Chapter 536 Mind

Xu Jie was talking to the assistant actors, and when he heard Liu Jinghua's words, he immediately frowned. The man's intuition told her that Liu Jinghua, an old woman, must be holding back something.

"What are you doing here?" Xu Jie asked coldly, his eyes were full of disgust, especially the fake smile on the other party's face, which made him feel hypocritical from the bottom of his heart, and he felt disgusted every time he saw it.

"Feifei hasn't been feeling well for the past few days. I'll come to see her." Liu Jinghua replied, with a bit of concern on her face.

After Xu Jie heard it, he turned his head to look at Tang Fei. After meeting his eyes, the other party immediately turned his head away guiltily and looked away.

With just one glance, Xu Jie knew that Tang Fei was fine and Liu Jinghua was lying.

It wasn't the first day he and Tang Fei met. Counting it, the two had known each other for six or seven years since college, and they definitely knew Tang Fei better than Liu Jinghua.

Want to lie to him?
No way!
"No matter what the artist is, this is not the place you should come to. If you let others see it, those who don't know will think that I have taken advantage of you." Xu Jie said angrily.

Breaking him and Tang Fei apart back then, and now pushing Tang Fei towards him, what the hell is this old woman doing?

Could it be that he wanted to use his past relationship with Tang Fei to let him help Tang Fei advance all the way in the show?
If so, this wishful thinking is really loud!

The other party clearly knew that he was married to Su Yun, but he still had such thoughts, which completely refreshed the lower limit of his understanding of the word "shameless".

Simply, don't want Bilian!

"No, there are so many people here, and those who really give benefits, who will give them to the TV station? They will do so in private." Liu Jinghua said with a smile.

She is familiar with such things as giving benefits.

"If you are doing good for the artists under you, then leave here quickly, and don't delay the normal recording of the show." Xu Jie directly issued an order to evict the guests.

"Okay, okay, I'll go now." Liu Jinghua said with a smile.

She was not angry, because everything that should be said has been said, and the purpose has been achieved.

Liu Jinghua turned around, came in front of Tang Fei, and said pretendingly: "Feifei, if there is anything you don't understand about the script, ask Director Xu more, he is not only the chief screenwriter, but also an expert in performance direction, understand?" ?”

After speaking, he blinked.

The corner of Tang Fei's mouth twitched, and she reluctantly nodded.

Liu Jinghua reached out and patted Tang Fei on the shoulder, then winked at the performance teacher at the side, and walked straight to the door.

Although the performance teacher was puzzled and didn't know why he let him leave before the end of the teaching, he still followed, maybe he had something to tell her.


The door is closed.

"Sister Hua, what's the matter?" the acting teacher asked.

"Mr. Zhou, come back to the company with me. There are a few newcomers who need your guidance." Liu Jinghua said lightly.

"But Tang Fei's side..." The performance teacher looked back at the rehearsal room, feeling very puzzled.

Tang Fei is the company's favorite, and she is participating in a show such as "Crossover Actor", so she should focus on mentoring. How can she let it go and guide newcomers?
Are these newcomers more important than Tang Fei?
I have never heard of such a newcomer in the company.

Could it be a related household?

"It's okay, Feifei can handle it by herself." Liu Jinghua said, she didn't believe that the man would be indifferent to Tang Fei's request for help.

Although I don't know if Feifei is the other party's first love, she is still a girlfriend for several years. Even if they break up, they still have feelings, let alone Feifei's breakup.

In fact, the biggest problem now is not the man, but Feifei.

She knew that Feifei had always felt guilty towards that man, so whether Feifei could ask the man for help would be the key to this matter.

"Feifei, how far you can go on this show is up to you!"

Liu Jinghua thought to herself.

The way has been pointed out, and it depends on whether the other party can go or not.

Rehearsal room.

Tang Fei stood where she was, feeling a little overwhelmed.

Before, she could rely on interacting with the acting teacher to divert her attention, but now she is the only one left, and the assistants are all on the sidelines, let alone being able to participate in the play.

At this moment, the cameraman pointed the camera at Tang Fei.

"Feifei, do you think the script you won is difficult?" asked the host Jin Wei. She just came in to do a routine interview with the contestants, which is also a part of the show.

"Ah?" Tang Fei was shocked, looked at the hostess in front of her, quickly adjusted her emotions, and replied, "It's very difficult, because this is a tragedy, and it needs to move the audience and resonate with them..."

This is what the acting teacher said to her, and it is appropriate to answer this question.

Next, the hostess asked a few more questions, and Tang Fei answered them fluently. As a student at the Communication University and also a reporter, this was a piece of cake for her.

After Jin Wei interviewed the contestants, she came to Xu Jie's side and asked, "Director Xu, when can the assistant performer and lead actor practice together?"

Xu Jie knew that this was also part of the show, so he said to Jin Wei: "You can do it now." Then he looked at the assistants in front of him and said: "The first joint practice is starting. Although it is practice, it must be serious. Take Get out of your best form, and find out your own shortcomings, don't be fooled just because it's practice, understand?"

"Yes!" The assistants answered in unison.

In fact, even if Director Xu didn't say anything, they would practice seriously. Let me ask, who wouldn't want to perform well in front of Director Xu?Who wouldn't want to be in Director Xu's sight?

Maybe Director Xu will think of them when he does a new variety show in the future. Isn't this the chance to become famous?

Xu Jie stood by the wall so that he would not interfere with the rehearsal of the actors.

The joint training officially started.

Xu Jie silently observed the performance of each assistant actor. It has nothing to do with the artist's performance. This is what the judges should care about. His job is to train the assistant actors so that they can cooperate well with the artists, so that they will not give competition Hold back.

The poor performance of the contestants is the reason of the contestants, but if it is the poor performance of the assistants, it is the reason of the program group. After all, the assistant team is also part of the program group, and it is a working group organized by the program group to cooperate with the contestants .

Xu Jie took out a notebook from his pocket, and wrote down what he thought was bad, so that he could correct the assistants later.

As a competition show, the contestants can play freely, but the assistant must follow the script, otherwise it will affect the performance of the contestants.

Xu Jie frowned slightly when he watched halfway through. It wasn't that the assistant actor's performance was not good, but that the lead actor's performance was not satisfactory.

That's right, it was Tang Fei!
The other party has a very obvious deficiency in controlling emotions, especially when it comes to the point of tears, I always feel that the other party is not invested enough. Some people perform too hard, but Tang Fei is not strong enough and suffers from kidney deficiency.

For this situation, Xu Jie can understand it, because the other party is not a person who is easy to be sad. He usually thinks positively, behaves vigorously, and has a dynamic and passionate style of music. It is a genius to let such a person act tragedy.

Although he had only been to one rehearsal room and watched a competitor's performance, with Tang Fei's current performance, it might be very difficult to advance to the second round.

Remind directly?

With so many people in the room, isn't helping the contestants the same as cheating?

In the end is to help, or choose to stand by?
this is a problem.

After a while, the joint training finally ended.

Everyone turned their attention to Xu Jie, hoping to get Director Xu's affirmation.

Xu Jie looked at the notebook in his hand and said, "The first joint practice, everyone's performance is not good, but there are still some problems..."

At this time, the lens of the camera is also aimed at the past, recording the scene of the on-site guidance.

Xu Jie talked for more than ten minutes in a row, and even said and gestured, and he almost went straight to the stage to act.

The host Jin Wei left the rehearsal room with the filming team. Tang Fei's rehearsal part had already been filmed, and it was time to go to the next contestant's rehearsal room.

"Okay, everyone should be tired after practicing for so long, let's take a rest." Xu Jie said to the assistant.

After everyone heard it, their spirits immediately relaxed, and the cameraman on the side also turned off the camera.

People went out one by one, and soon Xu Jie and Tang Fei were left in the rehearsal room.

Tang Fei had an embarrassing expression and felt uncomfortable all over her body, as if there were countless ants crawling on her body. Although Sister Hua told her to ask more questions before leaving, she still couldn't open her mouth in the end.

Just when she was about to go out, a voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"Your average."


As soon as Tang Fei stopped, her heart trembled.

"Very average" sounds obviously merciless, and it can be heard as "not good" to be straightforward.

"I know." Tang Fei said softly.

"Based on your performance just now, you must be the one eliminated this afternoon." Xu Jie said bluntly.

"Well, tragedy is not my strong point. I would rather laugh in comedy than cry in tragedy. Me, I can't cry." Tang Fei sighed.

"No one makes you cry. This is a competitive performance. It's not about crying. See who sheds more tears. Tragedy is to move the audience, not to move yourself. A real tragedy. There is not a single tear in the whole play, but the audience can see it." cry." Xu Jie said.

"What should I do?" Tang Fei couldn't help asking, she didn't want to stop at the second round and go home, let her fans down, let the company down on herself.

"The crux of the problem is that you are not devoted enough, and you have a resistance to this subject in your heart. If you don't want to act and feel that the acting is not good, you will definitely be eliminated." Xu Jie walked out of the rehearsal room after speaking.

That's all he can say, and the rest will be adjusted by the other party.

"Thank you!" Tang Fei said, looking at the man's back.

But Xu Jie closed the door as if he didn't hear it.


(End of this chapter)

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