Chapter 522 The Second Day

3 month 22 number.

The second day of "Ordinary Courage" recording.

At 6:10 in the morning, all the entertainers assembled in the hallway.

Some rubbed their eyes, some yawned, and none of them seemed to have slept well.

"How do you feel about the first day of work?" Qin Yan asked the six artists.

After the artists heard it, they sighed and smiled bitterly. Although they knew that there were many cameras around them, they couldn't control some expressions and movements at all.

"The delivery staff is working too hard. They are either picking up the food or delivering it. Not to mention the wind and the sun, they are often complained for being late, alas." Hu Xuan sighed deeply.

Although he went to bed very early last night, his legs were even more sore when he woke up this morning. He only prayed for one thing today, that there would be no power outage in the whole capital.

I can't climb tall buildings!

"No matter what, you still have a job, unlike me, it's not even my turn to work." Su Meichang said weakly.

She didn't return to the hotel until 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, but even if she waited until that late, she still didn't get an order. What she wants to do most now is to go back to the room to catch up on sleep. She is so sleepy and her eyelids are shaking.

"The most depressing thing is not not having a job, but having a job but being unable to do it." Hai Xin sighed deeply.

Yesterday at the housekeeping company, I was really taught a lesson.

There are a lot of customers, and there are a lot of housekeeping staff, but there, she is like a waste. She can't do anything, and she doesn't understand anything.

As one of the customers said: If it’s just a simple sweeping, what do you ask your cleaners to do? Can’t the sweeping robot do it?
"You guys are not as miserable as I am. After working for a whole day and 77 hours, I lost [-] yuan in the end. Where can I justify it?" Wang Zihao said with a bitter face.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard it, and then looked at Wang Zihao in unison and laughed.



"Working for someone, and still owe him money? You are cruel!"

At first, everyone looked like they were suffering, but the morning meeting turned into a complaint meeting, but when Wang Zihao opened his mouth, the others suddenly felt that their little suffering seemed to be nothing.

Qin Yan said at this time: "Whether you made money, didn't make money, or owed money, I believe that after the first day of work, everyone has a certain understanding of their careers and has accumulated a lot of money. I have gained a little bit of experience, I hope everyone can make progress in today's work, and the meeting is over."

After hearing this, all the artists went to their rooms one after another.

"It can't be done, I have to go back and catch up on sleep." Su Meichang said while yawning.

"I really envy you, I can only go back to sleep." Hu Xuan said lazily.

"I really envy you all. I'm going to work." Wang Zihao said depressingly. Usually, the courier is quite comfortable riding an electric scooter, but he didn't expect to be so tired. He was really careless. If he had known, he would not have chosen the courier profession. They live earlier than chickens, sleep later than dogs, and work harder than cows.

Others cast sympathetic glances at Wang Zihao, and at the same time secretly sighed in their hearts, fortunately they did not choose the profession of courier, otherwise they would be the ones who were unlucky.

Wang Zihao went back to his room to wash up, and then dried his hair...

"It's too late." The assistant director reminded.

"Wait a minute, let's go after blow-drying, man, the hair can be broken, and the shape of the hair should not be messed up." Wang Zihao combed with a comb while blow-drying, his hair was meticulous and very neat.

"You wear a hard hat most of the time, and the hairstyle doesn't seem necessary," said the assistant director.

"It's a state of mind, it has nothing to do with whether you wear a helmet or not." Wang Zihao explained, and left the hotel in a hurry after blowing for a minute.

Next, Geng Di, Wu Wei, and Hai Xin left the hotel one after another.

The work of the three of them is essentially the same, they are all sales, but one sells cosmetics, one sells real estate, and the other sells cleaning services.

The next one to leave was Hu Xuan, and the last one was Su Meichang, who didn't get up until noon, simply ate two slices of bread and an apple, and settled breakfast and lunch together.

Today, Wang Zihao's work is the same as yesterday, sorting and delivering couriers... But after learning the lesson of leaving the courier at the property without calling the customer yesterday, which led to complaints, he called one by one today, but no one answered. Putting it in the courier car, I would rather delay the delivery, but also resolutely not misplace it to avoid complaints.

Geng Di continued to learn from his colleagues, especially the male colleague, learning the other person's appearance, learning the other person's tone, learning the other person's introduction... Although he felt a bit sissy.

Wu Wei took people to see two suites, and the most popular was zero sales.

Hu Xuan started to climb the stairs again, but it was not a dozen or twenty floors of stairs, but a five or six-story low building. Although he was also very tired, compared to yesterday, he already felt very happy.

Su Meichang still chose to sit on the sidelines and wait for the guests to come to the door by themselves.

To say that the one who gained the most was Haixin. Under the deliberate arrangement of the general manager of the housekeeping company, she followed two other housekeeping cleaners to a certain villa for sanitation.

Because of practicing all night, Haixin has already memorized all kinds of cleaning agents, but the other two housekeeping cleaners obviously don't think so. In order to take care of the big star, after a simple discussion, they decided to use The easiest job was handed over to Haixin, which was to clean the window glass.

Cleaning the glass is not as complicated as cleaning the floor. The texture of the glass is simple, and there is only one kind of cleaning agent. Haixin knows what the two seniors think, so she is ready to show her hand and let the seniors and the audience know that she is not useless.

According to the cleaning steps taught by a senior yesterday, she first wiped off the floating ash on the window, then wiped it with water, applied a strong detergent, waited for a while, wiped off the detergent, and washed the glass with water. Finally dry off...

Looking at the bright and clean glass, Hai Xin was filled with pride, and couldn't help saying to the camera: "Last night, I didn't practice in vain, and the hard work will always be rewarded."

"Sister Xin, come on, you've finished cleaning one window, and there are only a dozen windows left." The assistant director said.

Haixin's expression froze, she looked at the assistant director and asked, "Are you cheering me on? Why do I feel like you're stabbing me?"

"That's not the case, but I remember that the owner of the house said that he hoped to finish the cleaning work before their family came back at 6 o'clock in the evening. With your speed just now, I'm afraid it's too late." The assistant director reminded.

Hai Xin looked at her watch, she didn't expect the time to pass so quickly, it took more than an hour to clean one window, if I finished cleaning all the windows at the same speed as before, it wouldn't be until midnight?So she immediately picked up the bucket and walked to the next window.

In this way, from morning to night, finally with the help of the other two seniors, all the windows were finally wiped before the homeowner went home.

The homeowner was very satisfied with the cleanliness, and happily settled the bill, and Haixin also got her today's wages, 200 yuan.

After receiving 200 yuan, Haixin was very happy. On the way back to the hotel after get off work, she said to the camera: "I did a good job today, right? I will perform better in the future and earn more money..."

Then I took the 200 yuan and counted it repeatedly, as if I had never seen the money.

"Sister Xin, your face looks a little red." The assistant director said.

"Really? It should be excited." Haixin said indifferently.

"But there seems to be some small rashes on the red area, don't you feel itchy on your face?" the assistant director asked again.

"Ah?" Haixin touched it with her hand, and actually felt some densely raised bumps, "What's going on? Why did you get a rash?"

Hai Xin panicked, as an actor, this face is very important.

After seeing it, the assistant director didn't dare to delay, and hurried to the hospital by car.

Finally, after expert diagnosis, it was the cleanser that was applied to the face, but the face was not washed, resulting in skin allergies, and there was nothing serious. Finally, some medicine was prescribed and I left the hospital.

While Haixin breathed a sigh of relief, she couldn't help but feel depressed, because the 200 yuan she earned a day through hard work has now been spent on medicines, and she still owes the program group [-] yuan.

"Can I ask the assistant to bring me something to eat?" Haixin asked the assistant director.

"Do you still have living expenses? If so, first pay back the money owed to the program team." The assistant director said.

"It's just recording the program. As for being so serious? Anyway, it's all recorded for the audience in front of the TV. Isn't it all right to just cut this part out during post-production?" Hai Xin's voice was a little bit dissatisfied.

"Our program is different from other programs, what we pursue is truth." The assistant director said solemnly.

"You're dead set!" Haixin gave the assistant director a blank look.

She has participated in variety shows of other TV stations before, but she has never seen such a serious program group, and it is not a documentary.

"If you have an opinion, you can report it to Director Xu. What I say doesn't count." The assistant director said.

Haixin didn't say anything after hearing this.

chief director?Xu Jie, deputy director of Beijing Satellite TV's Art Program Center?
Before participating in the recording of the program, Sister Hua repeatedly emphasized that she must listen to Director Xu, and anyone who does not listen will feel uncomfortable.

She didn't want to be uncomfortable.

However, when not shooting, is it possible not to listen to the director?

late at night.

Artists have rested one after another.

The staff of the program group gathered together to summarize today's work.

"Director Xu, Haixin hasn't eaten for two nights, is there any problem?" Zhao Gang, the group leader in charge of filming Haixin, asked worriedly.

"It's okay, it's normal for a female artist not to eat dinner, so don't make a fuss." Xu Jie said indifferently after hearing this.

"If this continues, I'm afraid their bodies won't be able to take it anymore." Qin Zheng said worriedly. Although the Geng Di he photographed had all three meals, he ate casually. Two steamed buns in the morning, two bananas at noon, and two bananas in the evening. A piece of fried rice looks so depressing.

"Usually eat a lot of big fish and big meat, it doesn't matter if they starve for a few days, just clean their intestines." Xu Jie said.

"Director Xu, do you think they will eat secretly?" Liu Jinbao asked.

"No way? I have been facing the camera during the day, and I went back to the hotel directly at night. I have no chance to buy food and eat." Zhang Tong said.

"That's not sure." Xu Jie looked at the staff around him and reminded: "When I'm on duty at night, cheer me up and never let them succeed, understand?"



(End of this chapter)

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