Chapter 515

Xu Jie returned to work after talking about the artists with Hu Zhen and Liu Jinghua.

In the days that followed, it was as if there was no such thing as a new variety show. He would appear on the TV station every day, go to work on time, leave work on time, participate in the production of "Delicious History", hold a summary meeting after the broadcast of "Deep Talk on Film and Television", and contribute to the art of literature and art. Other programs on the channel made suggestions, and the whole person entered the role of deputy director of the art program center.

However, these ordinary behaviors of Xu Jie made many people feel very abnormal, and they were full of doubts about it, and even wondered if the other party was frustrated and forgot a particularly important thing.

"Hey, when will the recording of the variety show start?" Qin Yan asked Xu Jie after the program summary meeting.

It has been more than half a month since the other party invited her to be the host of the show, but I still haven't waited for the recording notice from the other party, nor have I received any script, it feels as if she has never been invited, no, it feels like there is no new variety show Same with this show.

"It's early." Xu Jie spoke lightly, and he didn't seem worried or anxious about the new program.

"When do you plan to start the recording?" Qin Yan continued to ask, for fear of being dumped by the other party and not taking her to play.

"It's too cold now, wait until the weather gets warmer before recording." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"I'm really the host of this show?" Qin Yan saw that the other party was not in a hurry, and even began to doubt her identity as the host.

"Of course, and the only one." Xu Jie said.

After Qin Yan got a definite answer, she was relieved, but in the eyes of the other party, when is it considered warm?

March?April?Or is it May?

I have been waiting so hard!
Does this mean that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry?

When Xu Jie returned to the office, before the door was closed, he felt a force pushing in.

"I'll close it."

Xu Jie looked back after hearing the voice, and saw Director Jiang slipping in through the crack of the door, and then closed the door.

"Director, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"It's okay, I want to chat with you." Jiang Hai said cheerfully.

Xu Jie looked at the other party and thought: I believe you ghost!
He still knows Director Jiang very well. If he has nothing to do, he will watch short videos in the office, or use the computer to play minesweeper solitaire. If he doesn't want to stay in the unit, he will go out to find President Feng and the others for tea. Why would he chat with him? ?
Besides, besides work, what else do the two big men have to talk about?

"By the way, how is "Ordinary Courage" going?" Jiang Hai pretended to ask casually, but talking about this matter as soon as he opened his mouth obviously meant to slap himself in the face.

He couldn't help it, Lao Lu didn't ask himself, but let him ask, euphemistically saying: I don't want to be regarded as a ghost.

You don't want to be, do I want to be?

Good people let you do it, let me be a bad guy?
"Everything is going well." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this.

Jiang Hai was stunned, and there was more consternation in his eyes.

all the best?
As far as he knew, the other party hadn't done anything so far, and stayed in the unit all day. Apart from commuting to and from get off work, he usually didn't leave the door. Could this mean that everything went well?
If he didn't think there was a problem, would he use the chat to inquire about the progress of the new variety show?

Old Lu cared, why didn't he care?The other party is from the Arts Program Center!

"Have all the preliminary preparations been done?" Jiang Hai asked.

He asked too broadly two days ago, Lao Yu said that he had not received any notice about the new variety show, and wondered if Beijing Satellite TV planned to set up its own program team to record.

"Well, it's almost there. If there are no accidents, the recording will officially start in a few days. Does the director want to arrange people for the show?" Xu Jie asked.

It's a very normal thing for a TV station to have a leader place a related account on the show. When "Crossover Actor" was recorded, the places were allocated in this way.

Not only Beijing TV Station, but also other TV stations. The most obvious feature is: this artist is very annoying, but he can still appear in this TV station's programs many times.

"No, you are overthinking, I just asked casually." Jiang Hai quickly explained.

"Director, don't be polite to me, I'm not in trouble here." Xu Jie said, always feeling that the other party seems to have something, otherwise why would he ask about the new variety show?
"No, I'm just curious about the new variety show and want to see it quickly." Jiang Hai found a reason to respond.

He did place people in other variety shows, but he didn't dare to place people in Xu Jie's show alone.

Because this show is now the key variety show project of Beijing Satellite TV this year, there are too many people following it, and it has high expectations, he dare not use public affairs for personal gain at this time, or the old Lu will turn his back on him.

This is also the consensus reached by the entire Beijing radio and television system.

No one should interfere with Xu Jie, and put all the power in Xu Jie's hands.

Now Xu Jie is protecting animals in Taiwan. No one can hurt him, not even frighten him.

Alas, it seems that this time it will return in vain.

The days passed by.

On this day, Jiang Hai found out that Xu Jie didn't come to work, and he immediately became excited.

Have you finally started filming a new variety show?

"Where's Xu Jie?" Jiang Hai asked someone.

"I don't know, I didn't see it."

"Did you see Xu Jie?" Jiang Hai found another person.

"I went to film the show, and left early in the morning with the equipment."

"Really? What show?"

"A Tasty History."

"Ah? It's already the end of February, what about filming "Delicious History"? Didn't the filming finish at the beginning of the month?"

"I don't know, it should be a make-up scene. Everyone in the program team has gone."

Jiang Hai came to the office area in a hurry, and sure enough, none of the "Delicious History" program crew was there, and his face immediately showed a disappointed expression, as well as a little depression.

Alas, I am so happy!

after a few days.

"Xiao Xu, why are you so happy today? Is it because of the new variety show?" Jiang Hai continued to insinuate, all because of Lao Lu's compulsion.

"No, it's because my wife came back from abroad." Xu Jie said with a smile.


A few more days passed.

"Xiao Xu, why don't you look happy today? Is there any problem with the new variety show?" Jiang Hai asked again with concern.

"No, my wife just left this morning and is going to Hengdian to film again." Xu Jie sighed.


Many days passed.

"Xiao Xu, where are you going in such a hurry? Are you going to record a new program?" Jiang Hai stopped him.

"Stomach hurts, go to the bathroom!"


Jiang Hai came to Lu Hong's office and sat across from him with resentment written all over his face.

"Deputy editor-in-chief Lu, please don't let me ask Xu Jie for news about the new variety show, okay? If it gets to the recording stage, Lao Yu will definitely tell us, so don't bother me, okay? I Return the tea to you." Jiang Hai put the tea pot on the desk.

Sure enough, there is no free lunch or free tea in the world.

"Haven't the recording started yet?" Lu Hong quickly poured a glass of water to suppress the resentment in the other party's heart, then sat down and said, "No, it's already mid-March, the pre-production and mid-term recording, there is still It will take at least four or five months for the final post-production."

He has read Xu Jie's proposal. The new variety show is not filmed and broadcast like "Crossover Actor", but broadcast after all filming is completed. This can guarantee the quality of the program, but the time will be relatively longer.

"Never mind how many months it will take, or how many months it will take to finish the filming, as long as Xiao Xu can produce the show, won't it be enough? Even if you know where his show is going, so what? Is it possible that you still plan to make a guest appearance? "

Jiang Hai felt that Lao Lu was a little too concerned about this matter. The two of them watched Xu Jie grow up and knew Xu Jie very well. Is the eunuch in a hurry?

"Aren't I concerned? If there is any problem, I can come forward to help solve it." Lu Hong said.

"Xiao Xu is not stupid. If there is a problem, he will not come to you? Besides, Xiao Xu's program will not be broadcast until the second half of the year, and it is still early. If you are so kind, can you care about me first?" Jiang Hai Said.

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Hong looked at Lao Jiang.

"The second season of "Crossover Actor" will start airing next month, but the stage script is still unsolved." Jiang Hai said with a frown.

"Didn't they send you some screenwriters a few days ago?" Lu Hong asked suspiciously. No wonder Lao Jiang spoke in such an aggressive tone today, as if he had eaten explosives.

"What's the use of having too many people? The key is to come up with a wonderful script. So many people can't stand up to Xiao Xu. What's the difference between being sent and not being sent?" Jiang Hai now misses the scene when he recorded the first season last year.

Although he was also the chief director at that time, all the work was handled by Xu Jie in an orderly manner, and he didn't need to worry about it at all. But now, no matter what the job is, it will give him some problems, as if deliberately testing him. Much less.

"This time, I will find some professional screenwriters for you from the outside, and I will definitely help you solve the script matter." Lu Hong said.

"Hurry up, don't forget, you are also the chief director of this show!" Jiang Hai reminded.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, Jiang Hai's cell phone rang.

He looked at the call, it was from Yu Kuan, he looked up at Lao Lu, and while answering the phone, he thought: Don't ask me for tea.

"Mr. Yu, what's your business?" Mr. Yu was the one who spoke, meaning that there were people around him, and he would talk about everything else.

"Lao Jiang, Xiao Xu just left my place, and said that he wanted more than 40 people, and said that the recording will start next week."


When Jiang Hai heard this, he immediately stood up from his chair.



"Okay, I see." Jiang Hai hung up the phone, looked at Lao Lu opposite and said, "Old Yu called, Xiao Xu finally took action."

"Great, it's finally started." Lu Hong felt relieved.


(End of this chapter)

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