The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 517 Professional life experience

Chapter 517 Professional life experience
3 month 20 number.

After two months of preparation, Beijing Satellite TV's large-scale life documentary reality show "Ordinary Courage" finally ushered in its opening day.

Early in the morning, Xu Jie came to the unit and went through the contents of today's filming in his head.

At 9:40 in the morning, 20 minutes before the agreed time, he packed his things and walked out of the office.

Qin Yan, Liu Jinbao, Lu Zhanpeng, Zhao Gang, and Zhang Tong are all ready.

Especially Qin Yan, because she is the host of the show, she needs to appear on camera, so she not only puts on exquisite makeup, but also wears beautiful clothes, looking youthful, beautiful and graceful.

"Are you all ready?" Xu Jie looked at several people and asked.

"Ready." Qin Yan took the lead and said.

"Let's go." Xu Jie said, and walked in the front.

The start-up location is located in the Grand Theater of Beijing TV Station, which is next door.

For this launch, the "Crossover Actors" program group, which has been rehearsing in the Grand Theater recently, deliberately set aside a day for the new variety show "Ordinary Courage", which shows that everyone attaches great importance to the new variety show.

Xu Jie led people out of the first floor, and saw Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang standing in the courtyard head-on. The two also saw him at this time, and immediately smiled a little more on their faces.

"Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang, you are not waiting for me, are you?" Xu Jie stepped forward and asked.

Although he doesn't have special abilities, and he doesn't know much about telepathy, but as soon as his eyes come into contact with these two, he knows what they are thinking.

"Lao Jiang and I want to go to see your opening ceremony, won't you be welcome?" Lu Hong said with a smile.

"Welcome, how could you not welcome me?" Xu Jie said after hearing this.

The eyes of Qin Yan and the others standing behind were full of surprises.

Fortunately, Director Jiang said that even Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu came to participate, so Director Xu really has a reputation.

"Let's go together." Lu Hong pointed in the direction of the Grand Theater, and asked as he walked, "How is it? Are you confident about the new program?"

"I can't talk about whether I have confidence, but I will definitely do my best to make the show a good one." Xu Jie replied.

Lu Hong nodded, thinking that as expected of Xiao Xu, he even answered differently from others.

The same thing, he asked many people, everyone's answer is the same: have confidence.However, the final results are often unsatisfactory.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this question is completely redundant. What if the director has confidence in the program?In the end, it depends on the reaction of the audience.

If the audience says it looks good, it is really good-looking, and if the audience says they like it, the show is considered a success.

If it is separated from the audience, no matter how connotative the content is, no matter how artistic it is, what is the use if no audience likes to watch it?
Saying that you have confidence before it is broadcast, or saying that you have confidence before it is turned on, such an answer is not a bragging-force, or a mouth-bombing!
Not advisable!
Xiao Xu's answer is still the most honest.

When the group arrived at the Grand Theatre, the staff of Beijing Television Culture had already arrived, and Yu Kuan personally led the team. Two celebrities had already arrived, and four others hadn't arrived.

Xu Jie called all the camera crews together, and then divided them into seven groups. Except for the camera team that shot the host, there were only two people, and the camera groups for other artists were composed of five people, each of which was an assistant director. and four cameramen.

Liu Jinbao, Lu Zhanpeng, and Zhao Gang are both assistant directors and team leaders, while the remaining three assistant directors are Jiang Wenjing, Gao Qian and Wang Bin from JingTV Culture.

He arranged this for a purpose.

People from Beijing TV Station and people from JingTV Culture lead three filming teams respectively, so that they can compete with each other.

Not long after, the remaining four artists also arrived.

Originally, they all came in time, but when they saw Lu Hong, the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing TV Station, they immediately felt as if they were late.

At this time, Xu Jie came to the stage, looked at the people in the audience, and said: "Hi everyone, I am Xu Jie, the chief director of "Ordinary Courage". Now that I have a certain understanding of the content, from now on, the filming of the program will officially begin, and I hope that everyone can devote themselves seriously..."

"Wow hoo hoo!"

After the voice fell, the scene burst into applause.

The shadow of the tree of names.

Although Xu Jie has not been in the industry for a long time, his achievements are brilliant. In addition, he is not only the chief director of the show, but also the deputy director of the art program center of Beijing TV Station. No matter who he is, he has to give some face.

The stars present are no exception.

Before coming, the agent repeatedly emphasized that he must listen to Director Xu and put away all the usual minor problems, otherwise he will bear the consequences.

Although the agent did not explain what the consequences are, everyone knows very well that the so-called consequences are actually cold storage and no longer provide them with resources.

Resources are the key to every artist's survival. Without resources, they will slowly disappear in the entertainment industry. This is what every artist does not want to see.

So, listen to Xu Dao's words and applaud Xu Dao's words.

"I announce that "Ordinary Courage" is officially launched!" Xu Jie said loudly, his voice spread to every corner of the theater, and then he walked off the stage, leaving the scene to the protagonists of the show, the six stars.

The program team is ready, and the filming officially begins.

Host Qin Yan walked to the camera.

"Welcome to Beijing Satellite TV's large-scale celebrity life documentary reality show "Ordinary Courage". I am the host Qin Yan. We have invited six artists to participate in this professional experience..."

"They are glamorous stars and popular idols. If they give up their career as entertainers and become ordinary people, will they still be as good as they are on stage?"

"Next, they will have a six-week professional life experience, work and live in this city, let us wait and see."

"Right now, we invite six artists to appear on the stage. The first one is Su Meichang, an actress. She starred in a movie with a box office of more than 20 billion. The TV series "Home's Expectation" is currently on the air..."

"Second place, Hu Xuan, singer, music producer, masterpiece "Missing You" and "Return", known as the prince of music..."

"The third place is Hai Xin, an actress who has won the title of most popular actress many times..."

"Fourth place, Wang Zihao, actor, representative of the new generation of male actors..."

"Fifth place, Wu Wei, a singer with a variety of styles,..."

"The sixth place, Geng Di, actor, capable..."

Lu Hong looked at the six stars, including the popular first-tier and second-tier actors, and some singers who were once very popular but are not noticed now. There are both powerful groups and idol groups.

He always thought that Xiao Xu would invite some well-known artists to participate, so that he could attract more celebrity fans and topic traffic, but the reality was different from what he imagined.

He can understand the invitation of popular artists, such as Wang Zihao and Su Meichang, but what is the purpose of inviting those past artists, such as Wu Wei and Geng Di?
Is it to make up the numbers?
Should not be!

At the beginning, he promised Xu Jie that there would be no cap on the program production fee.

Looking at all the TV stations in China, which variety show has such treatment?
save money?

He doesn't need the other party to save money for him.

"Who picked the artist?" Lu Hong asked Jiang Hai beside him in a low voice.

"It is said that Xu Jie invited him." Jiang Hai replied.

Lu Hong nodded and said nothing more.

I really don't know what kind of medicine is sold in this kid's gourd.

Six actors came on stage one after another, all appearing in front of the camera.

Qin Yan looked at the artists beside her and asked, "Before I experience professional life, I would like to ask everyone, besides singing and performing, what specialties do you have? Haixin will tell you first."

"I can cook, and I often think, if I don't become an actor, I will definitely open a restaurant." Hai Xin said with a smile.

"Wang Zihao, what about you?" Qin Yan asked.

"I like sports and fitness. I can be a fitness instructor." Wang Zihao said confidently.

After learning that the content of the reality show he participated in was professional experience, he specially invited a fitness personal trainer to teach him some fitness knowledge, and temporarily cramped his feet. Maybe among the occupations he experienced, there were occupations related to sports or fitness.

Then I asked Su Meichang, Hu Xuan, Wu Wei, and Geng Di. Everyone gave different answers. It seemed that they all had special skills, but in fact they all came prepared.

Who wouldn't want to express themselves on the show?
"It seems that everyone is versatile, but they don't know how to complete our professional life experience." Qin Yan said here, pointing to dozens of blackboards behind her, introducing the content of the program: "Behind me, there are a total of 20 yuan blackboards. There are [-] most common occupations in our daily life written on it, and our artists can choose one of them to challenge."

At this time, the 20 yuan blackboard was opened one by one, and the occupations written on it also appeared in the eyes of the six artists.

There are couriers, lawyers, doctors, delivery people, home appliance repairs, accountants, surrogate drivers, construction engineers, sales, cleaners, real estate agents, sailors, veterinarians, web designers, fitters, hairdressers, auditors, tailors, gardeners , Mortician.

The artists were all confused when they saw it, and there was only one thought in their mind: what the hell are these?

It seems that there are many occupations, but in fact there are not many occupations for them to choose from, or even very few.

For example, lawyers and doctors, is this something ordinary people can do?That needs proof.

There are also accountants, construction engineers, web designers, gardeners, all too professional.

What's more, the funeral director, even if he had this idea, he didn't have the guts!
Not only the actors, but even the staff at the scene were dumbfounded.

Although they have seen program planning, they don't know what occupations are available. Looking at it now, my god, there are too many professional occupations, and there are too few occupations for ordinary people with no experience to choose from.

Lu Hong in the crowd blinked.

What the hell are sailors and undertakers?

sailor?Do you still want to go to sea to shoot?
Undertaker?Go to the funeral home?

It is better not to write these occupations.

Lu Hong turned his head to look at Xu Jie at the side, but saw the corners of the other party's mouth turned up, as if he was smiling.

What laughing?


(End of this chapter)

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