Chapter 535

The news of Xu Jie's return to the second season of "Crossover Actor" spread quickly, which also made many old viewers who had given up on the show start to pay attention to the show again.

And some viewers who haven't watched the first season decided to take a look because of this news, wanting to know what kind of charm this person has, and he can save a show that everyone complained about and bad reviews on his own.

Soon, the second round of the second competition will be officially broadcast.

At noon the next day, the ratings were released.


The ratings not only went up to 2 again, but also tended to catch up with the first season.

The outside world has once again given praise to the second season of "Crossover Actor", and the entertainment sections of various websites have recommended the second season of "Crossover Actor", commenting that this is not only a variety show, but also a content-rich program.

Facing the rave reviews, Xu Jie was very calm. After eating in the unit cafeteria, he went to the conference room to prepare the script for next week.

When he walked into the meeting room, all the screenwriters inside greeted him immediately.

"Hello Director Xu!"

"Director Xu is here."


The greeting was accompanied by respectful gazes.

If it is said that everyone's understanding of "Old Xu" was only from the Internet, then after getting along with each other for a long time, everyone has been convinced of this Director Xu.

When discussing the script, Director Xu was able to give good suggestions. Even if the script was changed, only the original author's name would be kept. This attitude of not fighting or snatching won everyone's respect.

You must know that the previous screenwriter Chang not only randomly changed the script, but also did not ask for the original author's opinion. What is even more annoying is that he would put his own name first. Who can feel comfortable?
"Everyone came early, have you all had lunch?" Xu Jie asked with concern.

It is not yet 12 o'clock, and the meeting time he arranged is at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, that is to say, these people came an hour earlier.

"I have already eaten."

"I lose weight and don't eat at noon."

"Director Xu, to tell you the truth, before the ratings of the program were poor, we were not motivated to work. Now that the ratings of the program are so high, we are also motivated to work."

"I didn't want to come before, but now I wish I could stay here for a few more days."

Xu Jie smiled when he heard it, and at the same time, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: There are so many talents, why can't common sense be used?
At this time, Gu Yan handed over a stack of scripts and said, "Director Xu, these are the screened scripts, and there are still six scripts left."

"I've also finished screening." Qian Cheng also sent over the script.

Xu Jie put all the scripts together and started to read them one by one.

Although the preparation time is limited, the quality of the script is quite high, the content is quite exciting, and it contains various themes.

Xu Jie selected four of them as next week's competition scripts and brought them up for discussion. As for the other scripts, Xu Jie was a little reluctant to throw them away.

He found some scripts that had been screened out in the previous two issues. In fact, there are many wonderful stories in them, but some stories are more exciting than them.

"There are still some scripts that have not been used in the past. I think the content is quite good. It is a pity to throw them away. After all, these are the fruits of everyone's labor, so everyone will not have to rewrite the story, and shift the focus of work to improving These scripts are fine," Xu Jie said.

When the screenwriters heard this, they liked Director Xu a little more.

Director Xu's words not only show respect for the fruits of their labor, but also reduce their workload. Working with such a person is simply not too pleasant.

"Director Xu, it would be great if I could follow you in the future." Someone said with emotion unconsciously.

Hearing this man's words, many people nodded.

"I'm the person in charge of the screenwriting team. If you don't follow me, who will you work with?" Xu Jie said with a smile, everyone cooperated very well, and he didn't say who was fired, so there is no need to worry about breaking up halfway.

"Director Xu, what I'm talking about in the future is after the second season of "Crossover Actors". As you know, we are all foreign aid, not from Beijing TV Station. No one knows whether we will cooperate in the future."

Hearing these words, the conference room suddenly fell silent, and all the screenwriters looked at Xu Jie, and the originally warm atmosphere became a little sad.

As the old saying goes, there is no feast that never ends.

Even people in the same unit may be separated due to many factors such as promotion and resignation in the future, let alone a temporary team.

Xu Jie didn't expect that the conversation about the script was going well, and suddenly they talked about the future.

"Don't think about the future, we have to live in the present and cherish the present. If we are all like you, life will only be life and death." Xu Jie looked at the crowd and said: "We people are like a fire, Scattered is full of stars, even if they don't work together, they can continue to shine in this industry, life has a long way to go, and it has its own way back."

Everyone looked at Director Xu, but no one said anything, but what Director Xu said just now was firmly imprinted in their hearts.

The mountains are high and the road is far away. I hope the rivers and lakes will see you again.

Time passed day by day, and it was Friday again in a blink of an eye.

Xu Jie came to the Grand Theater early in the morning to speak for the show's assistant.

Facts have proved that the performance of assistant actors can also affect short plays.

If the assistant performs well, the story can be presented more clearly, and the audience can be more involved in watching it. If the assistant performs poorly, it may not only affect the state of the leading actor, but also affect the audience's perception.

After all, assistant actors are also roles in the script, and each role has its necessity and value in the story.

After Xu Jie guided the first group, he came to the rehearsal room where the second group was located.

As soon as he entered the door, his steps stopped. Looking at Tang Fei who was also a little dazed, it seemed that contact was inevitable.

Due to the presence of other people, Xu Jie nodded towards Tang Fei, then called the assistant actors aside, and guided each assistant actor according to the role of the script, with the story writer assisting.

Xu Jie quickly devoted himself to work, but someone was distracted by his arrival.

Although Tang Fei was performing according to the script, her gaze was on Xu Jie from time to time. The rehearsal room was only this big, and there was no partition in the middle. The so-called look up but not down, you can see even if you turn your head down, even if you don’t want to look .

She also wanted to pretend she couldn't see, but it was impossible, because the other party's voice would reach her ears from time to time, which made her unable to settle down at all.

"Feifei... Feifei?"

The acting teacher yelled twice before Tang Fei came back to her senses.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Tang Fei asked puzzled.

In order to be able to go to the end of the show, she invited an acting teacher to teach on the spot. This is not considered cheating, because not only her, but also other contestants.

For this situation of learning and selling now, the program team also turned a blind eye. After all, the contestants did this for the effect of the program. If the contestants perform well, the program will have more topics, as long as they are not cut Just go inside the feature film.

Moreover, the program team does not think that this will be of great help to the contestants. Acting skills are honed, and it is not possible to find someone to teach it twice.

"Feifei, is there something wrong with you?" the performance teacher asked with concern.

"No." Tang Fei said.

"Are you tired? I see that you are always distracted and out of shape. Do you want to take a break?" the acting teacher asked again.

"No, no need." Tang Fei shook her head.

The performance teacher looked at Tang Fei, who was obviously absent-minded, raised his hands and pressed heavily on the other's shoulders, and said seriously: "Feifei, I know you are under a lot of pressure, but this is not beneficial to your performance at all. You have to relax, empty your whole being, don't think about things that have nothing to do with performance, only have stories in your mind, only characters..."

Tang Fei took a deep breath and followed what the acting teacher told her to do. Just as she was about to enter the role, a sentence from the side made her fail again.

"Teacher, I'll go to the bathroom and I'll be right back." Tang Fei said, she didn't want that man to see her bad side.

"Well, let's go." The acting teacher said, with the other party's current state, even if he stayed here, he couldn't play the role well. If he was filmed and cut into the feature film, he would be ridiculed by the audience instead.

Tang Fei left the rehearsal room. In fact, she had nothing to go to the bathroom to solve. The reason why she said that was just to find a reason. She wanted to wait until the man left before going back so that she would not be disturbed.

"Feifei? Why are you here? Is the program finished?"

At this time, a familiar voice came, and Tang Fei turned to look, it was the manager Liu Jinghua.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Tang Fei explained, and then asked suspiciously, "Sister Hua, why are you here?" There were artists from the company in the previous two episodes, but neither of them appeared in the rehearsal room.

"It's okay, just take a look." Liu Jinghua said: "By the way, after watching the show clips, Xu Jie will guide the assistants? Is that right?"

"Yes." Tang Fei nodded.

"Just right, I can ask him to guide you, do you know whose rehearsal room he is in now?" Liu Jinghua asked.

"Yes, in my rehearsal room." Tang Fei whispered unnaturally.

Liu Jinghua was startled, looking at Tang Fei who was not in a hurry to go to the bathroom, she immediately understood why the other party came out.

"Feifei, you can't do this. Do you want to avoid him for the rest of your life? It's just a breakup. Isn't it a normal thing between a man and a woman? It's not that you owe him money. You are just too sensitive. People have already Let it go, what are you still holding on to? Your feelings are not as free and easy as your singing."

Liu Jinghua said while pulling Tang Fei, and went back to the rehearsal room. Seeing that Xu Jie was directing the assistant, he walked over and said, "Director Xu, if you have time, let Feifei also guide us?"

The performance teacher on the side was stunned when he heard it.

Looking for someone to guide?
Then what am I?

(End of this chapter)

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