Chapter 539 Hell Mode
early morning.

A ray of sunlight came in from the window and fell on Xu Jie's face.

The clock on the wall showed that it was already 8:21 in the morning.

If it was normal, Xu Jie would have already woken up at this time, and even started a day's work, but today, he was still lying on the bed, and slept deeply.

"Ring bell bell!"

Suddenly, a burst of music sounded in the room, waking up Xu Jie who was sleeping soundly.

He picked up his phone, checked the caller ID, and connected.

"Sister Yan, what's the matter?"

The person calling is Qin Yan.

"Where are you?" Qin Yan asked.

With the relationship between the two of them, there is absolutely no need for polite nonsense like "good morning".

"In the room, what's the matter?" Xu Jie said.

"Why didn't you open the door in the house? I knocked for so long, didn't you hear it?" Qin Yan asked loudly, her brows furrowed.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and patted the door several times. The sound of "boom, boom, boom" was very loud, and Xu Jie could hear it very clearly through the microphone.

"Okay, I'll open it for you..."

Xu Jie sat up from the bed, but when he saw the situation inside the house, he immediately stayed where he was.

Isn't this Su Yun's room?
In an instant, Xu Jie woke up completely, and what happened last night kept appearing in his mind.

Originally came back to find documents for Su Yun, but was pushed down on the bed by Su Yun who suddenly appeared, and then applauded for love, but this link was a bit long, and then fell asleep from exhaustion.

Yes, Su Yun!

He quickly turned his head, stretched out his hand to touch the quilt, there was nothing around him, where was Su Yun's shadow?
what's the situation?
Xu Jie scratched his head, what about people?
Also, did it really happen last night, or was it just a dream that Su Yun dreamed too much?

Could it be sleepwalking?

"Hey, why don't you open the door? What are you doing in the house?" Qin Yan's voice came from the microphone again.

"I'm at home, not in the hotel. My clothes are smelly. I came back to change, but I haven't gone back yet." Xu Jie hurriedly explained.

Speaking of clothes, he saw a set of black underwear and stockings with letters on the floor next to the bed. Judging from the way they were scattered randomly, they were obviously used.

Is it true?
"You said it earlier, my hands hurt from taking pictures." Qin Yan said angrily: "I put next week's work plan in the temporary office, remember to get it when you come back."

"Well, I see." Xu Jie replied.

call ended.

Xu Jie immediately jumped out of the bed, but his feet were soft. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and supported the bed with both hands, so as to avoid sitting on the ground.

Xu Jie stood up, and only then did he feel that his body felt hollowed out.

It can't be wrong, it must be true!

He opened the door and walked out of Su Yun's room, holding onto the handrail to the first floor.

"Wife, are you there?" Xu Jie shouted and looked around, but the house was very quiet and no one responded.



When he came to the restaurant, he found a piece of paper on the dining table with a line written on it: I have returned to Hengdian, there is porridge in the kitchen, remember to drink it.

That's right, it was Su Yun's handwriting.

However, this coming and going is too hasty, right?Anyway, let's have a meal together and chat for a while.

Could it be that he rushed back to the capital from Hengdian in the middle of the night, and returned to Hengdian from the capital in the early morning, traveling thousands of kilometers just to come back and talk to him in bed?
It is said that women at thirty are like wolves and forty are like tigers, which seems to be true.

But after reading Su Yun's note, he really felt hungry.

There is no way, the physical exertion last night was too serious.

He walked into the kitchen, opened the rice cooker, and there was millet and sea cucumber porridge in it, but there was very little millet, and it was all sea cucumbers. It seemed that he needed to make up for it.

Xu Jie drank up half the pot of porridge, and then drove away from home.

When he encountered a red light on the road, he parked the car, and remembered what happened last night again in his mind.

If it was said that Su Yun came back overnight only for the matter between husband and wife, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed, but other than that, what else could it be for?
Su Yun last night was bold and wild, not only proactive, but also obedient and responsive, completely exceeding her usual performance.

Is it because we have been separated for more than a month?
It doesn't make sense.

After all, when the other party came back from abroad, he wasn't as relaxed as he was last night.

Could it be related to the phone call last night?
Could it be that knowing that he and Tang Fei were high-fiving, he felt a sense of crisis in his heart, so he came back and applauded for love with him?
Well, it is possible!
Thinking of this, Xu Jie couldn't help showing a smile on his face. He didn't expect that Su Yun had one thing on the phone, but another behind his back.

Wife, wife, you have confidence in yourself, can't you also have confidence in me?

Xu Jie returned to the hotel and was about to check everyone's work plan when the phone rang again. He thought it was Su Yun and was going to tease her, but when he checked the caller ID, it was Director Jiang.


"Xiao Xu, do you know the ratings last night? You'll be shocked when you say it, 2.521." Jiang Hai said excitedly. After seeing the ratings, he made this call immediately, just to talk to the other party. share together.

2.521, this is the episode with the highest ratings since the second season of "Crossover Actors". According to this trend, breaking 3 is just around the corner.

At the same time, this is also the variety show with the highest ratings of all satellite TV channels in the country in the first half of the year.

"Really? Congratulations to the director." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Although he has returned to the second season of "Crossover Actor", he is not very concerned about this show, after all, he is just a chief screenwriter.

In contrast, he is more concerned about "Ordinary Courage", a new variety show planned and directed by himself. If this show can have such a high rating when it is broadcast, then he will definitely be like Director Jiang at the moment. Just as excited.

"Congratulations, what am I doing? You are the biggest contributor. By the way, don't eat at noon. I will reward you well." Jiang Hai said happily, happier than winning the lottery.

"Director, let's owe this meal first. The celebrity professional life experience here is only the last week. I am going to wrap up this more than one month of filming." Xu Jie said seriously.

The script for the third round of "Crossover Actor" was ready, and the lottery drawn by the contestants on stage was the content of the script, which was why he didn't ask the screenwriting team to recreate the script.

Save time and make way for his shoot next week.

No matter how high the ratings of "Crossover Actor" are, it has nothing to do with him. Only when the ratings of "Ordinary Courage" are high, will he become famous in the domestic variety show circle.

"Okay, I owe you a meal, and I'll make it up for you when you're done." Jiang Hai said with a smile. He liked that the other party's work was more important than everything else.

For the attitude of the other party, let alone one meal, ten meals are also welcome.

"Director, don't be reluctant when the time comes." Xu Jie said jokingly.

"Haha, as long as you don't eat dragon meat, you will be able to eat enough of other things." Jiang Hai said straightforwardly.

Compared with money, he cares more about the performance of the show. If the other party can increase the ratings of the show, he is willing to spend more money.

After the call, Xu Jie opened the team members' work plans and looked through them.

Although the plan is written by the program team members, the content in it is not only their personal work plan, but also the "arrangement" for the artists.

Although the program group also prepared scripts for the stars before, most of them were to accumulate experience for the stars so that they could better adapt to those professions.

Just like breaking through a game.

The previously set levels, although difficult, can be solved as long as they are taken seriously. With the accumulation of experience and the improvement of the level, there is only the last week of shooting, and the stars have also come to the final level. The difficulty is natural You also have to go up.

If it was just normal mode before, then it will be hell mode next.

Awaken it!
Let you really appreciate the beatings in society.

Of course, beatings are also for better growth, which is also one of the central ideas of the program.

Xu Jie read all the work plans.

He felt that everyone was too kind to these stars, and there was only one week left. If he didn't kill him at this time, he would have no chance in the future.

He picked up a pen, revised each staff member's plan, and added material to it vigorously.

Xu Jie is not worried that the star will quit because of this difficulty. After all, he has persisted for five weeks. Is it still the last week?

He just wants to use this mentality to make those stars have to persist even if they can't.

In the past, it was to make trips, but now it is to lay mines.

In the evening, the staff came back one after another.

"I have read your work plan and made revisions. In the next week, you can follow my revisions." Xu Jie said.

Everyone took a look at the revised work plan, but they were all stunned.

"Xu, Director Xu, is this okay? Is it a bit too much?"

"Director Xu, why did you arrange to beat people? They are stars, who dares to beat them?"

"Yeah, our actors definitely wouldn't dare."

Li Li, the assistant director who was filming Su Meichang, looked at other people's work plans, then took her own plan and said, "Director Xu, is it appropriate to arrange a gangster for Su Meichang?"

Xu Jie heard it and said: "Why is it inappropriate? She is a woman, or a beautiful woman, driving in the middle of the night, it is inevitable that there will be a drunkard's lust. Hasn't someone verbally teased her before? This time it's for real. , moving hands and feet, and in our car, it is easier to shoot."

"Once Su Meichang takes it seriously, what should I do? Will it leave a psychological shadow? I think it's better to inform Su Meichang. She is an actress, so she should be able to act like that." Li Li said.

"No, tell her, how can there be any unexpected feeling? Don't tell, just shoot like this, if there is any accident, I will take responsibility." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

It's really a real case, and it's not a passionate scene he deliberately added for ratings.

Li Li opened her mouth, seeing that Director Xu was so serious, she didn't insist anymore, but she was a little worried in her heart, worried about Su Meichang, and also worried about this show.

The others looked at each other, and they could even figure out the rogue's tricks. Director Xu was really considerate in taking care of these actors. In comparison, the plan I wrote before was simply child's play!

It seems that these stars are going to be unlucky!

(End of this chapter)

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