The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 529 You can do it!

Chapter 529 You can do it!
"Go back and prepare a new script now, immediately, and try to use it before the second round." Jiang Hai said to all the screenwriters present.

The first round of competition for the second season of "Crossover Actor" has not yet ended, and the show still has a chance.

Now that he knows where the problem lies and Xu Jie's script is in place, he is full of confidence in the next few episodes of the show.

"Director, don't be so troublesome." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "Go back and ask them to hand in the script they wrote at the beginning."

He felt that the problem was not with the screenwriter, but with the chief screenwriter, so the scripts of these screenwriters can still be read.

Common sense's heart fire suddenly "huh", originally very angry because of Director Jiang's denial, but now the whole person is completely ignited.

"What do you mean by that? Do you mean that I'm hindering their creation?" Chang Li asked in a deep voice. Director Jiang is the chief director of the show, so he didn't dare to complain, but the deputy director Xu in front of him is not from the program team. Why do you make irresponsible remarks to him?

"Director Chang, you misunderstood. I didn't mean that. I just wanted to see what their first draft looked like." Xu Jie explained.

"Do you want to watch it? Are you from the program team? Are you from the scriptwriting team? Why should I show it to you? Is it your turn to watch it?" Changli asked several questions in succession, feeling refreshed, and finally came out. out of breath.

Xu Jie smiled awkwardly. He didn't expect the other party to have such a big opinion of him, so he said, "Don't be angry, Director Chang. I didn't say anything. I was meddling in my own business."

In fact, I can't complain about this matter today, and the chief screenwriter is often angry. He is not from the program team. He just pats his ass and leaves after finishing the task assigned by Director Jiang. What kind of opinion can he express?Isn't this pretending to be a wolf with a big tail?

"Hehe, I'm pretty self-aware. I know that dogs and mice are meddling in other people's business." Chang Li said with a sneer.

Xu Jie raised his brows involuntarily, saying it's wrong to scold someone if he has something to say.

"Director Chang, don't say that. How can you call yourself a mouse? Besides, you don't look like a mouse." Xu Jie said seriously.

People don't offend me, I don't offend people.

If people scold me, I have to fight back.

This is not to show off a moment of quick talk, but... to feel comfortable when you go back.

Don't people have to live comfortably?

"Cough cough!"

Hearing Xu Jie's words, some people couldn't help laughing.

There is no problem with applying the phrase "a dog takes a mouse" to other people, but if it is applied to oneself, it will hurt the enemy eight hundred and self-damage one thousand.

Common sense was so choked, his face was flushed with anger, his eyes were wide open, and he was gnashing his teeth as if he wanted to eat Xu Jie.

Especially when there are many people around, it makes him feel very humiliated.

"Don't be weird here, you are so thoughtful, I will give you this position, you can do it if you want." Changli said loudly.

Xu Jie smiled wryly, didn't the other party Zhu Bajie jump over the wall and beat him up?I don't know who is acting strangely here.

Don't even think about it, who is the chief planner of the first season? If it's not busy with the new variety show, can the chief screenwriter be your turn?
"Oh, the old comrade still has the spirit of dedication." Lu Hong who was on the side suddenly said, "Deputy Director Xu, since the director Chang wants to let the virtuous, you should fulfill his wish and take him on the top."

Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang in surprise, and he could see through the other person's mind in a second. He thought to himself: If you don't bring such a thing, you have agreed to only write a few scripts. Why do you want to lie to me as the chief screenwriter?I don't do it!

Chang Li also looked stunned.

He was just talking, the young man didn't take it seriously, so why did Director Jiang take it seriously?
not like this!
"Director Jiang, I..."

As soon as Changli spoke, he was interrupted.

"Screenwriter Chang, I understand, thank you for your dedication to the program group these days, we will always remember you." Jiang Hai said.

In fact, he had wanted to replace the other party for a long time, but he couldn't find a chance, and he didn't have a suitable reason. Now the other party wants to let Xu Jie play, just to give him an excuse to change.

Don't just say it casually, I take it seriously!
Common sense froze in place, not knowing what to say.

It didn't do that.

Although the show's ratings have dropped and the content of the script has been criticized, even if he doesn't have credit, he still has hard work, right?Let him go now, isn't that killing the donkey?

At this time, Xu Jie was also in a dilemma.

Take this job, he doesn't have time, reject this job, Director Jiang will lose face again now.

Forget it, let's talk to Director Jiang when there are fewer people.

After all, as a subordinate, no matter when and where, he must protect the face of his boss, and even if something happens, he must take care of his boss.

Changli looked at Jiang Hai, then at Xu Jie, and suddenly remembered that these two people were together, one was the director of the art program center, and the other was the deputy director of the art program center.

No wonder they are so united.

"Okay, very good, I'm leaving now, I'm going to find Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu." After Chang Li finished speaking, he walked out of the theater angrily.

Jiang Hai rolled his eyes and didn't care. Before the other party walked out of the door, he said loudly: "From today onwards, the chief screenwriter will be Deputy Director Xu. You will all listen to him from now on, do you hear me?"

"Yes!" the screenwriters shouted.

For them, it doesn't matter whoever is the chief screenwriter, they just need money to do things, and they are not employees of the TV station anyway.

"Now Director Xu will give you a speech." After Jiang Hai finished speaking, he took the lead in applauding.

"Clap clap clap!"

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched. He was obviously here to deliver the script, so why did he become the chief screenwriter in a daze?He always felt that he was being tricked by Director Jiang.

I've heard of people who buy and sell by force, and people who rob people's women by force, but I haven't heard of people who force people to arrange jobs.

But in the face of more than 20 screenwriters, can he refuse?


Don't you want the leader's face?
If he refused now, it would be equivalent to slapping Director Jiang in the face.

Director, Director, you didn't do this, why did you notify me in advance?

"As an old man in the first season, I am very happy to be able to return to the second season of "Crossover Actor". I hope that everyone can fight on their own in the future and bring out their own characteristics." Xu Jie looked at the screenwriter present Said.

He has already decided.

I can do it, I really do it!

However, this time he wants to do it in a different way.

In the first season, he was a soldier who charged into battle, and now in the second season, he is a general who leads troops to fight.

Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers.

Soldier, he did a good job, and he also became a general as he wished. It's time to practice leading troops to fight.

The screenwriters present were all stunned.

For so many years, when other people held meetings, they always called on everyone to unite and cooperate. How come this population has become fighting on its own?Is this going to be free range?

But Xu Jie didn't think there was anything wrong, and continued: "My requirement for the script is only two words, that is wonderful, remember, as long as the content is wonderful, you can do anything else!"

Such and such requirements will only bind the hands and feet of the creators, and only by giving them back their freedom of thought can they create wonderful scripts.

After the screenwriters heard it, they immediately applauded excitedly.

This is the creative environment they want, freedom, and respect.

One has to educate this, and another has to be taken into consideration. In this environment, who can create good works?
"Wow hoo hoo!"

Xu Jie smiled and nodded.

The reason why he said this was very simple, not out of respect, but to reduce his workload.

When Jiang Hai saw this scene, his face was full of smiles, and he completely lost the worries of the previous two weeks, and seeing the support of Xu Jie from the screenwriters, he felt that his decision was not wrong.

"Okay, let's all go back and prepare. Before eight o'clock tonight, I hope to see your script again." Xu Jie said his email.

Everyone carefully remembered, and then left the theater one by one.

When everyone was gone, Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang and said, "Director, why didn't you do this, why didn't you just take over as the chief screenwriter without saying a word?"

"Oh, isn't that the way to go? And I didn't see you refusing just now." Jiang Hai said with a smile after hearing it.


Xu Jie was speechless, thinking to himself: just now it was for your face, why did you climb up smoothly?Even if you are a monkey, you can't do this.

It seems that I have to work overtime again!


Chang Li quickly returned to the Art Program Center and found Lu Hong, the deputy editor-in-chief.

"Editor Lu, Director Jiang had a problem with me and replaced me." Although Changli was stating one thing, his tone was full of dissatisfaction.

"Oh? Really?" Lu Hong was slightly taken aback, somewhat surprised.

Although the ratings of the first episode of "Crossover Actor" is not as good as the first episode, in fact, only three episodes have been broadcast. In addition, the first round of competition is currently going on, and there may be a reversal in the second round , I'm really in a hurry to replace the chief screenwriter at this time.

"It's absolutely true, do I dare to lie to you?" Chang Li showed an aggrieved expression at this moment, and said in front of his old leader.

I thought to myself: Who doesn't have one or two old leaders?

"You are the chief screenwriter of the program group. If you leave, what will happen to the script of the program? Who will be in charge?" Lu Hong felt that Lao Jiang's decision was a little inappropriate. The responsibility of the chief screenwriter is very important. Rely on the chief screenwriter to screen.

"Editor Lu, since you asked, I'll tell you the truth. It was Director Jiang who was nepotistic and hired someone from the Arts Center to replace me." Chang Li said seriously.

"Is there such a thing?" Lu Hong frowned.

In fact, cronyism is a very common phenomenon. How many people do not rely on cronyism?So did he.

However, under normal circumstances, cronyism happens at the beginning of the establishment of the program group. The Cypriots who should be promoted and those who should be admired are tacitly understood by each other. This will not have any impact on the program. People insert people, which has a great influence on the program.

"Who did he arrange to replace you?" Lu Hong asked.

"Xu Jie, Deputy Director of the Art Program Center." Changli said quickly, and at the same time, his heart was filled with a tinge of complacency, thinking: I have Editor-in-Chief Lu making the decision for me, let's see how crazy you are!
"Who are you talking about?" Lu Hong asked in surprise, wondering if he heard it wrong.

"Xu Jie, deputy director of the Art Program Center, director Jiang's deputy." Chang Li explained.

"What you said is true?" Lu Hong asked.

"Editor Lu, if I lie to you, I will be pretended to be dead by a car when I go out!" Chang Li swore with his finger out.

"That's it." A smile suddenly appeared on Lu Hong's face, looking at Common Reason, he said, "In that case, you can go back to the satellite TV program center and continue your previous work."

"Ah?" Chang Li was stunned.

what's the situation?
Shouldn't you stand up for him?

Shouldn't Director Jiang be reprimanded for his nepotism?
Now why let him go back where he came from?

"Don't you know? Xu Jie is the chief planner of the first season of "Crossover Actor", and he completed many of the shows." Lu Hong said, he didn't expect Lao Jiang to get Xu Jie back. It's a bit of a surprise, doesn't Xiao Xu need to shoot a new variety show?Sure enough, the desperate situation still depends on Xiao Xu.

"I know all of this, but I'm too crazy, and how can I intervene in other people's programs halfway?" Chang Li said with resentment, like a bitter woman.

"No matter what, everyone is thinking about the show, which is understandable." Lu Hong said with a smile.

I thought: If someone is crazy, it is because of the capital of being crazy. If you want to be crazy, you can show some achievements?Relying on my long time in the TV station, I recommended myself as the chief screenwriter, how is it now?Isn't it pulling your pants pocket?


"But what? Don't you know how the show is rated? He is helping you wipe your ass now, so you should be grateful to him." Lu Hong said.

The depression in Common Reason's heart, originally came here to ask for cover, but now it turns out that even the deputy editor-in-chief is on the side of the other party.

Who am I provoking?

He left the deputy editor's office and returned to his desk.

"Old Chang, what's the matter?" A colleague next to him asked curiously.

Changli looked at the other party, and then whispered: "Xiao Zhang, come and judge me..." Then he recounted the previous incident.

After listening to the colleague, he looked at the common sense strangely, as if he was looking at an alien. After a while, he looked around cautiously, and then said in a low voice: "Old Chang, do you know that Xu Jie was promoted to be the deputy director last year?" Yes, it is our deputy editor-in-chief Lu."


Common sense is directly shaved.

Deputy editor-in-chief Lu promoted Xu Jie. Doesn't that mean that Xu Jie belongs to deputy editor-in-chief Lu?And I just reported Xu Jie to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, this, isn't this hitting the gun?
No wonder the attitude of deputy editor-in-chief Lu has changed so much before and after.

Common sense can't wait to give himself a big mouth.

Isn't this asking for trouble for yourself?

No wonder that young man is so crazy. It turns out that not only Director Jiang is covering him, but also Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

It’s over.

Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the second season of "Crossover Actor" to make a splash, but I didn't expect to lose money if I failed to steal the chicken.

"Hmph, I want to see how the show will change after you become the chief screenwriter!"

Common sense thought bitterly.


(End of this chapter)

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