Chapter 531

Xu Jie returned to the floor where the program team was located. As soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw Qin Yan running towards this side in a hurry, followed by the filming team.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously, the other party seemed to be in a hurry.

"Hu Xuan was hit by a car." Qin Yan said with a serious expression.


Xu Jie was startled. Although the program team has insured the artists, from the artist's point of view, if the injury is serious, or if it hurts some places that shouldn't be injured, such as the face, it is very likely to affect the artist's career in the future. Career, this is something he as a director really doesn't want to see.

Although in order to increase the highlights of the show, he found many real cases on the Internet, and then wrote a script and sent actors to set up a situation for the six artists, but he did not want the safety of the artists to be threatened.

"What's going on, is it serious?" Xu Jie asked with concern.

"While delivering food and waiting for a red light, I was hit by a car behind that couldn't brake enough. He was sent to the hospital. According to the assistant director Chen Sen who followed the filming, Hu Xuan's palm bone was broken, and there were several other injuries. Skin trauma is not a serious problem, but it may have some impact on the next filming." Qin Yan said.

Xu Jie heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that, it's fine that the filming will be affected, as long as the person is fine.

"Let's go, let's go together." Xu Jie said, as the chief director of the show, how could he not pay a visit?

The artist was injured, whether it was an accident or not, the program crew was responsible to a certain extent, because he did not take safety measures well.

A group of people came to the hospital and finally saw Hu Xuan in a corridor.

The other party could still stand, but his right hand was in a plaster cast, the bandage was hanging around his neck, and his takeaway uniform was dirty and torn, looking very embarrassed.

The filming team was also there, but they had stopped filming and were being reprimanded by a woman in her early thirties. Her voice echoed in the corridor, causing the passing doctors and nurses to look sideways.

"What do you guys do for food, you can't even guarantee the minimum safety of artists?"

"Do you know how much this injury has affected my Hu Xuan?"

"Fortunately, Hu Xuan reacted quickly, and only suffered a broken metacarpal bone. Instead of being caught, he is probably still lying in the emergency room at the moment."

"If you can't even do such a small thing, what else can you do?"

Xu Jie recognized this woman, who was Hu Xuan's manager.

"Hu Xuan, are you okay?" Xu Jie walked over and asked, looking him up and down.

Seeing Xu Jie, Hu Xuan immediately turned around and said, "Director Xu, I'm fine..."

The female manager on the side shouted loudly at this time: "It's okay, you don't know how to watch it yourself? It's already put on plaster. It's not that our Hu Xuan has never participated in variety shows, and this is the first time he has suffered such a serious injury. What do you say?"

Xu Jie looked at Hu Xuan and said, "After you go back, heal your injuries first, and hand over the accident to the traffic police. We will follow up. Please rest assured."

The female agent frowned and yelled in dissatisfaction: "Of course the accident must be handed over to the traffic police. It's up to you to say that? The point is that I don't know if it will affect Hu Xuan's acting career. What if there are any sequelae? ?Many injuries could not be detected at the time, and could only be detected after a while."

"Then let's check again after a while." Xu Jie said seriously.

"To put it lightly, what if the incubation period of the sequelae is too long? Can you take responsibility?" the female manager asked aggressively.

"I can take responsibility." Xu Jie said, he is not a person who evades responsibility.

"Hehe, once your upper lip touches your lower lip, it's really easy to say. I'm afraid that when the time comes to find you, you will turn your head and deny it." The female manager said with a sneer.

Xu Jie frowned, and his face gradually turned cold, "I've already said what I have to say, and I will take responsibility for what I should be responsible for. What else do you want?"

"Yo, are you angry? Such a big thing happened, can't you just say a few words?" The female manager said angrily.

"When I first signed the contract, there were clear clauses regarding the artist's injury. As a manager, didn't you know? What's the matter, let's talk about it and discuss it. You deserve it if you talk about it in front of me? Hu Xuan said it's okay. , What are you pretending to be like a bird here? Let alone you, even if Liu Jinghua came, he would not dare to talk to me like that!" Xu Jie said in a deep voice.


The female manager was shocked, she stared at the man in front of her dumbfounded, she opened her mouth, but didn't say a word for a long time, all the momentum just now was gone.

She was so excited just now, and only then did she remember that the man standing in front of her is the deputy director of the Art Program Center of Beijing TV Station. Sister Hua once told her that she must listen to this man.

You must know that Sister Hua is the boss of the company, and she is just one of the company's agents. Even Sister Hua dare not offend her, let alone her?
Xu Jie glanced at the other party coldly, then ignored the other party, looked back at Chen Sen and asked, "Is everything done?"

Chen Sen quickly replied: "Yes, it's all over."

At the same time, there was a feeling of relief in my heart.

Just now he and the filming team were babbled by this female agent for more than half an hour, no matter how much they apologized, they couldn't do it. Now seeing the other party's deflated look, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Shout, keep shouting!
Xu Jie said to Hu Xuan beside him, "Let's go, I'll take you back to the hotel."

Hu Xuan nodded, "Okay."

"No, Hu Xuan needs to go home and rest!" said the female manager.

Xu Jie ignored the other party, but said to Hu Xuan: "Let Liu Jinghua come to talk to me about anything in the future. In the program group, I can make up my mind, but on your side, can she do it?"

The female agent was extremely embarrassed after hearing this.

What he said didn't take her seriously at all.

"I see." Hu Xuan said.

The people in the program group followed Xu Jie closely, leaving the female agent far behind, thinking to themselves: There is still a future for mixing with Director Xu!

Come to the parking lot.

Xu Jie asked Hu Xuan to get into the commercial vehicle first, then waved to Qin Yan who was about to get into another vehicle, and then pointed to the commercial vehicle beside him.

Qin Yan was puzzled at first, but soon understood what Xu Jie meant, and hurriedly took the cameraman into the commercial vehicle, and Xu Jie got into the vehicle last.

The car drove out of the hospital slowly, Xu Jie coughed lightly, then winked at Qin Yan, Qin Yan immediately nodded knowingly, then looked at Hu Xuan and asked: "Hu Xuan, just now I heard that you were killed by the car. Hitting, everyone is very worried, can you tell me how you got hit?"

At this time, the videographer sitting in the co-pilot had turned on the camera and pointed the lens at the host and entertainers behind.

"I was waiting for a red light on the way to deliver food, and I was looking down at the route on the navigation. Suddenly, I felt something hit me from behind, and then I fell off the electric car. When I fell, the condition was Reflexively supported the ground with the palm of the hand, which caused the fracture of the metacarpal bone..." Hu Xuan said what he knew.

"Have you seen the driver who caused the accident?" Qin Yan asked again.

"I saw it. It was a female driver. Later, I heard from Chen Sen that the female driver hit me while looking in the mirror while driving while putting on makeup." Hu Xuan said with a wry smile.

"Really? It seems that you have encountered a street killer." Qin Yan said.

"Hmm." Hu Xuan nodded, feeling very depressed. He didn't expect that he would stop being complained just now, and the money he earned would allow him to start a small business in addition to food and clothing, and then he encountered a car accident. It was really unlucky.

"Will you continue your professional life experience as a delivery man?" Qin Yan asked.

"Yes, the doctor asked me to remove the plaster cast in a week, and I will continue to participate at that time." Hu Xuan said firmly, halfway through the filming of the show, how can we give up halfway?

Besides, if he quit the filming of the show just because of this little injury, who would invite him after the news got out?

It is not an easy task to be in the entertainment industry. If you can't bear a little bit of hardship, you will be eliminated sooner or later. Which director would like an artist who can't endure hardship?

"Oops, the customer's takeaway hasn't been delivered yet." Hu Xuan suddenly remembered this matter.

"Don't worry, we have explained the situation to the customer, and we have arranged for other delivery staff to deliver it." Qin Yan said with a smile.


Hu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said after a while: "From today's incident, I feel that it is not easy for the delivery staff. In addition to the wind and the sun, they not only have to race against time to deliver the food to customers, but also pay attention to which items A road killer driving on the road, when I was chatting with other delivery workers these days, I also heard about some delivery workers getting into car accidents, but I never thought that this kind of thing would happen to me.”

When Hu Xuan said this, he turned his head to look at the host Qin Yan, and asked, "Did I have no source of income during the few days of recuperation?"

Qin Yan heard it and said: "Yes, but according to the traffic police's handling, the female driver will bear all the responsibilities for the traffic accident, so in addition to the medical expenses and the loss of the electric car, you will also have lost wages, traffic expenses, etc. Fees and nursing expenses, etc., there is no need to worry about the living expenses for the few days of recuperation."

"That's great, I thought I'd drink the northwest wind these few days." Hu Xuan said.

When he arrived at the hotel, Xu Jie sent Hu Xuan back to his room, gave him instructions, and then left.

Back in the temporary office, Xu Jie looked at the cameraman and asked, "Have all the interviews in the car been filmed?"

"It's taken." The cameraman said.

"Has Hu Xuan's medical treatment process been filmed?" Xu Jie looked at the filming team.

"It was filmed, even the process of the car accident was filmed."

"Very good. Although this car accident was an accident, the impact it produced is still very good for the effect of the program. Only surprises come from accidents." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Although he didn't want the six artists to have accidents, as the program director, he also didn't want to see these artists successfully complete the six-week professional experience task.

Tranquility means lack of something to watch, and if there is no point to watch, how can the audience continue watching?
He's not cursing these entertainers, but he really hopes that there will be more highlights like this in the future.


(End of this chapter)

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