The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 519 Unfavorable Start

Chapter 519 Unfavorable Start
Wang Zihao leaned out and looked back, seeing the package that fell on the ground, an embarrassed expression immediately appeared on his face.

The operation was as fierce as a tiger, and the last look was two hundred and five.

Express delivery is not only to deliver the package to the customer, but also to ensure the safety of the contents of the package.

Wang Zihao dropped a package at the beginning, so sloppy is obviously unqualified, and it also ruined the serious image he worked so hard to establish just now.

Wang Zihao got out of the car quickly, ran to the back of the electric car, picked up the package on the ground, shook it lightly with his hand, and heaved a sigh of relief when he didn't hear any movement.

"There is food on the courier bill. I think there should be no problem. When the courier arrives, let the customer take it apart to see if it is damaged." Wang Zihao said to the camera, and then re-bundled the courier on the top of the carriage.

With the previous lessons learned, this time he pushed a few times with his hands after the binding was completed, and reinforced the rope. After making sure that the courier would not slide on the roof of the carriage, he sat on the electric car again and stepped on the pedal lightly. Left the courier station.

At the same time, other entertainers started to work.

When Haixin came to the housekeeping company, she put on the work uniform of the housekeeping company, changed her hairstyle, and didn't have much make-up, so her appearance was somewhat different from the image on the TV screen.

There are two ways for cleaners to get a job. One is to come to the door and the customer chooses it by themselves. The other is to call the housekeeping company and be appointed by the housekeeping company.

For domestic work, there are more people looking for people in the morning, and customers will come to the door soon.

"You are..." The customer was slightly taken aback when he saw the camera, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Hello, we are filming a program at Beijing TV Station. If you mind, we won't film you." Zhao Gang, the leader of Haixin's filming team, explained.

"Can you go on TV?" asked the customer sister.

"Yes." Zhao Gang explained again.

When the eldest sister heard this, she immediately turned around and said loudly: "Stop, stop quickly, don't shoot yet."

Zhao Gang waved to the filming team.

At this moment, the eldest sister took out a mirror from her bag and said, "I'll put on makeup first, and then you guys will take pictures."


The eldest sister put powder on her face and touched lipstick on her lips. After a long time, she turned around and smiled and said, "Okay, now we can shoot."

Zhao Gang smiled, and quickly said, "Oh, good, good."

The eldest sister looked at the camera, and then said to the staff of the housekeeping company: "I want to find a nurse to take care of the elderly. It only takes one morning, from [-] am to [-] noon..."

After the staff heard the request, they immediately took out the nursing information for the customer to choose. The eldest sister looked at a few, and finally chose the one with better eyesight. After seeing the real person, she was also very satisfied, and finally led the person out of the door .

But a few seconds later, the door suddenly opened, and the eldest sister came in from the outside again, and asked excitedly, "How was my performance just now, can you take a look and let me have a look? If it's not good, you can retake it."

The corner of Zhao Gang's mouth twitched, and he explained: "The filming is over, very good."

At the same time, I thought to myself: Please, the moment you tell me to find a nurse, it has nothing to do with you.

"I can rest assured that."


The eldest sister is gone.

Zhao Gang felt that this was a bit inappropriate, so he discussed with the general manager of the housekeeping company, and finally decided to let a photographer and a staff member of the housekeeping company stand outside the house, explain to the customers who entered the door, and then shoot.

Those who agreed to shoot went to one office, and those who disagreed went to another office. This would not delay the business of the housekeeping company, but also save time for shooting.

Customers came one after another.

Some were looking for a babysitter, some were looking for a confinement wife, and after a while, I finally met a person looking for a cleaner.

For the effect of the program, the housekeeping company has put Haixin's information first and recommended it to customers. However, after reading the information, the customer directly turned to the second page and left a sentence: "Too young, look He doesn't look like he has much experience."

Eventually a cleaner in his 40s was picked and left.

Hai Xin frowned directly after learning about this, and said to the camera: "What's wrong with being young, young and neat, I will make her regret not choosing me."

Soon, another customer came.

With the strong recommendation of the housekeeping staff, the client finally agreed to see him in person.

"Hello." Haixin said politely after seeing the client.

The customer asked, "Will the floors be waxed?"

Haixin was slightly taken aback, and then replied embarrassingly: "Uh, no!"

The customer asked again: "Will you do insect control and disinfecting?"

Hai Xin blushed, shook her head and said, "No, I won't."

The customer frowned, "Can you clean the leather sofa?"

Haixin was directly asked to be autistic.

Perhaps seeing a camera on the side, the customer didn't get angry, but asked patiently, "What would you do?"

Haixin hurriedly said: "Cleaning, sweeping the floor, mopping the floor and cleaning the glass..."

After the customer finished listening, he turned his head to look at the staff of the housekeeping company and said, "You should change me."


Haixin was depressed, and she couldn't help wondering: Do all cleaners need to know so many things now?
After the customer left, the staff of the housekeeping company comforted Haixin: "Don't worry, if you need more people, I will arrange for you to go. Then you can learn from other masters. It's actually very simple."

"Thank you!" Hai Xin said after hearing this, feeling very disappointed in her heart.

She originally thought that cleaners could do it with hands, but now it seems that she was very wrong.

In a real estate agency not far from the housekeeping company, Wu Wei came to work in a white shirt and black suit.

There are a total of fifteen intermediaries in the company, and everyone will receive customers in a certain order.

For the effect of the program, the company arranged Wu Wei in the first place.

Soon, the door opened, and a young man and woman walked in from the outside.

"Welcome, may I ask if you want to rent or buy a house?" Wu Wei got up and asked.

"We want to rent a house nearby. The area doesn't have to be too big. The cheaper the rent, the better. We are fresh graduates, and we don't have much money for internships..." the woman said.

"Please sit down, both of you. If you have any specific requirements for the house, tell me, so I can recommend some suitable houses for you." Wu Wei said with a smile.

"One bedroom, one living room, one bathroom, one kitchen, better sound insulation, better environment, safer community..." The woman said while thinking, and her demands became more and more.

Wu Wei selected several eligible houses in the housing system and showed the photos to the client.

"Can we go and see the house?" The woman chose one.

"Okay, I'll contact the owner now." Wu Wei took out her mobile phone, made a call according to the information on the listing, told the owner about the situation, and then said to the client: "The owner will be there soon, let's go too .”

"Yeah." The customer nodded and walked out.

Wu Wei talked to the store manager and left the company happily, thinking: Isn't this very simple?What's the problem?No challenge at all.

However, after walking far, the smile on Wu Wei's face disappeared.

Where is this?
Wu Wei looked around with doubts written all over her face.

She got lost.

Although there is a property address and a location map on the mobile phone, I can't find the way at all.

As a last resort, I can only ask passers-by.

"Master, how do I get to Shun'an District?" Wu Wei asked.

The uncle pointed to the road in front of him and said, "Go straight along this road, turn west at the second intersection, and keep walking until you can see a bridge, which is to the north of it."


It's okay for Wu Wei not to listen, but after listening, there are question marks.

Sir, what are you talking about?

She looked back at the young men and women behind her, and asked, "Do you understand?"

The two shook their heads.

Wu Wei was helpless, but she couldn't just watch her first business slip away, so she had an idea and called a taxi directly.

After a lot of tossing and turning, I finally arrived at the address of the house.

After entering the house, Wu Wei frowned slightly, probably because no one lived in it for a long time, and the house was very dusty, she rubbed her nose with her hands, then smiled and began to introduce: "The price/performance ratio of this house is still very high, Rents for houses in the same area and area are higher than this, and the bedroom faces the sun, look at the sunshine..."

As soon as her words fell, the sunlight disappeared and was blocked by the tall buildings in front.

"Is there a subway nearby?" the man asked.

"Yes, it's right here..." Wu Wei picked up the information and looked at it, and then said: "There is a subway station about 1000 meters in front of the community."

The young men and women walked around the room, because the room is not big, only more than 40 square meters, plus the shared space in the elevator room, the actual area can be imagined, so there is nothing to see.

"Thank you, let's go around the neighborhood to see the environment, then go back and discuss it, and I will definitely find you when we think about it," the woman said.

"Okay." Wu Wei nodded.

The three walked out of the house and left the community.

Wu Wei looked at the backs of the young men and women, waved at them, and then turned to the camera and said: "When I first came to the capital, I also experienced this kind of thing, and I wanted to find a place close to work. , and I don’t want to spend all my salary on rent, so I especially understand this young couple, okay, let’s go back.”

The assistant director said: "I want to remind you that just now you spent 20 for the taxi ride and 18 for the breakfast, leaving 62."

"Two meals at 62 are enough." Wu Wei said optimistically after hearing this.

"Have you ever thought, if you can't open today, what will you eat tomorrow?" the assistant director asked.


Wu Wei was stunned.

Only then did I think of the rules of professional life experience. Tomorrow's activity expenses will be determined by today's labor income.

If you can't open, don't you want to drink the wind?

"I don't think it's fair to me!" Wu Wei said loudly, "There is a saying in the real estate agency that if you don't open for one month, you will have to wait for three months after opening. I can't open every day."

"What I said doesn't count. You can discuss it with the host at the evening summary meeting."


(End of this chapter)

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