The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 512 The Strongest Spoiler

Chapter 512 The Strongest Spoiler


Just as Xu Jie put down the phone, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Xu Jie looked up and saw Qin Yan walking in from the outside. The other party had a serious face and a bit of displeasure in his eyes, as if he was very angry.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

The other party is the first sister of the cultural program center, who dares to make her angry?

Qin Yan stepped on her high-heeled shoes and walked quickly in front of Xu Jie. With her hands on the desk, her upper body tilted, she frowned and asked, "Are you going to make a new show again?"

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded.

Even people outside the TV station already knew about this, let alone colleagues in the TV station.

"Then what about our show? You have been a shopkeeper for a long time, when will you come back?" Qin Yan asked after hearing this.

The other party has a new program, so the time to participate in "In-depth Film and Television Talk" will inevitably be reduced. When the other party filmed a food documentary for Huaxia TV, she had a deep understanding.

So when she heard the news that the other party was doing a new program again, she ran here immediately, wanting to know if it was true.

Although the performance of the team members of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" has been getting better and better after half a year of operation, even without each other, the program can be successfully completed, but in her opinion, if the program wants to do better , absolutely cannot lack this person in front of him.

She also dreams that one day the ratings of the show will break through 2.

"What's a hands-off shopkeeper? I've always been in charge of selecting interviewees, okay?" Xu Jie defended himself, as if the show had nothing to do with him.

"You call that work?" Qin Yan curled her lips.

"How can I not call it a job? Do you know how difficult it is to select movies and TV shows with good reputation and high topicality from dozens of movies and TV shows? If there is a slight mistake, the audience will call them liars and take money. , am I easy?" Xu Jie said with aggrieved face.

Qin Yan was startled when she heard this, but after thinking about it carefully, what she said seemed to make sense.

The opponent is the director, equivalent to the highest officer of the army. Wherever the opponent points, they will fight there. You cannot deny the existence of the opponent just because the opponent did not appear on the frontline battlefield. In fact, correct command is more important than anything else.

"Okay, it's not easy for you, but you should go to the summary meeting, right? Think about it, how long has it been since you participated? Anyway, give us some opinions and suggestions to make the show better." Qin Yan said .

She hosted the recent summary meetings, but the effect was not satisfactory, and the ratings did not improve significantly.

"Our program is already very good. You can't imagine that the ratings of a film and television talk show surpass that of a celebrity variety show, right? How can you let those variety shows that cost hundreds of millions of dollars in production cost be so embarrassing? Be content." Xu Jie persuaded and comforted .

The show has already been put in order first, what else do you want?
Besides, looking at similar programs, can the ratings reach the level of "In-depth Film and Television Talk"?No program can achieve it, not even touching the waist.

It is a good thing to be enterprising, but to compare ratings with similar programs, you cannot always think about comparing with another type of program.

According to the other party's idea, all the programs are compared with the news network. Does the program director need to live?

"But I always feel that the ratings of our show can still go up." Qin Yan said while thinking.

"I know that the ratings did not break 2, you have been unwilling, but we have done so many episodes, interviewed dozens of film and television crews, the ratings group has basically been fixed, the only variable is the star's fans, unless you interview the other party It's all cleaned up, otherwise there won't be much change." Xu Jie said lightly, with an expression as if he had seen everything through.

Qin Yan bowed her head and stood where she was. What the other party said made sense and was the truth, but she was not feeling well in her heart, both disappointed and disappointed.

Has the program reached its limit?

Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan and continued, "We don't want to just ask for ratings when we make a show. Think about what the original intention of making this show was to introduce excellent film and television dramas to everyone. We should not forget our original intention. Do you understand?"

Qin Yan was stunned after hearing this, and couldn't help but feel ashamed.

When I entered this program, I hoped to show my face on the satellite TV channel, but now I only pursue the ratings of the program. Compared with Xu Jie, I have too little respect for the program.

"I see." Qin Yan said in a low voice, it seems that her obsession is too deep.

Xu Jie nodded in satisfaction, thinking that he was becoming more and more a leader, and he was becoming more and more able to open his eyes and tell nonsense.

Did you come up with the program "In-depth Film and Television Talk" to introduce excellent film and television works to the audience?No, it was to expand my influence in the film and television industry, and it was for Su Yun.

But it doesn't matter now, because as the program director, he is what he says.

I am in charge of my program!
"I'm going back." Qin Yan turned and walked out.

"By the way." Xu Jie remembered something, looked at Qin Yan and asked, "I need a host for this variety show, do you want to try it?"

Qin Yan stopped, looked back at Xu Jie, and asked with surprise in her eyes: "Really? Is it true?"

According to what she heard, Xu Jie's new variety show is broadcast on satellite TV, and it is also a documentary reality show about the lives of celebrities. If he can become the host, the attention will definitely increase in a straight line.

You know, the hosts of many celebrity variety shows eventually became the first brother and sister of the TV station's variety show!
"Of course." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

When he participated in "Crossover Actors", he was just planning and couldn't decide many things, but now it's different, this time he is the chief director, so he can't decide what the host is about?

"I am willing!" Qin Yan said happily, very much like the way she heard the oaths at the wedding.

"As long as you are willing, I will find you when the time comes." Xu Jie said.

In Beijing TV Station, the host he is most familiar with is Qin Yan, and as he becomes the deputy director of the department and is responsible for the program content of the entire art program center, the time to participate in "Deep Talk on Film and Television" will inevitably decrease in the future. Sometimes it is necessary to trouble the other party to be in charge of the program "Deep Talk on Film and Television", which can be regarded as a kind of reward.

"What kind of program is it? What do I need to prepare in advance?" Qin Yan asked positively.

"I can't say it yet, but it shouldn't be difficult for you, as long as you have a heart of gossip." Xu Jie said with a smile.


Qin Yan didn't ask any further questions, and left happily.

The news about Beijing TV's plan for the 2023 variety show spread quickly, and many news websites reported on the matter.

Originally, as the worst variety show among the five David TVs, everyone didn't have much expectations for Beijing TV's variety show. However, when people saw that the chief director of one of the new variety shows was Xu Jie, their attitude immediately changed. It's different.

"Didn't Lao Xu just shoot a perfect food documentary for Huaxia TV, why did he start directing a star life documentary reality show again? Isn't the span too big? Is this going to be a crossover director?"

"The popular "Crossover Actor" last year was planned by Lao Xu. This year's director's new variety show will definitely be even more exciting. Support and look forward to it!"

"Why did you introduce so many variety shows, but Lao Xu's variety show didn't announce the name and content? Is it to be kept secret?"

"It's too mysterious, I really want to know."

"It won't be broadcast until the second half of the year? That means it will take at least five months? God, can you stop torturing me like this, I can't wait!"

"Lao Xu's show is always worth looking forward to!"

Many viewers even flocked to Xu Jie's Weibo and left messages asking for news about the new variety show, but unfortunately, no one answered them, leaving enough suspense.

Compared with audience fans, peers are also very concerned about this matter, because it will directly affect their program ratings.

Huxiang Satellite TV.

"I don't even have a name or an introduction. Could it be that Beijing Satellite TV has used this program as a secret weapon?"

"Director, I just asked a classmate who works at Beijing TV Station. He doesn't know what Xu Jie's new program is, and very few people know about it. He seems to be keeping it a secret."

"If you ask again, you must find out the content of the variety show."

Jiangsu Satellite TV.

"Life-documentary reality show? Our TV station will broadcast such a program in the second half of the year, won't it crash in content?"

"Probably not. After all, our show is the second season, but head-to-head competition is inevitable. But don't worry, after all, Beijing Satellite TV's variety shows have always been poor."

"Didn't you see who the director of this variety show is? It's Xu Jie! Did you watch the New Year's Gala? It's completely unreasonable. If we come up with some new tricks this time, our show may be in danger. "

"I'll ask them what their program is about."

Zhejiang Hangzhou Satellite TV.

"Isn't Beijing Satellite TV too confident about this program? You don't even need to promote it?"

"The problem is that the second half of the year is usually the time when the competition among David TVs is the fiercest. There are already a lot of variety shows, but now there is another spoiler."

"Fortunately, our variety show in the second half of this year doesn't have life documentary, otherwise it will be troublesome. I just hope that the broadcast time will not crash."

Shanghai Satellite TV.

"What are you all doing with frowning faces? Our show has been on the air for three seasons, and the ratings have remained above 2 for a long time. If Beijing Satellite TV dares to broadcast it at the same time as us, let them taste the taste of failure."

"We are not worried about Beijing Satellite TV. We are worried about Xu Jie. All the programs that this person participates in have high ratings. Many viewers have already equated this person's name with his quality."

"Don't boost other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige. Don't forget that our show also has a lot of fans!"


The TV circle and the variety show circle were all in chaos for a while.

Especially those program groups who are planning to do or are doing star life documentary reality shows are even more frowning and sighing, not knowing whether they should continue to do it.


(End of this chapter)

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