The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 506 Happiness is a Comparative Level

Chapter 506 Happiness is a Comparative Level

For the Su family, 2023 should be the most comfortable year they have ever spent in the Zhang family.

First of all, the attitude of Zhang Qi's family has changed very obviously because of the need to ask for something. Zhang Qi, in particular, changed from his previous high-spirited appearance, toasting at the dinner table again and again, which is called enthusiasm.

Secondly, because the works shot by Xu Jie will be used for cultural exchanges between the two countries, this incident has made the family background that the Zhang family has always been proud of worthless. , This also relieved the Su family from the previous pressure.

The Su family was happy, but some members of the Zhang family were depressed. Maybe they couldn't accept this reality for a while. In the end, they didn't even play their favorite mahjong. After lunch, they chatted absent-mindedly for a while, and then They left one after another.

"Uncle, I'm leaving, you don't need to give it away." Su Lei said loudly while getting dressed.

Zhang Siqiang got up from the sofa and thought: whoever sent you, I will send my sister.

"Auntie, you're also retired. Don't stay at home all the time, go out and walk around more, do square dancing and so on. It can not only strengthen your body, but also pass the time." Su Lei said again.

Zhang Siqiang's wife rolled her eyes when she heard it, and cursed in her heart: Little bastard, can you talk? My ancestors are in the yellow flag. You let me go to the square dance?
"Uncle, aunt, brother is usually abroad, if you two have anything to do, remember to let me know, even if I can't come, I will let my assistant come." Su Lei said seriously.

Zhang Siqiang and his wife were too angry to speak.

Do you want something to happen to us?

"Goodbye." Su Lei waved his hand.

Zhang Siqiang thought to himself: Hurry up and get out.

The Su family went out.

"Why did we leave so early today? In previous years, we would gather until four or five o'clock." Su Lei said strangely
Su Yun looked at her younger brother, probably because her acting was recognized by others, she became more confident, mainly because she talked a lot today.

You have to know that in front of these older brothers and sisters in the past, the younger brother hardly talked except eating and playing games, but today he is even a bit noisy, he is everywhere, and he can insert his mouth in whatever other people are talking about, so as to show his sense of presence .

"Probably something else." Zhang Simin said lightly.

Su Yun thought to herself: I still need to guess about this kind of thing?It must be out of balance.

In the past, I looked down on the Su family, and I didn't even bother to talk to them. Apart from running on, I just ordered them to work, but now, I have to put down my body and ask the Su family for help. Can I feel comfortable?
If it were her, she wouldn't feel comfortable either.

She knew that her mother was like a mirror in her heart and knew everything, but she didn't want to say it out. After all, those people were her brothers and sisters.

"Really? I'm so disappointed. I'm still going to play mahjong with them." Su Lei shook his head after hearing this.

Su Yun felt like her younger brother. She felt that her younger brother must know about it too, but he was just here to enjoy his mouth.

"What kind of mahjong do you play? At your level, it's no different from a boy who spreads money." Su Yun said angrily.

"Scatter the money, let's spread it, and treat it as giving them New Year's money." Su Lei said indifferently.

Seeing how rich and powerful her younger brother looked, Su Yun couldn't help frowning.

"Look at you, you have only found a job for a few days, and you are here to deposit a lot of money? Hurry up and put those steel coins in your pocket, because a dog's stomach can't hold two taels of sesame oil."

Su Yun didn't get angry, she just acted so arrogantly after playing a few roles of male five and male six, if she played the second male and third male, wouldn't she go straight to heaven?

Therefore, she felt that it was very necessary to shock the other party's arrogance.

Su Lei didn't talk back this time, after all, his sister did earn more money than him, so charging a lot of money in front of her sister is indeed a bit like playing big swords in front of Guan Gong.

Moreover, if you don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, the brother-in-law still has to give face.

To him, no one has as much face as his brother-in-law's. Anyone can refuse to give face, but brother-in-law's face must be given.

Not talking back is not because the other party is his sister, but because the other party is his brother-in-law's wife!

It's that simple!
"Dad, Mom, let's go back." Su Yun said.

"Pay more attention to rest, don't tire yourself out." Zhang Simin asked with concern, she could clearly feel that her daughter and son-in-law were both thin.

"Understood, you and Dad should also pay attention to your health, call me and Xu Jie if you have anything to do." Su Yun said.


Xu Jie said goodbye to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and then drove out of the community.

Because he has to work overtime at work on Friday, for Xu Jie, there is only one day left for the Spring Festival holiday.

Fortunately, they have already been to relatives' houses, and the year of worship has also been completed, and the rest of the day will naturally become the two-person world of him and Su Yun.

The way the two spent the fourth day of junior high school was very simple, that is to stay at home all day and enjoy this short but rare tenderness, after all, they will be busy again after the next year.

One is busy with the show, the other is busy with filming. The most important thing is that after the Lantern Festival, the crew of "Stranger Road" will go abroad for a month of filming, and there is not much time left for the two of them.

But when you are with the one you love, time flies by so fast.

A day seems to pass in a blink of an eye.

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, Xu Jie crawled out of Ruanrouxiang with great reluctance, looked at Su Yun under the blanket, resisted the idea of ​​going back, gritted his teeth and left the house.

I really don't want to go to the morning court!
Compared with the previous few days, there are obviously more cars on the road, and many shops on both sides of the road are already open for business.

Although the Spring Festival has not yet passed, many people have already started to make a living.

Come to the unit.

Similarly, many colleagues have already started work.

The work of the TV station is like this. Even on New Year's Eve, there are still people who stick to their posts. In comparison, he is already very happy.

Comparing people to others can annoy people to death, but comparing people to others can also make people feel happy.

Happiness is a relatively urgent thing, and you will feel it when you are at the bottom.

As soon as Xu Jie showed up, someone immediately greeted him.

"Director Xu, happy Chinese New Year."

"Ms. Xu, I watched "The Temptation of Going Home". It was so good."

"Director Xu, look at me. I've gained five catties compared to a year ago, and I gained one catty a day. It's all your fault."

Now everyone in Beijing TV Station knows that he has made a food documentary for Huaxia TV Station. Everyone is envious and admired. After all, this is not an invitation that everyone can accept.

Many people were discussing who was the most popular in the stage last year, but the answer was surprisingly consistent, that was Xu Jie, and he was popular from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

Looking at the momentum of "The Temptation of Going Home", no surprises, 2023 seems to belong to him again.

This luck, no one else!

Xu Jie walked into the cultural program center, and the members of the "Delicious History" program team had already arrived. Everyone was sitting around, happily eating snacks, and chatting excitedly. It didn't look like they were coming to work overtime Yes, it looks like I'm here for a tea party.

"Teacher Xu is here!"

"Happy New Year, Director Xu."

Everyone stood up.

"Happy Chinese New Year." Xu Jie walked over with a smile, picked up a bag of potato chips and ate them, "What are you talking about so happily?"

I didn't eat breakfast, so I had some potato chips to satisfy my hunger.

"Director Xu, we are talking about "The Temptation of Going Home"." Xiao Wei said after hearing it.

"The highest audience rating of the first four episodes is the second episode of Sichuan Cuisine, with an audience rating of 2.546. We are discussing whether the next four episodes will break this number." Song Huanhuan said.

"Mr. Xu, what do you think?" Tian Haobo asked.

"It will definitely surpass, especially the episode tomorrow night." Xu Jie said.

"Why?" Everyone wondered.

Everyone has been discussing for so long, and they are all guessing. Only Director Xu is so sure.

"Because the seventh day of the new year is the first working day after the Spring Festival holiday, whether they are visiting or traveling, they will go home on the sixth day, so there must be more people watching TV, and the ratings will naturally be high," Xu Jie explained. road.

When everyone heard this, they immediately showed expressions of sudden realization.

Not to mention, what Director Xu said does sound reasonable.

"Okay, don't study the ratings, let's do our job well first." Xu Jie said, "The Temptation of Going Home" has become the past tense, and "Delicious History" is their future.

Happy time always flies by quickly, despite the reluctance of hundreds of millions of people, the seventh day of the lunar new year is still here.

Some people are weak, some are listless, everyone looks lazy, although the body is at work, but the spirit seems to be at home for the New Year, obviously they have not yet returned to work.

Xu Jie is different. After all, he has worked overtime for two days and has already passed the discomfort period.


In the morning, when Xu Jie was checking his work mailbox, the WeChat ringtone suddenly rang. He picked up his phone and looked at it. It was from Li Wenfei, director of the Social Education Center of Huaxia TV.

In the past few days, the other party would send him a WeChat at this time, sending him the ratings of the previous night's program.

"On January 1, the ratings of "The Temptation of Going Home" were 27."

Xu Jie was not surprised when he saw it, the ratings were within his expectations.

Without the Spring Festival Gala, "The Temptation of Going Home" has no rivals.

Xu Jie replied with a smiling face, then got up and left the office, preparing to tell other team members the news.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang coming from one end of the corridor. They were talking while walking. Looking at the direction, they should be going to Director Jiang's office.

Strange, what is Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu doing at the Art Program Center?Even if something happened, Director Jiang should go to the satellite TV program center.

At this time, Lu Hong and Jiang Hai also saw Xu Jie, and their eyes immediately lit up as if seeing a beautiful woman in cool clothes.

At the same time, a bad premonition suddenly appeared in Xu Jie's heart.

Every time Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang looked at him like this at the same time, he would feel that they had plans for him!

What's the matter?

(End of this chapter)

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