The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 541 You've messed with the wrong person

Chapter 541 You've messed with the wrong person

"Don't go, have another drink with brother"

"Xiao Lan, I almost didn't recognize you when you put on your clothes."

"Dance for me first!"


Su Meichang drove the car carefully, and the speed dropped from 80 to 60.

It's not that her driving skills are not good, it's that the interference is too strong.

The drunk man who got into the co-pilot stopped vomiting, but his mouth was not idle, and he kept talking nonsense. He deserved to be the owner of the distinguished Yuhuang Emperor Cadillac.

"Hey, where is this, who are you?" Not long after, the drunk man sat up in a daze, looked into the car with a blank face, and finally cast his eyes on Su Meichang for a long time Asked: "Aren't you Xiaolan?"

Su Meichang thought to herself: Nonsense, didn't you see that I was wearing the driver's clothes?

After thinking about it, I just can’t say it, because there is a microphone hidden in this dress.

"Hi sir, I'm Didu, and your friend asked me to take you to Jiahe Community." Su Meichang explained solemnly, showing a very professional look.

After all, I'm recording a program, and maybe some of it will be edited into the program.

"Oh." The drunk replied, but his eyes did not move away from Su Meichang. Instead, he looked up and down presumptuously, and said with a smile: "You are more beautiful than Xiaolan!"


Su Meichang didn't say a word. Her surrogate driving experience these days told her not to talk to drunks, because you will never know what a drunk person will do.

Good things, bad things, absurd things, illegal things are all possible.

"Beauty, how long have you been a substitute driver?" The drunk asked eagerly.

"It's only been a month..." Su Meichang replied.

"It must be very tiring to be a surrogate driver?" The drunk asked again.

"It's okay." Su Meichang said lightly.

"Waiting for work outside at such a late hour, and having to ride a bicycle back after delivering the guests to the destination, sounds very tiring, and you can't make much money." The drunk man moved his body towards the driver's seat. , and then asked: "Beauty, do you want to earn some extra money? In fact, it's easy to make money with a beauty like yours. Haven't you heard that when a woman turns bad, the money will come naturally."

Su Meichang's expression changed, she was not an idiot, she understood the other party's meaning as soon as she heard it.

This was not the first time she encountered this situation, so she didn't answer the drunk man's words, and at the same time turned her face cold and serious, and answered him in this way.

"If you don't speak, are you hesitating? There's no reason to hesitate in this kind of thing. Is there anyone else who has trouble with money? It's not easy to make money now. My brother gave you this opportunity. You have to make good use of it." The drunk man said Put your hand on the back of Su Meichang's hand, and hold the other's hand tightly, "Don't try hard, follow me from now on."

Su Meichang immediately pulled out her hand, frowned, and said righteously: "Sir, please respect yourself."

The drunk said with a smile: "Don't be angry, if you tell me the number, brother will definitely satisfy you, don't worry." After speaking, he began to stretch out his hands to Su Meichang again.

"Sir, if you do this again, I'm going to call the police." Su Meichang pushed the other side away with one hand, and at the same time reduced the speed of the car, and slowly stopped on the side of the road.

"You're playing reserved with me, right? Okay, I understand." The drunk man opened the armrest box and took out several stacks of hundred-dollar bills from inside, "Come on, you're welcome, take as much as you want."

Taking the opportunity of handing over the money, the drunk grabbed Su Meichang's arm with both hands. At the same time, he lifted his butt from the co-pilot's seat and rushed towards Su Meichang.

"Ah, rascal, let me go!" Su Meichang struggled hard, with one hand resisting the drunk's salty pig's hand, and the other hand pushing the drunk's face.

"Playing hard to get? You're so pretty and you came out to drive, don't you just want to find a boss? It's a showdown with you. I'm the boss. Follow me. From now on, you'll be the boss's wife." The drunk man said loudly.

Su Meichang has seen someone verbally molesting, but this is the first time he has seen someone dare to do something. In broad daylight, no, surveillance is everywhere, and he dared to play hooligans. It's too arrogant.

"I found the wrong person, I'm not that kind of person!" Su Meichang tried to use her ingenuity to resolve the immediate crisis while dodging.

She believes that if she can successfully solve the problem in front of her, she will definitely leave a deep impression on the audience.

As for the danger, she is not worried, because the car of the filming team is following behind, and she has a microphone on her body. As long as she shouts "Help", the filming team will come to rescue her immediately.

However, at this moment, the drunk man grabbed the surrogate driving vest on her body with all his strength, and the vest was torn directly, and the microphone inside fell to the co-pilot, and was stepped on by the drunk man, directly and simply.

Su Meichang was taken aback when she saw it, and there was a trace of panic in her eyes. The microphone was broken, which meant that the filming team couldn't hear what happened here, let alone her cry for help.

This is how to do?
Now that the vest is torn, the next step is the clothes on her body.

"Tell you, don't act recklessly, or I'll be rude to you!" Su Meichang immediately reprimanded, and at the same time, she was emboldened for herself.

"Don't be polite, don't be polite, brother likes wild horses like you." The drunk said with a wretched face.

"You, to tell you the truth, I'm a star and I'm filming a variety show. You'd better show some respect, otherwise people all over the country will see it." Su Meichang warned.

"You're a star? Haha, you're laughing at me, and you're filming a show, tell me, where is the camera? In my car, or on a big tree outside?" The drunk said with a smile, obviously he didn't believe it.

"The car of the program team is right behind." Su Meichang looked behind her, but there was a sunshade on the rear window of the car, and there were facial tissues, so she couldn't see anything.


While the drunk was also looking back, she quickly unbuckled her seat belt.

"In the back? It doesn't matter. My car is covered with film, so I can't see the inside from the outside. Let's continue." The drunk started to fight again.

Su Meichang directly opened the car door, and was about to get out, but her clothes were dragged tightly by the drunk man. She had already leaned out of the car with half of her body, but was dragged back abruptly by the drunk man.

One side is a weak woman weighing less than [-] catties, and the other side is a drunk man weighing [-] to [-] catties. There is no suspense about the outcome of this tug-of-war.

"Let go of me, let go quickly..." Su Meichang broke free and shouted loudly: "Help, save me!"

When the drunk saw it, he immediately covered the woman's mouth with his hand to prevent her from shouting.

Su Meichang was not a vegetarian either. After her hand was released, she immediately scratched at the drunk man's face, and four red streaks of blood appeared on the drunk man's face.

"Ah!" The drunk man yelled and quickly covered his face with his hands.

Su Meichang raised her hand and slapped the drunk man hard on the other side of the face, then grabbed the drunk man's hair and hit his head on the center console.

"Tell you, you messed with the wrong person!"

After speaking, he got out of the car in a hurry, and ran to the commercial vehicle behind in a panic, not even the electric car in the trunk.

She came to the commercial vehicle, opened the door and said loudly, "Assistant Director, that client was acting like a hooligan just now, please call the police!"

Thank God, everyone is here, otherwise, she was really worried that the drunk would come after her, how could she, who has two legs, outrun four wheels?

"Yes, is it?" Li Li looked at Su Meichang with concern and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Well, I'm fine. Fortunately, I reacted quickly, but the microphone of the program group was trampled by that stinky hooligan." Su Meichang said while arranging her hair. Now that there are so many people around, no matter how arrogant the drunk , and dare not do anything to her.

"Then are you injured?" Li Li asked again.

"No, I scratched his face." Su Meichang couldn't help feeling a little proud when she said this.

"Since you are fine, I don't think you should call the police. Firstly, you are not injured. Secondly, there is no video recording. Even if the police come, the drunk will not admit it. What do you think?" Li Li persuaded.

Su Meichang was taken aback when she heard it, and what she said seemed to make sense.

There is no evidence, and the two sides insist on their own opinions. Who will the police listen to when they come?
"Okay, I'm unlucky." Su Meichang got into the business car directly, and said to Li Li: "Let's go back to the hotel and quit tonight. By the way, the electric car is still in the car in front of you. Someone help me get it back."

The driver got out of the car, went to the front to retrieve the electric car, put it in the trunk, and drove away.

Along the way, Su Meichang's mouth was not idle, she kept talking about what happened just now.

"Hmph, it's really cheap for him, I should have given him a hard fix just now."

"Assistant director, why don't we go back now and teach him how to behave first, and then teach him to respect women!"


Li Li didn't say anything, and sat quietly as a listener, but the expression on her face was a little awkward.

Back to the hotel.

The elevator stopped at the floor under the program package.

The moment the elevator doors opened, a group of people stood outside and applauded.

"Clap clap clap!"

Su Meichang was startled at first, and then looked at the crowd in confusion. The staff of the program group were there, as were other stars, the host and the director.

what's the situation?
Su Meichang stepped out of the elevator, looked at the hostess suspiciously and asked, "What's the matter? Why are you applauding?"

"This..." Qin Yan started, feeling embarrassed to say so, so she turned her head to look at Xu Jie at the side, as if to say: You ask the director.

So Su Meichang looked at the director.

Xu Jie took a step forward, and said: "We applaud your bravery. Facing the hooligans, you are brave, amazing!"

Su Meichang smiled, and was about to speak, but stopped.

No, everything happened in the car at that time, and the microphone was broken. Even the filming crew didn't know about it. How did the director know?
"Director Xu, who told you?" Su Meichang asked.

Xu Jie smiled, and turned his head to look at the aisle. At this moment, the door of the temporary office opened, and a man came out with four red blood spots on his face.

Su Meichang was dumbfounded.

This, isn't this the drunk just now?
She looked at the drunk man, then turned her head to look at Director Xu. For a moment, she seemed to understand something.

I have been "arranged"!



(End of this chapter)

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