Chapter 534 Irreplaceable

After Xu Jie woke up, he left the guest room and went to the restaurant for breakfast.

Although it was Sunday, his time was already full of work. In addition to arranging tasks for the filming teams of "Ordinary Courage", he also had to go back to the TV station to discuss the new script with the scriptwriting team. He had no private breaks at all. This is also the reason why he didn't want to take on the task of chief screenwriter at the beginning, but it's too late to say anything now.

The hotel's breakfast is in the form of a buffet. Xu Jie took a plate and started to pick something to eat.

"Sister, bring me a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, put more preserved eggs." Xu Jie said to the catering staff serving the porridge.

"Okay." The eldest sister was very enthusiastic, and then said in a low voice while serving porridge: "Director Xu, I saw you on TV last night. The story script you wrote is better than the previous chief screenwriter."

The "Ordinary Courage" program team has lived in the hotel for more than half a month, so the staff here are already familiar with the program team members, let alone Xu Jie, a celebrity.

Xu Jie smiled slightly after hearing this, and said, "Thank you, but the script was not written by me, but the result of the joint efforts of all the screenwriters."

In front of the audience and fans, he has always been very humble, and what he said is also true.

"That's what I said, but it's different with you and without you. It feels like two shows. To be honest, I was sleepy after watching the first round. It's the same as the Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve this year, but it was different last night. , I saw it from the beginning to the end." Sister Shengfan said.

"Thank you for your support for the show." Xu Jie said with a smile. He was very happy to hear the audience say this, which is a kind of affirmation of his work.

"Director Xu, you're too polite, I should be the one to thank you, thank you for making "Crossover Actor" look better." Saying that, Sister Shengfan handed the porridge back, "Here."

After taking it, Xu Jie glanced at it, and couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart.

What he meant was to serve more preserved eggs, not a bowl of preserved eggs...

Forget it, let's have something else.

Xu Jie took four buns and some small pickles, and finally found an empty seat and sat down.

Just about to eat, the restaurant manager came over, bent over, and asked with concern: "Director Xu, are you satisfied with today's breakfast?"

"Satisfied." Xu Jie said after hearing that, both the variety and the taste are better than the canteen of the unit. He doesn't want to go to work in the TV station after staying here.

"Thank you Director Xu for your evaluation. I am also very satisfied with "Crossover Actor" last night." The restaurant manager said: "I noticed that in the cast and crew list, the column of chief screenwriter has changed to you. I would like to ask Ask, are you only in charge of yesterday's issue, or will you be in charge of it from now on?"

"If there are no accidents, I will be in charge of the job of the chief screenwriter from now on." Xu Jie replied.

"Great, you can come back, there is still someone to watch "Crossover Actor", otherwise, there is no one to watch."


After the restaurant manager left, Xu Jie began to eat.

Not long after, two young girls came and sat across from him with dinner plates.

Xu Jie looked up at the two of them. Although there was no one on the opposite side, there were still many vacant seats in the restaurant, so they wouldn't be crowded together to share a table for dinner.

"Old Xu, I'm a fan of Hu Xuan, do you think Hu Xuan can enter the finals of "Crossover Actor"?" the girl with dyed yellow hair asked carelessly.

"I think Tang Fei looks like a champion, what do you think?" Another girl also stared at Xu Jie.

"The competition is only in the second round, so I'm sorry I can't answer your questions." Xu Jie said while eating, are young people nowadays so familiar?

"But you are the chief screenwriter of the show now, and you will not be responsible for the direction of future competitions? Just tell us, and we promise not to spread the word." The girl with yellow hair said in a low voice.

"We swear to God." The other girl held up her hand.

"It seems that you have misunderstood the work of screenwriters. We are only responsible for the scripts of the short plays we compete in, and not for other things." Xu Jie explained patiently.

"No way? How did I hear that variety shows have scripts? Old Xu, just tell the truth." The girl with yellow hair said.


Xu Jie was speechless.

Is this someone who has encountered a socially obsessed person?
Although he is very happy that everyone can love the show "Crossover Actor" again, but can you stop asking such stupid questions?

"I don't know about other variety shows, but "Crossover Actor" is fair to every contestant, there is absolutely no script, and there is no inside story, and our show is recorded and broadcast, which artist I will advance to the finals, no one knows." Xu Jie ate the steamed stuffed bun with big mouthfuls, and hurriedly left the restaurant after eating.

Sometimes the audience is too enthusiastic is not necessarily a good thing.

Compared with the reality, the discussion on him on the Internet is more enthusiastic.

If there were still people who didn't know about it last night, then after a night of fermentation, those old viewers of "Crossover Actor" now all know about it.

"Old Xu is finally back, and "Crossover Actor" is finally back on track."

"I didn't know last night, but I watched it twice on the video site today. That's right, that's the smell. This is the real "Crossover Actor"."

"I want to sing a song: I finally waited for you. Fortunately, I didn't give up...Old Xu, you made us wait so hard."

"Stop pretending, showdown, I'm a fan of Lao Xu, and I won't watch "Crossover Actor" without him in the future."


When there is Xu Jie, everyone only knows that the show is wonderful. When there is no Xu Jie, everyone realizes the importance of Xu Jie in this show.


Xu Jie returned to the room and called together the staff of the "Ordinary Courage" program group, and began to plan the shooting tasks for next week based on the artist's performance this week.

Originally, he planned to have lunch at the hotel before going to the TV station, but after thinking about what happened at breakfast, he finally decided to eat in the unit cafeteria.

Xu Jie got into the car and just put on his seat belt when his cell phone rang. It was Director Jiang calling.


Xu Jie checked the time, it was exactly 11:[-] noon, and he roughly guessed what Director Jiang was going to say on the phone call.

"Xiao Xu, I have some good news for you. Last night's episode of "Crossover Actors" had a rating of 1.988..." Jiang Hai said excitedly on the phone.

Although the ratings did not break through 2, it is only one step away from 2. The most important thing is that the ratings of the program finally got rid of the continuous decline of the previous episodes, and there has been a relatively obvious recovery, and the audience's reputation has also increased greatly. improvement.

In fact, if it wasn't for the poor ratings of the program at the beginning, the ratings last night could have broken 2. You must know that after 20 minutes of the program, the ratings have been stable above 2. This is the case in the previous episodes. Unprecedented ratings performance.

With this reversal, he believes that the second season of "Crossover Actor" will regain the popularity of the first season.

"Oh." Xu Jie responded lightly. Although he was very happy in his heart, he was not as excited as Director Jiang at all, as if he had been on a stimulant.

"Where are you now?" Jiang Hai asked.

"At the hotel, just about to go back to the TV station." Xu Jie said.

"Come here, I'll wait for you here."

Jiang Hai heaved a sigh of relief after the phone call, and finally he didn't have to write a self-criticism.

Xu Jie drove to the unit, and as soon as he got out of the car, he saw someone walking towards him, and one of them was the former chief screenwriter.

As the two came and went, they happened to meet each other, and it was hard to miss them.

Chang Li was slightly taken aback when he saw the young man walking towards him, and his face immediately turned blue and purple, very ugly.

He watched "Crossover Actor" yesterday, and has been paying attention to the ratings and audience comments of the show. After learning that the ratings were about to break 2, he was in a bad mood, especially in the Seeing netizens leaving messages congratulating Lao Xu on his return to the show made him even more depressed.

This immediate effect made him feel pain in the face, he had never been slapped in the face like this before, and when he met people, he also felt that everyone seemed to be laughing at him.

Does it look that good?

I don't think so.

There is no positive energy at all.

"Chang screenwriter, come to work overtime on weekends?" Xu Jie took the initiative to say hello.

He didn't feel any embarrassment at all, probably this is what is often said, success is not terrible, and it is embarrassing to be short of someone.

"En." Changli responded casually, and walked past Xu Jie quickly.

"Xiao Xu!"

At this time, a voice suddenly came.

Xu Jie turned his head and saw Director Jiang coming out of the gate on the first floor. The other party ran over and gave him a big hug with open arms.

"Xiao Xu, thank you for coming back." Jiang Hai reached out and patted Xu Jie's back. In the days without him, there was always a feeling of missing an arm.

"Director, don't say that. This is my job. In fact, I didn't do anything. The scripts were written by other people. I just screened them." Xu Jie remained humble as always, without arguing or grab.

He always felt that if it was his, others could not take it away, and if it was not his, there was no need to earn it.

If he did it, even if he didn't say it, others would see it, and no one is blind; if he didn't do it, even if he spread the word everywhere, no one would pay attention to it, and no one is a fool.

"Maxima is common, but Bole is rare. Unique vision is sometimes more important than ability." Jiang Hai said seriously.

Why did the same group of people come up with rubbish scripts when common sense existed, but after becoming Xu Jie, the content of the short dramas immediately became exciting?

Said nothing was done, who would believe it?
"By the way, what are you doing back in Taiwan?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Discuss the script for the next issue with the screenwriter team," Xu Jie said.

Since he joined the program group after the broadcast started, he didn't have time to prepare the script in advance, so he could only compile and use it now.

"Really? Then you go, I have nothing to do, so I won't delay your work." Jiang Hai hurriedly said after hearing this, for fear of delaying the other party's work, because delaying the other party's work would delay the completion of the script. It will seriously affect the filming of the program.

In short, everything related to Xu Jie is a big deal now.


(End of this chapter)

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