The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 540 Graduation Exam

Chapter 540 Graduation Exam

Night falls.

Su Meichang rode an electric scooter to the place where she was waiting for work on weekdays. There were many hotels, restaurants, bars and nightclubs here, so it was a good place to do driving.

After more than a month of hard work, she changed from passively waiting for work at the beginning, embarrassed to open her mouth, to being proactive now, asking people whenever she sees, she has fully adapted to this job, and she has also found some tricks, such as : Taking advantage of my own gender, I recommend myself to some female clients, and those female clients are also very happy to use female substitutes for their own safety.

Su Meichang looked at the time. It was just 9 o'clock in the evening. There are not many people who need to drive in this time period, especially after the weather gets warmer, the time for eating and drinking will be extended, and some people will come out for entertainment very late. , so no matter how you have to wait until after 10 o'clock, that is the busiest time.

She was sitting on the electric car, looking back and forth between bars and hotels, thinking that there are still two days left before the professional life experience of surrogate driving will end, and she feels happy in her heart.

Finally, there is no need to reverse black and white, and I can finally have a good meal.

Although I have become thinner during the recording of the show, the skin on my face is obviously rougher than before, and even applying a mask is not easy to use. The most obvious point is the acne, which grows more and fades slowly.

No way, who made the food unhealthy and the work and rest irregular?
Now she just wants to end the show quickly, adjust her work and rest routine, and then go to a beauty salon for a facial to improve her skin.

Women, who doesn't want their skin to be smooth and delicate?Let alone an actress.

"Mei Chang, the working experience of acting as a driver is coming to an end soon. What are your thoughts, or what do you think about this profession?" Assistant Director Li Li asked, starting an interaction.

"It's not easy to be a substitute driver. No matter it's windy or rainy, or it's hot or cold, you have to stand outside and wait for work, and the waiting time lasts most of the night. For me, a full-time person, it's relatively easy, and I can catch up on sleep during the day." , but as far as I know, the vast majority of people in this line of work are part-time jobs. Many people go home at one or two in the middle of the night and get up at six or seven in the morning to go to work. I really admire these people. They are hardworking and optimistic , active, I want to learn from them..."

Su Meichang talks eloquently in front of the camera, but some are from the bottom of her heart, and some are acting on the spot.

She has been very sober, knowing that this is a recording program, a show.

In her opinion, more than a month of professional life experience is essentially nothing more than acting. Show it to the program group, show it to the audience, and perform what they want to see, but it is different from the past. There is no script for this performance.

Of course, she still has some gains in the process of this substitute driving professional life experience, at least a sense of satisfaction, and she will be more dedicated in her future work. After all, compared to substitute driving, the profession of an actor is really difficult. So happy.

Li Li looked at the "growth" Su Meichang, and hesitated in her heart.

What the other party said just now was very good and very positive, which is also the core of the program.

In fact, it is not the key point that celebrities are beaten badly. The program wants to let people know that every job is not easy through professional experience. Everyone who works hard for life should be respected, and at the same time, learn to cherish the life in front of you.

Now that Su Meichang has understood these principles, is the final "big drama" unnecessary?
Li Li stepped aside, took out her mobile phone, found Director Xu's number, and called him.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Director Xu, just now I asked Li Li what she thinks about the profession of surrogate driving, and she answered very well, do you think it's okay for the actor to withdraw?" Li Li asked.

According to the original plan, the big show will be staged tonight, which is why she hastened to make a phone call. If it is too late, it may be too late.

"Don't withdraw, continue, proceed according to the original plan." Xu Jie said.

"Ah?" Li Li was taken aback. She didn't question Director Xu's decision, but felt it was unnecessary.

"In two days, the professional life experience of these stars will be over. I regard this final test as their graduation exam. Don't students with good grades need to take the graduation exam?" Xu Jie asked.

Su Meichang was not the only one who took the test.

Li Li thought about it, graduation exam?

So, is this test a must?

"I see."

Li Li returned to the filming team after making the phone call, looked at Su Meichang who was still ignorant, and couldn't help but secretly sighed in her heart, hoping that the other party would pass the graduation exam.

In more than a month, she has already photographed her feelings, and from the perspective of competition, she doesn't want the stars she is photographing to be inferior to other groups.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the night was getting darker and darker.

After 10 o'clock, more and more people came out of restaurants and hotels.

Su Meichang immediately jumped off the electric car and stared at those people intently. Those who blushed and walked unsteadily were all her potential customers, and it would be even better if they were women.

At this time, someone took out the car keys from his pocket, but instead of getting into the car immediately, he turned his head and looked around.

Seeing the situation, Su Meichang immediately walked over.

However, her speed was still a little slower, and she was taken over by another substitute driver. After a simple exchange, a business was concluded, but it was someone else's business.

Su Meichang cast her eyes on other people, and there were other substitute drivers around, so at this time, she couldn't be picky and picky. If she found the target, she had to rush up immediately.

The three men came out of the hotel, their flushed faces proved that they hadn't drank less.

Su Meichang walked over first, and followed the three men. She didn't go up until the three men said goodbye to each other, and asked, "Sir, do you need a driver?"

"What's the price?" the man asked.

Su Meichang talked about the price.

Although there are many surrogate driving companies, the charging standards are not much different. As long as they are not too high, they will basically agree.

"Well, let's go." The man took out the car key and handed it to Su Meichang, and then got into an Audi parked outside the hotel.

Su Meichang's face brightened, and she secretly made a "yeah" gesture to the cameraman not far away, then folded her electric car and put it in the trunk, then opened the door and sat in.

The filming team immediately got into the car and followed closely behind.

Everyone was not worried about Su Meichang's safety, because the other party had a microphone hidden in his collar, which could also be regarded as a bug. Although he couldn't see the situation in the car, he could hear it clearly.

More than half an hour later, Su Meichang parked the customer's car, got paid, and rode away on the electric bike.

"One order, complete!" Su Meichang said to the camera happily.

Don't look at only one order, but tomorrow's living expenses, to be precise, food expenses, are basically enough.

"Back to the hotel?" Li Li asked.

In fact, she wanted to remind Su Meichang, but she couldn't say what she wanted to say. No one dared to disobey Director Xu's order, so she could only make a suggestion tactfully, expressing the meaning of accepting it when it's good.

Mei Chang, Mei Chang, I can only help you so far.

After returning home, the director will edit the shooting content. I don't know if Director Xu will go crazy after hearing her prompt.

Su Meichang looked at the time on the watch, and then said with a smile: "It's still early, I'll go and see, maybe I can get a few more orders, and then I can eat roast duck, let's go!"

After speaking, the electric car speeded up and rode to the old place where it was waiting for work.

The corner of Li Li's mouth twitched when she heard it, her appetite was not small.

It's over, definitely Barbie Q.

Su Meichang rode for a long time before returning to the original place, and there was still a substitute driver standing by the side of the road. In comparison, she was relatively happy, at least she had harvested tonight, and she would not be hungry tomorrow.

Not long after, a few more people came out of the hotel. One of them was a fat man who was so drunk that he couldn't even walk steadily and needed help from others.

"Replacement driver, come here a substitute driver!" The drunk man's friend waved in Su Meichang's direction.

Su Meichang rushed over immediately, like a gust of wind.

"Hello, Didu driver, do you need a driver?" Su Meichang asked with a smile, thinking that tonight's luck is really good, I got another order so quickly, maybe I can wait until the third time when I come back. one.

"Yes." The friend of the drunk man said while helping him into the back of the car, "Send him to Jiahe Community, and someone will pick him up there."


Su Meichang got into the car, found Jiahe Community in the navigation, then put on her seat belt, started the car slowly, and drove away from the hotel.


The drunk man was lying in the back row, gritting his teeth for a while, and whimpering for a while, it seemed that he was really drunk.

Su Meichang glanced through the rearview mirror, didn't care, and continued to concentrate on driving.

After so many days of driving on behalf of you, what kind of customers have you never seen?

This is not bad.

Some people vomit directly in the car. Although the car is not her car, the smell is useless even if the car window is opened and two layers of masks are worn.

Just as she was recalling that tasteful experience, a strange voice suddenly came from the back row.


Su Meichang trembled all over. She was very familiar with this voice. She glanced at the rearview mirror and saw the chest of the drunk man lying in the back row heaving and his mouth gaping open.

No, this is the rhythm of vomiting!

No, never spit in the car.

She quickly parked the car on the side of the road, then opened the door, and said to the drunk man, "Sir, if you want to vomit, don't vomit in the car."

The vomit splattered everywhere, and the pungent smell made my eyes burn just thinking about it.

Maybe he heard it, the drunk man sat up with difficulty, and then got out of the car while holding the car door. It was just thunder and rain, but the cold wind outside caused his stomach to churn immediately, and rushed to the big tree on the side of the road. After that, there was a burst of vomiting.


Su Meichang turned her head quickly.

After two or three minutes, the drunk man came out from behind the big tree, opened the car door and got on the co-pilot directly.

"Sir, sit in the back, it's safe." Su Meichang said, she was worried that the man would vomit again, and there would be nowhere to hide.

Like a shotgun, it bounces back, how to hide?
The drunk man didn't speak, and leaned against the door, looking like he was fast asleep.

Su Meichang had no choice but to put on her seat belt at the risk and continue driving, feeling in her heart: It's not easy to make some money!

In a commercial vehicle not far behind, Li Li was sitting in it, and four small screens appeared on the laptop in her hand, which were the internal images of the car Su Meichang was driving.

"To start!"

She clenched her fists tightly, and her nerves tensed up.


(End of this chapter)

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