The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 525 Fighting wits and courage

Chapter 525 Fighting wits and courage

Hu Xuan came down from the fifth floor.

Another takeaway was delivered, and again, I was late again.

The roads in the old community are more complicated, and it is darker, and it is difficult to tell which building is from which building. It is often difficult to find the community, and then search everywhere in the community, resulting in a lot of wasted time. Yes, the order that could have earned 8 yuan could only earn 4 yuan in the end.

This is the second, the most depressing thing is when picking up the meal, looking at the boxes of pork chop rice, fried chicken, pizza, crayfish, milk tea, etc., the feeling is simply horrific, inhumane, and appalling.

So in his opinion, although his job can guarantee daily income, the working process is really cruel, and he swallows his saliva all the time.

And the tens of dollars he earns every day can only solve the most basic food and clothing, and it can't solve the problem.

"How are the others doing today? Have they all made money?" Hu Xuan looked at the assistant director Chen Sen and asked.

"So far, only Su Meichang has earned 50 yuan." Chen Sen replied.

In WeChat, there is a group group for the "Ordinary Courage" program. There are only staff members and no artists in it. Everyone will report the income of each artist in real time.

After Hu Xuan heard it, he felt a lot more comfortable in his heart.

"By the way, where is Wang Zihao? Isn't he delivering the courier?" Hu Xuan asked curiously.

"I received a complaint again, and the content of the complaint was that the package was damaged, so if there is no accident, today is for nothing." Chen Sen sighed after finishing speaking.

Although Wang Zihao was not his subject, he still felt sorry for him. After three days of express delivery, he was complained for three days, but he didn't get a penny, and he was fined.

When Hu Xuan heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

There is no happiness without contrast.

Compared with Wang Zihao, delivering food is really blissful. Even if there is a complaint, it will only be deducted by half, unlike express delivery, which pays 100 for one complaint.

However, eating more than ten yuan of fast food every day is really unbearable. Not only is it not enough to eat, but the most important thing is to not satisfy your cravings.

Hu Xuan glanced at the filming team next to him, and suddenly thought of a way.

At this time, another takeaway order was received.

While pretending to read the order, he sent a text message to his assistant, then put away his phone, and rode slowly towards the restaurant.

The restaurant is not far away, but after riding for more than ten minutes, it doesn't look like I'm going to pick up takeaway, but it's more like looking at the scenery.

"Don't you hurry up?" Assistant Director Chen Sen asked.

"I suddenly discovered that the night view of the capital is so beautiful." Hu Xuan said, "I want to write a song for this night view."

"If you don't hurry up, this order will be late again." Chen Sen reminded.

Hu Xuan dawdled, and finally came to the restaurant. After entering, he immediately covered his stomach and asked the restaurant waiter, "Waiter, where is the bathroom?"

The waiter pointed in one direction and said, "It's inside."

"Thank you!" Hu Xuan turned his head and said to the assistant director, "You are waiting for me here." After speaking, he hurried into the bathroom.

At this time, a man was standing in the bathroom. After seeing Hu Xuan, he immediately opened the backpack behind him, and took out some beef jerky, grilled fish fillets, and chocolate from it.

Hu Xuan stuffed the clothes inside, and said, "I'll be sending them out in this area these days. You just wait here for news from me. Remember to bring two boxes of caviar tomorrow."

"Well, I see." The man nodded.

Hu Xuan packed all the food, then looked at the man and asked, "Why, can you see it?"

The man looked at it, then shook his head and said, "I can't tell."

The takeaway staff wear a lot of clothes, and the jacket is loose outdoor clothing, so there is no problem.

Hu Xuan adjusted his clothes again, then walked out of the bathroom, took the takeaway from the front desk, and said to the assistant director, "Okay, you can go."

This order is relatively close, and it was delivered to the customer quickly without being late.

"Okay, call it a day!" Hu Xuan said loudly.

"It's only 7 o'clock, and it's the peak time for takeout at night. Don't you want to make more money?" Assistant Director Chen Sen said.

"You have to make money bit by bit, and you will always be happy when you are content." Hu Xuan said with a smile, and then rode his electric scooter to the club.

On the way, he bought a drawer of steamed buns and carried them back to the hotel.

As soon as I got out of the elevator door, I saw the chief director and host.

"Director Xu, Chairman Qin, are you going out?" Hu Xuan asked.

"No, I'm here to welcome you back. Is steamed buns for dinner today?" Xu Jie stared at the plastic sheet in Hu Xuan's hand.

"Well, would you like to have one? The steamed stuffed buns here are very popular, and they are said to be very delicious." Hu Xuan picked up the steamed buns.

"No, thank you." Xu Jie said.

"Oh, then you are all busy, I'm going back to the room." After Hu Xuan finished speaking, he walked towards the room.

"Wait!" Xu Jie shouted suddenly.

"Is there anything else?" Hu Xuan turned his head and looked at Director Xu curiously.

Xu Jie walked over, patted the other party's arm, and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work."

After Hu Xuan heard it, he shook his head again and again and said, "It's not my hard work, it's all the delivery staff who have worked hard."

"Well, keep up the good work, I'm optimistic about you!" Xu Jie stretched out his hand to straighten the other party's clothes, pinched the hem of the clothes and pulled it down. Hu Xuan's chest immediately swelled up, and the two pockets looked heavy.

Hu Xuan's face changed, and he said quickly: "Oh, my stomach hurts, I'm going to the bathroom." After speaking, he bent down and covered his stomach with his hands.

"Hu Xuan, you should participate in "Crossover Actor" because you are so good at acting." Xu Jie said with a light smile, "Take it out."

"What? Take what? Is it a bun?" Hu Xuan insisted.

Xu Jie didn't say anything, but kept looking at Hu Xuan with a smile.

Hu Xuan felt uncomfortable being watched, and there was a camera next to him, so he became discouraged within a minute.


He unzipped his clothes, took out two packs of beef jerky, and took out two packs of grilled fish fillets and a box of chocolates from his outer pocket.

"only these!".

Chen Sen on the side was already stunned, he followed Hu Xuan all day, when did so many things appear in the other's clothes?Why don't you know anything?
"There are snacks tonight." Xu Jie said with a smile, and then threw the snacks to other staff.

At this time, the elevator door opened, and Haixin and the filming team came out from inside.

"Director Xu, what snacks?" Haixin asked while standing in the elevator and heard Director Xu's voice.

"Hu Xuan worked hard all day, and even invited our staff to eat snacks, do you think it's considerate?" Xu Jie said to Hai Xin.

"Really?" Haixin looked at Hu Xuan, but the expression on his face didn't look like asking for a snack?More like the snacks were snatched.

She looked at Hu Xuan's open clothes, and quickly understood what was going on, and walked straight to her room.

Steal food and take it back to the hotel?

Isn't this head kicked by a donkey?

Tomorrow, sister will show you a high-end operation.

Fourth day.

Haixin was waiting for work at the housekeeping company as before, and the manager found her not long after, and said excitedly, "Haixin, hurry up, someone is asking you to clean up."

"Myself?" Haixin asked in surprise, while pointing at herself.

"That's right, according to the customer herself, she heard the introduction from the owner of the villa in front, saying that you are very good at cleaning the glass, so she asked you for roll call." The manager said.

"Okay, I'll go now." Hai Xin said with a smile.

Haixin rode a shared bicycle to the destination, which was also a villa, which looked very luxurious.

She walked to the door, rang the doorbell, and said loudly, "Hi, I'm an employee of Kuaijie Housekeeping Company, and I'm here to clean up your home."


The door opened, and a woman in her early thirties, who was about the same age as Hai Xin, walked out.

"That's right, I invited you. Hey, why do you look like the star Haixin?" asked the hostess who opened the door.

"I am, I am participating in the filming of a program, don't disturb me?" Haixin asked.

"Don't bother, don't bother at all. Actually, I'm your fan. I have read every one of your works. Please come in." The hostess said.

Haixin put on the shoe covers and walked into the gate. The inside was magnificent and very beautiful.

The hostess poured a glass of juice, as well as some snacks and fruits, and said enthusiastically: "You drink juice, and some snacks, and I will tell you about my requirements."

Hai Xin sat down, took a sip of the juice from the cup, and then ate some snacks unceremoniously.

"There is a lot of dust on the window. Your job today is to clean the window glass. If you finish it well, maybe I will give you some extra tips." The hostess said.

"Thank you boss, I will definitely complete the task and make sure you are satisfied." Haixin said seriously.

After eating snacks, Haixin officially started working.

The hostess didn't leave, she was sitting at home watching TV.

Near noon, the doorbell rang outside.

The hostess opened the door, and saw three people standing outside, one woman and two men.

"Hi Miss Liu, here is your lunch order."

"Put it on the table."

The three of them walked into the room with the incubator, took out ten dishes from it and put them on the table, then turned and left.

"Are you all tired? Let's have dinner together." The hostess greeted the filming team first, and then said to the window, "Hai Xin, come over for dinner too."

"No, no, you're too polite, we have working meals." Assistant Director Zhao Gang said quickly.

"Oh, the dishes have already been ordered. Besides, it's my honor to have a program team come to my house for filming and a star to clean for us. You're welcome." The hostess said enthusiastically, reaching out to grab people .

When Zhao Gang saw it, it was difficult to turn down the hospitality, so he could only sit down in the end.

Hai Xin was still cleaning the window, the hostess stepped forward and said, "It's time to eat, clean it after eating."

"Eat first, this window will be wiped soon." Haixin said.

"No hurry, no hurry!"

Under the urging of the hostess, Hai Xin finally sat down at the dining table.

Looking at the sumptuous dishes on the table, Haixin was calm on the surface, but she couldn't help swallowing her saliva. There was baked lobster and lamb chops. Isn't this too rich?

"Let's eat, everyone. Be sure to eat up all the food. The disc is on the move. There can be no leftovers." The hostess said, moving the chopsticks first.

Everyone talked and laughed at lunch, and it took two hours to finish.

Except for the hostess, everyone else was full.

Maybe it was too much time wasted eating lunch, it was already dark outside, and the work of cleaning the windows hadn't been finished yet.

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell rang again.

"Hi Miss Liu, this is your dinner order."

"Send it in quickly."

After the food delivery person left, the hostess said enthusiastically: "It's so late, come and eat quickly, I can't finish today, come back tomorrow, don't worry."

Zhao Gang was stunned.

This person is too enthusiastic, right?

Did you hire Haixin to work, or to cook?
"I'm alone, I can't eat so much, come on, don't waste, waste is a crime, don't you want to commit a crime?" the hostess shouted.

Zhao Gang frowned involuntarily, why did he feel something was wrong?

Wipe a glass, three hundred.

And the combination of the two meals at noon and evening is more than three thousand.

This person can't be Haixin's fan, can he?Inviting Haixin to dinner in the name of hiring him to work?
This is troublesome.

If the other party invites Haixin to work here for six weeks, can it still be considered a professional life experience?
No, I have to report to Director Xu immediately.

8 pm.

Haixin returned to the hotel happily.

Today I relieved my cravings and made money, so I don’t need many days like this, just once a week is enough.

The elevator door opened slowly.

When she walked out, she saw the chief director standing outside.

"Director Xu, I'm back. Today was a bumper harvest. I earned 500 yuan. Three hundred is labor costs, and two hundred is consumption. According to the rules, I will keep [-] yuan." Hai Xin said with a smile.

"Two hundred and five is too unpleasant." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "By the way, have you cleaned the windows of your friend's house?"

"Clean it up, huh? Director Xu, what are you talking about?" Haixin's eyes were a little nervous.

"Your friend, Liu Xinran, she went to your birthday party last year, have you forgotten?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

Haixin looked at the man in front of him in horror, "You, how do you know this?"

Last year's birthday party, she only invited a few girlfriends, how could this man know?

"You posted photos on Weibo." Xu Jie said.

"Ah? Yes, is that so?" Haixin was taken aback for a moment, thinking about it carefully, it seemed that she had indeed sent it.

This is awkward.

High-end operations overturned.

Xu Jie stretched out his hand, Haixin was puzzled at first, and then took out the money obediently, although she was a little unwilling, but who made her not rigorous?It seems that we must not post randomly on Weibo in the future.

Xu Jie put the money into his pocket, and then stretched out his hand.

Hai Xin was taken aback when she saw it, and then said: "No, it's only 500, really, I didn't lie to you."

"Take out all the money on your body." Xu Jie said.

"Why?" Hai Xin asked puzzled.

"Today's meal money during the day!" Xu Jie said.

Hai Xin gritted her teeth, thinking that the two meals today would not be able to buy even a few hundred dollars, not to mention dozens of dollars, so she handed over the tens of dollars in her pocket, and walked towards the room angrily.

At the same time, a message appeared in the WeChat group of the artists of the "Ordinary Courage" program group.

Qin Yan: "Attention artists, once cheating is discovered, all labor income will be confiscated."


The WeChat public was quiet, and no artist responded.


(End of this chapter)

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