The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 516 Countdown to Startup

Chapter 516 Countdown to Startup

Jingshi Culture Communication Company.

At this moment, the meeting room is full of people standing along the corridor for a distance of 40 meters, like a long dragon.

People passing by were very curious after seeing it, and asked what was going on.

"What are you queuing up here? The company is giving benefits again? Isn't the year over?"

"What kind of benefits are you giving out? You're going to a meeting. You're overthinking it."

"A meeting? What kind of meeting? Why don't I know?"

"I don't know what to talk about at the meeting of Director Xu Jie and Xu of Beijing TV Station."

"Xu Jie? Why did he come to our Jingshi culture? Could it be related to the new variety show?"

"do not know."


At the front of the line, Xu Jie sat outside the door of the conference room, with a stack of documents and a pen on the table in front of him.

"Don't worry, everyone. It's just a confidentiality agreement, not a contract of sale. After signing it, we are our own people." Xu Jie said loudly.

In order to prevent the content of the program from leaking out, Xu Jie prepared a program confidentiality agreement for each staff member who entered the program group.

This is a very normal thing, it happens in many shows, it's not that Xu Jie is doing anything special, just take "Crossover Actor" as an example, in addition to the signatures of the staff, the audience also needs to sign, so as to restrict it.

"After signing, you can enter the meeting room. There is a program planning plan in front of each seat. Please take a look carefully. If there is anything you don't understand, I will explain it to you later." Xu Jie said with a smile.

The people in line were very surprised when they heard it.

Years later, everyone has already heard that Director Xu is in charge of a life documentary program, and will recruit staff from Beijing Television Culture. After that, there has been no movement. No one thought that it has been so long in the past, and it is only now that preparations are started. What is this? Routine?
Soon, everyone signed the non-disclosure agreement, which is a common thing for them, and there is no psychological burden.

Xu Jie counted the agreements, a total of 46, he put away the agreements, then turned and walked into the conference room.

At this moment, everyone was seriously watching the program planning.

Xu Jie sat down, looked at the people in the meeting room and said: "From now on, you are members of the program group of the reality documentary reality show "Ordinary Courage". welcome to join.”

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie's applause sounded in the conference room alone.

Because except for him, everyone present is a new member.

"Everyone has read the planning book, and I believe that I have a preliminary understanding of the new program. Now I will arrange specific tasks for everyone. I hope everyone can complete it within three days. This is also a test..."

Next, Xu Jie arranged corresponding work according to each person's position, and the preliminary preparations for the program officially started from this moment.

Xu Jie was about to go back to the TV station after the meeting. As soon as he opened the door of the conference room, he saw Yu Kuan, the boss of JingTV Culture, standing outside.

"Mr. Yu, I took a look at everyone's mental outlook in the meeting just now. It turns out that there are no weak soldiers under the strong generals. With your support this time, the show will definitely be completed smoothly." Xu Jie complimented solemnly.

This time the variety show is co-produced by Beijing TV Station and Beijing Television Culture. The so-called joint production means that the station pays money, and the company below contributes people and efforts. Therefore, future shootings will inevitably be troublesome and have a good relationship with the other party. It is also of great benefit to the next work.

"Haha, Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu, you're still so polite to me. We're not outsiders. In the future, if you need someone, just tell me. I promise to arrange the best people for you." Yu Kuan said with a smile, I am also very happy.

Not bad, not bad, knowing that Baimao has a future.

Unlike some people in the stage, who use Jingshi culture, they still have a high-spirited and superior attitude, and they really think of themselves as imperial envoys? .

Beijing Television Culture is also the property of Beijing Radio and Television Station. It is the same father as Jingcheng Television Station, and it was not picked up from outside.

In fact, even if the young man in front of him didn't say anything, he still had to support the show with all his strength. This was Lao Jiang's favorite, not to mention that there was a deputy editor-in-chief Lu behind the show.

He walked into the meeting room and said loudly to the company employees inside: "Listen up, cheer me up. From now on, you can do whatever Director Xu asks you to do. If anyone loses the chain for me, it's bad luck." Don’t blame me for being rude, have you heard me?”

At the end, there was a warning in his voice, and a bit more sternness in his eyes.


Everyone spoke in unison, and no one dared to relax.

You don't have to listen to other people's words, but you must not listen to Mr. Yu's words.

If you don't listen to Director Xu, you will be expelled from the program group at most, but if you don't listen to Mr. Yu, you will pack your bags and leave the company.

Yu Kuan turned his head to look at Xu Jie, with a kind smile on his face again, "Xiao Xu, we are all on our own, don't be polite to them, if anyone is disobedient, tell me, and I will punish him!"

Of course Xu Jie wouldn't say yes at this time, wouldn't it turn into a snitch?What do the people in the conference room think?
The filming hadn't started yet, so he didn't want to leave a bad impression on the program crew.

"Mr. Yu, how can your people be worse? I don't believe it!" Xu Jie shook his head.

"Haha." Yu Kuan smiled, stretched out his hand and patted the young man's shoulder, no wonder he was regarded as a treasure by Lao Jiang and deputy editor-in-chief Lu, who can talk and have ability, who doesn't like such a person?

"Mr. Yu, I'll leave first if there's nothing else to do," Xu Jie said.

"Well, go slowly." Yu Kuan said.

Xu Jie left Jingshi Culture Company and drove back to the TV station.

As soon as he entered the cultural and art program center, his eyes were projected towards him "swish, swish, swish".

Everyone already knows about the affairs of Jingshi Culture, and it is difficult to know about such a big movement.

"Is the new variety show finally going to be filmed?" Qin Yan walked forward quickly, her eyes full of excitement and joy. She had been waiting for this day for a long time, and her endocrine was so anxious that she felt a little out of balance.

Xu Jie nodded, then looked at the office area, and said loudly: "Lu Zhanpeng, Liu Jinbao, Zhao Gang, and Zhang Tong come to my office." After speaking, he looked at Qin Yan in front of him, "You also come."

Qin Yan's eyes showed a hint of confusion. Lu Zhanpeng and Liu Jinbao are from the "Delicious History" program team, while Zhao Gang and Zhang Tong are from the "Film and TV Talk" program team. The other party called the two program groups together What are you doing?
Doubts belong to doubts, but she still followed.

The other four people also came to the deputy director's office, all at a loss as to what Director Xu was going to do.

Xu Jie closed the door, then looked at the five people and said, "I went to JingTV Culture just now, and the staff is basically assembled, but there is no acquaintance in the program group. I'm afraid there will be a lot of inconvenience during filming. So I am going to recruit a few people from our art program center, do you have any ideas?"

Several people were taken aback when they heard it, and immediately understood what Director Xu meant.

This is to take them to a new variety show!
Variety shows are one of the most watched programs on TV stations, and it is naturally a good thing for them to be able to participate in the production of variety shows.

What's more, the chief director of the show is Director Xu, so why not participate?

"I'm willing to participate." Liu Jinbao was the first to speak, "But what about "Delicious History"?"

The others also nodded.

This is not just Liu Jinbao's problem alone, but also a problem shared by everyone.

If you participate in a new variety show, it will definitely affect the original show. How to choose and how to achieve a balance is a problem.

After hearing this, Xu Jie looked at Liu Jinbao and Lu Zhanpeng and said, "Hasn't the April and May filming of "Delicious History" been rushed out in advance? The post-production can be left to Song Huanhuan and the others."

In the past one and a half months, he has not been idle, he has been busy with "Delicious History", in order to be able to concentrate on doing a good job in the new program.

He looked at Zhao Gang and Zhang Tong again and said, "You may have to work harder. You can only work overtime while filming new variety shows. Of course, if you don't want to, I will find someone else."

"In-depth Film and Television Talk" is quite special, and the program cannot be produced too long in advance, so I can only work hard with the team members.

"It's okay, I am willing." Zhao Gang said.

"I'm fine." Zhang Tong said afterward.

In fact, the workload of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" is still very small. Being able to participate in other programs can also enrich myself.

Xu Jie finally looked at Qin Yan and said, "You are the busiest one. With the addition of the new variety show, you need to host three programs. I am going to talk to Director Jiang about adding another female host for the entertainment broadcast."

When Qin Yan heard this, she immediately said, "No, I can do it, at worst I have to work overtime for a few hours."

She has hosted entertainment broadcasts for several years, and she still has feelings for this show, but now she wants to find someone to replace her, how could she agree?
Xu Jie shook his head at the other party, and said: "A person's energy is limited, and the shooting time of new programs is not fixed, and there is no definite time to start and finish work. In the future, your work focus will be transferred to variety shows, like literary and art shows. The broadcast of this kind of entertainment news program should be handed over to other hosts, don't be reluctant, you have to lose to gain."

Qin Yan understood this time, the other party wanted her to transform from an entertainment news hostess to a variety show entertainment hostess.

Comparing the two, the latter is naturally more important, and she might have a chance to become the first lady of the Beijing TV station's variety show.

"I'll follow your arrangement." Qin Yan said, she was also ambitious.

Xu Jie looked at the five people in front of him and said: "Since you all agree, from now on, you are the members of the "Ordinary Courage" program team, Qin Yan, you are the host, Liu Jinbao, Lu Zhanpeng, Zhao Gang, you are the filming team. The team leader is in charge of filming artists, Zhang Tong is in charge of making a daily shooting plan, and the show will officially start in three days, before that, I hope you can get familiar with the whole show as soon as possible."

After speaking, send the planning plan to five people.

Boot into the countdown!

(End of this chapter)

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