The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 513 The new variety show is confirmed!

Chapter 513 The new variety show is confirmed!
Due to the abundant time, Xu Jie was not in a hurry to start the new variety show, as the old saying goes: You can't make a fat man with one bite.A good program needs time to polish it slowly, not to mention that this is his first time as the chief director of a variety show, and he must strictly control the content to improve the quality of the program.

It is not his goal to make a brand new variety show, but his goal is to make an excellent variety show, to make a name for himself in the domestic variety show circle, and to pave the way for his future work in this field, Pave the way.

However, since the news that he was in charge of a new variety show was on the news, people who asked him about the content of the new variety show never stopped.

at work.

"Director Xu, I heard that you are working on a new variety show, which is a reality show about life. Can you tell me what it is about? Everyone is looking forward to it." A colleague asked in a low voice.

"Have you finished your work? Are you free? Do you want to stay and work overtime at night?" Xu Jie opened his mouth and hit three times, and the colleague who asked ran away.

while eating.

"Director Xu, who are the stars in the new variety show? Please didn't invite Wang Baopeng. I really like him and I'm still his fan!" the chef asked gossipingly.

"Aren't you my fan? I'm so sad, I don't want to tell you!" Xu Jie said.


When going to the toilet.

"Director Xu? Aren't you busy with the new variety show? Why are you still on the show?"

"Fat water doesn't flow into other people's fields, let me put some water!"

"I heard that the new variety show is a documentary of life? Is it a trip abroad or a vacation in the countryside?"

"To put tiles on the pyramids."


Xu Jie finally returned to the office, thinking that he could finally calm down now, but the phone rang again.

"Director Xu, is your new variety show still short of people? What do you think of me? If there are no regular members, guest appearances are also acceptable."

"I'll use this program to practice first, and I will definitely find you next time."

Xu Jie's attitude towards the new variety show is very clear.

Don't ask, just don't know.

In order to avoid those gossipers, Xu Jie simply started shooting "Delicious History" in March. Originally, the team members didn't have much rest after the year, and they planned to let the team members have a good rest for a few days. Now they can only postpone the rest day. It's the end of the month.

In the following days, it took two days to shoot his scenes, five days to shoot the star's scenes, and a week passed like this.

When Xu Jie returned to the TV station again, no one asked about the new variety show anymore.

It's like trending.

When the news first comes out, everyone pays attention to it, but after a while, people's attention will be replaced by other news.

After Xu Jie handed over the post-production work of the program to Song Huanhuan, he brought the written program plan to Director Jiang's office.

"What is this?" Jiang Hai looked curiously at the notebook on the table.

"New variety show planning book." Xu Jie replied.

Jiang Hai was slightly taken aback, his eyes were a little more surprised, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Xiao Xu's work efficiency is still so high, there is no one else at this speed, and there is no second one in Taiwan, one person is better than a group of people .

"Haven't you been filming "Delicious History" recently?" Jiang Hai asked while picking up the planning book.

"I wrote it when I got home from get off work." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun hasn't come back yet, he is the only one at home, he really doesn't know what to do except work.

Sometimes he even reflected on himself, it's not good to be too upright, he doesn't even have any bad habits, and he doesn't know how to pass the time.

Anyway, given the current situation, he didn't dare to write at work, because there were too many people who wanted to know, so he simply wrote at home.

"Really? If everyone is like you, I will be a director at ease." Jiang Hai said after hearing it, and then quickly flipped through it.

Because he had heard Xu Jie’s ideas before, the contents of the planning book did not surprise him, but why does this planning book feel so much thinner than in “Crossover Actors”?
"I have no objection, you can go and show it to Lao Lu." Jiang Hai returned the proposal to Xu Jie.

For him, the result is the same whether he sees it or not, and he will raise his hands in approval.

He now trusts Xiao Xu even more than he trusts his wife.

What's more, this variety show has already been finalized, and it doesn't matter whether he agrees with the content in the planning book.

"Okay Director, I'll go then."

Xu Jie picked up the planning book, turned and left the director's office.

When he came to the satellite TV program center, deputy editor-in-chief Lu was receiving guests. After a while, he walked in after the guests left.

Seeing the proposal, Lu Hong's eyes lit up immediately.

"A new variety show?" Lu Hong asked excitedly.

If you want to say which is the most anticipated variety show of Beijing Satellite TV this year, it must be Xu Jie's show, and even the director of the station has asked about it.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

When Lu Hong turned to the first page, the first thing that caught his eyes were five characters: ordinary courage.

"Is this the name?" Lu Hong looked up at Xu Jie, not quite understanding the name.

"Yes." Xu Jie said.

"Why did you choose such a name?" Lu Hong asked, didn't you invite celebrities to experience the work?Didn't you find a star to accept the beating?The name doesn't seem to reflect the content of the show at all.

"Because no matter how ordinary life is, there will be difficulties, so ordinary life also needs courage." Xu Jie explained.

Lu Hong was taken aback when he heard it. The other party's answer was really fine. A few simple words expressed the attitude we should have when facing life and difficulties.

Does evasion work?

The best way to face difficulties is to have the courage to face them.

The name is ordinary, but it has connotations, not bad.

Lu Hong nodded and continued to look through.

The plan this time is much simpler than the previous "Crossover Actor". Of course, it can also be regarded as refined. After all, "Crossover Actor" is a competitive variety show, and there are many aspects to consider. "Ordinary Courage" is a life documentary reality show, which is presented in the form of records. Relatively speaking, there is no need to set up so many links, but...

"Are you sure you don't have a script?" Lu Hong looked up at Xu Jie and asked.

In order to maximize the effect of the program and avoid accidents, most variety shows have scripts, even competitive programs.

However, in the plan in his hand, he didn't see it.

"If there is a script, is that still called beating? What I want to show the audience is the performance of celebrities when they encounter difficulties and accidents." Xu Jie understood what Lu Hong meant, but what was arranged and what happened in the real world, in terms of effect Really different.

The current audience is not an idiot, and it is easy to see whether it is a script or not.

He didn't want the audience to think that the stars in it were just putting on a show when watching the show, and he didn't want to be considered a pot of chicken soup.

And the best way to prevent this from happening is to be genuine.

If you want to make a breakthrough, you must change. If you follow the previous routine, what is the difference from other life documentary programs?
What you shoot is not taking the usual path.

Otherwise, why should the audience watch your show?
There has to be something bright, something that will captivate the audience.

Today's audiences have vicious eyes and tricky tastes. If they don't show something real, they will be easily abandoned by the audience.

Looking at Xu Jie's confident and determined look, Lu Hong suddenly felt that his worries seemed superfluous. Even if there was no script, wouldn't the show itself be recorded?It is entirely possible to select conflict points and edit them together after recording. Of course, only experienced directors will do this. As for the person in front of you... you cannot ask the other party according to common sense.

He closed the planning book, then stood up, handed the planning book into Xu Jie's hands, and said seriously: "I will leave this program to you."


When Xu Jie took over the plan, it was like carrying the burden on his own shoulders.

This burden is very heavy, not only the expectations of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, but also the expectations of the whole Taiwan.

Whether Beijing TV Station can make up for the shortcomings in variety shows in the past depends entirely on him.

The show became popular, and with the second season of "Crossover Actors" launched in the first half of the year, no one dared to underestimate Beijing Satellite TV, but if the show's response was mediocre, then the title of the worst variety show among the five David TVs would continue to be worn. On the head of Beijing Satellite TV.

Xu Jie returned to his office, picked up his cell phone and made a call.

"Mr. Hu, do you have time now? There is a restaurant near Chaoyang Park called Zhoujiacai, which is very good. How about having a meal together?" Xu Jie said lightly.

Hu Zhen was shocked when he heard the words in the microphone.

Director Xu invites you to dinner?
real or fake?

He and Director Xu have known each other for so long, and they have invited each other to dinner more than once, but they were all rejected by the other party. However, this time the other party took the initiative to call and ask him out for dinner, it felt like a dream.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at the sky outside, the sun was rising from the east!

"Okay, okay, I'll go there now." Hu Zhen replied quickly.

It's only less than 10 in the morning, can you really go to eat?Certainly not.

Don't ask, there must be something important to talk about.

"By the way, bring a copy of your company's star profile, there are schedules in March and April." Xu Jie instructed.

"Understood." As soon as Hu Zhen heard this, he knew it was a good thing, and hurriedly asked his assistant to prepare the materials.

After Xu Jie finished calling Hu Zhen, he called Liu Jinghua again.

After hearing Xu Jie's words, Liu Jinghua was also stunned for a long time. After all, this was the first time that the other party invited her out for dinner, she would be very surprised, but after being surprised, she felt excited again, so she agreed immediately.

After Xu Jie called the two ace managers in Beijing, he put on his clothes and left the unit.

The planning book has been completed, it is time to start the preparations for the program!

(End of this chapter)

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