Chapter 505

"Brother-in-law, Second Brother has something to do here, I wonder if I can ask you a little favor." Zhang Qi said suddenly.

Xu Jie's eyes widened, is he going to make a big move so soon?
Is this too impatient?Haven't eaten lunch yet.

At the same time, he felt someone pulling his clothes from behind, but he didn't need to look to know that it must be Su Yun, only the other party was sitting with him. As for Su Lei who was standing behind, that kid didn't have the guts.

This is to remind him to pay attention!

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked with a smile, even a little bit of anticipation in his eyes. He wanted to see what tricks the other party could play this year.

"Brother-in-law, it's like this. The second brother resigned from the original restaurant and is going to go out on his own and open a high-end restaurant of his own. In the catering industry in Beijing, everyone knows that your fruits and vegetables are the best, but they also know that you The fruits and vegetables at home are not sold outside, see if you can go back and talk to your family, and add my restaurant to your supply list in the future, it doesn’t need to be too much, just the same portion as other restaurants.” Zhang Qi breathed out finish talking.

Xu Jie was stunned after hearing this, and finally understood why the other party asked him deliberately when he was on the phone, and finally understood why the other party flattered him just now, it turned out that he was asking for something.

In this way, everything can be explained.

However, the other party seemed to have mentioned this issue during the Chinese New Year last year, but in the end he found a reason to reject it. He did not expect to bring it up again this year. This is really thick-skinned.

"Second brother, you know that I work at Beijing TV Station, and I don't care about family business." Xu Jie used last year's set of words again as a shield, "And as far as I know, my parents and mother will The production of fruits and vegetables is allocated to the supply of customers..."

"Exactly, isn't the year over yet?" Zhang Qi interrupted Xu Jie.

"Second brother, have you ever seen any restaurant whose bills are calculated according to the lunar calendar?" Xu Jie asked back.

Zhang Qi was taken aback, yes, for the purpose of filing taxes, the accounts of formal enterprises are calculated according to the Gregorian calendar year, that is, the Gregorian calendar year, and it is already the end of January, so it is too late.

"But didn't I remember that your family's fruit and vegetable base has expanded?" Zhang Qi asked.

"The expansion is true, but the supply is still in short supply. You should be very clear about this." Xu Jie said.

Zhang Qi nodded. After all, there are too many high-end restaurants and high-end hotels in the capital. Even if the Xu family's fruit and vegetable base is expanded several times, the supply will still be in short supply.

"Xiao Xu, we are all relatives, can't we help with this small favor?" Zhang Qi's mother asked at this time, with a bit of dissatisfaction in her voice, "The big deal is that the price is [-]% higher than other restaurants. "

Xu Jie looked at the second aunt, remembering that Su Yun said that the second aunt's family was very rich, but only [-]% more, isn't it too stingy?Shouldn't she show the arrogance of a rich young lady and open her mouth twice or three times as much?

"Yes, we are not outsiders. Even if your family has a good relationship with those restaurants, can we have a closer relationship?" Zhang Ke suffered a loss just now, so of course he can't just stand by now.

"That's right, the kinship is here." The aunt said.

"Your mother-in-law and I are brothers and sisters." Zhang Qi's father also said.

The others also offered advice one by one, and opened fire on Xu Jie together, intending to kidnap him with family affection.

Obviously, before Zhang Qi opened his mouth, everyone present knew about it and even discussed it together.

Xu Jie glanced around, knowing that it was a relative and still sneering?Knowing that they are relatives and not being weird?

Originally, Xu Jie was not angry and was playing with Zhang Ke here, but when he heard other people say this, he suddenly became angry.

Play double standard with me?
Who is Biao?

Xu Jie looked at Zhang Qi's mother and said, "Auntie, if you want to eat, I can drive you home with a few boxes of fruits and vegetables. I brought two boxes with me today. The new variety of peach-flavored strawberries is for everyone to try, but relatives are relatives, business is business, and the two should not be confused."

Xu Jie knew that these people must have a lot to say, so he decided to silence them first.

He looked at Zhang Ke who curled his lips and said, "Brother is engaged in finance, so he should be very clear about this. If I ask you about the internal transaction information of financial investment, can you tell me?"

"Uh..." Zhang Ke was stunned, but he didn't expect his brother-in-law to talk about him.

The internal transaction information of the financial company is highly confidential, not to mention the brother-in-law, even the biological father, otherwise you will not only be expelled, but will also bring you to jail. Because the most taboo thing in their line of work is to speak laxly and talk nonsense.

Xu Jie looked at Zhang Qi's father again, and said, "There is also my second uncle, who is the curator of the cultural center. He usually organizes competitions, cultural competitions and awards. Can we give the awards to me because we are relatives? No. .”


Zhang Sisheng thought to himself: As long as the sponsorship fee is in place, it is not impossible.

Of course, you can only think about this in your heart, you can't say it out, and the innocent character established by saying it out will be gone.

"It seems that everyone agrees with my statement, so the second brother should also understand my difficulties, right?" Xu Jie finally looked at Zhang Qi.

Zhang Qi opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

"Second brother." At this time, Su Lei said at the side: "In fact, for a restaurant, the ingredients are secondary, the key is to see the chef. If the chef is good at cooking, you can also eat fried fish with eggs. The feeling of racing crabs, in my opinion, you might as well put more effort into the chef."

"Xiao Lei is right." Xu Jie nodded in agreement and said, "Take me as an example. I ate farm food when I was a child, and then I ate some organic vegetables, but it feels the same as the food in the university cafeteria. At that time, I didn’t feel comfortable eating a bowl of Malatang. The ingredients are important, but the chef is even more important. After all, the ingredients can be replaced, but the chef’s skills cannot be replaced. Second brother should know this truth after so many years in the catering industry.”

Zhang Qi thought for a while, and finally said: "Okay, since the fruit and vegetable matter is not acceptable, but there is another matter that you husband and wife must agree to."

Su Yun turned her head, looked at her second brother strangely, and thought: What does it have to do with me?I've been watching ads.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked.

"After the restaurant opens, you and your wife must help me promote it vigorously." Zhang Qi said seriously.

"Okay, then I will go to the street to help you distribute leaflets." Xu Jie agreed very happily.

Zhang Qi's mouth twitched, and he explained: "I didn't ask you to distribute leaflets on the street, what I meant was to ask you two to promote me more in the entertainment circle, introduce my restaurant to those stars, and bring those big names to visit me more. cafeteria."

As long as the celebrities patronize, do you still have no customers?
"It turns out that's the case, no problem!" Xu Jie said, anyway, he never eats out with the star, and it doesn't matter to him whether he agrees or not. As for Su Yun, the other party is so busy that he even goes home to have dinner with him. There is no time, let alone go out to dinner with other stars.

"Well, I will definitely be there when the second brother's restaurant opens." Su Yun agreed with a smile, and the support is the support. Whether those celebrities go or not in the future has nothing to do with me.

Did not go?

You find out why.

Xu Jie and Su Yun smiled tacitly.

Su Lei was unwilling to be lonely, and patted his chest and said loudly: "Second brother, don't worry, I will definitely bring friends to visit, and I will go to your place to talk about scripts with producers and directors. But you need to find a good cook, once the cooking is not tasty, the producers and directors get angry, it’s a small thing if they don’t eat, and the script will be in trouble.”

Zhang Qi's face turned blue, looking at Su Lei, he wished he could go up and give him two big ears, his restaurant hasn't opened yet, and you say it's not delicious, who are you cursing?

If it was in the past, he would have run on this kid severely, but now, in the future, he will have to rely on the other party's help in publicity, so bear with it.

"Don't worry, all the chefs in my restaurant are hired from abroad. The head chef has also worked in a Michelin-starred restaurant. You will definitely not be disappointed." Zhang Qi said confidently.

"Foreigner? What if I don't like western food?" Su Lei asked.

"Both Chinese and western." Zhang Qi wished he could take off his socks and stuff them into the other party's mouth.

Why is the mouth so smelly?

"Oh, then I can rest assured, but for my second brother's business, I also eat western food." Su Yun said.


Seeing that Su Yun, Xu Jie, and Su Lei agreed to help with publicity, Zhang Sisheng and his wife looked better. As for the others, although their complexions were not as ugly as before, they still couldn't look much better.

They never thought that one day they would ask the Su family for help.

Zhang Ke glanced at Zhang Qi and thought to himself: We've talked about it, don't forget the promised dividend.

Zhang Qi seemed to have guessed what his elder brother was thinking, and nodded calmly.

Don't worry, I won't forget.

The boss, Zhang Siqiang, was obviously upset, got up and went back to the room.

Xu Jie didn't take it seriously, even with some contempt.

Aren't you from a scholarly family?
Aren't you very noble?

Don't you look down on the Su family?
Why are you still begging for business now?

What Xu Jie hates the most in his life is this kind of person, who is full of cultural knowledge, but actually his belly is full of money.

Since they pay so much attention to culture, why do they let their children do business?Isn't it for the broken silver?
Pretending to be a cultural person in front of me?

Ha ha!

Xu Jie didn't pay any attention to it anymore, talking and laughing with Su Yun while watching the TV series on TV.

"Hey, I know this TV series, and I've even been on my show, which is "In-depth Film and Television Talk". Don't watch the male and female protagonists kiss each other on TV. In fact, the relationship is very ordinary, and they even quarreled over the position. "Xu Jie said.

"Ah? Are you talking about Jiang Lili and Zhang Weiqiang? I really didn't realize that they are such people. I've seen them before, and they really know each other..." Zhang Ke said after hearing this.

Xu Jie and Su Yun looked at each other, hehe, there was a joke.


(End of this chapter)

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