The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 532 Return to the first battle

Chapter 532 Return to the First Battle

on Tuesday.

Xu Jie returned to the Beijing TV station from the hotel. As soon as he showed up, people kept saying hello to him.

"Director Xu, I heard that you have returned to the second season of "Crossover Actor"? That's great, you are the guarantee of ratings!"

"Xiao Xu, you're finally back. I'm relieved to have you in the second season of "Crossover Actor"."

"Director Xu, it's lucky to have you, otherwise the second season of "Crossover Actors" would have completely hit the streets."


Although it only happened yesterday, the news of Xu Jie's return to the second season of "Crossover Actor" has spread in the station. You must know that the most watched program on Beijing TV is the second season of "Crossover Actor", so If there is any trouble, the people in the stage will know it soon.

Of course, everyone pays attention to the second season of "Crossover Actor", not because of how exciting this show is, nor because it has set a ratings record again. The object of the writing, the people in the station can't pay attention to it.

"Thank you."

"I will work hard."

Xu Jie responded politely.

Originally, he wasn't interested in this chief screenwriter, and he couldn't bring anything other than adding some work, but now seeing that the whole stage regarded him as a savior, he felt a sense of responsibility in his heart, and he didn't want to let everyone down expectations.

Xu Jie came to the conference room of the Art Program Center.

At this time, many people were already sitting in the conference room, all of them were members of the second season scriptwriting team of "Crossover Actor". Even Gu Yan and Qian Cheng had already arrived, and everyone was waiting for him.

"Let everyone wait for a long time."

Xu Jie sat down and looked around the meeting room. Including Gu Yan and Qiancheng, there were 24 people in total. He checked the profile of the screenwriting team last night. There were 22 people, that is to say, all of them had arrived.

"Yesterday, I have read the script that you sent to my mailbox. To be honest, it is more exciting than the short drama shown in the program." Xu Jie said.

When the screenwriters heard this, their faces immediately showed excited expressions. There is nothing more gratifying than being recognized for the results of their work.

Not to mention anything else, this sentence alone warms people's hearts, much better than the previous screenwriter Chang.

No wonder the staff became more and more excited after hearing the news that director Xu had returned to the program group, but they didn't hold back the departure of director Chang.

"I have a question, why is there such a big difference between the script you wrote and the short play you performed on stage?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

Last night, he not only read the scripts submitted by the screenwriters, but also made up for all the short plays that have been aired since the second season of "Crossover Actors". He feels that the content is quite different.

There was a hint of helplessness in the eyes of the screenwriters. After a long time, one of the screenwriters said: "It was the previous screenwriter Chang. He would personally revise all the scripts we finished, and then add his name."

"That's right, after he finished the revision, he handed over the script to the program team without asking us the original authors' opinions. And put the blame on us."

"He only speaks big principles, never listens to our opinions, and doesn't give us suggestions. He just keeps asking us to modify and modify. We don't understand what he wants at all."


Other screenwriters also joined the army of denouncing the former chief screenwriter. The conference room exploded for a while, and the noise inside the conference room could be heard even outside.

In fact, Xu Jie had already seen the interference of common sense in the creation of screenwriters yesterday, and he knew where the problem was. The reason why he still asked today was to remind Gu Yan and Qian Cheng not to follow common sense. old road.

It's not been a day or two since everyone was dissatisfied with common sense, and now that people are gone, they can finally vent all their grievances in their stomachs.

After a long time, the meeting room fell silent.

Xu Jie looked at the crowd and said: "I am also a screenwriter, so I understand everyone's ideas very well. Now I will introduce two people to you. I believe everyone here is familiar with them..."

Xu Jie pointed to Gu Yan and Qian Cheng on the side, and introduced: "They are the planners of "Crossover Actors". Gu Yan and Qian Cheng, in the first season, all the scripts were completed by the three of us. The two of them were invited this time to be able to select better scripts for use in the show, so starting today, the screenwriting team will be divided into two teams, one team will be in charge of Gu Yan, and the other team will be in charge of Qian Cheng... ..."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, including Gu Yan and Qian Cheng.

The chief screenwriter even divided the screenwriting team into two teams on the first day. What is this for?Engage in internal competition?

Xu Jie saw everyone's doubts, so he explained: "Don't think about it, the purpose of my doing this is just to facilitate management and screening. After all, I have more than one program in hand. In the future, you will hand over the written script Give it to Gu Yan and Qian Cheng, they will hand over the selected script to me and help me share some work."

The crowd suddenly realized.


The person in front of him is the deputy director of the Art Program Center. He still has a lot of things to take care of. How could he devote all his energy to one program?
"Now, let's discuss the program to be recorded this Friday." Xu Jie said.

This is his first episode of the show since he became the chief screenwriter, so he must take it seriously, otherwise, wouldn't it be like smashing his own brand?

"Director Xu, regarding Friday's show, the contestants have drawn lots last week and showed it on the show, and now the audience all over the country knows what they will be performing." Gu Yan reminded.

"All the audience knows is the topic that the star will perform in the next show, and they don't know the specific content of the script, so what we have to do now is to improve the content of the script." Xu Jie said that although he did not participate in this season, he is better than anyone else. We all know the show "Crossover Actor".

"But the star has already started to recite the script." Qian Cheng said.

"I have notified the stars who will appear in the next show, and told them that a new script will be prepared." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"They agreed?" Qian Cheng asked in surprise. You must know that in this way, the time for preparing the script will be greatly reduced, from the original one week to three days, two days, or even less.

"Don't forget their purpose of participating in this show." Xu Jie said with a smile: "In the face of bad scripts and good scripts, they naturally know which one to choose."

Qian Cheng thought for a while, then nodded involuntarily.

Director Xu is right.

Artists participate in this show to be famous, for traffic, for topics, for promotion, and to show their acting skills to the audience.

If you come across a bad script, you know that the script is bad, but those who don’t know think it’s because the artist’s acting skills are not good enough to interpret the story.

But if you encounter a good script, the result will be completely different. Not only can you be liked by the audience, but you can also show your acting skills.

"Our side also needs to complete the revision of these scripts as soon as possible to buy more preparation time for the artists." Xu Jie said seriously.

I can't wait!


Because there were no such and such restrictions, everyone opened their mouths one after another, expressing their thoughts and making suggestions for the script.

Everyone discussed from morning to noon, and from afternoon to evening.

The so-called: When everyone gathers firewood, the fire burns high.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, the four scripts were finally completed.

Xu Jie sent the script to the four stars overnight, asking them to prepare again.

Although the time is a bit rushed, everything is still in time.

Wednesday and Thursday passed quickly, and Friday came in a blink of an eye, and it was the recording day of the second season of "Crossover Actor".

However, compared with the recordings of previous episodes, today's episode is quite special.

Firstly, this is the second round of competition in the second season; secondly, this is the first episode of the show after the replacement of the chief screenwriter. Whether it can save the show's declining ratings depends entirely on this episode.

In the morning, Xu Jie came to the Grand Theater. In order to better present the content of the script on the stage, this time he personally guided the actors.

At the same time, he also brought in the screenwriter who created the script to tell the actors the original intention of the story, so that they can better understand and quickly integrate into the role.

Xu Jie didn't have any requirements for the contestants. After all, these people were not Su Yun. Whether they could advance to the next round had nothing to do with him.

In contrast, he is more concerned about the integrity of the short play, so that even if the leading actor does not perform well, he can still let the audience see the wonderful content.

Because of this, he doesn't spend much time lecturing to the contestants. On the contrary, he takes the assistant acting very seriously and seriously.

Seeing that Xu Jie was so serious, Jiang Hai showed a satisfied smile on his face, and he gradually relaxed from the anxiety caused by the ratings problem these days, thinking that it was indeed right to call Xiao Xu back.

At the same time, an idea suddenly popped up in his mind, and he whispered a few words to the cameraman at the side, who immediately shifted the camera from the competing star to Xu Jie.

After explaining to the assistant actor, Xu Jie signaled the competing stars to come and practice together, but when he was about to step back, he found that the cameraman was filming him.

"Why are you filming me? Filming artists, filming rehearsals!" Xu Jie pointed at the star. He is the chief screenwriter and a staff member. It is meaningless to film him.

"I asked him to take the picture." Jiang Hai walked over and said.

"Why?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"Now you are both a celebrity and the show's signature, so I'm going to take some shots of you guiding the actors and put them in the rehearsal clips, hoping to attract more audiences." Jiang Hai explained.

In order to increase the ratings, he has to try to do anything that can attract the audience, otherwise the golden sign of "Crossover Actor" will be destroyed in his hands. This is what he doesn't want to see, let alone The fame of the first life was destroyed in one day.

"What?" Xu Jie was surprised when he heard that, and then said with a wry smile: "Director, don't be joking. I'm the chief screenwriter. How can I be on the show? I've never heard of it."

"The chief screenwriter personally guides the assistant actors, which can better reflect the serious and responsible attitude of our program group to the script. You just need to do a good job in the script and guide the assistant actors. I will leave the rest to me." Jiang Hai smiled. Said.


Xu Jie looked at the director, why did he feel that he was being used as a gun?
in the afternoon.

The audience entered the arena one after another. Although there were no empty seats, the audience was far less enthusiastic and expectant of the show than they were in the first season.

"I didn't expect the second season of "Crossover Actor" to get worse and worse. If I had known this, I would not have signed up for the recording." An audience member whispered.

"I don't want to come either. My friend insisted on asking me to come and say what she said to make up for it. Alas, I can only bear it. If you say that the show is not exciting, should I applaud or not?"

"You must applaud. There are applauds in front of me. According to my experience in the recording of the program, if you don't applaud, the program team will leave the audience alone to shoot the clapping scene until they are satisfied, and then cut the applause. to the show."

"Is there still this kind of operation? Can't you just applaud?"

"Of course, do you think that the applause you usually see on the show is real applause? Let me tell you, actually... Hey, isn't that person Old Xu? Why is he here?"

"Old Xu? You mean Xu Jie?"

"That's right, he was the chief planner of the first season. It is said that he was responsible for all the scripts at that time. It's strange. Isn't he filming a new variety show? How did he appear here?"

"He went backstage. Could it be that the reputation of this season is so bad that he was temporarily called back to save the scene?"

"If old Xu really comes back, then today's program recording will be interesting."

Xu Jie came backstage and called all the competitors and assistants together.

"Today is the recording of the first round of the second round. I know that the comments from the outside world have brought a lot of pressure to everyone, but I hope that everyone can temporarily forget the voices from the outside world and show their best state to meet the next round. Show, let us work together to complete a counterattack." Xu Jie said impassionedly, his voice spread to every corner of the backstage.

There was a moment of silence at the scene, followed by warm applause.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

No matter the artists or assistants, they were all clapping and applauding.

A short sentence made their blood boil, and their previous worries disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Maybe they don't believe in themselves, but they believe in Xu Jie.

The success of the first season of "Crossover Actor" is obvious to all, and the biggest hero behind this is Xu Jie.

Now that Xu Jie is back, what else do they have to worry about?

Xu Jie picked up the walkie-talkie and notified everyone: "Recording begins!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

A voice came from the walkie-talkie.

Although Xu Jie's position is the chief screenwriter, for the original crew of the first season, his existence is equivalent to the chief director.

His words are orders!


(End of this chapter)

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