The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 509 Director, Chief Director!

Chapter 509 Director, Chief Director!
Xu Jie stood up from the chair with a "chuckle", startling everyone in the room.

"Director Xu, what's wrong with you?"

"Director Xu, is it because my special effects are not good enough?"

"Mr. Xu, is there something wrong with my copywriting?"

Several people who were working asked one after another to see if there was any problem with the work they were doing.

"I suddenly thought of something, it has nothing to do with you, you go ahead, I'll go first." Xu Jie hurriedly left the editorial room after speaking.

The people in the room were at a loss, and this Director Xu, startled and chattering, scared everyone to death.

Xu Jie hurried to the director's office, and when he was about to arrive, he saw deputy editor-in-chief Lu walking out of Director Jiang's office.

Fortunately, did not go!

"Hey, Xiao Xu, why are you back?" Lu Hong asked strangely.

"Did you forget something?" Jiang Hai asked, and looked back into his office, there was nothing on the sofa.

"Editor Lu, Director Jiang, I have an idea!" Xu Jie said solemnly.

Both Lu Hong and Jiang Hai were shocked. They looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

How long has it been?

Two 10 minutes?

Or three 10 minutes?

The other party has an idea so soon?Isn't this too fast?How embarrassing are they who have been discussing for a long time without talking about Ziwu Maoyou?
It feels like people's heads are full of ideas, but theirs are full of paste.

and many more!

Calm down first.

Maybe the other party is not talking about the new variety show, but other things, such as wanting to take a grade test or something.

"What do you think?" Jiang Hai asked.

"It's about the idea of ​​a new variety show." Xu Jie replied.

Lu Hong and Jiang Hai opened their eyes wide, unable to calm down this time.

"Go into the office and talk!" Jiang Hai looked around vigilantly, and then hurriedly pulled Xu Jie into the office.

Celebrity variety shows are the ratings guarantee of every TV station, so the creativity of variety shows is naturally very confidential. Once it is broadcast to other TV stations, and the other party's actions are faster than their own, then it is equivalent to losing the opportunity, and the manpower consumed by shooting Material and financial resources will be in vain.

"Xiao Xu, tell me quickly, what do you think about the new variety show?" Lu Hong asked impatiently, thinking that as expected of a lucky general, no one can complete the task faster, and I, Lu Hong, wish to be called The Flash.

Xu Jie sat down, thought for a while and said: "Just now I listened to the chatting of colleagues in the program group. Everyone mentioned the very popular program "Longing for Life", and then talked about last year's popular life documentary variety show. Talking about the life pressure of modern people, I was thinking, watching a group of celebrities go to the country for vacation will only make people think of escaping when facing the pressure of life, so if we do the opposite, let the stars experience Will there be any unexpected effects in the program of accepting severe beatings from the society?"

Lu Hong and Jiang Hai were all stunned after hearing this.

The idea of ​​a life documentary program has been with them, but the content of the program surprised them, and it can even be said that they were shocked.

Let the stars accept social beatings?
How do you shoot this?

Jiang Hai swallowed involuntarily. After so many years in the art program center, he has participated in the production of variety shows beyond count with two hands, but this is the first time he heard such words as beating celebrities.

Celebrities are the key to a program and the guarantee of ratings.

In order to invite celebrities, various TV stations are trying their best. Apart from higher remuneration, they will also try their best to meet the requirements of the stars, so as to ensure that the desired effect of the program is achieved.

Just like the celebrity reality shows that have been very popular in recent years, under the banner of experiencing life, some take celebrities to travel, some take celebrities to vacation, and some take celebrities to play games. To put it bluntly, they invite a group of celebrities to go out to play , In the process of playing, I made some jokes according to the script for the audience to watch. The star felt comfortable, and the audience also saw the excitement.

Beat up a star?

Aren't you afraid of scaring the stars away?
"How are you going to beat him?" Jiang Hai asked.

"You don't want celebrities to raise chickens, ducks, cattle, and vegetables, do you? The variety shows of other TV stations seem to have such life experience plots." Lu Hong said.

"One day is also called experiencing life?" Xu Jie curled his lips.

"Then how long are you going to let them experience?" Lu Hong asked.

"Two months!" Xu Jie stretched out two fingers.

"What?" Lu Hong and Jiang Hai were shocked again.

Two months is enough time for a star to make a movie or TV series.

"It's really two months, no script, no routine." Xu Jie said.

Lu Hong and Jiang Hai didn't know what to say, they were completely startled by Xu Jie's bold idea.

Normal celebrity variety shows will give the stars enough private time. For example, when filming "Crossover Actor", you only need to come to the recording site on Friday. The remaining six days are free to arrange. It is a rehearsal program. Whether to shoot commercials is the actor's freedom, and the program team will not interfere.

But according to Xu Jie, during these two months, celebrities seem to have no private time, so which celebrity will be abused?
"Editor-in-Chief Lu, Director Jiang, what do you guys think of this idea? If you think it's okay, I'll start writing the planning plan." Xu Jie said excitedly, he couldn't wait to see the pictures of those big stars being beaten.

"What kind of life are you going to let them experience?" Jiang Hai couldn't help asking, you can't let celebrities pick up trash, can you?
"Choose the most ordinary and ordinary job. When I was filming "The Temptation of Going Home", the protagonists in it included both courier delivery and food delivery, so I am going to let the stars experience this kind of life." Xu Jie thought about it. want to say.

Jiang Hai smiled wryly after hearing this.

Let the stars deliver couriers and food?It's two months if you give it away. Is this okay?
Jiang Hai turned to look at Lao Lu, let Lao Lu decide this kind of matter, after all, the other party is the director of the satellite TV program center and the deputy editor-in-chief of the station.

Lu Hong also wanted to ask Lao Jiang for his opinion, but when he saw the other party's eyes, he immediately understood the other party's thoughts.

He knew that Lao Jiang's thoughts were the same as his.

For Xu Jie, it can be done.

But for the content of this program, both of them hesitated.

The most important thing is that they handed over the task of the new variety show to Xu Jie before, but now the other party has figured it out, if they veto it again, wouldn't this discourage the other party's work enthusiasm?

I know, they are worried about the show, but I don't know, they thought they were playing tricks.

This feeling seems familiar.

By the way, it seems that at the New Year's party a few days ago, when the other party came up with the unique plan, they also thought the same way.

Does this Xiao Xu just like not taking the usual path so much?

"I think the content is very novel, but have you ever considered whether such a program can invite stars?" Lu Hong reminded.

Let the stars experience ordinary work. If they do well, it seems that there is nothing to praise, but if they do not do well, they are likely to receive negative criticism.

"There are appearances, traffic, topics, and pay, why don't they participate?" Xu Jie is not worried about this issue.

What are celebrities most afraid of?Not bad news, but no traffic.

For the sake of traffic, some celebrities even go so far as to blackmail themselves and become popular by hyping up negative news, and even have a special term: the black and red line.

In contrast, coming to Beijing Satellite TV to participate in a variety show is simply a good thing to tune in.

Lu Hong thought for a while, and felt that what the other party said was not unreasonable. The current entertainment industry is too impetuous, and they will do everything to become famous.

Xu Jie saw the worry of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, so he said: "Actually, the purpose of this program is not to allow celebrities to be beaten by the society, but to let the audience know the hard work of all walks of life through celebrities experiencing the most ordinary social work. In the future life, we can be more tolerant and less harsh, cherish the present moment, and don’t complain, because it’s not easy for everyone, but everyone is working hard for a better life.”

Lu Hong was stunned after hearing this.

Yes, this is real life, and this is the life of most people.

"Okay, that's it!" Lu Hong said loudly.

Jiang Hai looked at Lu Hong in surprise, and thought: Do you believe what you just said?Don't you know that what Xiao Xu is best at is reasoning?
"Editor Lu, then I'll go back and conceive, but only the three of us know this idea, and we can't tell others." Xu Jie reminded.

"Don't worry, I'm more worried about leaking ideas than you are." Lu Hong said with a smile. At the same time, seeing this young man liking him more and more, he only hated that he didn't have a daughter, otherwise he would have to marry this young man.

"Then I'll go first." Xu Jie stood up and was about to open the door when he suddenly remembered something, looked back at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang and asked, "In what capacity am I participating in this program?"

"Director, chief director!" Lu Hong said after hearing this, since he had agreed to the other party before, he would never go back on his word, otherwise what would be the prestige of his deputy chief editor?

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu. Since this is the case, I will concentrate on being in charge of this show. I will not direct the second season of "Crossover Actors." Xu Jie said.

This new variety show is different from previous variety shows.

Many variety shows record one episode and broadcast one episode, but this time the program content is quite special, there can be no interruption in the middle, and it must be filmed all at once.

The new program was originally planned to be broadcast in the second half of the year, that is to say, he had to finish filming in the first half of the year. This conflicted with the recording time of the second season of "Crossover Actor", and he could only choose one of the two.

One is a new program and the other is an old program. For Xu Jie, this multiple-choice question is not difficult.

Of course he would choose the former.

After all, the former is more interesting, and it's still the first season.

Lu Hong was taken aback, he didn't expect Xu Jie to give up this good job. You must know that "Crossover Actor" is a well-established variety show, and it only needs to be filmed according to the first season.

"Okay, no problem." Lu Hong said.

Xu Jie left the director's office excitedly.

"This kid has never disappointed people before." Jiang Hai sighed.

"Yes, as far as the brain circuit is concerned, there is no second one in Taiwan." Lu Hong nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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