The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 533 The trump card is the trump card

Chapter 533 The trump card is the trump card
In the evening, the recording of the latest program of the second season of "Crossover Actors" was completed, and the audience exited in an orderly manner. There is a pair of unfinished expressions on the face, and the most mentioned in the mouth are no longer "boring" and "boring", but "wonderful" and "good-looking".

"Today's show is so exciting, especially the content of the short play, some are funny, some are touching."

"That's right, the artist's acting skills are also very online. It's better than the previous episodes, and it's like the first season."

"I suspect that the programs I have seen before are copycats."

"If the show had been performed like this from the beginning, the ratings wouldn't have dropped like that."

"As soon as Lao Xu came back, it was different."


Seeing the audience's reaction, the director team was very excited. You must know that in the previous episodes, because the audience's reaction was too flat, they had to temporarily add a leading staff member to enhance the atmosphere of the scene.

But today, before the leader gave the signal, the audience clapped their hands and applauded one after another, more than the pre-arranged applause.

You should know that the applause to be dealt with is completely different from the applause from the heart. The former sounds very loud, but in fact it is scattered and weak, while the latter is not only neat and loud, but also has strong persistence.

"Director Jiang, judging from today's scene, the effect is obviously better than before. I think the ratings of this episode will definitely be higher than the previous episodes." The director said happily.

If there are too many programs, you can basically know how the ratings will be after the broadcast from the audience's reaction. If you need to rely on people's applause to set off the atmosphere, the ratings will definitely not be so good. If the audience's applause is very enthusiastic , the ratings will definitely not be bad.

Jiang Hai nodded when he heard it.

Counting, the second season of "Crossover Actor" has recorded five episodes, and only today's episode has a perfect score for the live effect. As for the previous episodes, it barely passed the passing line.

"You're right, but we can't be careless. We must strive for excellence in post-production. If the ratings still drop this time, we really have no way out." Jiang Hai said in a deep voice.

Before, he had Xu Jie as his hole card, but now, he has already used his hole card. If the ratings and word-of-mouth still haven't improved, I'm afraid he can only write a review by then.

After all, according to the normal rules of variety shows, after the first season is a big hit, the ratings of the second season will usually be better, because there are more sponsors, more invitations, and more production costs. Both the ratings and word of mouth have dropped, and they have fallen sharply, so it can only show that there is something wrong with the program itself.

And as the chief director, he must be inseparable.


The expressions of the people around were serious, and all of them withdrew their previous smiles. Before the ratings came out, no one dared to be too optimistic, otherwise, it would be easy to be extremely happy and sad.

Jiang Hai thought of one thing, hurriedly left the director's group, and found Xu Jie in the background.

"Xiao Xu, what do you think of the performance of the contestants today?" Jiang Hai asked in a low voice, afraid of being heard by the passing artists and assistants.

In his opinion, it is useless for others to comment on today's recording, and he has to listen to Xiao Xu's opinion.

Through the second season of "Crossover Actor", he understood one thing thoroughly. The programs that Xiao Xu was in charge of should not be accepted casually, because he could get himself into it if he was not careful.

"It's not bad, the live performance is better than expected." Xu Jie replied after hearing it. He suspected that these people came prepared. After confirming to participate in this program, they hired an acting teacher.

In fact, how well the artist performs is only one aspect of the program. On the other hand, it depends on whether the content of the script is exciting enough to attract the audience.

Whether there are laugh points in comedy, and whether there are tears in tragedy, if these two points can be done well, then this show will definitely not be so bad.

As for how well the contestants perform and who to eliminate, that's up to the judges.

"Compared to the previous episodes?" Jiang Hai asked with concern.

"I don't know." Xu Jie shook his head, "I was not at the recording site of the previous episodes, so I can't comment."

Not being at the scene was just a reason for not wanting to answer. Regardless of whether the previous episodes were good or bad, the chief director was Director Jiang.

If he says it is better than the previous episodes, it means Director Jiang is not good enough. If he says it is worse than the previous episodes, then what is the point of his return to this show?
Therefore, questions like this that are difficult to answer should be avoided directly.

"Then how do you think the finished film is compared to the previous one?" Jiang Hai asked expectantly. Although he was very calm in front of the staff before, in fact, he was still very worried and needed comfort.

"It's about the same. After all, only the script part has been changed from the beginning to the end." Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai looked at the stern-mouthed Xu Jie. He knew that the other party was trying to save face for him. In fact, no matter what went wrong, he, the chief director, was to blame. Now he can only wait for tomorrow night.

God bless, no more fall!

After a day and a night of post-production, the latest episode of the program is finally complete.


The first competition of the second round of the second season of "Crossover Actor" was broadcast on time.

Although the first few competitions were not good-looking, there are still many viewers who have watched the first season have a glimmer of hope for "Crossover Actor", hoping that the competition will be on the right track when it reaches the second round. After a month of heat, it's time to get something real.

Of course, there are also many viewers who choose to give up directly. After all, they have been fed four meals of shit, and no one wants to be fed shit again.

The old saying goes well: there is one thing and another, but there is no thing over and over again.

One meal is fine, two meals are fine, but you have already fed four meals, do you think the audience is a dung beetle?

Don't eat it, and don't eat it even if you kill it.

Beijing Satellite TV Director's Office.

Jiang Hai nervously stared at the ratings graph.

Although the show had just started broadcasting and the host had just appeared, it seemed like a long day to him.

In fact, for this moment, he did wait at the work unit all day, couldn't eat well, couldn't sleep, just wanted to know the ratings of the latest episode.

It's not like I haven't done variety shows before, but I've never been so nervous and worried like this time.

"Lao Jiang, don't worry, even if the ratings drop, there are still many people who like this show." Lu Hong, who was on the side, patted Jiang Hai's shoulder to comfort him.

He just arrived at the unit tonight, but according to the staff, Director Jiang didn't close his eyes last night, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like a werewolf on a full moon night.

Originally, the ratings of the second season of "Crossover Actor" continued to drop, and the other party should bear some responsibility, but seeing the other party's current state, he really couldn't bear to speak up.

Some things cannot be changed with just a few reproaches.

Jiang Hai didn't speak after hearing it. For him now, any words are powerless, and only the ratings are the most important thing.

Don't look at the TV industry, everyone is shouting from top to bottom: ratings alone is wrong, but all TV people live under the shadow of ratings.

All kinds of evaluations, awards, sponsorships, and bonuses are all supported by ratings. To put it bluntly, if there is no ratings, there will be no performance bonuses.

With the passage of time, the ratings curve finally moved, but this movement directly came to a landslide.

The previous Golden Theater ended, and the ratings were fixed at 1.953. Even the ratings of the subsequent commercials have been hovering at 1. However, when "Crossover Actors" was broadcast, the ratings became 0.768, which was even lower than the ratings of the commercials. , is also the lowest ratings since the start of the second season.

Jiang Hai's face turned blue all of a sudden, and his expression became very ugly.

Such a low opening ratings proves that the number of viewers watching "Crossover Actor" is continuing to decrease, and it will further lower the average ratings of the show.

It's over, it seems that tonight's ratings will continue to drop again!

Lu Hong also frowned at this time, no longer the comforting look he had before.

This opening rating has completely fallen below his bottom line. For a variety show that was once expected by countless people, such a low opening rating can only be described as "dismal".

Could it be that the golden sign of "Crossover Actor" is over so soon?

Is this too fast?

We must know that the original "Crossover Singer" and "Crossover Comedian" also gradually declined after seven or eight issues, and the decline rate of "Crossover Actor" is simply beyond imagination.

Difficult to accept!

If the ratings are still like this in the future, I can't even explain to the sponsors.

By the way, there are hole cards!
"Don't worry, the show has just started, whether it's good or bad, you won't know until it airs for a while." Lu Hong said to Jiang Hai, these words were not only comforting the other party, but also comforting himself.

Jiang Hai was slightly taken aback, that's right, why did he forget about Xiao Xu.

He took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and continued to watch the program being broadcast.

Soon, Xu Jie appeared on the show.

Although he is not a contestant or a judge, he is a celebrity and the chief planner of the first season of the show. Pushing him, the behind-the-scenes person, to the front is also to officially announce his return.

Moreover, the time he appeared on the screen was not short, the four competitors also indicated that there would be four clips to be broadcast, and he would appear in all four clips.

A family in a residential area in the capital.

"If the second round of competition is still as rubbish as the first round, I swear I will never watch "Crossover Actor" again." The hostess said through gritted teeth, the expression on her face was as if she had been deceived.

"Yes, the second season is too ugly. What kind of stuff are they acting in? Wouldn't it be good to play the king for a while? I will take you to the top." The male host said while playing the mobile game.

"I don't even play King, you always ask me to help you... Huh? Isn't this guy Xu Jie? Why is he on TV?" The hostess asked in surprise, staring at the TV screen.

"Old Xu? Are you blind? He has already quit the second season of "Crossover Actor"... I'm going, is it really him? What is he talking to the assistant actor about?" The host looked at the TV in surprise, and even Forgot to play the game.

"Won't you come back to the second season?"



"Don't change the channel, isn't that show just now very good? Which one do you want to change?" the man asked.

"Capital Satellite TV." The woman said.

"Don't tell me, you want to watch "Crossover Actor", that show is over, don't watch it."

"Today is the second round, I want to see if there is still any rescue."

"The show is already like that, what can I do to save it? The skit has no content, and the stars are acting embarrassingly. This is not an external injury, but an internal disease. Even if the king of heaven is here... Lao Xu, is it really Lao Xu? How did he come back? gone?"

"It's really him. I said that there must be a surprise in the second round, and now the surprise is here."

"Well, there is old Xu, you can still take a look."

The man took a picture of the screen with his mobile phone, and then sent it to Moments: Lao Xu was shocked to discover the second season of "Crossover Actor", and the show is finally worth watching.

Soon, the news of Xu Jie's return to the second season of "Crossover Actor" spread.

If it was an ordinary behind-the-scenes TV program worker, it would definitely not have such a big effect, but Xu Jie is a celebrity, with millions of fans on Weibo, so the influence is naturally extraordinary.

The most special thing is that in addition to ordinary viewers, even celebrities also tweeted about this matter.

Huang Zibo: "Director Xu appeared in "Crossover Actor"."

Jiang Baihe: "With Director Xu here, I look forward to tonight's "Crossover Actor"."

Dai Qingqing: "Director Xu is back?"

Lu Dayu posted a photo of Xu Jie appearing in the second season of "Crossover Actor", and then wrote: "There is a good show to watch."

The star effect is well reflected at this moment.

After seeing the idol's Weibo, the fans would leave a comment on the Weibo if they were not at home, turn on the TV for the live broadcast at home, and watch the programs that the idol likes to watch.

Beijing Satellite TV Director's Office.

The ratings curve looks like a straight line. Even if there are fluctuations, the range will not be too large. Once there is 0.001 or 0.002, there is no big change in the curve.

Jiang Hai couldn't stand anymore, and when he was about to go outside to let the wind go, the director in front of him suddenly shouted: "Director Jiang, you've been promoted!"

There was a lot of surprise in the voice. If you ignored the surrounding TV screens and just listened to the director shouting, someone would definitely think that this is the delivery room.

Jiang Hai was taken aback by the sudden cry, but when he saw the curve on the screen, he was shocked.


"Really? Is there something wrong with the network?" Jiang Hai couldn't believe it. How did the ratings increase so much just after the first show started?
"There will be no problem." The director said.

Not long after, the ratings refreshed again.




The ratings are constantly rising, and the ratings curve is like the altitude of China from east to west, it is constantly rising, and there is no sign of falling back.

At the end of the first program, the ratings even broke 2.

Lu Hong's eyes were full of surprises, Jiang Hai also heaved a sigh of relief, as soon as Xiao Xu made a move, he knew if there was one, and it really had to be Xiao Xu, the trump card is the trump card!
Audience: Tonight's show is really delicious!

(End of this chapter)

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