The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 507 The Great Temptation

Chapter 507 The Great Temptation

Xu Jie wanted to pretend not to see, but the problem was that the corridor was only four or five people wide, and it was still a straight line. If he wanted to walk through it, he would inevitably meet Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang.

Besides, the eyes have already met, and there is no chance to turn around and go back to the room.

"Xiao Xu, where are you going?" Jiang Hai said with a smile, still looking very distressed a moment ago.

"Go to the post-editing room." Xu Jie said after hearing this, and at the same time two words came out of his heart: It's over!
According to the rules of the workplace, when two people meet, the subordinate must be the first to say hello. If the superior greets the subordinate first, then there must be something wrong.

"I heard that the ratings of "The Temptation of Going Home" are very good. It has been around 2.5. Congratulations, you made a hit food documentary." Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu said with a smile.

This ratings have surpassed the original "Bite of the Tongue".

Of course, this does not mean that "The Temptation of Going Home" is better than "The Bite of the Tongue", because it is the appearance of "The Bite of the Tongue" that makes everyone interested in food documentaries, so "The Temptation of Going Home" is the bonus of "The Bite of the Tongue" , will have such a high ratings.

Take the three "A Bite of Tongue" as an example. The ratings of each of them are lower, but the ratings are higher than that of each.

"The main reason is that Huaxia TV has a large audience. In fact, that documentary is not as good as everyone said." Xu Jie said modestly.

On the one hand, as a director, he knows where the shortcomings of the documentary are. On the other hand, the deputy editor-in-chief Lu is here to promote him, and his intuition tells him that this is not a good thing, because according to past experience, one person promotes the other, 90.00% nine is asking for something, just like when Zhang Qi flattered Uncle Su Yun when he went to his house a few days ago.

"Haha, I've become the deputy director, and I'm still so humble." Lu Hong said.

"That's right!" Jiang Hai turned his head to look at Lu Hong, and said solemnly: "Deputy Director Xu's main job now is to be in charge of cultural and artistic programs. What we talked about just now happens to be within his scope of work. How can we miss him?" Woolen cloth?"

"Well, you're right. For such a big event, Deputy Director Xu cannot be left out." Lu Hong nodded seriously.

Xu Jie was speechless. Looking at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang who were singing together, his left and right eyelids began to twitch in turn. He didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

Sure enough, something happened!

If it was years ago, he would have refused without hesitation. After all, he already has two programs in his hands, but now he is the deputy director of the Arts Program Center. The position is here and the responsibility is. Can he not do it?

It is often said that with great power comes great responsibility.

In fact, it can also be said that the greater the position, the greater the responsibility.

He has taken this position and has a certain amount of power, so he needs to do more things in the future.

In the past, he was just an ordinary employee, as long as he was in charge of his own program, but now it's different, he needs to take on all the work of the deputy director.

Want to be promoted, want to have power, but don't want to manage things, how can it be so cheap?

"Deputy editor-in-chief, Director Jiang, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked.

This is how life is. Since there are some things that cannot be avoided, then choose to face them calmly, which will at least make you look a little more free and easy.

Lu Hong and Jiang Hai looked at each other, with an old fox-like smile on their faces.

"Is the editing room not busy?" Lu Hong asked.

"Not busy." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

You all said that I was indispensable, and it was within the scope of my work, how could I leave?
"Go, go to my office and talk." Jiang Hai put his arms around Xu Jie's shoulders and walked towards the office.

Office of the Director.

Xu Jie and Lu Hong sat down.

Just as Jiang Hai was about to sit down, he heard Lu Hong say, "Lao Jiang, before you talk about work, don't you pour a cup of tea first? What if you say you're thirsty later?"

After speaking, he winked.

Jiang Hai immediately said: "Yes, yes, I did not entertain well." After speaking, he went to make tea.

Xu Jie saw all this in his eyes, but he could only secretly smile bitterly in his heart.

It's over, even the tea is poured, this three-person meeting will definitely not end in a while.

Xu Jie looked at the deputy editor-in-chief Lu next to him, and then at Director Jiang who was pouring tea. He talked about work, but can you be a little bit less tricky?

"Here comes the tea." Jiang Hai poured three cups of tea and put them on the table before sitting down.

Lu Hong picked up the cup and took a sip. The taste is very familiar. By the way, isn't it the same pot of tea that the other party stole from him last year?
He put down the cup, then looked at Jiang Hai, and gave him another wink, as if to say: You tell Xiao Xu.

Jiang Hai was startled when he saw it, and frowned slightly, as if asking: Why?
Lu Hong's eyes widened: Don't forget, that's the job of your art program center.

Jiang Hai blinked: You are the boss, so I don't have the right to speak.

Lu Hong looked at the tea on the table: Did you take the tea in my office for nothing?
Jiang Hai glanced in the direction of the water dispenser: Is it okay if I send you the tea pot back?

Xu Jie looked at the two leaders, did his eyes cramp?
In the end, it was the big leader who defeated the small leader.

Jiang Hai coughed and said, "Hey, Deputy Director Xu, it's like this. The Spring Festival has passed, and the new year has begun. Spring is coming soon, and it's here again..."

"Lao Jiang, can you quickly get into the topic?" Lu Hong couldn't help interrupting Jiang Hai's words, it was Spring Festival and spring, and besides, it became the animal world.

"Immediately, it will be here soon." Jiang Hai brewed his emotions, and continued: "The arrival of spring represents the renewal of all things, and our Beijing TV Station is no exception. In order to meet the growing needs of the audience, and to attract more There are a lot of viewers, the station is going to launch a brand new celebrity variety show, and this important task falls on the head of the satellite TV program center and our art program center, Deputy Director Xu, as the backbone of our center, what do you think? this matter?"

Xu Jie thought to himself: I think what you said is all nonsense!
Don't you just want him to help plan a new star variety show?As for making such a long foreshadowing and talking so much nonsense?
Besides, this is not the first time this matter has been brought up. In the second half of last year alone, deputy editor-in-chief Lu mentioned it in front of him five or six times in private. Out.

Xu Jie even felt that deputy editor-in-chief Lu and director Jiang strongly recommended him to be the deputy director because they wanted him to be in charge of the new variety show.

"I think the decision made by the station is wise." Xu Jie opened his mouth and said, "I listen to the arrangement of the two leaders. No matter what program you want to launch, I agree with both hands."

"Don't listen to our arrangement, I'm here to ask you to talk about your views on the new program." Jiang Hai became anxious when he heard it.

Lu Hong nodded at the side, thinking: If we can figure out what program to launch, why would we ask you to come over?It is because I can't think of it that I want you to come up with an idea.

"Director, you haven't said what new program it is, how can I talk about it?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"You misunderstood, we want you to talk about the content and type of new programs that are better." Jiang Hai explained.

"That's it." Xu Jie suddenly realized, and then said seriously: "I don't have any ideas for now."

"Ah?" Jiang Hai was stunned, thinking: You can't have no idea, if you have no idea, wouldn't the new show come to nothing?
In fact, he was thinking about this last year, but there are too many celebrity variety shows now, and he can't think of any good content that can attract the audience.

In fact, the easiest way is to launch star variety shows of the same type as other satellite TV channels, but the problem is that the audience has long been tired of following the trend.

In contrast, original programs are more able to attract audiences because of their novel content, and they don't have to worry about copyright disputes.

He even watched a lot of foreign variety shows, wondering if he could introduce one or two, but found that the popular foreign variety shows had already been introduced by other domestic satellite TV stations, and the rest were either poor ratings, or The content is not suitable.

Because of this incident, he has recently lost his hair due to anger, and the back of his head has started to look a little bald.

"You don't have any idea at all?" Lu Hong asked.

"I didn't think about it before, but when you suddenly asked me this question, I was also very confused." Xu Jie said.

"It's okay, let's discuss it together. Good program ideas can't be come up with in a day or two. If you talk more, you may be inspired." Lu Hong said with a smile.

Regardless of whether he has an idea or not, he is still very satisfied with Xu Jie's attitude. At least this time he did not refuse like the previous few times. As long as the other party participates, is he still worried that he has no good idea?

Jiang Hai went back to his desk, took out his laptop and put it in front of Xu Jie, and said, "I did a survey, and this is a celebrity variety show that aired last year with good ratings and word of mouth. In addition to "Crossover Actor", these few are very popular with the audience."

"By the way, Taili has decided to launch the second season of "Crossover Actor" in the first half of the year." Lu Hong added
Xu Jie nodded, "Crossover Actor" has such a good ratings, it's normal to have a second season, but without the freshness of the first season, I don't know if the audience will still buy it.

"Xiao Xu, are you interested in being the chief director of the second season of "Crossover Actor"?" Lu Hong asked suddenly.

Xu Jie was surprised when he heard it, is it real or not?
Aren't the chief directors of celebrity variety shows generally named by department directors?At most others will be executive directors.

The executive director is only responsible for implementation, while the chief director is responsible for commanding the overall situation.

Speaking of it, although he participated in the first season of "Crossover Actor" and the New Year's party, he appeared as a planner. If he can become the chief director, his status will be different immediately, and the things that can be decided will be different. more.

Chief director and planner are not at the same level at all.

"Xiao Xu." Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie and said seriously: "If you can come up with a new variety show, then the chief director of the second episode of "Crossover Actors" is yours. If you perform well, you can also create a new variety show." Responsible."

Xu Jie was stunned, the chief director of two star variety shows?
The temptation was so great that he couldn't refuse it at all.


(End of this chapter)

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