The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 530 Going through the back door?

Chapter 530 Going through the back door?
The first thing Xu Jie did after becoming the chief screenwriter was to make phone calls to shake people.

"Gu Yan, it's me, Xu Jie." After the phone call, Xu Jie said.

The people he wanted to shake were Gu Yan and Qian Cheng.

As a former partner, he still recognizes the abilities of these two people very much. The most important thing is that the two people's views on the script are surprisingly consistent with his, which will have a great impact on his next work. the benefits of.

"Director Xu?" Gu Yan was a little surprised. Since the first season of "Crossover Actor" ended, the two hadn't had much contact. When she learned that "Crossover Actor" had no director Xu in the second season Also disappointed for a while.

"Haha, are you busy recently?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"Don't be busy. The second season of "Crossover Actor" has set up a screenwriting group to be responsible for all the stories of the short plays. Apart from making a few proposals in the early stage, I have nothing to do after that." Gu Yan said softly. with a sigh.

You must know that in the first season, she was the absolute main force. By Director Xu's side, she was both a planner and a screenwriter, but now, she is like an idler all day long. This feeling of not being taken seriously makes her Very disappointed.

Xu Jie heard a deep sense of loss from the other party's words, so he asked, "The biggest failure of this season is the establishment of a screenwriting group. By the way, are you interested in joining the screenwriting group?"


Gu Yan was taken aback when she heard that, she just said that the screenwriting team was a failure, and now she asked her if she would join, isn't that the same as asking her if she would jump into the fire pit?
"Director Xu, to tell you the truth, I'd love to write a script, but I believe you know about the situation of the second season. The main reason for the decline in ratings is that the script is not good. I don't want to get scolded in this muddy water, so I joined Forget about the screenwriting team, but it’s not bad to be a planner, it’s free.” Gu Yan said.

The screenwriters of this season have already been scolded miserably by the audience and netizens. Doesn't she join at this time to be scolded?
"Because of ratings and other reasons, it turns out that the chief screenwriter, Chang Li, has left. I am now the chief screenwriter for the second episode." Xu Jie said.

"What? You are the chief screenwriter now? Really?" Gu Yan asked in surprise.

"Really, it's just what happened." Xu Jie said.

"With you here, I must join the screenwriting team!" Gu Yan said excitedly.

"Well, you come to Beijing TV station at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and then we will have a meeting." Xu Jie said.

"I see, I will definitely be there tomorrow!" Gu Yan said, finally having her own place of bravery.

After Xu Jie called Gu Yan, he called Qian Cheng again. The attitude of the other party was the same as that of Gu Yan. After hearing that he became the chief screenwriter, he was very happy and willing to join the screenwriting team. Finally, he also agreed on September [-] tomorrow. Point, this time besides writing the script, he also prepared another job for the two of them.

After shaking someone, Xu Jie left the unit and came to the hotel. As soon as he entered the lobby, he heard a shout.

"Director Xu!"

Xu Jie frowned, with a hint of impatience in his eyes.

She couldn't be more familiar with this voice, and she couldn't be more disgusted with it.

Why did the old woman come to the program group?Wasn't what you said on the phone clear enough?
Xu Jie turned around slowly, and was slightly startled when he saw the person coming. Besides Liu Jinghua, there were three celebrities following behind him, Zhou Wanting, An Feng, and...Tang Fei.

If he remembers correctly, these three should be the cast members of the second season of "Crossover Actor".

No need to ask, I must have heard the news that he became the chief screenwriter of the second season.

"Why, come through the back door?" Xu Jie looked at Liu Jinghua and asked.

"No, no, you misunderstood." Liu Jinghua said with a smile: "I heard that you returned to the second season of "Crossover Actor" and served as the chief screenwriter. I'm here to express my congratulations."

The ratings of the second season of "Crossover Actor" have already spread in the circle. As the agent of the participants, she is full of worries about the declining ratings of this show.

Previously, she hoped to use this program to continue to help her singers complete their transformation, but after watching a few episodes, she began to worry that the singers would be affected by this program.

But there is no need to worry now. With the return of the master planner of the first season, the show can finally get back on track.

"What's there to congratulate? Because the ratings of the program fell and did not meet expectations, I came back temporarily. Do you really hope that the ratings will drop?" Xu Jie asked after hearing this.

If I were someone else, I would be very happy to be invited back to the show again. This proves that the show cannot do without this person, and it cannot work without this person.

But he is different.

At the beginning, he gave up participating in the second season of "Crossover Actor" because he was too busy, but now that he is asked to participate in the production of the second season again, can he be happy?
This is the rhythm that will tire him into a dog!

"Director Xu, stop joking. Why would I want the ratings to drop? To be honest, I want the ratings to rise more than anyone else. I think you can save the current situation by returning to the second season of "Crossover Actor". With the continuous decline in ratings, the participants can also breathe a sigh of relief." Liu Jinghua explained.

"According to what you said, it should not be me who should be congratulated, but those participants." Xu Jie said.

"You're right, that's why I brought three performers to thank you." Liu Jinghua turned around and pointed to the three performers behind him.

"Director Xu, hello, we met again, the last time was at our company's annual meeting." Zhou Wanting said with a smile.

"Director Xu, it's my honor to cooperate with you again." An Feng said, he had participated in the New Year's Gala of Beijing TV Station before, so it was considered a cooperation.

"Xu... Director, hello." Tang Fei said in a low voice, and then looked in other directions, with guilt and inferiority in her eyes.

Once, she abandoned the other party for her acting career, but now, the other party has become an existence she cannot afford.

Xu Jie nodded to Zhou Wanting and An Feng, and when his eyes passed by Tang Fei, he did not pause at all. He looked at Liu Jinghua calmly and said, "Thank you, it's true to take the program seriously, and... I have already I'm the chief screenwriter of the show, so I will bring less contestants to me in the future and try to keep a distance, those who don't know will think they are coming through the back door."

"Hey, Director Xu is right, I didn't think carefully enough, I will definitely pay attention next time." Liu Jinghua said quickly.

For her, the other party has already seen all the artists from Prosperity Economic Company participating in "Crossover Actors", and today's goal has been achieved.

Especially with the existence of Tang Fei, she believes that Xu Jie will definitely take care of Tang Fei. After all, she is an ex-girlfriend. Taking a step back, even if it is not for the sake of the ex-girlfriend, the two are still college classmates. Have to take care of it?
"Well, I still have something to do. I'll go up first. Let's see you on the day of the recording." Xu Jie said to several contestants, then turned and walked towards the elevator.

Liu Jinghua looked at Tang Fei beside him, and then at the man who left, with a sly smile on his face.

The man's reaction told her that the other party still had feelings for Tang Fei, otherwise he would not deliberately avoid Tang Fei's gaze, and even dare not look at Tang Fei. This is not the behavior of a person who really let go. Deliberately, the more it means you have her in your heart.

"Okay, let's go." Liu Jinghua said to the artists under him.

After leaving the hotel gate, she got into Tang Fei's nanny car, and after driving a certain distance, she said, "Feifei, I believe you also know that participating in the second season of "Crossover Actor" is a great opportunity for you." This is a precious opportunity. Now Xu Jie is appointed as the chief screenwriter of the second season, which will have a certain impact on the ratings in the future. When you get a script in the future, you can talk to him more. He is the chief screenwriter. No one knows the content of the script better than him..."

Tang Fei looked at Sister Hua in surprise, never expecting that the other party would say such a thing.

Who urged her to break up with Xu Jie?Who belittled Xu Jie in front of her?Who kept her distance from Xu Jie?And who told her about the various disadvantages of being with Xu Jie?
Aren't they all the other side?

Why did she ask Xu Jie to communicate with her now?
Don't you worry about your previous relationship being discovered?

Liu Jinghua is a person who puts interests first, otherwise her attitude towards Xu Jie would not have changed so much. Not everyone has such a thick skin.

The reason why she said this to Tang Fei was because she saw the example of Su Yun?

Su Yun's current film and television resources can be said to be against the sky.

The invitations to film and television dramas came one after another, and they were all big producers and directors. Even those first-line film and television stars would be jealous after seeing them.

Don't look at Su Yun's lack of film and television works now, but after the summer vacation, the works will be released one after another. At that time, the popularity, traffic, and topics will sweep the entire film and television circle, and the commercial value will rise to a new level. high.

Because of this, she wanted to create another Su Yun. Didn't Su Yun have one-on-one guidance from Xu Jie?Then let Tang Fei go to Xu Jie for one-on-one guidance.

If others approached Xu Jie, the other party might not agree, but she believed that if Tang Fei approached Xu Jie, the other party would definitely agree.

Which man can refuse the ex-girlfriend's request?

Liu Jinghua looked at Tang Fei and found that she was in a daze, so she said loudly: "Feifei, did you hear what I said?"

Tang Fei came back to her senses suddenly, and said again and again: "Listen, I heard it, but Sister Hua, I, I..." Tang Fei hesitated, but couldn't get out the words.

At the beginning, she proposed to break up for the sake of her career and her star dream, but now she has to talk to someone about the script and the direction, how embarrassing is that?
Besides, the other party is already married, if Su Yun finds out, wouldn't she be misunderstood?

"I know you're embarrassed, but you're doing this for work, and you don't have any other ideas, right? So, don't worry, and don't be embarrassed. Now that he's back in the "Crossover Actor" program group, he's destined to meet you in the future." There are still many opportunities." Liu Jinghua said with a smile.

Tang Fei hesitated for a moment. Although she was reluctant in her heart, she nodded and said, "Sister Hua, I understand."


(End of this chapter)

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