The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 524 What are the stars being forced to become...

Chapter 524 What are the stars being forced to become...


Su Meichang sat up from the bed, she checked the time, it was past 10 o'clock.

For a surrogate driver, this time is not too late, because according to the experience of the previous two days, the surrogate driver has work at night and very little during the day.

As for her, she couldn't get an order anyway, so why did she get up so early?It's better to sleep a little longer and save a little energy.

But the biggest problem she faces now is not whether she can get the order, but what to do if she is hungry.

Since I haven't received an order in the past two days, the living expenses of 100 yuan given by the program group are now only 35 yuan.

Although the money is enough for her to last for a day, she doesn't intend to move it easily, because she still doesn't know when she will receive the order, and she must be prepared for a protracted war.

When she lost weight in the past, she only ate boiled vegetables and boiled eggs, but she could maintain it for a whole day.

Yes, go buy some vegetables and fruits, homemade vegetable and fruit salad, cheap and nutritious.

Thinking of this, she put on her clothes and walked out of the room.

"Meimei is awake? Are you going to work?" Li Li, the deputy director of the filming team in charge of filming Su Meichang, asked. She was also the only female team leader among the six filming teams.

"No, I found that the things outside are very expensive, so I plan to buy vegetables and cook them myself." Su Meichang said with a smile, changing the disappointment when she didn't receive an order two days ago.

"You can cook?" Li Li asked in surprise.

"Of course." Su Meichang said, "Today I will show you something."

"But I want to remind you that you only have 35 yuan left now."

"It's okay, I will keep my consumption within 10 yuan today."

Su Meichang left the hotel, rode the electric car provided by the driving company, and went to a nearby supermarket, picked up a basket and walked in.

There are so many foods in it. In the past, Su Meichang didn't need to think about the price at all, just put it in the shopping cart. However, today, she can only swallow her saliva after seeing it, and walk to the vegetable and fruit section.

"Beauty, let's try yogurt, it's all natural and without additives, it's very delicious." A yogurt salesman handed Su Meichang a small paper cup of yogurt.

Su Meichang was shocked when she heard it, and immediately stopped, as if she had been acupunctured, her eyes were fixed on the yogurt, motionless.

After a while, she came back to her senses, turned her head to look at the camera behind her, and Li Li, the assistant director, then pointed to the salesman and said, "You guys saw it too, she told me to taste it, I This person's heart is relatively soft, and he doesn't know how to refuse others' requests. I'll try it now, isn't it a violation?"


Li Li was speechless.

You can eat whatever you want, and you can try it for free, which is really not cheating.

Seeing that Li Li didn't speak, Su Meichang immediately showed a smile on her face, but she quickly put it away, took the paper cup handed over by the salesman and drank it.

Although there was only one sip, for her at this time, it was comparable to fine nectar, and Lafite in 82 was not so delicious.

"Beauty, is it good?" the salesman asked.

Su Meichang clicked her mouth a few times, then looked at the half bottle of yogurt opened in the tray, and said, "It's too little, I can't taste it."

When the salesman heard this, he immediately said, "I'll pour you another glass." After speaking, he picked up the remaining half bottle of yogurt and filled it up for Su Meichang.

Su Meichang's eyes lit up immediately, and she held the cup carefully with both hands, for fear that the yogurt in the paper cup would spill, and then poured it into her mouth again in one gulp.

"It's delicious!" Su Meichang said with a smile, then looked at the salesman and asked, "Can I have another cup of such delicious yogurt?"

Salesman: "???"

Li Li: "..."

Filming team: "..."

The salesman looked at the cameraman on the side. If there weren't these people, she would have thought that there was a group of food-testers who specialize in eating and drinking.

"Can't you?" Su Meichang was a little disappointed.

But then I thought about it, drinking too much yogurt is not good, it helps digestion, accelerates gastrointestinal peristalsis and secretion of digestive juices, the more you drink, the hungrier you will be.

However, the free tasting seemed to open a door to a new world for her, and a new idea popped up in her mind.

In addition to free tastings, isn't there free tastings?

Thinking of this, she immediately looked up and looked around, and sure enough, she found a few more samples not far away.

She walked over quickly, some tried dumplings, some sausages, steaks, and bread and fruit, as if she had come to a free cafeteria.

"Beauty, try the dumplings, this is a new product from our brand."

"Beauty, my sausage is added with zero starch, and it's full of meat. Try it."

"Red heart dragon fruit is very sweet..."

"The freshly baked bread is full of milk, soft and delicious, free to try..."

Su Meichang tasted this and that, and tasted all the food available in the supermarket.

The salesman and the surrounding supermarket customers were already stunned, talking behind their backs.

"Isn't this Su Meichang? Why is she here? Is she filming a show?"

"Not to mention, it's really Su Meichang. I watched her TV series "The Temptation of Home" last night."

"What kind of show is this that forces celebrities to go to the supermarket to eat free food?"

"How many meals have you been hungry with this food?"


Su Meichang didn't care about the eyes and comments of the people around her. For her now, there was nothing more important than filling her stomach.

Especially considering that the show will be filmed for six weeks, and now only two days have passed, the confusion about the future, and the sense of crisis that she has eaten the last meal without the next meal, made her unable to resist eating two more bites.

lose weight?

It's a fortune teller if you don't starve to death this time.

I will never participate in Director Xu's variety show again.

Others rely on scripts, but this person is playing for real, and is he still letting people live?
Su Meichang ate for a long time, until she was full, and then she left satisfied.

I can come to this place often in the future.

Su Meichang walked out of the supermarket, just took out his mobile phone, suddenly the reminder of the driver's app sounded, he quickly reached out to press it, and managed to grab the driver's order.


Su Meichang shouted excitedly.

Although the surrogate driving APP also released surrogate driving orders in the past two days, they were all concentrated in the evening. I don’t know if it’s a problem with the speed of the network or the speed of the hands. Anyway, she didn’t grab a single order.

Today is the first time I encountered a proxy driver push at noon. I didn't expect to grab it so easily. Sure enough, everyone is part-time and does not accept orders during the day.

"The order is finally accepted, let's go." Su Meichang rode on the electric bike and rode quickly towards the target.

The sharing list pushed by the system is usually pushed nearby, so it didn't take long for Su Meichang to see the target.

The other party was standing in the parking lot outside a restaurant, leaning against the car, gently rubbing his temple with one hand.

"Hi, sir. I'm whispering as a substitute driver. May I ask if it's your service?" Su Meichang stepped forward and asked.

"Yeah." The customer nodded.

"I am your substitute driver, where is your car?" Su Meichang asked.

The customer reached out and patted the Land Rover beside him, then handed the key to Su Meichang.

Su Meichang took the key and got into the car immediately. While fastening her seat belt, she stared at the gear position. She used to drive a car with a gear shifter. This is the first time she has encountered a knob-style gear shifter. After some research, I finally figured out how to use it.

The driving process was relatively smooth, according to the navigation, and finally arrived at the destination.

After the customer paid, Su Meichang picked up the folding electric bike and walked back, and said to the camera while riding the bike: "Although it is only 50 yuan, it is a good start. As the old saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. , with this beginning, it will definitely get smoother in the future.”

Excited, I couldn't help cheering loudly: "I've made money!"

The sound fell, but the electric car got slower and slower, and finally stopped.

Su Meichang tried to start, but the electric car did not respond.

"The car broke down?" Su Meichang asked suspiciously.

"Is it out of battery? Have you charged the battery these days?" the assistant director asked.

"Ah? Still need to charge?" Su Meichang was taken aback.


Seeing the speechless expression of the assistant director, Su Meichang said awkwardly, "I'll go back to the hotel to charge it now." After speaking, he got on the car, pedaled in the most primitive way, and rode in the direction of the hotel.

After returning to the hotel and charging the electric car, Su Meichang returned to the room and said before closing the door: "I'll take a nap in the afternoon to prepare for tonight's work." After speaking, he closed the door.

At 5 o'clock in the evening, Su Meichang woke up. She rode on the electric bike and said to the camera: "It's still early, everyone just got off work. I'll go have a meal first, and wait for work after dinner."

So, the electric car stopped outside the supermarket during the day.

"You want to come here to eat and drink again?" Assistant director Li Li asked, completely speechless to Su Meichang, thinking: You are a star, can you pay attention to your image?Are you using this as a free canteen?
"What are you eating and drinking? I'm going to taste them and give them valuable advice to make them better." Su Meichang said confidently.

When a group of people came to the video food area, they saw some familiar figures from a distance.

In the dumpling tasting area in the distance, a man was trying to eat, and several people next to him were filming with cameras.

"Wang Zihao, what a coincidence!" Su Meichang walked over to say hello.


Wang Zihao was startled, and quickly chewed and swallowed the dumplings in his mouth. When he saw that it was Su Meichang, he felt a little embarrassed and asked, "What a coincidence, you are here for shopping. ?”

"No." Su Meichang said.

"Then you come here..." Wang Zihao was puzzled.

"Same as you." Su Meichang said.

Wang Zihao was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that there would be someone like him.

"Are you here to try the food too?" Wang Zihao asked in a low voice.

"En." Su Meichang nodded.

Wang Zihao was so excited that he almost cried.

Very good!
I thought my behavior was embarrassing before, but I didn't expect to meet someone of the same kind.

Some things are just like this, a person is embarrassed to do it alone, but when he has a companion, he will immediately become more courageous.

"This dumpling tastes good." Wang Zihao took the initiative to introduce.

"Well, I tasted it at noon, and it was really good." Su Meichang said.


The salesman looked at the two stars in front of him speechlessly.

One is fine, why do you still form a group?

Is this show a foodie show?


(End of this chapter)

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