The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 537 An accident is coming!

Chapter 537 An accident is coming!
in the afternoon.

The recording of the program has officially started.

Xu Jie stood in the background as usual, on the one hand, he was in charge of scheduling the stage personnel, and on the other hand, he was also able to remind the actors at close range.

The first performance is coming to an end, and the second performance will follow.

Competitor: Tang Fei.

At this time, Tang Fei and her assistants have come backstage, ready to perform on stage at any time.

In less than half a minute, the performance on stage ended, and after listening to the judges' comments, the actors walked off the stage.

Xu Jie stretched out his hand and gave the actors high-fives one by one. At the same time, he did not forget to praise them.

"Good job."

"It's a good performance."

"I like you!"

The first show was highly rated, and the pressure came on the second show, which was easy to compare since the two shows were next to each other.

Tang Fei clenched her fists tightly, looking a little nervous.

For her, performing on stage is commonplace. Whether it is recording a program or live broadcasting, she has never been timid, but today, she is very disturbed, and her heart keeps beating wildly.

Such a situation, even she herself did not understand.

Isn't it just a skit performance?

If the performance is good, it will advance to the next round. If the performance is not good, it will not lose a piece of meat.

She thought for a while, maybe it was because she didn't want to lose, especially because she didn't want to lose in front of the man beside her.

"Are you all ready?" Xu Jie looked back at the second group of actors who were about to appear.

"Ready!" the assistants shouted, with great confidence in their voices.

In fact, this is not only self-confidence, but also a way of self-encouragement, allowing oneself to quickly enter the performance state.

Xu Jie nodded when he heard it, his eyes scanned around, and finally fell on Tang Fei's face.

"How is it?" Xu Jie asked alone.

After breaking up, they are not friends, but they are definitely not enemies. It is more free and easy to face calmly than to never forget.

What's more, his career is going well now, his family is happy, and he has no reason to worry about the past.

Speaking of which, he lived like this, but also thanked the other party, thanked the other party for not marrying, maybe this is called a blessing in disguise.

Tang Fei was slightly taken aback, she didn't expect the man to ask herself suddenly, she nodded quickly, this road was chosen by herself, so no matter how difficult it was, she would grit her teeth and continue walking.

Soon, the host walked off the stage, and the second group of actors appeared.

Tang Fei tidied up her clothes before walking onto the stage.

At this time, a voice came from behind.

"Greatly sad without tears!"

Tang Fei trembled all over, and her steps became more determined.

Xu Jie looked at Tang Fei's figure, turned around and said to the backstage director beside him, "You watch for me first, I'll go to the bathroom, and I'll be right back."


Xu Jie left the backstage, went to the bathroom, looked at himself in the mirror, and felt that he was handsome again.

Isn't it a kind of growth to be able to face Tang Fei with a calm mind?

Only when you let go completely, will you help the other party, otherwise, you don't even want to see it.

Let the past things pass by, there is no need to keep entanglement, people will become twisted if there is too much entanglement, and even become sick after a long time.

Life is alive, it is only this life, why not live a little more chicly?

Xu Jie urinated, washed his hands, adjusted his hair, and walked out of the bathroom.

The skit was halfway through, and Tang Fei seemed to be more focused and more emotional than in the morning rehearsal. Although there was no applause from the audience, everyone in the audience was very involved.

During the performance of a tragedy, there is usually not much applause, but after the performance, the applause usually lasts for a long time.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and the second group finally ended.

The moment the curtain was drawn, there was thunderous applause immediately.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

Some audience members had red eyes, and some audience members were wiping away their tears. Without the judges speaking, the audience's reaction has already scored the actors.

The curtain opened, the actors stood in a row on the stage, Tang Fei stood in the middle, and the assistants stood on both sides.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

Tang Fei and her assistants bowed to the audience to thank them.

The applause continued, until the host came to the stage, the applause gradually disappeared.

Although Xu Jie only watched half of it, the tragic tears were all concentrated in the second half, so he didn't miss the exciting part, nor did he miss Tang Fei's performance.

Tragedy is not easy to act, but as long as it is performed well, it will leave a deep impression on the audience.

And tragedy needs acting more than comedy.

It is often harder to make people cry than to make them laugh.

Hitting doesn't count.

The judges gave high praise to Tang Fei's performance. According to the usual practice, if the evaluation is two good and one bad, the promotion can basically be locked.

The actor steps off the stage.

Xu Jie stood on the spot, his hands drooping naturally.

Tang Fei stopped suddenly when passing by, raised her hand, and faced Xu Jie with her palm.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he saw it, and quickly understood what the other party meant. Without hesitation, he raised his own hand and gave the other party a high-five.


This palm made Tang Fei feel relieved.

The past and right and wrong between the two seemed to disappear with this high five.

It is both an end and a beginning.

At 5 o'clock in the evening, the recording of the program ended.

Xu Jie walked out of the Grand Theater and was about to go to the hotel. "Ordinary Courage" is about to enter its final week. No matter how the artists perform, some things must come to an end in the last week.

When he came to the parking lot, he saw Liu Jinghua from a distance.

"Why are you here again?" Xu Jie frowned and asked, this woman is really haunted.

The person you want to see is not around all the time, and the person you don't want to see is always in front of you.

this is life.

No matter how free and easy the mood is, it will add a little blockage to you from time to time.

"Director Xu, thank you for your guidance to Feifei, allowing her to enter the third round smoothly." Liu Jinghua said with a bright smile and a hint of cunning in her eyes.

"I didn't remind you." Xu Jie denied after hearing it. He and Tang Fei were the only ones in the rehearsal room at the time. No one else should know unless Tang Fei told Liu Jinghua about it. However, with Tang Fei's character, she probably wouldn't take the initiative Speak.

"Director Xu, don't be modest. Although I wasn't there, Tang Fei's promotion today must have been guided by an expert. Otherwise, with her acting skills, it would be difficult to pass the second round." Liu Jinghua said.

The last sentence was not from her, but from the acting teacher.

Xu Jie raised his eyebrows, it was indeed an old fox.

"Since you know that her acting skills are not good, why did you ask her to participate in this show? If you don't sing well, why come here to join in the fun!" Xu Jie said angrily.

"Director Xu, if you say that, the scope of attack is too wide." Liu Jinghua said with a smile: "Besides, Feifei came to this show to practice because of her poor acting skills. Look, isn't this an improvement?"

Xu Jie gritted his teeth when he heard it. Did he regard "Crossover Actor" as an acting training class?
He ignored the other party, took out his car keys, and got into his car.

"Director Xu, please take care of me in the future." Liu Jinghua said to the man's back, and did not look away until the car drove out of the TV station.

She returned to the babysitter's car, and after a short wait, Tang Fei and her assistant came back.

"Congratulations." Liu Jinghua said with a smile.

"Thank you." Tang Fei got into the car, the assistant outside closed the door, and then sat in the front co-pilot.

"Did Xu Jie guide you?" Liu Jinghua asked.

"Well, I gave some suggestions." Tang Fei replied.

"Let me just say, with his guidance, you will definitely be able to advance. Who else knows better than him the scripts he created? I will remember to look for him next time."



Under the expectation of the audience, the third scene of the second round of "Crossover Actors" finally met with you.

Because this is the last round of the second round, so many people pay attention to who will be eliminated and who will advance to the third round. Fans of the show and stars are looking forward to it.


Jiang Hai sat on the chair, the tension and worry of the previous period had disappeared from his face, and he looked like someone's old man, leisurely and leisurely.

Since Xu Jie came back, the ratings of the program have been getting higher and higher, so there is no need to worry about ratings.

Other than him, Lao Lu is the one who can rest assured that he will not come directly, because he has such confidence in Xu Jie.

"Director Jiang, come out." The director turned around and said, his face was full of joy: "1.581."

"Oh, is that so?" Jiang Hai's expression brightened, but he was somewhat surprised.

In his heart, breaking 1 is already very good, but he didn't expect to pass 1.5 directly. With such a high ratings start, I believe the ratings for the whole night today will not be so low.

In the past 4 minutes, the ratings of the contestants have jumped to more than 2 before the performances of the contestants started.

In today's show, there is still a picture of Xu Jie directing and assisting the performance, but what is different from the past is that today there is another picture, the picture of Xu Jie and the actors who have finished the performance high-fiving.

Xu Jie was watching in the hotel, and when he saw this scene, he immediately frowned.

Why is this picture broadcast?

His intuition told him that something was going to happen.

The second set of performances ended, and it was time for the high-five scene.

In the picture, Tang Fei raised her palm and gave him a high five.

Xu Jie rubbed his forehead fiercely with his hands, feeling some pain in his brain.

The so-called: Laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the way.

For ordinary viewers, this scene is nothing, it can be seen as the chief screenwriter's encouragement to the actors, but if it is seen by someone with a heart, such as Su Yun...

Although Su Yun is busy making movies in other places, she may not necessarily watch this episode, but what if the other party watches it?Any ideas?
The staff next to him saw Director Xu scratching his head and asked curiously, "Director Xu, what's wrong with you?"

Are there mosquitoes in the room?
It was only the end of April, and the mosquitoes in the capital would not come out so early.

"It's okay." Xu Jie replied, then stood up, and put on his mobile phone, "It's a bit stuffy in the room, I'll go out to get some fresh air, and I'll be back in a while, call me if you need anything."

"Alright Director Xu."

Xu Jie left the hotel and got into his car.

He looked at the phone and thought about it, and he should take the initiative to explain.

Confession is lenient, resistance is strict.


(End of this chapter)

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