Chapter 511 Bet!

conference room.

Reporters from various newspapers, magazines, and websites in the capital listened carefully to Lu Hong's speech. Some were scribbling in their notebooks, some were typing quickly on a laptop keyboard, and some were recording with their mobile phones, no matter what form they used. , The purpose is to record the words of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

"Now, let me introduce the variety show plan of Beijing TV Station this year. In the first half of the year, we are going to launch the second season of "Crossover Actors", discovering more singers with excellent acting skills, and bringing more exciting performances to the audience. The second season The original crew is still used, and the chief director is in charge of me and Jiang Hai, the director of the cultural program center..."

Lu Hong began to introduce in detail the variety shows that will be broadcast this year.

""The Most Beautiful Art" is a folk culture experience reality show. The show mainly revolves around traditional folk culture and shows the audience difficult traditional folk arts. Zhou Yaping, who was in charge of "The Most Beautiful Music" and "The Most Beautiful Chinese Opera", will continue to serve as the chief director. ..."

""I'm Waiting for You Here" is a talent show for common people..."

The reporters began to record mechanically after listening. Colleagues kept muttering in their hearts. Except for "Crossover Actors", there was still some expectation, and there was no expectation for the other two programs just by listening to their names.

What era is it, and what kind of people's talent show is still running, ten years ago, it would not have attracted audiences.

You are Beijing TV Station, can you come up with something new, just like last year's "Crossover Actor".

Alas, it's no wonder that the worst TV station among the five David TV variety shows never surprises people.

Looking at the invited reporters, Lu Hong knew that if they did not come up with some hard goods, these people would not be able to promote the Beijing TV Station when they went back, so he said: "In addition to the above-mentioned variety shows, our Beijing TV Station will also create a The name of the brand-new celebrity life documentary reality show has not yet been decided, but preparations have already begun and it will be broadcast in the second half of the year. The chief planner, and Xu Jie, the chief director of the gourmet documentary "The Temptation of Going Home" aired by Huaxia TV..."


Hearing Xu Jie's name, the already drowsy reporters here suddenly regained their spirits.

They couldn't be more familiar with Xu Jie, the director of "Delicious History", the director of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", plus the three programs mentioned by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, this person is the most beautiful boy in the past year .

If I remember correctly, this should be Xu Jie's first time as the chief director of a large-scale variety show, The Shadow of a Famous Tree. Although the name of the show is temporarily unknown, just hearing the name of the chief director is worth looking forward to.

Well, this looks like trying to make a splash in a variety show.

The meeting ended after an hour.

Xu Jie was about to stand up and go out, but was stopped by Director Jiang beside him.

"Wait a minute." Jiang Hai said in a low voice, and at the same time winked at the opposite side.

Xu Jie followed the direction pointed by the other party, and saw that no one from New Times Media or JingTV Culture had left.

It seems that the meeting of my own people is not over yet.

Xu Jie thought to himself.


Not long after, Lu Hong came back after sending the reporter away, sat down and took a sip of water, and said, "Have everyone seen it? This year's variety show competition has already started, and the promotional draft will be released soon. It will depend on your performance."

After everyone heard it, no one spoke.

There is no problem in making programs, but when it comes to ratings, no one has confidence.

No way, it has been like this for so many years.

When everyone produces a variety show with confidence, but the ratings are not optimistic, who will have confidence?

The thing is, it's not the first time.

Every year at the beginning of the year, when it comes to variety shows, everyone will have a headache, just like joint pain in the rain on a cloudy day, and they have already fallen ill.

Lu Hong glanced around the meeting room, and he couldn't help but sighed.

In fact, he is also very clear that Beijing Satellite TV is best at news programs, and variety shows are relatively weak, but it is also because of this that he shifted his focus to variety shows, so that he can use both hands, and both hands must be hard. In order to improve the influence of Beijing Satellite TV.

I remember that the last time I was awarded the most influential provincial satellite TV at the end of the year was in 19, and I haven’t won this honor for three years.

And his goal is to regain this honor!

Although there were high-rated gourmet cultural programs like "Delicious History" and popular variety shows like "Crossover Actor" last year, but as far as Beijing Satellite TV is concerned, there are still too few programs that can be played.

A single flower is not spring!

So this year, variety shows must be promoted.

"You are all variety show elites in the station, you have to be confident, understand?" Lu Hong raised his voice a little, and said loudly: "I emphasize again, you must put your heart into the show and think more about what the audience wants to see. What, while innovating, we must also cater to the public..."

Xu Jie looked at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, who was really scary when he was serious.

But thinking about it carefully, it was not unreasonable for the other party to be so harsh all of a sudden.

New officials need to make achievements when they take office, he thinks so, so why not the other party?

"Deputy Director Xu, do you have a clue about your new variety show?" Lu Hong suddenly looked at Xu Jie and asked.

When he sent the reporter away just now, he chatted with those people for a while, and found that everyone was looking forward to Xu Jie's new variety show, so he also started to pay attention.

"The outline has been written, and the details are being added." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

In fact, it took only one day to finish writing the outline, and I haven't started writing since then. The most important reason is that I know that Su Yun will go abroad after the Lantern Festival, so I don't have the heart to think about the program after returning home. Tired of being together.

It's different now.

Su Yun had already left earlier, it was time to devote time and energy to work.

"Well, good." Lu Hong nodded, then turned to look at Yu Kuan, the general manager of Jingshi Culture, and said, "Mr. Yu, you must fully cooperate with Deputy Director Xu's program. No matter what needs you have, you must Satisfy him, understand?"

"Don't worry, Editor-in-Chief Lu." Yu Kuan nodded, and then said to Xu Jie: "Deputy Director Xu, if you need anything, just tell me. If you want someone to give someone, you want equipment to be placed. Don't be polite to me."

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that deputy editor-in-chief Lu has bet this year on Xu Jie again.

If Beijing Satellite TV can have two popular variety shows, one in the first half of the year and one in the second half of the year, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, then the award of the most influential provincial satellite TV will definitely be won back.

"Thank you Mr. Yu." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

It's still in the planning stage, and it's still early for filming, at least until the first lunar month, and the warmer weather at that time is also conducive to the filming of the show.

"Okay, the meeting is here, everyone hurry up." Lu Hong said, then stood up and walked out of the meeting room first.

Xu Jie followed Director Jiang back to the art program center, along with Yu Kuan from JingTV Culture and Feng Dekun from New Era Media.

"Lao Lu is in a hurry." Yu Kuan said as he walked.

"It seems that Lao Lu is also a person with ideas." Feng Dekun said with a smile. He has already become the deputy editor-in-chief, but he is still working so hard. He clearly wants to go further.

"Who would have no idea?" Jiang Hai said.

"Oh? Old Jiang, aren't you satisfied with the status quo? Do you also want to make progress?" Yu Kuan looked at his old friend and suddenly remembered something, "Speaking of which, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou seems to be approaching his age."

Jiang Hai nodded.

Reaching the age does not refer to the age of retirement. People who work in the TV industry rarely stay in their posts until retirement. Generally, after reaching a certain age, they are transferred to other departments, such as the cultural department, radio and television department, etc. , continue to glow and heat.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou has been in this position for a long time, so it's time to make a move.

"It's a bit difficult." Feng Dekun reminded.

Jiang Hai nodded again.

Over the years, he has been working in the art program center and has never left here. The position of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou is not only in charge of the art program center, but also in charge of the life program center, sports program center, and youth program center.

"Let's take it one step at a time. Deputy editor-in-chief Zhou won't be able to leave for a while. Lao Lu has just taken office. If the position of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou is replaced, wouldn't the show be messed up? The higher-ups have to wait for Lao Lu to stabilize. Only when we come down will we consider Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou's side," Jiang Hai said.

"Actually, it's good to come out, you can think about it, Great Official of Borderlands," Yu Kuan said.

"I haven't left here before, so I don't want to part with it." Jiang Hai sighed.



Xu Jie returned to the office, found out the outline of the program he had written before, read it twice from beginning to end, and then began to supplement the details.

However, not long after writing, the phone rang, and the person who was so noisy couldn't write anymore. He glanced at it, and then connected to the phone.

"Mr. Hu, hello." Xu Jie said, thinking that it might be about the show, after all, it's already February, and today is also the first episode of the February issue of "Delicious History", so it's time for the March show of the filming.

"Director Xu, I heard that you are in charge of Beijing Satellite TV's new variety show, or the chief director? Congratulations." Hu Zhen said with a smile, and at the same time he was secretly happy that he had bet on the right person.

"Mr. Hu's news is really well-informed!" Xu Jie said after hearing it. There were many people attending the meeting today, and some of them were from outside the TV station. It is normal for Hu Zhen to hear the news.

"Haha, it's normal. In fact, I have nothing else to do. I just want to express my opinion to you. If you need someone, the people in my company can pick them at will." Hu Zhen said, he is a person who has been sweetened. There is another big cake in Xu Jie's hand, how can he not be greedy?
"Mr. Hu, you said this, and you can't go back on your word in the future." Xu Jie said.

"I, Hu Zhen, am a leader anyway, so I can't go back on my word." Hu Zhen said hastily.

"Okay, I will definitely look for you then!" Xu Jie said with a smile, wondering if the other party would be able to laugh when he knew the content of the variety show.


(End of this chapter)

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