The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 520 It's Not That Simple

Chapter 520 It's Not That Simple

Geng Di changed into his overalls and took a look in the mirror. The people inside were still in good spirits, but they were a little older, and overall they were not bad.

He didn't pretend too much. After all, as a past actor, there are very few people who can remember him, and even fewer people can always pay attention to him, not to mention that he has never been popular before.

He himself was quite surprised when he received the invitation from the reality show group this time, because he had never participated in a variety show before, and if Brother Zhen hadn't tried hard to persuade him, he would have even turned down the invitation.

In his view, actors should focus on performing and focusing on their roles, rather than excessive consumption of themselves. Once a fixed impression is left on the audience, the audience will no longer have surprises when watching film and television works in the future, and it is easy to get out of it because of this. play,.

It is precisely because of this attitude of refusing to consume himself and bad movies that he has no movies to shoot for a long time, and his savings for many years are running low. He even prepared to find a job and waited for movies while working.

"Just take it as an early experience."

Geng Di straightened his collar, then closed the closet, and walked out of the staff lounge.

His workplace is a cosmetics store in a large shopping mall.

There are a total of six salesmen in the store, five women and one man, plus he has become seven salesmen, and the previous male salesmen are no longer alone.

After waiting for a while, two female customers came to the store, and he walked over immediately.

"What do you two need? I can introduce it for you." Geng Di asked, but the expression on his face was a little stiff, obviously not used to it on the first day of work.

"We want to see lipstick," said one of the female customers.

"The lipstick is here, please follow me." Geng Di led someone to a counter, pointed to the lipstick inside, and asked the customer, "What color do you want?"

"What color is this 830?"


Geng Di was slightly taken aback, then quickly lowered his head to check, whispering 830, 830, 830 in his mouth and finally found the lipstick with 830 on it among the many numbers, "This should be called..." He looked at the name on it, only Foreign language, he tried to translate, "Fugui, rich girl? This may be a brand, I'll ask other people."

After speaking, I hurriedly went to the salesman next to me for help.

"That's not the name of the lipstick brand, but the name of the lipstick number." The salesman beside him explained in a low voice.

Geng Di opened his eyes wide, a little in disbelief. If he wasn't filming a program, he even suspected that his colleagues were lying to him. Shouldn't the color be red, coral red, pink or something like that?

He hurried back to the counter and explained to the customer.

"What color is the rich girl?" the customer asked again.

"Ah?" Geng Di was asked again
"What about the number 35?" another customer asked again.

"Oh, its name is Miami." Geng Di said hastily, but after he finished speaking, there was a bit of doubt in his eyes, wondering if he said something wrong, and felt that the name was so strange.

There is no color in the color name, so how can people tell what color it is?
"What color is Miami?"


Geng Di only felt that there were [-] alpacas running wildly passing by in his mind, and he never dreamed that he would be stumped by a small lipstick.

What color number, what name, what color, what is it all about, didn't you just say it clearly, this is lipstick...

Geng Di felt weak all over. Last night, he memorized the functions and effects of various cosmetics for nothing. He didn't expect that there is so much knowledge in a single cosmetic.

"Well, I'm sorry, it's my first day at work today, and I don't know much about the product yet. I'll call another salesman to explain it to you." In order not to delay the business, Geng Di quickly found another salesman and stood aside , Looking at the hundreds of shades of lipstick on the counter, it seems that I have to learn from scratch.


Hu Xuan put on a yellow overalls, a mask and a helmet, and rode an electric scooter to the assembly point.

At this time, dozens of delivery workers are gathering here, waiting for the start of the morning meeting.

The content of the morning meeting is very simple. Disinfect the takeaway boxes, preach slogans and safety education. After the morning meeting is over, the day's work officially begins.

It was still early, and while waiting for the order to be dispatched, Hu Xuan chatted with several other delivery boys about the work of delivery, such as how many orders he could receive in a day, how much money he could make in a week, etc. Zhou's work has a good plan.

Near noon, the first order dispatched by the system was received.

Hu Xuan immediately rode his electric bike, followed the location on the map, and rushed to the merchant, singing in his mouth: "Riding my beloved small motorcycle, it will never be stuck in traffic..."

As expected of the prince of music, he sang all in tune.

But soon, he couldn't sing anymore.

There is no traffic jam with electric cars, but the problem is that he can't find his way.

The map shows going forward, but there is a residential area in front of him. He tried to go around from both sides, but no matter how he positioned himself, he was within the area.

As a last resort, he picked up his mobile phone and called the merchant.

"Hello, I'm picking up takeaway. Where is your home? The location shows that it is in a residential area. Is there a mistake in the location? What, it's in the area? Okay, I'll go there now."

Hu Xuan hung up the phone, looked at the camera and said, "It seems to be a private chef."

Entering the community, I finally found a merchant.

The takeaway was not ready yet, so Hu Xuan could only sit in the room and wait.

The minute hand of the clock on the wall moved quickly, and 10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

Hu Xuan finally became anxious.

I wasted a long time because I couldn't find a merchant before, and now I have waited here for so long, and there is not much time left for him to deliver the food.

You will be charged for being late.

"Excuse me, are you ready?" Hu Xuan couldn't help asking.


After a few minutes, the takeaway was finally ready. He hurriedly left the store with the takeaway, put it in a takeaway box, and left quickly.

The road was smooth, and the community where the customer was located was quickly found, but the time showed that the scheduled delivery time had already passed.

"Although I was late for the first meal delivery, I have learned some experience. I think I will do better next time." Hu Xuan said with a smile as he walked, and then walked into the door of the unit.

But when he saw the sign standing in front of the elevator, the smile immediately froze on his face.

"Power outage, please take the stairs."

Hu Xuan looked at the specific address, and saw that it was on the 16th floor, and he was not well.

On the 16th floor, is this going to break your leg?
But facing the camera, he still put on a smiling face, gritted his teeth and walked towards the stairs of the safe passage, saying: "The 16th floor, it doesn't matter, just treat it as exercise. Climbing stairs is very physical exercise."

I thought to myself: It is really difficult to earn these 5 yuan.


Su Meichang was the last one to leave the hotel. When she came to the area with a large number of customers, it was already past 11 o'clock.

It wasn't that she was lazy on the bed, but yesterday's helper told her that the surrogate driving business is more casual, there is no fixed time, and you can come at any time.

So after she got up, she didn't rush out to take orders, but familiarized herself with the area map, and then pushed her breakfast until 10 o'clock and skipped lunch, so that she could save money for a meal.

She sat on the folding bike, looked at the surrounding hotels, and said to the camera: "It's lunch time now, when they finish eating, my chance will come, I think this job is still very good, the price of one order The starting price is 50 yuan, and after deducting the commission, there are 30 or 40 yuan left, and if you take a few orders a day, the board and lodging expenses will be settled."

"Did you find anything wrong?" the assistant director kindly reminded.

"What's the question?" Su Meichang asked curiously.

"There is no other driver in this area except you." The assistant director said.

Su Meichang was startled for a moment, then looked left and right, and there was indeed no other substitute driver.

She thought for a while, maybe it was a connection, so she smiled and said: "Isn't this great? I am the only driver, and no one competes with me. As long as someone needs a driver, they can only find me, and according to yesterday's The assistant driver said that there are very few full-time workers in the substitute driver industry, and most of them are part-time workers. During this time, other substitute drivers should be at work..."

After the assistant director heard it, he didn't say anything more.

You have to go to work in the afternoon, who wants to drink during lunch?Are you off work?
Although the assistant director can interact with the artist, he can't remind too much. The chief director said that the artist should experience it by himself and summarize it.

The time soon reached 1:[-] pm.

Some people came out of hotels and restaurants, and Su Meichang immediately looked expectantly.

Some left on foot, others drove away.

Drive away.


One, two, three, all of them.


Su Meichang looked back at the assistant director, and asked suspiciously, "Aren't they drinking?"

"I don't know." The assistant director replied.

Su Meichang looked at the other cameramen and asked, "Did you notice it when you were shooting?"

The cameramen all shook their heads. They hadn't seen such a thing, and no one dared to talk nonsense. After all, drunk driving is illegal.

Seeing that after lunch time, no one needed to drive in place, Su Meichang also showed a disappointed expression on her face.

There is no one who needs a substitute driver, even if he can take an order, he will not return empty-handed.

"Everyone is at work in the afternoon, and few people go out to eat and drink. Can we go back now and come out in the evening to try our luck?" the assistant director asked.

Su Meichang looked at the assistant director, and didn't know whether the other party's words were a kind reminder, or they were digging a hole for her to dance, but she was really disappointed that she didn't receive the order, and if she left like this, would the audience think that she Give up halfway, can't bear the hardship?

She thought for a while, and then said firmly: "If you don't go back, opportunities will only be reserved for those who are prepared. There is no one here, so I will change to another place. There will always be someone who needs to drive. Anyway, I am full-time and have plenty of time. .”

After speaking, I got on the electric bike and started to drive around in places with many hotels and restaurants...


(End of this chapter)

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