The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 521 1 is worse than 1

Chapter 521
Night falls.

"It's 8:[-] p.m. Beijing time. As you can see, it's already getting dark. Many people have already returned home at this time, watching their favorite TV programs with their families after dinner, and today is also the professional life experience of artists. Let's see what they're up to now."

After Qin Yan finished speaking, she took the filming team to the hotel prepared by the program team for the artists, and knocked on the doors of each room.

"This is Su Meichang's room. She has chosen a job as a substitute driver. It should be the busiest time at night, so she shouldn't be in the room." Qin Yan knocked on the door after finishing speaking.


"anyone there?"

The room was very quiet and no one answered.

"It seems that there is no one, let's go to the next room to have a look."

Qin Yan came to the next door and continued to knock on the door.


"Wait a moment."

Hu Xuan's voice came from the room.

After a while, the door opened, and Hu Xuan stood inside wearing pajamas, holding a mask in his hand, which should have just been taken off.

"Hu Xuan, our prince of music, seems to be in good condition. How is your work today?" Qin Yan asked with a smile.

"It's okay, but I'm not familiar with the road." Hu Xuan replied after hearing it.

"Well, the delivery staff really needs to know the various communities and roads in the area very well, so that they can quickly deliver the food to customers. What is your income today? Can you show me?" Qin Yan asked .

"Yes." After Hu Xuan finished speaking, he walked into the room, but his walking posture was a bit strange.

Qin Yan followed Hu Xuan, seeing him limping, she couldn't help asking curiously: "Did you crash your car today?"

"No." Xu Jie said.

"Your leg……"

"Today, there was a power outage in a community, and there were a lot of people ordering takeaway food. They climbed up the stairs of ten or twenty floors many times, and their legs are a bit disobedient now." Hu Xuan said with a wry smile.

After finding the mobile phone, he opened the delivery program, found today's income, and then handed the mobile phone to the host.

"Really? That was really hard work." Qin Yan took the phone while comforting her.

The above shows that Hu Xuan successfully delivered 11 takeaway orders today, and also received 9 fines, all of which were delivery violations, that is, timed out.

For orders that are punished, half of the income will be deducted.

In the end, the income of 11 takeout orders was only 56 yuan.

Subtract the rent, that is to say, Hu Xuan will have an extra 28 yuan for living expenses tomorrow.

"Congratulations, you have received 28 yuan of living expenses. How much money is left for today's activities?" Qin Yan asked.

"There are still 11 yuan left." Hu Xuan took out the money in his pocket, one piece was 10 yuan, and one piece was 1 yuan coin.

"28 plus 11, you will have 39 yuan for living expenses tomorrow." Qin Yan said after finishing the calculation: "You have been tired all day, so I won't bother you to rest. Come on tomorrow."

"Well, come on." Hu Xuan clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

As for the 39 yuan, it seems that tomorrow I can only eat beef noodles, and the beef is as thin as a piece of paper.

Qin Yan came to the third room and knocked on the door, but there was no one.

The fourth room is still empty.

The room didn't open until the fifth room was knocked.

"Wu Wei, good evening, is your work going well today?" Qin Yan asked the person who opened the door.

"Not too good." Wu Wei said with a sigh.

"What do you mean not so good? Not too good? So-so?" Qin Yan asked puzzled.

"No, I took people to see three houses, but none of them were sold." Wu Wei shook her head, then looked at Qin Yan and said, "By the way, there is something I want to tell you, I don't know if you have heard of it. In a word, don’t open for three months, open for three months, real estate agencies are like this. I asked everyone in the agency company, and no one can close the deal every day. Regarding my living expenses tomorrow, can you lend me some more? "

"Well, what you said makes sense. Then according to the minimum wage standard in Beijing, 70 yuan per day, after halving, there is still 35 yuan left. This is your living expenses for tomorrow. The money you remember will be repaid in the end." Qin Yan reminded.

"Thank you." Wu Wei breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that.

Although the living expenses of 35 yuan a day are not much, it can finally fill my stomach and prevent me from starving.

Qin Yan came to the last room.


Haixin opened the door.

She was wearing overalls, a mask and a hat, a rag in one hand and a cleaner in the other.

"Hai Xin, are you...?" Qin Yan was dumbfounded. Those who knew it was Hai Xin, but those who didn't knew it thought it was a hotel cleaner.

"I'm practicing cleaning." Haixin replied after hearing this, and then pointed to the room, "Please come in."

"So serious? You must have gained a lot today, right?" Qin Yan said, seeing basins and buckets in the room, as well as various cleaning agents, some for cleaning tiles, some for cleaning walls, and others. Everything you need to clean glass.

"There are indeed great gains, but not in terms of salary." Haixin said: "Through what I saw and heard in the housekeeping company today, I realized that even an ordinary job like a cleaner is actually not ordinary. , there is a lot of knowledge in it, take cleaning the floor tiles as an example, you need to use different cleaning agents according to the different materials of the floor tiles, otherwise it will damage the surface..."

"Well, it sounds very professional. It seems that I have learned a lot. I don't know how my income is today?" Qin Yan asked.

"Cough, 0 yuan." Haixin said shyly.

"How much is left for today's living expenses?" Qin Yan asked again.

"There are 55 left." Haixin said.

After realizing that it is not easy to be a cleaner, she intentionally reduced her expenses and only ate an apple for dinner.

"You work so hard, I don't think it's too far away from earning your first pot of gold, come on." Qin Yan said, and then walked out of the room.

Qin Yan came to the corridor, looked at the door she just walked through and said: "Six rooms, three are occupied, and three are not. It seems that our artists are very busy, but judging from the work of the three artists just now, The first day was not positive, now let's go and see what the other three entertainers who haven't come back are doing."

Shooting stops.

Qin Yan came to Xu Jie's side and said in a low voice: "The three artists just now looked very depressed. Do you think they will quit halfway?"

Of the three artists, only one is making money today, and the other is borrowing money from the show crew to live. It seems that one is more pitiful than the other.

"Okay, welcome to quit, so I can get five times the compensation." Xu Jie said with a smile, and then asked Zhang Tong to contact the assistant directors of the other three groups to see where those people are now.

"Is that why you made it difficult for them on purpose?" Qin Yan asked. When she saw the occupations on the blackboard yesterday, she had a faint feeling in her heart that the other party deliberately wrote down so many occupations that required certificates and skills. It is to let those artists choose the current professions.

"Embarrassed? Look at what you said, what do you make people who work in these jobs think?" Xu Jie asked back.

He doesn't want to embarrass these artists, he has never thought about it this way, he just wants the artists and the audience who watch this show to know that many careers are not as easy as imagined, and they should be respected and recognized.

And no matter how hard the work is, there are still many people working hard for it, don't give up, don't escape, no matter how tired or difficult, you must face it bravely.

When Qin Yan heard it, she immediately felt that there was something wrong with what she said, and she seemed to be too disrespectful to people engaged in these industries.

"What do you think the other three artists are doing?" Qin Yan changed the subject by asking a question.

"Hehe, it's either that I'm idle, or I'm tired like a dog. I promise it won't be any better than those three just now." Xu Jie said with a smile.

I received severe beatings from the society on the first day. Presumably, after the first episode is broadcast, it will definitely attract a lot of viewers and bring a lot of topics.

A group of people came to a certain shopping mall by car.

In a cosmetics store, I saw Geng Di.

The store is closing soon, and the store manager is holding a meeting for the staff.

"How is it selling?" Xu Jie approached Qin Zheng, the deputy director of Geng Di's filming team, and asked about today's filming situation.

"Barbie Q's are gone, none of them have been sold." Qin Zheng said.

"How is the performance?" Xu Jie asked again.

Whether they can sell or not is not the criterion for judging the performance of an artist. Just like Haixin before, although she didn't get a job, she was able to learn after returning to the hotel. This attitude is very worthy of recognition.

"Keep learning from other salesmen." Qin Zheng replied.

Xu Jie nodded, that's good.

Not long after, the store manager finished the meeting, Geng Di changed his clothes and left the cosmetics store.

"Hi, how's your grades today?" Qin Yan walked over and asked.

"I disappoint you, none of them were sold." Geng Di showed an awkward yet polite smile on his face. He didn't expect that there are so many skills in a job that seems to be competent with a mouth. The amount of knowledge is also very large. After studying for a day, I haven't digested it yet.

"It's okay, take your time, it's just the first day. No job can be done well on the first day of employment. There is always a process of learning and adapting. How much living expenses are left?" Qin Yan asked road.

"75." Geng Di replied. He bought two steamed buns for breakfast, and ordered a takeaway for lunch. He hasn't had dinner yet.

"It's getting late, go back to the hotel and rest, and work harder tomorrow," Qin Yan said.

Next, the program group went to the courier station.

Wang Zihao, a new-generation actor, is carrying packages at this time.

"Wang Zihao, I'm still working so late, I would like to give you a compliment." Qin Yan came to Wang Zihao's side.

"Instead of liking me, why don't you order me a takeaway, I haven't had dinner yet." Wang Zihao wiped off his sweat and continued to carry the parcel.

"Why, have you spent all your living expenses today?" Qin Yan asked with a smile.

"It wasn't all spent, but it was all fined." Wang Zihao sighed.

"Punish light? Why?" Qin Yan asked.

"I was complained twice by the customer. According to the regulations, 200 yuan will be deducted."

"How many pieces did you send today? How much did you earn?"

"120 three."

Qin Yan was speechless.

Interviewed so many artists, the worst is no income, the first time I saw someone who owed money, and let the other party continue to do this, after six weeks, not only did not make money, [-]% had to post to the courier station.

This job does...

The last one is Su Meichang.

Still a daytime place.

The difference from noon is that there are more than a dozen surrogate drivers gathered here at this time. From time to time, some people come out of the hotel bar drunk. Every time at this time, the surrogate driver will take the initiative to ask, and after the communication, they can smoothly accept the order

But Su Meichang stood where she was, without taking the initiative to greet customers, and was the only one passively waiting for work.

"Su Meichang, why don't you greet customers?" Qin Yan asked.

"I can't snatch them." Su Meichang said.

There are no fathers and sons in the business field, and there are no men and women on the surrogate driving road. They are all out to make money, and no one will soften their hearts just because the competitor is a woman.

In this society, there is no money to be soft-hearted.

"If you don't take the initiative to approach the customers, do you want the customers to come to you?" Qin Yan pointed at the door of the bar. Many customers were stopped by other drivers as soon as they went out, and they didn't even have a chance to take a few more steps.

Su Meichang also wanted to take the initiative to strike up a conversation, but she was a bit thin-skinned, especially when she was doing this kind of thing for the first time, she was worried that she would be rejected if she took the initiative.

"It doesn't matter, it will be my turn when the other drivers are gone."

Su Meichang answered this way to comfort herself.


(End of this chapter)

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