Chapter 528

After the morning meeting was over, Xu Jie did not return to the hotel immediately after reporting the shooting progress of the new variety show to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu. Instead, he returned to the Art Program Center to perform his duties as the deputy director.

Regarding this, he was still a little depressed.

When other people become leaders, they just drink tea and read newspapers, so why is he so busy when it's his turn?
This unscientific!

Could it be that he only saw thieves eating meat, but didn't see thieves being beaten?
Or, is the current position too low?
It seems that we have to work hard to climb up.

Xu Jie came to Director Jiang's office, and the other party was sitting behind the desk, and there was no abnormality at all, but the crutches on the side betrayed the other party.

"Here, here is the information you want." Jiang Hai threw a folder to Xu Jie. His legs and feet were really inconvenient, otherwise he would have to drag the other party to have a good chat and make the other party limp.

Xu Jie picked up the folder and looked through it briefly. It contained personal information of the singers who participated in the second season. The reason why he wanted these things was to see what type of scripts would be more suitable for these contestants. The script and the actors are mutual achievements. Even if the performance content of the show is determined by lottery, a lucky lottery must be prepared for the actors, right?

The participating singers are still mainly middle-aged and young generations. Perhaps because of the success of the first season, the popularity of singers in the second season is obviously higher than that in the first season.

In fact, this is a very normal phenomenon.

Although variety shows are very popular nowadays, artists are still very cautious about new variety shows. After all, the quality of variety shows will directly affect the reputation of participating artists, so in most cases, with the first season as a As a test product, artists who have a certain understanding of the show will definitely be more willing to participate.

We must know that the second season can be filmed, which also shows that the show is very popular with the audience. If the audience doesn't like it, how can there be a second season?
Xu Jie read them one by one, and basically had an idea in his mind, but when he turned to the last page, he was suddenly stunned.

what's the situation?
How could there be her?
He blinked vigorously, and after realizing that the person in the photo hadn't changed, his brows furrowed accordingly.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Jiang Hai noticed Xu Jie's strangeness and asked him curiously.

"No, nothing." Xu Jie quickly stretched his brows.

Tang Fei?

How did she come to participate in "Crossover Actor"?
It's fine if others don't know about his relationship with Tang Fei, doesn't Liu Jinghua know?Isn't this intentional?
and many more!

He has left "Crossover Actor" and is no longer the chief planner. Liu Jinghua arranged for Tang Fei to participate in this show, which seems understandable.

Moreover, he is now hired by director Jiang to work, and has nothing to do with Liu Jinghua and Tang Fei.

It seems that I was thinking too much.

Besides, the two have broken up for a long time, so where there is him, can't there be the other party?It seems unreasonable.

"Director, I'll go back and write." Xu Jie's heart quickly recovered.

"Well, the sooner the better." Jiang Hai said.

I can't catch up with the second round. After all, the lottery has ended. I only hope to catch up with the third and fourth rounds, even if I can catch up with the second round.

Xu Jie went back to the hotel where the program team was located, and edited and selected the content of yesterday's filming before finally starting to write the script for "Crossover Actor".


Soon, the second episode of the second season of "Crossover Actor" finally met with you, and the show officially entered the elimination stage.

The judges' sharp comments added to the show's highlights, but the weaknesses of the script were completely exposed, and even the judges were a little embarrassed.

The biggest reaction this time is not the audience, but the fans of the stars. They attribute all the responsibility for the elimination of their artists to the "Crossover Actor" program group. It is the bad script, bad story, and bad lines given by the program group. .

Because of this incident, the "Crossover Actor" program group was even scolded on the hot search, and "the quality of the second season script of "Crossover Actor" has declined" has become the focus of attention.

You know, the reason for the success of the first season of "Crossover Actors" is not only the wonderful performances of the artists, but also the wonderful script and story, which can always surprise the audience.

But this time, there were no surprises, only the car overturned.

Fans' dissatisfaction with the program is also directly reflected in the ratings.

When the ratings of the second episode were announced, all the staff fell into silence.


Although it still ranked first in the ratings of the night, the huge gap between the ratings and the first episode made people completely unhappy.

If the ratings of the first episode broke 2, it was a good start, then the ratings of the second episode dropped to 1.7, which is a trip over a stone on the ground.

This is still second, the most important thing is the psychological impact of the decline in ratings on the program group and the artists. The program group has lost confidence in the third episode of the program, and the artists have also begun to doubt the script provided by the program group. The more suspicious, The less confident and doubtful you are, the worse your performance will be.

Under such circumstances, the third episode of the program was recorded and aired, with an audience rating of 1.612...

down again.

And it is getting closer and closer to the Shanghai Satellite TV variety show "Happy Comedy", which ranks second in ratings. The ratings of "Happy Comedy" are 1.587
Grand Theater of Beijing Radio and Television Station.

"Stop holding back, hurry up and talk, isn't the purpose of holding this temporary meeting today to discuss the content of the program?" Jiang Hai said loudly.

There was silence in the venue, and no one made a sound.

Jiang Hai looked at the people in front of him, each one of them looked like gourds, and suddenly became angry. There were more than 70 people in total, and none of them could beat them.

Don't talk about giving opinions, farting is also counted!
"This meeting is a discussion meeting, not a review meeting. Everyone can speak freely and express their thoughts, even if they complain, what's the matter if they don't speak? Keep your mouth shut and the ratings will go up. Is it? If it can rise, I will shut up with you, and we will sit here until Friday to record the show." Jiang Hai sat down and threw his crutches aside.

He was angry not because the ratings dropped, but because no one spoke.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally turned their attention to the chief screenwriter, Chang Li, and the screenwriting team he led.

In fact, where the problem lies, everyone knows it well.

The ratings dropped. To put it bluntly, the content of the short drama failed to attract the audience. It looked like a bland drama, a skit with no jokes.

This is what the audience said, and it was also what the artist's fans said.

Don't blame the screenwriter? Who?

Blame the camera?Blame the lights?Blame makeup?
No wonder!
Jiang Hai glanced around coldly, and it seemed that it would be impossible not to call names, so he took a crutch, pointed at the chief screenwriter's common sense, and said, "Old Chang, you speak first!"

Chief screenwriter is a newly added position this year. There are more than 20 screenwriters under him. The purpose is to polish the script of the short play, bring new surprises to the audience, and increase the driving force for the ratings.

However, based on the feedback received by the current program, this screenwriting team was established in vain.

After hearing common sense, he knew he couldn't escape, so he cleared his throat and said, "The ratings of the show keep dropping, it's because I didn't turn off the good script..."

Jiang Hai frowned, and interrupted the other party directly, "No one is held accountable now, can you choose something nutritious to say? How to improve the content, how to save the ratings, I need to see your ideas and plans."

"Our screenwriting team is also constantly creating and revising, striving to come up with wonderful scripts." Chang Li said.

"Where is it? Where is the wonderful script?" Jiang Hai looked at the other party and asked.

"Director, creation takes time." Changli replied.

"Wait any longer, and the second season will be over. Don't I have enough time for you? It took two full months from the end of the year to the start of the broadcast, but what's the result?" Jiang Hai said bluntly.

He originally wanted to save some face for the other party, after all, he was an old man in the stage, but the other party's attitude really disappointed him. Could it be that he didn't close the script well?

I asked you to be the chief screenwriter, just for you to check it?
"Director Jiang, I'll hold a meeting when I get back. Even if I don't sleep at night, I still have to produce good works." Common sense vowed.

"Don't go back, let's drive now." Jiang Hai gave the other party a blank look, and the remaining patience was worn away by the other party, otherwise he would not have called everyone together for a meeting.

"Here?" Changli looked at the people around him. Didn't this embarrass the writers?

Jiang Hai looked around, and then said to the others: "Go back and think about how to make the show better."

Everyone thought: The script is not good, what can we do?
People from other departments have left, and only the screenwriting team remains in the theater.

Chang Li looked at the screenwriters, his face gradually became serious, and he was about to speak when the phone rang.

"Who, whose phone is ringing? Are you in a meeting?" Chang Li said with his eyes wide open. The content of the show was not accepted by the audience, and he, the chief screenwriter, was undoubtedly the most stressed.

"It's mine." Jiang Hai slowly took out the ringing cell phone from inside.

The screenwriters wanted to laugh, but each of them could only hold back and adjust the sound to vibration mode.

Chang Li's face turned red in an instant, and he held back for a long time before saying, "Director Jiang, answer the phone, I'll hold the meeting later."

After hearing this, Jiang Hai turned around and connected the phone.

If it was normal, he would definitely go out to pick it up, but now, who made him have bad legs?
"Xiao Xu, what's the matter... what, it's finished? Where are you? At work? I'm here at the Grand Theater, come here quickly." Jiang Hai said happily, a smile finally appeared on his face after being stern for a long time.

After the phone call, Jiang Hai looked back at Chang Li and said, "We'll have a meeting later, Deputy Director Xu will be here soon, just in time to give you some advice."

The corner of Changli's mouth twitched, and he gave an idea to the screenwriter team. Isn't this his previous job?
Okay, I want to see what the deputy director can do.

Common sense thought.

He is not a member of the cultural program center, so he does not fear the leadership of the satellite TV program center.

Not long after, the side door opened and Xu Jie walked in.

"Xiao Xu, come here quickly." Jiang Hai quickly waved at the other party and said, "The scriptwriting team for the second season will have another meeting. Since you are here, sit here and listen, and discuss with you the successful experience of the first season." , after all, most of the scripts for the first season were written by you."

"Understood the director." Xu Jie sat down, looked around the faces of everyone in the screenwriting team, and then asked curiously in a low voice: "Where are Gu Yan and Qian Cheng, why didn't you see them?"

When filming the first season, Gu Yan and Qian Cheng were both in the planning team. There was no scriptwriting team at that time, so the work of writing the script also fell on those two.

"The two of them are full-time planners now." Jiang Hai replied.

Xu Jie was startled, but said nothing.

No wonder the content of the script was not good. It turned out that neither of them participated in the writing of the script.

Common sense saw people coming, so he said to the screenwriter team: "I believe everyone already knows the feedback of the program. Why is the content not liked by the audience? I have told you a long time ago that we must pay attention to the connotation of the story, and the content must be profound. , don’t be so superficial, let the audience think while watching it, and let the audience think after watching it..."

Xu Jie frowned when he heard this.

its not right!
Is this a meeting for a variety show?

It was clearly a meeting for an educational program.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Hai asked quietly.

"Nothing." Xu Jie shook his head.

"Nonsense, my ankle is sprained, but my eyes are fine, do you think I'm blind?" Jiang Hai said angrily.

Xu Jie looked at the chief screenwriter who was still talking, and then said in a low voice: "Director, after listening to the words of the chief screenwriter, I know that "Crossover Actor" is being filmed, and those who don't know think it is an educational film."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Hai continued to ask.

"The audience wants to watch cross-border actors, not educational films. Who is Director Chang planning to educate? Everyone just wants to watch the fun and relax on weekends, but they end up being educated. Is the education in normal society not enough? In your place, would you like to watch it?" Xu Jie asked.

Jiang Hai was taken aback for a moment, and understood what Xu Jie meant.

He had held a meeting for the screenwriting group before, but he had not participated in the internal meeting of the screenwriting group. Now after Xu Jie reminded him, the problem turned out to be here.

Common sense, this old boy, why is his thinking still stuck ten or twenty years ago?
The old saying goes well: the train runs fast, press the headband.

Now the front of the car is not working, can the train run?

"Old Chang, let me interrupt." Jiang Hai couldn't help but said, the team was being led astray by this old boy.

"Director, what's the matter?" Chang Li stood aside.

Jiang Hai stood up on the chair, looked at the more than 20 screenwriters in front of him and said, "Let me tell you something, although our program is selling singers as actors across borders, the content of the scripts performed by singers must also be exciting. Another point of view of the show, so let’s not talk about connotation and profundity, things that the society can’t teach, can we teach it with this show? The story is more important than anything else..."

Chang Li stared blankly at the chief director.

What are these words?
What he just said should have profound connotations, but Director Jiang said not to talk about these things. Isn't this a slap in the face?And still face to face.

Common sense couldn't help turning his head to look at Deputy Director Xu. Just now, he saw that the other party was muttering to Director Jiang. .

When Xu Jie saw the eyes of Deputy Chief Screenwriter Chang, he immediately knew that he was hated by the other party for his "talkativeness".


(End of this chapter)

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