The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 523: We Are Serious

Chapter 523 We Are Serious about Filming the Show


Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and then the door was pushed open, and a staff member came in from outside.

"Director Xu, Wang Zihao's assistant is here, and he said he's sending an advertising contract."

Xu Jie looked at the time. At 1 o'clock in the middle of the night, normal people have already rested. How could they come to deliver advertising contracts at this time?

Is there such a hurry?

Xu Jie felt that something was wrong, so he got up and walked out.

In the corridor, a young woman was standing outside. I met him at the Grand Theater the day before yesterday. She was indeed Wang Zihao's assistant, but she was carrying a canvas bag with a bulging inside, which looked very suspicious.

If it is an advertising contract, then there are at least a few dozen advertising contracts in it.

"Are you here to give Wang Zihao an advertising contract?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"Yes, Director Xu." The female assistant nodded.

"Give me the contract, and I'll convey it to you." Xu Jie stretched out his hand.

"No, no, no, how dare you trouble Director Xu with such a trivial matter." The female assistant said quickly, but her expression was a little nervous, her eyes were a little flustered, and she unconsciously covered the canvas bag with her hands, "And the contract is a secret document. It can't be passed on to others, I have to hand it over to Wang Zihao myself, please forgive me."

"Well, you're right, then come back tomorrow morning, Wang Zihao has already rested." Xu Jie said lightly, and the expression of the female assistant confirmed his suspicion even more.

"I have already called him, and I will leave after signing the contract." The female assistant said.

"In that case, well, I'll take you there." Xu Jie turned around and walked towards Wang Zihao's room.

The female assistant was stunned, and then quickly followed Xu Jie, and hurriedly said: "Director Xu, you don't need to lead the way, I know which room he is in, you go back and rest, it really doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter, we are not outsiders. In fact, I am very familiar with you Mr. Hu." While talking, Xu Jie came to Wang Zihao's room, turned to look at the female assistant and said, "Knock on the door directly or make a phone call first?"

"Call up."

The female assistant hesitated for a moment, and finally took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

The other side of the phone was quickly connected.

The female assistant glanced at Xu Jie cautiously, then turned her back and said in a low voice, "Zihao, I'm here to send you an advertising contract, please open the door, Xu..."

She wanted to say that Director Xu was also there, but before she finished speaking, the other party hung up.

"Hello, hello?"

The female assistant frowned anxiously.

Xu Jie walked to the wall at this time and stood against the wall.

The filming team was already in place, standing far away, and the camera was aimed at Wang Zihao's room.

The female assistant wanted to make a phone call, but the door was already open.

When Wang Zihao saw the assistant standing outside the door, joy immediately appeared on his face, especially after seeing the canvas bag of the female assistant, his face was even more joyful.

He moved the door away and said, "Come in quickly, have you brought everything I told you to bring?"

The female assistant was in a hurry, and while winking at Wang Zihao, she asked, "Are you talking about the advertising contract? I brought it with you. Sign it quickly, so I can go back quickly after signing."

"Yes, the contract, and the pizza." Wang Zihao said with a smile.

"What pizza?" Xu Jie came out from the side wall and looked at Wang Zihao inside.

Wang Zihao shuddered and was startled, as if seeing a ghost, he asked in a stuttering voice, "Xu, Director Xu, why are you here?"

After speaking, the filming team also appeared on the scene, and the camera was aimed at Wang Zihao.

Wang Zihao was stunned, thinking what time is it, why is the program crew still awake?

"I'll show your assistant the way." Xu Jie replied, "I remember you mentioned pizza just now, what kind of pizza?"

"Oh, it's like this. I think the filming team has worked too hard, so after knowing that the assistant is coming, I deliberately told her to buy some pizzas to reward everyone." After finishing speaking, Wang Zihao turned to look at the assistant and asked, "You brought come yet?"

"Bring it, bring it." The assistant said quickly.

"Then what are you doing standing still, hurry up and distribute it to everyone." Wang Zihao urged.

The assistant immediately opened the satchel, then took out three boxes of pizza and handed them to the staff, saying: "You have worked hard."

The pizza is not big, it is nine inches, but it is covered with meat, one is beef, one is sausage, and the other is bacon. The aroma immediately diffuses in the room.

Xu Jie looked back at the staff of the program group and said, "Why don't you hurry up and thank you?"

"Thank you!"

The staff suppressed a smile and thanked them. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Wang Zihao had asked his assistant to deliver the pizza, but Director Xu caught him straight. With nothing to do, he could only say that he bought it for the staff.

"Aren't you in a hurry to sign the contract?" Xu Jie reminded Wang Zihao's assistant while eating pizza.

The female assistant slowly took out a document that was squeezed and crumpled by the pizza box from the bag, and handed it to Wang Zihao who was staring at the pizza.

Wang Zihao finally came back to his senses, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then took a pen and signed his name casually, and returned the contract to the assistant.

What kind of advertising contract is just a copy of the past.

He just wants a full meal now, and he wants meat.

"If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving." The female assistant said in a low voice, and left the room with her head down.

"We're leaving too." Xu Jie looked at Wang Zihao and said, "Have a good rest, we have to deliver the courier tomorrow morning."

"I know, I know." Wang Zihao wanted to cry without tears.

Filming a variety show, not even giving food, as for being so serious?
It seems that I can only think of other ways.

Xu Jie returned to the room, took another piece of pizza and ate it. The beef on it was very big, and it was full of juice after one bite, and it tasted good.

"How much living expenses does Wang Zihao have left?" Xu Jie looked at Zhang Tong and asked. It has been two days, and the oil and water in his stomach should be almost drained.

"Wang Zihao was complained again today, and he still owed 38 yuan due to the lack of express delivery." Zhang Tong said while looking at the record.

"Why did you get complained again?" Xu Jie asked curiously, "Didn't you get complained yesterday? Why haven't you learned your lesson yet?"

"The first time I called, the customer didn't answer. Later, the customer called him and said that he was in the shower and didn't hear the phone ringing, and asked him why he didn't call more times." Liu Jinbao said.

"..." Xu Jie was speechless, he really couldn't explain this kind of thing.

"It doesn't matter, even if you are complained once a day, you can pay off the ticket tomorrow, maybe there is still leftover." Liu Jinbao said.

Xu Jie wasn't worried about whether Wang Zihao could pay off the ticket, what he was worried about was whether Wang Zihao could tarnish the reputation of the courier station.

"The problem is how to solve his breakfast and lunch tomorrow. Isn't it a bit too much for us to do this?" Zhang Tong asked worriedly.

It was the first time I saw a variety show filming like this. There was no script, and it was all the truth. Even she felt sorry for the artist, and the food was not as good as her staff.

"Excessive what? It's all about professional life experience, and they didn't do it well, who can blame? Besides, if they don't starve, how can they seriously solve the problem? Don't worry, what happened, I Carry it around." Xu Jie said.

There is a contract, what are you afraid of?
Want to quit?Compensation five times.

disobedient?Find the boss of your brokerage company!
"Director Xu is right." Lu Zhanpeng on the side said: "Take Wu Wei as an example. Since she agreed to lend her 35 yuan a day for living expenses yesterday, she doesn't look as anxious today as she did yesterday. She has no sense of urgency at all. sense."

"Normal, people will gradually become lazy in a comfortable environment, and lose their aggressiveness when they lose their sense of crisis." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Should I not promise her? Or, shouldn't I give her so much? 35 yuan, although not much, but three meals a day don't need to worry at all." Qin Yan began to regret the decision she made last night , if he had discussed with Xu Jie at that time, maybe this situation would not have happened now.

"It doesn't matter, this will add some highlights." Xu Jie said with a smile: "Our most important task now is how to prevent them from stealing food. You have also seen the situation just now, and I think other artists will definitely do the same. It is easy to go from being frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal, so you must cheer up and don’t be fooled by them.”

Everyone nodded after hearing it.

It's the first time I've seen a variety show filmed like this, but it's so interesting.

In the past when recording variety shows, the work of the filming team was simply filming, but this time, in addition to filming, they even had to monitor the stars.

It seems that Director Xu wants to play for real.

I don't know if those artists can survive six weeks.

Well, let's see how many people can survive the first week.

The morning of the third day.

In order to allow the artists to have a good rest, there was no morning meeting today, and the filming team did not disturb them. Every artist can sleep until the alarm clock rings.

Wang Zihao was still the first one to wake up, but he was not woken up by the alarm clock, but by hunger.

Too hungry to sleep.

Sitting on the bed, he gritted his teeth thinking of the pizza he didn't eat last night.

There is an old saying: people are iron, rice is steel, and if you don’t eat a meal, you will be hungry.

What's more, he didn't eat enough for several meals. When he lost weight, he never abused himself so much, it was too cruel.

No, you have to solve the food problem before you can work hard.

Or, wait for other artists to eat, and go to eat?
No, I left too early and came back too late by myself, I couldn't get together to go together, and it didn't work.

Do you have to use that trick?

But it would be embarrassing if found out.

Wang Zihao thought about it, and chose the former between starvation and embarrassment.

If you work another day, if you still can't make money today, you can only use that trick.

Wang Zihao drank two glasses of water, filled himself up, and left the room resolutely.


(End of this chapter)

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