The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 514 Don't think about going on board

Chapter 514 Don't think about going on board
Xu Jie drove to Zhou's Cuisine, and saw the restaurant owner Zhou Xue as soon as he entered the door.

"Director Xu?" Zhou Xue showed a hint of surprise on her face when she saw the person entering the door, then she stretched her head and looked outside to make sure there was no one else, so she asked, "Are you here for dinner?"

It's just 10 o'clock, so it's not time to eat at all.

"Come to the restaurant, why don't you eat?" Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this.

"I didn't mean that, I meant..." Zhou Xue quickly explained: "Are you by yourself, or have you made an appointment? Do you want to eat something casually, or do you want a private room?"

Having worked in catering for so many years, her experience tells her that most of the time when she comes to restaurants during this period of time is to talk about business.

"I want a private room." Xu Jie said: "Two people will come later, a man and a woman. The man's name is Hu Zhen, in his early forties, and he looks like a monkey. The woman's name is Liu Jinghua, who is also in her 40s. I'm old, I should know how to dress up beautifully..."

"I see." Zhou Xue said.

She didn't know who Hu Zhen was, but she knew who Liu Jinghua was. Su Yun once brought this sister Hua here, just like what Director Xu said, every time she came, she was dressed up in fancy clothes, like a butterfly.

Xu Jie ordered a few dishes, and then went upstairs to the private room.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door, and then Boss Zhou came in with Hu Zhen.

"Director Xu, I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Hu Zhen stepped forward quickly and stretched out his hands at the same time.

"Not long ago, I just arrived, sit down." Xu Jie shook hands with the other party, and then pointed to the chair by the dining table.

Hu Zhen turned his head and saw that there were only three chairs beside the dining table that could accommodate more than a dozen people. Director Xu occupied one, leaving two empty chairs.

Could it be that Director Xu has dated someone else besides him?
who can that be?

Could it be...

Just as Hu Zhen was thinking, there was another knock on the door outside, and the door opened again. Before he saw anyone, he heard someone's voice.

"Director Xu, I kept you waiting for a long time. In fact, I have always wanted to invite you, but I didn't expect you to spend money..." Liu Jinghua only spoke halfway, and saw that there was another person in the private room besides Xu Jie. When he saw this person, his smile immediately froze on his face, and he asked in surprise, "Hu Zhen? Why are you here?"

Hu Zhen looked at Director Xu at the side, but he didn't answer Liu Jinghua's words, but he had already guessed the purpose of Director Xu's invitation to dinner this time.

I still remember last year's New Year's party, Director Xu, as the party's planner, also made an appointment with him and Liu Jinghua at the same time to discuss matters related to the actors' appearance in the party.

According to news reports a few days ago, Beijing Satellite TV is producing a new life documentary variety show, and the chief director of this show is Director Xu.

When he heard the news, he called to congratulate at the first time, and expressed the idea of ​​"the important person will succeed the person".

Now it seems that it should be a matter of the new variety show, otherwise he would not be allowed to bring the artist information, and deliberately emphasized that there is a March and April schedule.

"It's just the three of us today." Xu Jie looked at Hu Zhen and Liu Jinghua and said, "The reason why I invited you two out for dinner, I think you have already guessed a little bit, yes, I will trouble you again."

"Director Xu, look at what you said, did you see outsiders, and we are not outsiders, you are too polite." Liu Jinghua said with a smile.

"It's our honor that you can use us, no trouble at all." Hu Zhen also quickly expressed his attitude.

To them, this isn't trouble, it's God of Wealth visiting!
Director Xu gave them opportunities, jobs, and money. If this is called trouble, I really hope there will be more trouble like this in the future.

You know, variety shows are the favorites in the eyes of these people.

First, the shooting cycle is short and the scope of influence is large; second, the requirements for artists are low, and they do not need lines and acting skills; third, the salary is not lower than that of shooting film and television dramas. .

Now Director Xu took the initiative to find them. If it wasn't the God of Wealth, what was it?
Hearing the compliments from the two, Xu Jie continued: "You all know that I am in charge of the new variety show. This variety show needs six artists, and the shooting time is probably March and April. However, the content of this variety show is different from that of What you have seen in the past is different, so I hope you and your artists are mentally prepared, and don’t tell me to quit halfway through the filming..."

Seeing Director Xu's serious expression, Hu Zhen and Liu Jinghua were stunned for a moment.

Why does this variety show sound dangerous?
Isn't it to take everyone to rob the tomb?
This is illegal!

"Director Xu, I read on the news that the variety show you're in charge of this time is a documentary of life. I don't know what it's about?" Liu Jinghua couldn't help asking. Women are always more curious than men, and their mouths are more serious. faster than men.

The life documentary variety shows that are currently appearing are either traveling or relaxing. How can the difference be different?You can't get out of life, can you?

Xu Jie looked at Liu Jinghua, then at Hu Zhen, and said, "Actually, it's nothing, it's just life experience, allowing artists to experience various professions."

After hearing this, Liu Jinghua breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought it was some dangerous content, but it turned out to be just professional experience.

What mental preparation is needed for this?
When an artist is shooting a film and television drama, he will play various professions in it, so the content of this variety show is simply too easy for the artist.

"Director Xu, I don't know about other people, but the artistes of our company will never quit." Liu Jinghua said confidently, and at the same time did not forget to step on others.

Hu Zhen was more cautious at the beginning, because he felt that Director Xu would not issue a warning for no reason, and he felt that the life experience that Director Xu said would definitely not be that simple, otherwise he would not disclose a word to the outside world.

Originally, he wanted to ask a few more questions to learn more about it, but now he couldn't sit still when he heard Liu Jinghua's words, and quickly expressed his opinion: "Director Xu, we have not cooperated once or twice, you should know our company very well. Artists, not only can endure hardships, but the most important thing is that they are very obedient, so you can rest assured."

Xu Jie nodded and said, "Since both of you agree, please give me the information. I will choose someone, and you will have dinner."

Liu Jinghua and Hu Zhen immediately took out a stack of materials from their bags and put them in front of them, for fear that the other party would grab them first.

Xu Jie first picked up the materials of Hu Zhen's company and looked through them.

Because when he was filming "Delicious History", he had contact with many artists in Hu Zhen's agency, and he knew him relatively well, so he was relatively quick in screening.

Word of mouth is too good, don't.

Once overturned in the show, it will affect the artist's image and career.

He didn't want to ruin an artist's future just because of a variety show.

Fans of artists can't spare the program group.

If the reputation is too bad, don't.

Those who don't know think that helping the artist to clean up the whitewashing is likely to be disgusted by the audience.

He does variety shows, what he does is content, and attracts everyone's attention through exciting content, so as to increase ratings, instead of pursuing traffic and topicality, looking for those negative news entangled, relying on black and red high-ranking artists to gain ratings.

Xu Jie finally left five artist profiles from Hu Zhen's company, and then looked through the artist profiles of Liu Jinghua's company.

Although his wife Su Yun is one of the shareholders of Liu Jinghua's company, and he has attended the annual meeting of the prosperous economic company, but he himself does not know the artists of Liu Jinghua's company.

During the New Year's Gala, I had cooperated with many artists of Liu Jinghua's company, but that cooperation was too short, and there were a lot of people at that time. It can be said that I didn't remember anything except the name.

If you ask Liu Jinghua, you will definitely not be able to find out the truth, so Xu Jie can only read it by himself and check it with his mobile phone. It took more than an hour to select five materials.

"The program needs a total of six artists. I will select five from each of your two companies, and you will select three from the five, and the remaining two will be used as substitutes. Substitute artists are on top, ugly words are in front, if they quit halfway, the termination fee will be doubled." Xu Jie said.

Liu Jinghua smiled.

Didn't I say it all, it's impossible!

It's too late to fight for such a good resource, will you quit if your brain is caught in the door?There are still tens of millions of salary available, even if the artist wants to quit, she will not agree.

Hu Zhen raised his head and looked at Director Xu. This was the second time the other party reminded him. Before filming "Delicious History" and when he participated in the New Year's Gala, and even the previous "Crossover Actor", the other party did not say once. Had such words.

But thinking about it carefully, he has already been told the content of the program, which is life experience and professional experience. In fact, there have been such programs before, but it is just a one-day experience.

Professional experience, what can make an artist choose to quit?

Could it be that the profession is unusual?
The problem is that even an artist can't do an unusual job, so how will the show be filmed then?
"Director Xu, may I ask, what are the occupations experienced by artists?" Hu Zhen couldn't help asking.

He thought he knew Director Xu quite well, and if it was not necessary, the other party would never talk nonsense to him. Since the other party had said it and repeatedly emphasized it, then this experience was absolutely extraordinary.

In other words, this is the secret weapon of Beijing Satellite TV in the second half of the year. If it is just an ordinary professional experience, even with the blessing of an artist, the ratings will not be too high. The other party has planned a variety show, so they should be very clear about this.

"There are many professions, 360 lines, all kinds of lines may appear, but don't worry, we will not deliberately make things difficult for artists. There will be many occupations listed for artists to choose from. Unless they choose something they are not good at, otherwise it should not be impossible to shoot completely. Difficult." Xu Jie said with a smile.

The boat is already on board, do you still want to go down?
How can it be!

Once you get on it, don't even think about leaving!

Xu Jie thought to himself.

Hu Zhen was slightly taken aback, and finally felt relieved when he heard that artists could choose their careers, and a smile appeared on his face.

It’s okay to have a choice!
"Director Xu, don't worry, don't say double, triple is fine." Hu Zhen said with a smile
"I'm willing five times!" Liu Jinghua was like Hu Zhen, wanting to overwhelm him.

"Haha, then I will listen to you."

The smile on Xu Jie's face became brighter.


(End of this chapter)

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