The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 527 The eyes of the masses are sharp

Chapter 527 The eyes of the masses are sharp


The second season of "Crossover Actor" finally started.

Because the first season of last year was really exciting, the singer performed wonderfully, and the content of the short play was also very exciting, so there are a lot of viewers looking forward to the second season. It was less than 5 minutes after the broadcast, and the ratings directly broke 2, surpassing The first episode of the first season.

Beijing TV.

Jiang Hai stood in the director's room, staring at the Beijing Satellite TV channel. The second season of "Crossover Actor" was being played. Although it was not a live broadcast, but a pre-recorded tape, his mood at this moment was different. More tense than it was in the first season premiere.

Not because of anything else, just because he is the chief director this time.

Although he was also the chief director of the first season, because of Xu Jie's existence, he arranged the whole program properly, making him a real shopkeeper.

But this time is different, Xu Jie is not here, he is responsible for the whole process, if the ratings are good, it's fine, but if the ratings are not good, it will definitely become the target of criticism from the audience.

The other two cross-border programs, cross-border singer and cross-border comedian, have now become tasteless on the stage, and he doesn't want to make "Crossover Actor" into a tasteless show.


At this time, the door of the director's room opened, and Lu Hong walked in from the outside.

"How is it?" Lu Hong looked at Jiang Hai and asked, his eyes full of concern.

He just went to a dinner party, so he came a little late, but he was always thinking about the premiere of "Crossover Actor".

You must know that this program is the highlight of Beijing Satellite TV in the first half of this year, and it is very important for whether it can regain the title of "The Most Influential Provincial Satellite TV of the Year".

"The ratings broke 1 when the broadcast started, and broke 5 in less than 2 minutes." Jiang Hai replied after hearing it.

For a variety show, this is a very good result, but there is no smile on his face, because the high ratings at the beginning of the broadcast can only show that there are more people who pay attention to the show, but it does not mean how rich the content of the show is. Well, only if the ratings continue to go up can it prove that the content of the show is attractive.

"Not bad, not bad." Lu Hong breathed a sigh of relief, the results of the first broadcast were quite good, not only passed, but even excellent, and then we will see the ratings in the future.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the show came to the middle stage.

The applause of the live audience in the show was very enthusiastic. As for whether the TV audience bought it, we can only know through the real-time ratings.

"What's the current ratings?" Jiang Hai asked the broadcaster.


When Jiang Hai heard this, his brows immediately frowned.

Instead of rising, the ratings have dropped?
The program is already halfway through, and it stands to reason that it should be getting better and better, and more and more people are watching it.

He hurriedly came behind the director and checked the ratings curve. It was okay not to watch it, but after looking at it, his brows frowned even tighter.

For the first 10 minutes, the ratings kept rising, but the following ratings curve was like an electrocardiogram, fluctuating up and down, very unstable.

It's not that the ratings curve is not allowed to fluctuate. After all, there are advertisements in the program, and it's normal for viewers to take advantage of this to switch channels, but frequent fluctuations are a big problem.

I remember that when the first season of "Crossover Actor" was broadcast, the ratings curve did not fluctuate frequently, and it has been on the rise as a whole.

Go high and go low?Weak follow-up?
This means that the show was not liked by everyone, and part of the audience in the first season was lost.

Jiang Hai was very anxious, but he felt that he couldn't exert his energy. He could only watch helplessly as the position of the curve became lower and lower.

Although the ratings still rank first in tonight's ranking, this does not mean that the program has no problems, and this is only the first episode, and there will be a second and third episode after it. Judging from the current situation, the ratings in the future It will only get lower and lower.

Time goes on.

After a long time, the 100-minute program finally ended.

Jiang Hai stared at the ratings graph, and the final ratings were fixed at 1.935.

It finally dropped below 2.

"Director Jiang, the average ratings of the first episode of the first season of "Crossover Actor" is 2.021." The director said with a smile.

In his opinion, it is definitely something to celebrate if the ratings of a program can break 2.

"Lao Jiang, you did a good job." Lu Hong patted Jiang Hai on the shoulder and said.

Jiang Hai turned his head to look, but couldn't smile.

"Although the ratings broke 2, but looking at the ratings curve, it's not very optimistic." Jiang Hai's face was full of worry.

"Lao Jiang, I understand." Lu Hong said with a smile: "You don't feel optimistic, that's because you are comparing with the first season, if you don't compare it with the first season, treat it as an ordinary variety show, yes Don't you think it's not bad?
Jiang Hai thought about it after hearing it, and it seemed so.

For normal programs, the ratings curve fluctuates up and down. In fact, the first season also fluctuated, but it was not so obvious.

Lu Hong continued: "The second season is airing now. After watching the first season, many viewers have already understood the show. The freshness will definitely not be as strong as the first season. Switch to another channel to watch. It's normal."

Jiang Hai nodded, feeling a little more comfortable.

"Okay, let's go home and rest." Lu Hong said.


Jiang Hai turned around and left the studio, but he didn't put everything down, looking at his phone while walking.

After the second season of "Crossover Actor" was broadcast, many viewers who watched it couldn't wait to express their opinions online.

"Just finished watching the second season of "Crossover Actor", and the biggest surprise is my favorite singer Tang Xue!"

"Although the lineup of singers is not inferior to the first season, the content of the short play is not as exciting as the first season. To be honest, I am a little disappointed."

"The script is flawed, the content is too plain, and the short play always wants to educate people at the end. I came to see cross-border actors, not to receive ideological education!"

"Didn't you mean the original crew? Why is there such a big gap in content? Could it be that the screenwriter Jiang Lang has run out of talent?"

"I know the reason, the chief planner has changed, it's not Lao Xu!"

"Why do I feel that once Lao Xu left, his energy was taken away? The script is not as exciting as the first season, and the singer's acting skills seem to have not been inspired."


Jiang Hai sighed deeply.

Sure enough, the audience's eyes are discerning.

In fact, regarding the issue of content, he had already realized it before. He not only strengthened the planning team, but even hired professional screenwriters to write short plays.

However, there are many people who can write scripts, but not everyone who writes them is wonderful.

This is like the composition left by the teacher in school. The topics are all the same, but everyone writes different things. Some have high scores and some have low scores.

"What can we do?" Jiang Hai frowned and thought as he walked outside.

The program has only aired for one episode. If it cannot be corrected in time, there will be more and more bad reviews in the future, and more and more viewers will be lost.

Just when he was worried because of this, the foot that went down the steps first didn't pay attention, it turned inward directly, sprained at [-] degrees, and then the leg went limp and fell to the ground.


"Who? Director Jiang? What's wrong with you?" The security guard walked over, saw Director Jiang sitting on the ground, and quickly reached out to help him, "Director Jiang, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just a sprained ankle." Jiang Hai said embarrassingly. It's embarrassing to say that he can sprain his ankle even when he goes down the stairs.

Fortunately, it was night and it was past ten o'clock. Apart from the security guards, there was no one else. If it was daytime, they would have to be surrounded by crowds.

He tried to touch the ground with his feet, and it seemed that nothing happened, but as soon as he walked, the pain immediately became excruciating.

"Director Jiang, shall I take you to the hospital? Sprained feet can be big or small. There may be nothing wrong with it, or a broken bone. You'd better not move around." The security guard said seriously.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Hearing people's persuasion and having a full meal, Jiang Hai took out his car keys and handed them over to the security guard.

You must not be careless when dealing with your body, especially at his age, middle-aged, with severe bone loss, so you should pay more attention.

The security guard helped Jiang Hai into the car, and then drove to a nearby hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, I took X-rays and CT scans. Finally, the doctor came to the conclusion that the ankle joint was sprained and I needed to rest for one to two weeks.

Jiang Hai took some medicine and left the hospital with a sad face.

It's not painful, but next week there will be the second episode of "Crossover Actor" to be recorded, how can he rest at such a moment?

The security guard drove Jiang Hai home.

On the way, Jiang Hai saw a pharmacy with lights on and wheelchairs and crutches in front of the window. He immediately asked the security guard to stop. It seemed that he could only go into battle with his injuries.


on Monday.

When Xu Jie came to the unit, one was to have a morning meeting, and the other was to report on the filming of the show, so that the bosses could have a clear idea.

"Director Xu, how is the filming of the new variety show going, can you tell us about it?"

"Yes, Director Xu, I ordered takeaway yesterday, and guess what, it was Hu Xuan who delivered the food. If I hadn't seen the filming team, I would have thought I had met Hu Xuan's twin brother!"

"Yes, when I was shopping on Saturday, I saw Geng Di selling lipstick."

"Do you understand the rules?" Xu Jie said after hearing it: "When the program is broadcast, you will naturally know."

At this moment, the door of the Arts Program Center was pushed open, and a person walked in with crutches.

Xu Jie was dumbfounded, and hurried over to ask concerned: "Director, what's the matter with you? I haven't seen you for a week, why are you still on the pole?"

Other people in the office area also looked over one after another, their eyes full of curiosity. I remember that Director Jiang was fine when he saw Director Jiang on Saturday, so why did he turn on the pole?

"It's nothing, I didn't pay attention when I was walking, I twisted my foot." Jiang Hai said embarrassedly.


Xu Jie was speechless.

You can twist your feet while walking, it's too careless
Jiang Hai pulled a chair from the side, sat on it and rested. It was the first time he was on crutches and felt very uncomfortable. If it wasn't for the recording of the second phase of "Crossover Actors", he would have asked for leave and stayed at home for a few days.

"Xiao Xu, have you watched the second season of "Crossover Actor"?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Look." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

He lied.

In fact, he didn't read it.

During these days, he has been collecting information about those six professions, applying some real cases on the Internet to the six artists, making it more difficult for them to experience professional life.

In the six weeks of experience time, the difficulties encountered must be limited, so Xu Jie has to add infinite troubles to those artists within the limited time, so that the artists can experience more fully.

"What do you think?" Jiang Hai asked seriously.

As the saying goes: Live to be old, learn to be old.

There is an old saying: When three people walk together, there must be my teacher.

Xu Jie is in charge of the first season of the program, and he is in charge of the second season. Judging from the word-of-mouth of netizens on the program, everyone generally thinks that the content of the first season is better than the second season, so he really wants to hear Xu Jie's opinion, and also Fortunately, it was revised in the second period to make the show better and better. After all, there are still more than ten episodes.

"Very good, very exciting." Xu Jie spoke the common language.

"Don't be perfunctory, tell the truth." Jiang Hai looked at the other party and asked, the audience could see it, and he didn't believe the other party couldn't see it.


Xu Jie didn't watch the show at all, how can he tell the truth?
However, this did not bother him.

"The star performed well, but the content is a bit weak. It would be great if the story could be more exciting." Xu Jie said solemnly.

In any case, he also planned the first season of "Crossover Actor", and he understands the key points of the show very well, and he is definitely not wrong when he says that there is a problem with the content.

This saying applies to any show.

Jiang Hai nodded when he heard it. It was indeed a problem with the script, but this aspect cannot be improved. Unless the original planner and screenwriter are replaced by Xu Jie, otherwise...

and many more!

Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie in front of him, thought for a while and asked, "Xiao Xu, are you busy there?"

"Busy, fighting wits and courage with those artists from morning to night, you don't know, none of those artists are obedient." Xu Jie said with a sigh.

His answer has nothing to do with whether he is busy or not, because no matter whether he is busy or not, he must say he is busy in front of his superiors, otherwise he will be regarded as fishing.

This is the same as the overtime culture in some companies. No matter whether you finish your work or not, you have to stay in the company and work overtime to show how hardworking and hardworking you are in front of your superiors and bosses.

"Really?" Jiang Hai hesitated, and finally said: "Xiao Xu, can you do me a favor?"

"What's the matter, tell me?" Xu Jie looked at the director.

"Write some jokes for me," Jiang Hai said.

"What joke?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"It's the script of the short play. Didn't you just say that the story is not exciting enough? Write me some exciting ones." Jiang Hai said.

"Director, this matter doesn't seem to have anything to do with your foot injury." Xu Jie was puzzled, writing the script needs to be written by hand, and it has nothing to do with the other party's feet.

"Why is it okay? Pain in my feet affects my mood. If I am in a bad mood, I will not be pleasing to the eyes when I look at the things written by the planners and screenwriters. When the time comes, I will not be able to come up with a new script for a long time, which will affect the shooting of the show. You said Does it matter?" Jiang Hai said eloquently

Xu Jie was shocked.

Does this work too?
Isn't this a forced relationship?

"Xiao Xu, you have to know that you are not only the chief director of the "Ordinary Courage" program, but also the deputy director of the cultural program center. You must know how to share the rain and dew, understand?" Jiang Haiyu said earnestly.

Xu Jie looked at the director, why are you saying this again?Can I change a few words?

But these few words can hold him to death.

"Okay, I will write it." Xu Jie said.

A smile finally appeared on Jiang Hai's face.

"now it's right."


(End of this chapter)

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