The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 510: Say Goodbye Again

Chapter 510: Say Goodbye Again
Xu Jie returned to the office and immediately started work on the new variety show.

He first needs to write an outline of the content of the program, and record his previous thoughts. As for the details, he will slowly add them later. Anyway, the preparation time for this time is very abundant, as long as it is completed in the first half of the year. Yes, that is to say, he still has five months.

In fact, there is no need to deliberately design the plot, because in the process of experiencing the work, the stars will find problems by themselves, and these problems are actually the highlights of the show.

The stars that everyone usually sees are very glamorous and beautiful. Even when they wake up in the morning, they have their own beauty filters. What he wants to do this time is to show the other side of the glamor to the audience.

Moreover, encountering problems, overcoming them, and solving them is not more realistic and positive than hiding in the countryside?
At least it makes more sense.

While writing, Xu Jie could not help showing a smirk on his face as he thought about how celebrities would look when they encountered problems.

The days passed day by day, and even the Lantern Festival was over in a blink of an eye.

Xu Jie has always felt that the true meaning of the Lantern Festival is to make everyone realize the reality, that is, the long Spring Festival holiday is over, and there will be no holidays after the holidays, so stop fishing and work hard, or else you will only be able to work hard at this time next year. I can eat a ball.

What's the point of holidays without holidays?

On the second day of the Lantern Festival, Xu Jie left home early and drove Su Yun to the airport.

In the next month, Su Yun will follow the crew of the movie "Strange Road" to a certain European country for filming, and the two have to face a small farewell again.

"Isn't Director Xu's crew very poor? Why do you want to go to Europe to shoot?" Xu Jie asked doubtfully on the road, full of reluctance before parting.

Thinking about it now, the longest time they spent together was actually the time after the flash marriage.

At that time, he didn't have so many programs in his hands, and Su Yun was idle at home because the event was cancelled, so he had a lot of time together.

Unlike now, one is busy with work, and the other often leaves Beijing, so the time we spend together is less.

"I heard that Director Xu Shenghua originally planned to build a simple temporary studio in China to shoot this scene. Later, because of the investment from Forbidden Pictures, he decided to go to Europe for live-action shooting." Su Yun explained.

Xu Jie was startled when he heard it, and then a wry smile appeared on his face, because it was under his advice that Forbidden Pictures decided to invest in the film directed by Xu Shenghua.

Now because of this incident, Su Yun has to leave for a month. I don't know if this counts as shooting herself in the foot.

Well, turn around and blame yourself!
Seeing Xu Jie's expression, Su Yun immediately guessed what the other party was thinking.

Why doesn't she want to be separated from the other party?
In fact, this kind of situation is very common in the entertainment industry. After all, the profession of an artist is not a regular office job. It is normal to run around the country and around the world.

Busy means red.

If one day is not busy and you don't have to run around, that's the problem, because it means it's cold.

"It's only a month, and it will pass soon, and Director Xu said that if everything goes well, he will be able to return to China in less than a month." Su Yun comforted the man with a smile.

"But what if I miss you?" Xu Jie asked.

He is a normal man!
"I'm going to film a movie, not to practice in seclusion. I think I can make a video with me." Su Yun said, at the same time, there was a little more sweetness in her heart,
No matter how many times you listen to sweet talk, you won't get bored.

"I don't know if I can video? But if the video is useful, would I still say such a thing? Do you understand or not?" Xu Jie turned to look at Su Yun who was sitting on the co-pilot, and stretched out a hand Put it on the opponent's lap, "The water in the distance can't quench the thirst in the near, understand?"

Su Yun blushed when she heard this, and quickly took the man's hand away, not because she was not allowed to touch it, but because she was worried about being photographed by road surveillance, and points and fines were the second priority. Once it spreads, it will inevitably have a bad influence.

"I can't teleport, so please bear with me, I trust you." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Is there a reward?" Xu Jie asked.

"I'm all yours, what reward do you want?" Su Yun gave the man a shy and flattering look.

"The next time you go to the underwear store, you will know." Xu Jie said solemnly, and he had already started to imagine in his head. .


Come to the airport.

Xu Jie parked the car.

The nanny's car that had been following stopped beside her, and Huang Xiaorong and Chen Guo got out of the car.

This time when she went to Europe for filming, Su Yun brought two assistants with her. They were from a foreign country and unfamiliar with the place. One more person, more care, and more sense of security.

A group of people walked into the terminal building, and soon found the crew of "Stranger Road".

"Director Xu, hello." Xu Jie took the initiative to greet Director Xu Shenghua.

"Should I call you Director Xu now?" Xu Shenghua joked, making a joke with someone very rarely.

The reason why she is like this is not because of Su Yun, but she is very satisfied with the script revised by the young man. There are conflicts in the plain story, which not only does not seem to be the slightest abrupt, but promotes the development of the story. This is why she has always been desired content.

In fact, she asked her former partner to try to modify it, but the effect was not satisfactory, but the young man in front of her did it. This kind of ideological resonance directly brought the relationship between the two closer.

We must know that the market for literary and artistic films is very small, and besides those who rely on literary and artistic pretense, it is really a blessing to meet someone who can understand the script and understand her.

"If the director is not the director, you can call me Xiao Xu." Xu Jie said after hearing this. The other party is not only a film director, but also a film master. He dare not pretend to be a director in front of the other party. Here you go."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of Su Yun and make sure that what she looks like now will be what she looks like when she comes back." Xu Shenghua said with a smile.

"Thank you Director Xu."

Xu Jie came to Su Yun's side, opened his arms and hugged her tightly, and whispered in his ear: "Take care of yourself, call me if you need anything, I will fly to you no matter how far away you are." Around."

"En." Su Yun nodded, her smile was full of happiness.

Not long after, the crew arrived.

Xu Jie sent Su Yun to the security checkpoint all the way until he could no longer see her, and then left from the airport.


"Crack Kacha!"

Someone in the crowd filmed this scene again.

When Xu Jie arrived at the unit, he was already an hour late, but he had already asked Director Jiang for leave, so he was not considered late.

He was about to go back to the office when he saw Director Jiang coming out of the conference room. The other party saw him at this time, but before he could speak, the other party immediately waved at him, and then walked out of the department with his arms around his shoulders Go, and said while walking: "It's just in time, hurry up and go with me."

"Director, where are you going?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously. Seeing that the other party seemed to be in a hurry, he didn't even let him take off his clothes.

"Go to the satellite TV program center for a meeting." Jiang Hai replied.

"Huh? No one informed me to go to the satellite TV program center for a meeting." Xu Jie said with question marks all over his face, thinking that his role as deputy director was really a failure, and no one was even notified before the meeting.

"Didn't I come to inform you?" Jiang Hai said with a smile.

"Oh!" Xu Jie nodded, saying that, he felt more comfortable.

"Director, what's the meeting?" Xu Jie asked, and he had to be prepared before going.

"You'll know when you go." Jiang Hai patted Xu Jie on the shoulder.

Xu Jie was at a loss as to why he kept it so secret?

He followed Director Jiang to the meeting room of the satellite TV program center. The room was already full of people, including those from the satellite TV program center, Beijing TV Media and New Era Media, and some who looked very unfamiliar, not like a TV station. people.

and many more!

Xu Jie took a closer look and suddenly remembered.

When I attended the Beijing News Awards Ceremony at the end of last year, I met these people, some from newspapers, some from magazines, and some from news websites.

Strange, what are they doing here?
If both Beijing Television Media and New Era Media are companies under the Beijing Broadcasting and Television Station, then the Beijing Commercial Daily and the Youth Daily do not seem to have any relationship with the Beijing Broadcasting and Television Station.

All the famous media people in the capital came, feeling that something big was going to happen.

Not long after, the door of the conference room opened again, and Lu Hong and Zhou Zhengliang walked in from outside.

The room fell silent instantly, and everyone straightened up and sat down on the chairs.

This is not a meeting, this is a press conference.

"Are we all here? Then let's start." Lu Hong looked around, and then said: "First of all, thank you very much for coming here. The main content of today's meeting is to tell you about the variety shows of our Beijing Radio and Television Station this year. plan……"

Xu Jie was stunned, the variety show plan?What is the plan?Why have you never heard about Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang?
"Our Beijing Radio and Television Station is planning to put more effort into variety shows this year. Not only will there be classic shows in the past, but there will also be new variety shows..." Lu Hong began to talk incessantly.

When Xu Jie saw that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu had been facing the media people present, he immediately understood what was going on.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu intends to ask newspapers and websites to help promote Beijing TV's variety show plans and variety shows this year, so as to achieve the purpose of publicity at once.

Do not look at the computer to look at the mobile phone, do not look at the mobile phone to read the newspaper, there is no gun that is not popular enough in the world, as long as the publicity is in place, someone will always see it.

He remembered that the deputy editor-in-chief Lu said a few days ago that after the Lantern Festival, the second season of "Crossover Actors" will be officially launched and will be broadcast in the first half of the year.

Now it seems that the Chinese-Italian program campaign has already begun!

(End of this chapter)

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