to spend their money."

"Don't eat dinner these few nights, because there are still six episodes waiting for us."

"Old Xu, you are simply a stumbling block on the way to lose weight!"


On the night of the second day of junior high school, legends of hungry wolves began to be staged all over China.

early morning
Because he was going to visit Uncle Su Yun's house, Xu Jie got up early.

He moved four boxes of fruit into the car, then said goodbye to his parents, and left Nangou Village with Su Lei in two cars, heading for downtown Beijing.

In the car.

Su Yun said while driving: "If you feel tired, you can go home and rest, and don't go to uncle's house."

In fact, she didn't want to go, she didn't want to see the faces of the so-called elites from the uncle's and aunt's family, especially the kind of high-spirited and always feeling superior, and she felt uncomfortable going there every year.

"How can I do that?" Xu Jie said seriously after hearing this: "How can I tolerate my wife being bullied by others?"

He had been to Su Yun's uncle's house last year, and also met relatives at his mother-in-law's house. Although a year had passed, he still remembered the faces of those people.

Of course, for the sake of the mother-in-law, those elders will still respect them. As for those of the same generation, this year, they have to win all the money in their pockets and the balance of their mobile phones.

Su Yun's heart warmed, and a bright smile appeared on her face, but she still reminded: "Don't mess around, no matter what, you are my mother's relatives, if you are too aggressive, my mother will not come down Taiwan."

"I understand, besides, am I such a careless person?" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

In the face of cynicism, you don't have to go back. Sometimes telling the truth can make you half-dead, or smash your teeth and swallow it in your stomach, and he has to tailor it for those people. , Let them suffer different dumb losses and get different anger.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this moment, Su Yun's cell phone rang suddenly. She glanced at the cell phone, frowned slightly, then turned to Xu Jie and said, "It's Zhang Qi from the second uncle's family."

Xu Jie remembered that this person was the general manager of a restaurant with one Michelin star. However, he heard that this restaurant was not rated as a Michelin restaurant last year and had already lost its star.

"Go ahead." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun put on the earphones and connected the phone.

"Second brother, what's the matter?"

"Xiaoyun, when will you come to Uncle's house? We've already arrived and we'll be waiting for you."

Su Yun was slightly taken aback, dazed for a moment, and almost drove the car into the opposite lane, but she reacted quickly and corrected herself from the yellow line.

It was the first time she heard "waiting for you" from her mother's relatives in all these years since she was a child, otherwise her reaction just now would not have been so great.

It's like the sun is coming out from the west.

It's even a little weird.

Is this the second brother?
Did you take the wrong medicine?
At least she had never seen Zhang Qi being so warm to her.

Do not!
It's happened once before.

That was five years ago, Zhang Qi wanted to introduce a rich second generation to her, and he was very enthusiastic when he called, but after being rejected by her, he didn't speak when they met during the Chinese New Year that year.

You're not holding back some bad tricks again, are you?
"We're already on our way, and we'll be there in about half an hour." Su Yun said after recovering, with a little more caution in her heart.

"I see, by the way, is brother-in-law coming too?" Zhang Qi asked again.

Su Yun looked at Xu Jie who was sitting next to the co-pilot, and then replied, "Well, he's sitting next to me."

"That's good, it's fine, it's okay." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Su Yun frowned, Zhang Qi's abnormality gave her a bad premonition.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked curiously. It was just a phone call. As for such a big reaction?
"Zhang Qi is very strange. I suspect that he is going to play tricks today. It is probably because he is unwilling to lose money playing mahjong last year. He wants to win back this year. Otherwise, he would not say wait for us, and deliberately ask if you will go!" Su Yun thought for a while and said.

Other than that, she couldn't think of any other reason.

"Win back? Is it possible?" Xu Jie smiled, and said with disdain on his face: "Only those few people, if it wasn't for Mom's sake, I could win and they wouldn't even have any pants left!"

Su Yun smiled, and then said seriously: "I know you are powerful, but it doesn't rule out that they will come up with some new tricks to deal with you. I think it's better for you to be careful. Losing money is small, and being treated as a fool It’s not good to play tricks, they must be suffocating, and want to get rid of the shame.”

This is her man, the man who wants to spend the rest of his life together, the man who wants to be buried together!

Men don't want to see her being bullied, and she doesn't want to see her man being bullied either.

"Okay, I want to see what tricks they can come up with."


(End of this chapter)

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